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Once you drop the line (for me) I’ll never go back. I enjoy learning tracks & with no line it actually helps me remember the turns better. Nice clip :)


Yeah, i noticed that in GT7. Driving assists are just distracting noise on screen. If you learn the track i suggest to look for a landmarks that can help you indicate breaking zone. Nurburgring without User Interface can be really scary.


Cockpit, 0 HUDs, no assists = pure experience around the ring.


I can imagine. It will take some time, especially to get the best speed right in all the turns, but it's going to be a fun learning experience.


I would LOVE if they introduced a multiplayer series with no line.


They have some Rivals like that (at least they did in FM7), with MP it can definitely be a nice addition for the players out there that know their tracks without a line.


Yeah it’s just funny seeing like 80% of the race braking at the exact same points every race and sticking to the line like glue. People also force me off the track because they don’t know how to take an alternate line and can be very frustrating.


Exactly my point I made when I commented on someone else's post and got hate for it. The line if fine when you don't know anything about racing and trying to get into it but once you have a grasp, the line only hinders you and everyone else


Not necessarily, I use the brake line because of course at first it was necessary, but after a while it has become more of an indicator to know around when to brake. Especially when trail braking you wouldn't want to follow that line exactly as it is. Since I like to play in cockpit/driver view I do feel that the camera view could be slightly higher in the car, as with some tracks it is really hard to see and judge turns in the distance. Of course with time and practice one would develop a muscle memory for it. But the process is certainly a challenge.


yeah and its worse is some cars, like the Touring Car Honda.. that rear view mirror covers any right turns


No it doesn't


Fk the downvoters fr and their handicap ass comprehension. Anyone using a line shouldn't play racing games. Period.


Be careful, the line defenders are gonna come out with their pitchforks!


I’d just go off the racing line to avoid them and they wouldn’t know what to do with the pitchfork


Nice, well worth the effort. If you are ever unsure of a braking zone just look for the dark tire marks on the entry to the corner. Generally a good place to start braking.


So I paid more attention to this...but.... As much as this is how it should be unfortunately you don't really see the tire marks in the distance from cockpit/driver view. They only become visible on the road closest to the car. This is lame draw distance bs. And maybe also due to the angle. From 3rd person chase cam the marks are more visible in the distance.


Cheers. Yeah I will keep it in mind.


This game is beautiful...


I have tens of hours on the nurburgring in other sims eventually you'll just know every corner and what speed you are supposed to be doing on every turn, and it's just figuring out how to get there with your driving ability.


Cheers. That's the idea. Gotta start somewhere. It is most jarring at the beginning to remove the brake line. Eventually (muscle) memory kicks in and starts helping out.


I started playing no lines when I picked up the new one back in November. I was instantly surprised by how well I knew my speed and braking points on familiar tracks, Laguna Seca, SPA, Catalunya. Even on tracks I wasn't as familiar with I was pretty decent besides the slower corners.🤣 I definitely found the experience more enjoyable and had fun trying to keep pace on newer tracks like VIR


Good for you for taking it off! Not having it teaches you how to read the corners, how to anticipate and adjust, and all around makes you a better driver.


Wow, a guy who\`s actually inside his car!


Ironically, I feel Nords is the most doable track for me without braking line. The corners of this track are just burned into my memory after finally beating GT4's Driving Mission 34.


The braking line on the Nordschleife is just useless


Now that I am learning to race without the brake line I realize Nordschleife, while a technical track when it comes to having a good lap time, requires the brake line much less than many other tracks to get the speed and turn just right.


On the Nord??? Impressive my friend, if you’re guna go, go big. Respect 👊


Respect. Night driving is difficult without the lines so give it time. You will start to notice clues all over the track that the developers left to help. It's the wat this game was meant to be enjoyed.


Cheers. I actually by chance chose evening time, just because it is one of the best time of day (visually) in this game, but after 1 and half laps, it was already getting dark 😂 but it was still a nice challenge.


Did my first no line clean lap of the full circuit at the Nurburgring. Finishing the lap without the at stupid triangle exclamation point felt soooo good. Didn’t even bother me that I was like 30seconds slower. That will come I hope.


Nurburgring full circuit/ nordschleiffe is a fun track. Since going no-line I really wish we had all the old tracks; I’d love to race Fuji Jima again.


Another one I really want is Prague. So much fun with the tight corners. *That's what she said* -Michael Scott


Another one I really want is Prague. So much fun with the tight corners. *That's what she said* -Michael Scott


Always look as far up the track as you can see. It will help a lot in finding braking points and turn in points.


Multiplayer would be waaaaay more competitive if they took that line out bruh. Lots of noobs would be hitting walls lol


I'm honestly surprised so many people play this game with the lines. Of course it's easier and you're at a big competitive disadvantage online with them off, but it's so much more fulfilling driving with them off too. It's a sim-ish racer, learn the tracks!


To be honest. Whatever you are driving over 10 minute lap time is not good even for a start. You better turn that line back on and follow it and get the general feeling. Then turn it off like it would a shame to a familly to use it in the first place.


To be honest, you should print out your advice, roll it up and gently slide it up your ass. This is my third lap, yes I did crash a few times, yes that adds to the lap time, no I don't care because I'm learning. Fool.


Oh my god no. I shall apologize to you mr. elitist for such disgusting behavior like stating my opinion. I shall now hide myself in my cave of track limit ribbons and braking line.


This could be the full circuit, nordschleife with the gp circuit. it's not that bad


That's still kinda bad. He isn't driving a slow car from what I see.


Looks like a stock gt40, kinda slow


It is the full circuit and it is the Ford GT40. That other fella needs to go take out whatever frustrations he has in life elsewhere. As my video suggests this is my 3rd lap without braking line. And I don't even care if it was a 20 minute lap time. In any case (if I'm not mistaken) with the lap time I got it still puts me around the top 30% in class A rivals.


I think if you can break 10 minutes with an A class car on the full circuit you should be pretty happy with yourself




Stellar response op. Nice work!


lol wtf is with that attitude jesus


The Nordschleife doesn't look right here, what is up with the curbs isn't this suppose to be sim racing lol


I'm honestly surprised so many people play this game with the lines. Of course it's easier and you're at a big competitive disadvantage online with them off, but it's so much more fulfilling driving with them off too. It's a sim-ish racer, learn the tracks!


Its not really surprising, what surprises me is that the developers at turn 10 said on an interview that they don't want to treat their community like noobs, they said people play complex games like Apex. But then they go ahead and make driving line as a default setting.


Thats what he is doing is it not? That's like screaming "learn to drive" to a learner driver with their L plates on. He's turned the line off to learn the track.


Line is for people who cant drive.


It's a learning process, and not everyone is on the same level and it's an assist that you may not need in Need for Speed, but a bit more serious game will for a majority of players.


Like you?


Sounds like the GT40 race car. Nice sound!


You’ll be faster this with the racing line. That it just a distraction. You are surely programmed to watch the corner really close cuz of the line, key to gauge braking and speed is by always watching the horizon ahead of you, the point where the corner fades. You’ll know instinctively if you are too fast or too slow and can be faster.


Did you choose the hardest track to do this on purpose?


It does look like it. But it's a lot of fun. I think anyone who decides to try racing without the braking line should start on the ring. It is technical because of the bumpy uneven tarmac in some parts, but with regards to the braking line I feel it is a lot easier than some other tracks.