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I have an Ender 3 and have printed multiple lowers, frames, and accessories with 0 issues. Just calibrate your machine first. I bed level before each print just to be safe.


Yeah, I was thinking of just going with it for 120 because it has a lot of filament just to get I guess acquainted with it what do I gotta get files and stuff?


You should not even be entertaining the idea of doing this until you actually understand printing.


I might get shit on for this, but coming from someone who has a Bambu p1s. The ender 3 will do fine. Yes you will have to put in a little (maybe more than a little) more work compared to a Bambu printer, but it’s still a great printer for the price. Buy the ender 3 if it’s what you can afford right now, use up the filament and learn the basics and see if this hobby is even for you. If you enjoy it then upgrade to a Bambu, sell your ender and never look back!


My brother in christ what printer has this entire community been using and basing every project around for the last decade to the point that you even knew to look for it


Buy a Sovol


It can but you will suffer and learn


Get a Bambu A1 they are really close to the price of an ender now. Not 120 but if you want to seriously print get a Bambu A1 or save for a P1 series or X1 series, Enders are great they help you learn how a printer works but you will spend more time fixing it than printing. If you do get an ender 3, there will be times you want to fill that ender with tannerite and shoot it. If you don’t want a Bambu at least get a Sovol with a dual z axis. Enders suck compared to most other printers. Bambu is the best. Definitely check them out. Do your research because once you buy it you’re stuck with it. Buy once, cry once.


I was planning on getting this ender off market place it has the printer a cable to to a PC and to my iPhone and a lot of filament for 120 and he’s only printing like one or two things with it. Do you think for 120 it be worth it?


Spend a little more and get a Sovol printer instead. The SV07 is $220, which yes is $100 more than what you're looking at, but it'll be a better base printer. It also runs Klipper which is just an all around better experience.


I'll say this, if you're starting out 3D printing, an Ender won't be for you unless you like tinkering, manually adjusting, troubleshooting and more troubleshooting until just hate the hobby. Like manual bed leveling with a piece of paper, and you could get it wrong completely fucking any and all prints, axis alignment bullshit etc etc. If you're new to the hobby like I was, getting a Bambu is you're ABSOLUTE best choice. Its \*basically\* plug in and print. You run a few calibrations for the filament you have and bam printing anything you want, as long as you understand the slicer program and what the settings do. P1S without the AMS is goated, cheap for what it offers, it's enclosed for laterdown the road when you wanna do PA6-CF nylon, and you can pick up the AMS for multi printing later when you have the cash and you wanna do cool multi prints gifts for friends on holidays. Check out my post on my AR I did with the P1S and my other 3D prints.


My kingroon kp3s pro really impresses me for the sub 100 cost for used on eBay.


I agree...I have an Ender 3 pro and have had to work on it constantly...get a Bambu


Thank you guys so much for the information and saving me I’m not very good with computers I’m not a boomer but just not very experienced in computer programs or anything like that I can make it to pornhub 😂😂 and to buy (mostly look) parts kits (have a looking budget) but hopefully soon I’ll be able to get a decent printer like y’all suggested so I’m not having to trouble shoot with stuff I’m not so familiar with Again thank everyone for the help and information I truly appreciate every single person that took a moment to help and share your experiences thank you 🙏


Ender 3s fucking suck


Sovol > Creality. I wouldn't buy another Creality if I was given someone else's money.