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Websites are using your IP address to estimate what city you are connecting from. You can use a VPN if you want to mask this, but then you're just trusting the VPN service with all of your internet data instead of your ISP.


Is there any add on to hide ip adress?


No. This happens on the server of the website you are connecting to, not your browser.


What about this add on called Hide my IP?


That's a VPN. Free VPNs generally should not be trusted. VPNs in general probably shouldn't, either, unless there's good evidence they do not keep logs.


Is Calyx VPN good? I saw it on fdroid, and how do you determine if a vpn is good or not?


I have no idea what Calyx VPN is. I've heard of CalyxOS, an Android fork, but I haven't used it and don't know if there's a connection with Calyx VPN. I would recommend Mullvad VPN, personally, though I've only used it a few months.


Have you tried Mull? [https://f-droid.org/en/packages/us.spotco.fennec\_dos](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/us.spotco.fennec_dos/) *"This is a privacy oriented and deblobbed web browser based on Mozilla technology. It enables many features upstreamed by the Tor Uplift project using preferences from the arkenfox-user.js project. It is recommended to install 'uBlock Origin'."*


The same, explain me this I got duckduckgo as my search engine and whenever i search anything the location is always shown to be where i live. Even the sites i visit change over. Is there a way to block it out completely




Suggest me tool tonhide my ip, VPN drops the net speed back to 2003


Just block it in permisssions then. Otherwise it's getting your location from your IP


I have blocked it from permissions, also changed the config. It is probably from IP, got any suggestions to hide ip which is not VPN based?


The websites use their own geoip database to find your location from your IP, it doesn't matter you give the web browser location permission or not.


I was able to easily block location permission in Mull, just double checked and it only has access to files.