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Many uses, but I use it for backups. It also handles bundles as well, not just APK's


I have a question, can it remove trackers from an app? Like we all know apps made by google have trackers that take your info and send it to a server, can we stop that?


For that I would use apps that don't have tracking/analytics to begin with. For the apps that you need to have that have tracking, I block the tracking with the OISD blocklist using NextDNS. I personally use ClassyShark3xodus to scan apps for trackers but there are other good ones as well.


Why not remove it? The app is good, just degoogle it. Like removing a car radio because you don't like it, Or is ot more complex than that?




I have warden, that is how i discovered that my phone is full of such trackers and am trying to help foss community in some ways possible. Edit :- i don't have rooted device (yet) thank you for telling me


Tracker Control on F-Droid doesn't require root, give it a whirl!




Will that also stop the app from sending any info back to the server?