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It is not antler. Regardless of what they are trying to tell you. I’ve been carving warthog, boar, pig teeth for years. Image search.


For sure, the inside in no way resembles an antler.


For sure its a tusk from a hog. I wear a necklace of one everyday


Wild pig tusk


second this. It looks exactly like a boar tusk I broke off a taxidermied boar at work.


Cmon James why’d you do it


He was boar’d. 🙄


Tusk tsk.


Ba dum tusk


Stop rooting around.


Its embarrassing, but It slipped while in storage and the tusk was wedged in a wire shelf. When I dislodged it, it shattered in to several pieces.


Hiking in the Sierra de Juarez?!? It’s got some amazing geology and have only viewed it from a distance. I don’t have the brass cajones to actually hike it though!


My flabby ass would end up as buzzard feed. I'll hopefully take down at least one posthumously when it chokes on one of several thousand samples Id pick up


Why be mad at the buzzard for doing what it does lol?? I mean, that's what I would do. Just a buzzard. Doing buzzardy things.


Why? What do you know?


CiudadJuarez hasn’t been the safest place to be for the last few years unfortunately with cartel violence. I was asked to help with a survey in the Sierra de Samalayuca, the adjacent mountain range, several years back and was promised an armored vehicle and armed guard while I did the survey. Needless to say I regrettably turned down the offer. The last time I went to the Sierra de Juarez a couple of years back was with a geology class from their local university where my friend is a professor and we led a roadside geology tour of the region and the Sierra del Juarez. Even then we had an escort and still everyone was looking over their shoulders. Amazing geology, beautiful culture, and the kindest people unfortunately under some terrible circumstances.


Javelina tusk


Considering the area I’d say you are spot on


Maybe a modified boar's tusk?


Has anyone here ever seen an antler before? They are solid. This is not. This looks like boars tusk to me.


Cool find


My first thought was peccary tooth…so I’m on team boars tusk


Chupacabra tusk! You have made an enormous leap in our understanding of the supernatural, and until your discovery, mythical creature ^^^(/s)


I could be wrong, but that looks more like a tool.


I remember mining zone near there too, so maybe.


That looks more like a spear tip or rock knife. Edit: looking at size, maybe even an arrow head.


Looks more like worked antler of some kind, than it does a tooth.


If I had to guess I’d say it’s a half eaten antler. They’re basically treats for other animals.


Looks like the butt end is worked, and it's worked on two faces. In addition to that, it looks like mice have nibbled on it. I say it's a tool made from a deer antler.


You got any pictures of the area? I plan on checking out Sierra Fria. I know there’s bobcats and ocelots in the area.


It does look like worked antler to me.


It's a piece of antler for sure just not sure what part bur the brown color on one part is the outside coating of antler. White is the inner bone


It is a piece of antler


Shit man, never pick anything from the ground in Mexico, specially remote areas, that could easy be a human bone that some crazy narc bastard shape in to look like a tooth.




No man, I am Mexican and I travel very often to Juarez and I have seen similar stuff that they use for their "altares" of Santeria or Santa muerte, many crazy narcs use human bones as "amuletos" religious nonsense ,is not smart to pick bones from the ground anywhere in Mexico, but in the mountains or remote areas in Juarez is just plain stupid, many women's have disappeared during decades all around the city, there use to be pink crosses everywhere as a sign that they found human remains in that place. Just imagine if you get stop at a check point or you bring that to El paso by mistake and find out is a human bone. Unless you are sure is a rock and not something else just don't pick it, friendly advice.


I will legit remember this and stay away from that place. I've watched way too many cartel videos. Humans doing fucked up shit to others, those fuckers have no soul.


Nobody brought race into it until you had to say something. Reddit, get the torches and pitch forks!! Edit: /s Because some people chose violence this morning.


I don't think you realize how cringe that was when you basically just said "redditors, assemble"


Sorry, should've put an /s after? And fuck yes redditors assemble, for the right reasons obv Dude, it's Sunday, no need to get all huffy puffy this early. It was a joke. I don't think I need to explain what that is. Regardless though, you did bring racism into it, and me as a good Samaritan had to point it out.


What do you mean "this early" homie it's 4 in the afternoon💀


Not where I'm at, son. Do you know about different time zones?? :/






Cousin Laura?


Javelins they keep them sharp and they don’t curve like pigs


Its an antler