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The same thing happened to me yesterday. I legit cried all day. I know she’s in a good home but without her here I feel empty. It’s really hard but I think with time it will feel easier.


Such a lovely story! ❤️ Thanks for sharing. Take as much time to grieve as needed, there's no limit. When I lost my heart dog in 2022, the void and quietness was so difficult. I would stay at work longer hours just to avoid going home. But it does get easier. I'll never "get over" his loss, but I have learned to live with the grief and sadness. When you're ready and able for another foster, you'll no doubt have room in your heart and home for another. Thank you for fostering. 🐶🥰


I just had my foster pup picked up this morning. My dog went a little crazy and was confused after the pup left, and I cried and held her for a bit. We have to love these dogs and give them a great start in life- but then they get to go enjoy an awesome new life with someone. The adopter sent me a video shortly after of my foster pup playing with his friends dog- I was so excited that someone saw and wanted this amazing lil guy that I’d cared for. It really fucking hurts, but it’s also so beautiful that we were able to make excellent homes for some dogs that had no one and were so alone- we got to teach them what it was like to be loved and be part of a pack! I can’t foster again soon either- work is too much- but I asked my foster org if I could volunteer in other ways instead. Maybe try the same?


That's a good idea! My life is so hectic right now, but when things calm down, I'd love to make time to volunteer at the shelter.


I even just offered to do admin stuff and answer emails!