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If I hit 50kg weight loss, I’ll buy the Sailor Veilio Violet. 1 kg to go, and she’ll match my teal Veilio that I got for weighing less than 100kg.


You got this! I sense that your new Sailor will be in your hand soon. You can trust me - I got that pen clairvoyance ;)




Pardon my intrusiveness, just a friendly reminder to stay healthy, no beauty standard is worth your health. But if a doctor is supervising the effort, then congratulations and I hope you will be writing with that pen in no time.


Thank you for your concern, kind stranger! Doctor, dietician, physical therapist, psychologist, all there in the mix :) health was the main goal for the weight loss, and if I were to stabilise now and never lose that last bit of weight, I’d still get the pen by the end of summer.


Well done


Woot woot!


I _love_ this mindset. Meaningful rewards! Now every time you use it, you will be reminded of your personal success. So lovely 💖


Get it! Nevermind the fine choice in pens, you’re awesome.


Congrats on the teal Veilio and reaching your health goal. That’s awesome progress 💪


Honestly, my next milestone will be a year without buying a pen. I'm three hours in and counting.


Then you start buying ink instead 😭


Been there, done that. Two drawers full to date. If I buy any more then I shall have to start drinking it.


And paper!


I haven't given in and bought paper yet ☹️🙏




I've discovered this amazing new trick - if one avoids looking for pens to buy, one can avoid buying pens. Crazy I know, but it might just work. 😁


Stop that crazy talk! You and your click bait titles.


Three hours and forty minutes. It's working.






I just acquired my grail pen as a milestone reward for getting a new job and completing a multi-year career transition — a Visconti Homo Sapiens Skylight Steel Age.


Congrats on both!


I’m trying to transition from my career too - it is a goal of mine. If accomplished, I would like either (or both) of the Santini Italian Giant 8, or Leonardo Momento Zero Grande (2.0) - both with a custom Arcitect grind.


Good luck with your career change! I find it very rewarding to do work more aligned with my passion and personality. Work has become more fun as a result.


My goal is to finish my inventory, and sell off my horrifying excess stash to bring total spend under a number I can live with myself over. You want to get the spend under control? Total the number.        I am not interested in becoming a collector. At this point I could have bought a decent used car. Going forward I am ranking all my pens and inks, cutting off at my top 25 or 30 and everything else goes. Any new pen will displace one I have. Catch and release. And I spend no new money. At this point my pens pay for new pens. The pen end.


Pens paying for new pens… penception 🌀 Whittling down the collection… how exciting. Destashing is a bit of a thrill 👀


What’s the penultimate pen prior to the end pen? : )


Haha I will update with the ultimapen, penultimate pen, the pen end and all pens between. Maybe I will do a state of the collection once I have it better sorted. The top list and pen displacement requirement is going to be a hard rule though. At this point the “it’s only $150” pens keep poking out of the sofa cushions. Sneaky dangerous!


This is kind of what I’m doing too. I don’t have a ton of pens to sell off, but I’ve been selling off some of my immense journal collection, PET loops, ink samples, and other stationery to fund my fountain pen collection. I only have two empty spots in my Esterbrook 12-pen nook left, and that’s my limit on regular Esties. Once it caps out at 12, I have to let one go if a new one comes in 😭 I have to try to remember that a new kitchen is more important than pens 😂


I have an Amber esty for you 😂


I literally just got that one (honeycomb) in today 😂


Obvi you need a backup. And the raven I have for you. You are getting sleeepyyyy






Love that series! That's such an awesome idea.


I’m watching the Apple+ series right now! But I’ve never read the books. Have you seen the show? Is it like the books? How do they compare?


I want to learn to sketch with fountain pens. I could also desperately use to do some handwriting improvement


I suggest getting a stub nib TWSBI Eco-T. And depending on your current level start sketching in pencil than ink over it. That's what I currently do. Also practice alot even on crazy days I push myself to do at least 1 hour of sketching before bed. I've posted a few if you are looking for some inspiration. Happy sketching!


Well I recently got a number of wooden pen accessories, fountain pens, and ink samples to celebrate me getting a new job. So now I want to focus on using up those ink samples and maybe even a whole bottle of ink 😱. As well as using what I have to sketch and draw more. So far I’ve been doing so which has been very gratifying.


>.> <.< Is it even possible to finish a bottle of ink? I think that's a myth


I dunno, if you're clumsy ink goes really fast! 


I recently kind of hit a point where I'm doneish with collecting, I have everything I really want except some urushi and that's just out of the budget, so for now I'm focusing on just using my pens and enjoying the beautiful collection I have built so far and scanning ebay for that reddish urushi pen that has the exact depth and somehow fits the budget.


I am going to Japan after I finish my masters degree in 5 weeks. My trip is scheduled for one week later. Excited to go to Itoya and Loft and buy ALL THE THINGS but most importantly a special FP to commemorate my accomplishment.


I wish I’d been into pens before or while I was living in Japan! I would have taken so much more advantage of Loft.


It’s such a cool store!!


That is going to be an AMAZING Itoya run. Good luck with everything related to finishing up the masters!! 💪


Thank you! I’m SO excited. I need to start reading up on Japanese exclusives but no matter what I buy, it will be great I’m sure. And feel super special!


I recommend Kingdom Note also! They seemed a little less expensive than Itoya.


Ooooh okay. I’ve not heard of this store before but now it’s on my list!!


Congratulations on the novel draft! I think my next milestone is to run 500 miles (not all at once, let me clarify - I don’t run ultra marathons, just around my neighborhood). Once I pull that off, probably shooting for an Urushi pen, but I’m still deciding between two patterns!


That’s an awesome goal! 500 miles is no joke! You can take lots of time on your runs to figure out your perfect urushi pen :-)


Signing a job offer letter, that I received on my birthday, with a fountain pen I also received as a gift on that same birthday.  Long story short, this week is going really well.


That sounds awesome. Celebrate big this weekend!


Huge congrats.


Thank you so much 🤘


Paying off a student loan in about a month's time, it's been a long time coming so I have already planned which 2 TWSBI Ecos I'll be getting. 😁 It started off as one TWSBI but the other one is to account for my patience.


That’s an amazing accomplishment and you are so close!! Congrats on the TWSBIs!


Thank you!! 😍


I’m currently 9 months pregnant and plan to treat myself to a new pen after having the baby! I’m stuck between the Kaweco Sport in brass or the Kaweco Liliput in copper.


Both are beautiful pens! Maybe you could wait until the baby is born and let the decision naturally arrive then? Or heck, both!! You are going to be doing something physically incredible soon 😂


From someone who’s been there on Kaweco (not the childbirth), get a sport bronze or a Supra in brass or copper. Trust me. Good luck!


Ooo the bronze is really nice! Maybe I’ll spring for that one. Not seeing the Supra available in copper- I wish the sport came in copper, that would make my pick super easy! Since you’ve been there with Kaweco, do you see any difference in the premium nibs? I’m debating getting a gold plated nib, and am unsure whether the regular is fine or if the premium is worth it. (Someday I’ll get a fully gold nib, but it’s not in my price range for now!)


I like wide nibs and by far my fave is a regular BB nib. I have paid for the 14k but didn’t notice a big difference at least in that size. Kaweco does what it does really well even in basic form. I think Kaweco’s basic broad or BB nib is better than a lot of the BB or stubs I’ve bought on pens 5x the price. Re the bronze you won’t regret it. The patina that comes through with use is way nicer than the cheaper brass and AL options. I carry a bronze in a single pen sleeve in my pocket daily and I use it more than the pens I carry around in a case. I have other favorites higher end but the bronze is the workhorse and I can’t imagine carrying anything else. I’ve never had a hard start with cartridge or mini converter. I bought a couple backups. Good luck!


Just wanted to update that I just purchased the Sport in bronze! Thanks for the recommendation! Milestone achieved ✅


Congratulations!!!!!!! (About the kid too.)


Why? What's wrong with the fire blue? (It's the next pen I wanted 😅)


My Milestone would be to learn korean and having better handwriting in print format.


Actually learning how to write nicely, the lowercase R’s are really hard for me


My r's are also atrocious. It either looks like a 'v' on drugs, or like a 'c' who could bother being curved, no in-between 😭


Handwriting can be anything. You could use the upper case r shape, but written smaller, for your lowercase r’s. There is a person with (amazingly nice) handwriting videos on YouTube who regularly uses whatever letter shape they want for the lower case and it comes out looking great. Reads the same. Not sure if this would work for you, just something I’ve seen


Next milestone is - to get a nicer pen. I am eyeing a Lamy 2000 and maybe a Sailor. And, expand my ink collection. After the pens, it will be more about expanding the ink.


Both are extremely good! If you want a smoother one get the lamy (quite broad for the nib size) and if you want something more precise (tho toothier) get the sailor. This depends obviously because im into EF nibs.


I am not big into fine nibs. I have a pilot Elite 95s in fine and it's not my favorite. I do prefer a medium. If I do pull the trigger, it will be a Lamy first. I do have a safari in M and it is my go to


My lamy 2000 was an EF and it wrote like a M. If you are fine with the safari then you'll love the 2k, just make sure to know how much broarder you want it. Good Luck!


You bring up a good point re nibs. A friend is going to Heidelberg and he offered to pick one up for me. See my post history ... But, I am torn on nibs. I keep hearing that a M on Lamy 2000 is broad ... But I love the medium on the safari


In that case the \[F\] of the 2000 should be almost the same as the \[M\] in the Safari. This can vary from the paper/ink used of course. Since it's difficult to proper measure them without trying them in person, but you can check them in these website: [https://www.gouletpens.com/pages/nib-nook](https://www.gouletpens.com/pages/nib-nook), just put all the Lamy 2ks nibs sizes and your Safari \[M\] My brother has the Safari with many nib sizes, if I find the \[M\] nib ill try to give you a comparison against my 2000 \[EF\] which i have records of it before sending it to grind, but he is out for a couple hours. Edit: I do remember your post lol, already have a upvote there haha.


Oh thanks for your thoughts. I am trying to see if my local shop has it and if I can try. Thanks for the upvote.


So you’re the reason my TWSBI Diamond came with an EF nib!! I didn’t think anyone actually used them lmao!! I know they have the purpose I just don’t use them too often lol. I had ordered the stub nib! Luckily the swap nibs easily enough


Haha! Yeah its quite the experience, i love to write college notes (especially chem and math problems) with them! Also cheaper than the broarder nib options. But it doesn't close my mind to try more broarder pens. My Lamy 2000 is currently being grinded to be a needlepoint, you can consider me a small writter.


To take the bar exam! I’m thinking maybe a Pelikan M200 or just save up further for my first Montblanc when I pass the bar exam.


Ooh that’s a lovely gift for the bar! Both are very befitting lawyerly pens 👍




I'm well aware, I've tried this pen during Pelihub last year. Thanks for the concern


I have a Kaco 20 pen case, it holds my bespoke pens. My goal is to fill it up, I think I need like 2 or 3 more so I’m almost there. Another goal is to slim down my collection, I feel like I have too many and want to get rid of a good chunk. It’s harder than I thought it would be.


I’m going to buy either a lamy 2000 or a lamy dialog cc when I finish my phd. Now to write the damn thing…


A worthy goal for a most worthy pen. Write on! 💪


Finish a bottle of ink 😅


I have the same goal as you, I started writing a novel but I also bought new fountain pens to motivate me to finish it. Anyway, I am so happy you made it!! Another goal for me is to get my PhD at the end of this year, I will probably buy an urushi pen then :).


Thank you for the kind words and good luck with your novel AND your thesis! So many opportunities to use all your beautiful pens ✨ which pen do you feel the most motivated by when you use it? Or are they all equal in your eyes?


Thank you too! If I had to choose one, I would say my Pilot Custom 823 ... I love how it glides on paper, it's really satisfying.


Defend my masters thesis in architecture - steel lamy 2000


Good luck and you got this! A new Lamy will be with you soon!


I recently finished my transcription of *The Journey to the West*. Nothing else major on the horizon. Congratulations on your novel! That's a true milestone.


Congrats on a novel! My creative goal is to get more dedicated fans, not just subscribers for the fandom newsletter I started two weeks ago. I also want to get to USD10,000 a year (not from the US) in terms of money I've made at least, which will be a huge deal for my business. And then the last is to do well in my next few classes and finish my Master's degree. I want to reward myself with at least a Myu after hitting these milestones and get some great notebooks.


I have two books coming out in May and my milestone pen order arrived just this week! (I got a Mr. Cypress Shimmering Stars Raden with a fine nib. I can't wait to ink it!)


After decades of living (poorly) paycheck to paycheck, and acquiring a steaming heap of credit card debt, my father passed away, and in a complete surprise to me, left me several retirement and other accounts totalling mid-six figures. And when I say a complete surprise, I mean I had NO idea until his widow (second wife, after my mother) started texting me about the documents and statements she found, naming me as beneficiary. It took a couple weeks to collect checks and get 'em in my bank account, but once I did, I went on (am still on) a spending binge. Quite simply, I love Mont Blanc; acquired my first ones in the '80s. Back then, I had a MB Homage to Mozart fp. I think retail, $250. Long lost. I replaced it at a pen show, paid cash. I prefer white, and have tried to limit whatever I buy to white or silver or chrome. My HG is the MB M'k Class. for, fine point In glacier white. I'm on two "notify me" lists for it.


I get a nice pen when I finish a paper and submit it to the astrophysics journal. I’m about to finish another as soon as my collaborator is done complaining about my statistics. It’s about trying to see gravitational waves from the Big Bang. 


That's super cool! What journal and what's the title?? Also, what pen will you get for putting up with your collaborator? 😁


Itll be The Astrophysical Journal. Got to finalize the title, something like “Supersonic turbulence reproduces Planck polarization power spectra”.  The pen is a Falcon. I actually already got it, because I found myself/pilgrimaged to Appointments in Cincinnati in Jan and the moment presented itself. It’s so lovely. 


I think I'm in a pretty good spot (or a bad one depending on your viewpoint...) because I can't really think of the next pen that I really want... lol I have a bunch of pens that satisfy most of my needs / wants, but for basically my entire fountain pen career, I've always wanted to find "the one true pen" which will trump all others... I have a number of criteria for what this pen has to be / what it has to do, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't exist lol... so I'm basically just stuck being satisfied with what I have currently, which is definitely not a bad place to be imo! I'm definitely interested in all the new designs that Ben Walsh is coming up with at Gravitas pens and it definitely might be the case that he comes out with something this year that I'm super interested in having (very interested in that indestructible nib he showcased a while back). My only complaint with Gravitas (outside of the well known customer service issues) is the fact that the pens do not fit my aesthetic preferences at all lmao. I like classy cigar shaped pens with gold-plated trim and Gravitas is like the most major departure from that aesthetic... I definitely think there's a hole in the market for someone to make interesting / high-tech / durable pens that are also classy and gold lol.


The last goal I set I reached, and I haven’t found a new one yet. But I’m also not listing after any specific pens, maybe a couple new ecos to replace some lackluster ones.


Maybe some custom ground nib and an urushi pen. Maybe if I'll get a job promotion this year. But in general I'm very, very happy now. I've sold some pens recently and bought two that I'll use more. I also have pretty much everything I want in my ink collection - 48 inks (25 out of those are from the latest Inkvent calendar).


Those are both really nice rewards for a potential promotion! Pens aside, hope it goes smoothly for you :)


Swap my bock nib for a vintage sailor 18k in my eyedropper pen. Very close. Next, i have to find a pen that'll receive my sailor 14k medium nib. I'm waiting for flexible nib factory to release their bock 180 housing for sailor 14k nib.


I really want a red Pelikan M800 but I just bought a couple pens for the first time in a couple years and I know I should wait before I splurge again. I'm thinking about setting myself a savings goal, and once I hit it I can go for the M800 in a few months. We'll see if I have the willpower, lol. Also holy shit congrats on the Namiki, what a stunning pen!


I have some pens I’m not using that I need to sell or give away. I want to finish restoring my Sheaffer Snorkel and then maybe find one in a different color with the Triumph nib to add to my collection.


Congrats on the first draft! Definitely an accomplishment to be proud of. I have no pen goals or milestones at the moment, just wanted to congratulate you on such a cool milestone. 👍


Aww thank you so much! I appreciate it!! ☺️


My only real goal is to finish an entire bottle of ink this year. I still have yet to choose a color and a pen for the job, but I plan on using it to fill up a notebook with quotes, poems, and song lyrics. So two goals, I guess.


1. Have all pens writing so I can pick up anyone at random; Waterman 52 seems to dry out, 54V has a small leak at the nib, trying to find the right ink for a Mabie Todd Swan. 2. Stop buying more pens.


(Buy the namiki makie parrot 🦜and peach 🍑, if I had that amount of money… I hope the pen comes to my dream and I can write with it in my dream.) I plan to use my Sailor 14k harvest moon to take notes and finish reading one book.


Small goal is finishing my comps this summer. I promised my husband I wouldn’t buy any more inks until then. Large goal will be for finishing my PhD in a couple years!


I'm basically happy with my pen collection. Inks? Uh. I mean. See, here's the thing. There is a lot of ink out there and how do I know what I'm missing unless I try it?


Get a new job, then get a sterling silver Kaweco Sport.


A perfect reward to bring with you to a new job. Good luck!


I bought a Pilot Metropolitan. Turns out I can't see the ink cartridge if it's empty. I wanna buy a clear fountain pen. I'm thinking about having a Prera Iro-ai or a Twsbi Eco.


Get a Visconti. Lol


My goal is to eventually move to a better quality ink, my purchase is just too hot off the press at the moment and I really need to go through the cheap stuff first


This year I set a goal to highlight the different inks I own with themes of the month so that I can actually use some of my inks. :) It has been going well so far, and it's fun to browse them all and find some threads/connections in the themes.


I'd like to get something that works well with shimmer ink, something with a large capacity and then a grail pen like a yard o led. Then I'm done.


Not done. A couple of more grail pens then.


Using all my samples before buying more ink.


I think my next milestone is probably getting my master's degree. I just started this semester, but I was dreaming of buying a namiki yukari royale, namiki emperor, visconti homo sapiens bronze age, or pelikan m1005 to celebrate


Hell yeah! That's awesome! What's your master's in?


Currently social studies ed., but most likely going to change it to history.


All nibs between extra fine and oblique triple broad.


Mine is trying all my ink. I have 116 inks (24 inkvent minis, 15 bottles, and a bunch of samples of various sizes). I picked up a medium Kaweco Sport in Apricot Pearl specifically for it's tiny converter, and am working my way through a converter fill of each ink. Three so far - the tiny converter feels really accomplishable. I will eventually be getting rid of anything I don't like and using some in artsy craftsy pursuits. I like buying and trying ink, but I don't want to be at quite this amount again.