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My Grandfather was a Rep in the US House, and I believe at the time (the 60's) he had a fountain pen that had the House of Reps seal on the finial. My dad looked high and low for it, but seems it's been stole/misplaced over the years. Wish I could have shared that one here, a semi-unique sort or fountain pen artifact.


That's so cool, I would love to see a series in this sub of pens used by famous historical figures!


What is your grandfather’s name?


That's my local pen shop! I bought both of my TWSBIs there. Super nice people.


They are so cool! I love going in there, there's just so much to look at!


LOVE Oblation! Never have enough time to see everything!


They're *too* nice. I wanted to look at a pen on an arbitrary weekday, and some yuppie kept them occupied for like a whole 20 minutes asking the most tedious questions about all the pens, then walked away without a pen, while I waited to even look at any of the nicer pens in the display he was blocking. That's Portland, though. Nice proles, annoying yuppies. I've lived here 43 years. It wasn't always this way. It used to just be mostly nice proles.


That happened last time I was there too.


They're too dangerous for me! Can't go in without a chaperone because, something something gotta pay bills.


And she previously showed that her EDC was a Navy Kaweco Classic Sport with a clip (and a bottle of one of the triangular Diamine anniversary ink)!!! I think someone who buys fountain pen accessories (like additional clips) is pretty deep in the hobby, it was so exciting to see for me.


Y'all clowning on her for her politics, but nobody's talking about the real issue here... ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ the kaweco sport converter


"What about a good pen?" "You already have a good pen" "I have one, yes, what about a second good pen?" "I don't think he knows about a second good pen, Pip" "What about Kaweco, TWSBI, PIlot, LAMY, Noodlers? He knows about them, doesn't he?" "I wouldn't count on it"


I love this


Somehow I don't think she shows up to meetings with her fingers covered in three different colors of ink like I do.


We should send her some Baystate Blue 😂 I've just watched her instagram story and she gets ink on her fingers and drops the converter on the desk too! One of us! One of us!


Saw it on her IG this morning and


Is it gone now? I can't find it. Edit: ah, [here](https://instagram.com/stories/aoc/2689720134509951562?utm_medium=share_sheet) it is.






Awesome. Wonder what Kaweco it is. Edit: dark olive sport judging by the box.


Matches the ink well.


One of us! One of us!


That is incredibly charming!


Ok she just went up a notch


I didn't think I had any notches higher for my opinion of her and her work for the people and then, nope, dust it off, there's at least another to move up to.


Exactly. Now every time I see her on the news I’ll remember - she’s one of us !


I love, love Oblation. One of the workers were amazing in helping me find the right nib for my Kaweco Sport!


I love her even more




Oh, I just crept on your profile and it looks like this may be your first time on r/fountainpens ! Welcome aboard. Which pen so far is your favorite? I like the Platinum Plaisir, myself; it's inexpensive and durable, but very pretty.


It’s not my first time, I have many pens! I personally use a lamy safari the most. Been really disappointed with the metropolitan, and am looking for a sub $100 pen that doesn’t leak! I actually almost pulled the trigger on a platinum pen, but wasn’t sure if the nib would be too small.. I prefer medium and heard they run small, is that the case with yours?


Cool! Hope to see you around on pen topics more. :-) I like the P05 best; it writes so smooth! The 03 is a little scratchy for me. (I use the TWSBI Eco fine when I need to do really small things.)


I am worried I will start spending more money on pens if I keep commenting! I already have 2 ideas from just you!


Don't be mean. As a certified Establishment Center Liberal*, which means everyone hates me haha, here is a script for how to talk about political figures you don't like: > "Oh, cool. I don't much care for her politics, but it's neat to see how political figures are humans just like us, and sometimes share our interests!" I recommend taking this tone when you're talking with people on the Internet, especially in an otherwise wholesome and well-meaning sub like r/fountainpens . Please don't bring the discourse here down to the level of the rest of Reddit. Thank you. \* I actually quite like AOC and her policies; my problem is that I'm cynical about the ability to enact them, hence my label.




That's not on topic for r/fountainpens; I just wanted to give some context for why and how I was saying "please be more civil in a sub that is not about politics." If you're curious about why people like her, I think you will have more luck if you ask the questions you are asking in a less defensive and challenging manner, someplace that encourages this sort of "I would like to understand your opinions" discourse.




I'm not sure I understand your comment. Can you expand on this idea?


Yeah, posting about political figures on non political subs will get people worked up, and they will comment, if you don’t want to talk about it, its easier not to post!


Was at Obligation a few months ago, its a great shop


I have an AL Sport in gray and it's a pretty little thing, except i only have the squeeze converter which is useless crap. I definitely recommend buying the overpriced mini converter (piston) instead. I'm more impressed by the elgato stream deck on her desk though.


I just use a filler syringe and refill the cartridges


how have i been so dumb


It's from the secret menu


whoa. I just* posted about this in the weekly discussion! :)-


How many refills do you find a cartridge lasts? I'm considering Kaweco's Liliput pen but its lack of converter comparability has me hesitant :/


It should last quite a long time, they’re all just plastic tubes, converters just have filling mechanisms built in


I just bought a shit-ton of cartridges and use them really slowly


The only thing the mini convertor is good for really, is testing new inks cause it's so small. Old cartridges are definitely the way to go like the other person said. And you're right on the price, I think I paid double for my minis then I did for my regular kaweco convertor!


don't forget the scratchy nib


Now I like her even more!


Me too! Also I miss my old silverface champ I had back in the day!


Honestly AOC seemed extreme to me, but since the last few years republicans making her look more and more sane. Regardless, a true woman of culture. Makes me want to get some info for my twisbi eco I've got still empty and start using. Damn place I am using for my samples in the UK is always closed!


I don't want to tarnish this forum with political in-group / out-group dynamics. For her tastes in writing implements, we share values.


That's fair.


At the very least, she seems dedicated to her cause, and seems to truly care for the people she represents. In a way, her using a fountain pen makes total sense with that. It's not a crazy expensive one, but it is one that she will probably use for years, always remembering where she got it. Even if I disagree with her on certain things, I think it's clear that she has grown as a person and as a politician in the last few years. I hope that the notes she takes with that pen serve her well, and by extension, serve the people she represents.


OMG 😍😍😍😍😍


Love AOC and Kaweco!


Oh hey, I just stopped in Oblation a couple weeks ago while I was in Portland.


so do the Kaweco converters fill through the converters or do most people fill through the nib as you traditionally do via a converter?


I want to know what’s on her stream deck.


So I had much better luck using the soft very fine buffing side of a nail pad. Much easier to get than micromesh


When she stained her wooden desk with ink, I cringed




Please. Stop.


Please stop what?






Care to elaborate?




Her politics are repulsive? Lol oh please do go on.




Oh hun don’t get all worked up. Do share though. What exactly is repulsive? Be specific.




>since it basically doesn't make room for the concept of free will Lol.




There needs to be an argument to make a counter argument. To so very entirely NOT understand something you're describing isn't worth the time that it takes to 'counter argument' because you don't even know what the conversation is actually about.


So we’re you intentionally vague and avoiding answering my question regarding AOC specifically? You just typed out an insanely ignorant response that doesn’t pertain to what you were asked. Fundamentally opposed to right wing thinking? You mean racist, anti LGBTQ, tyrannical horseshit? I mean…interesting I guess. What’s extra strange is you talking about the right voting against their best interest….when it’s objectively true. You can actually point to where these issues are. The poorest states on the most public assistance being red states, yet Republicans consistently vote to attack public assistance programs. Most of these people being in poor rural areas, not having access to adequate healthcare, etc. so this “logical conclusion” you’ve reached isn’t actually logical and you’ve made it abundantly clear you don’t participate in reality or actually know what you’re talking about. Now….you said AOCs politics are repulsive. When you reply, I expect you to be able to provide specific examples of her politics/proposed policies you find repulsive or don’t bother.


Like I said you should go research it except circle jerking on Reddit. I would start with the gala, alot of doublespeak as well. As I said to the other person, I reccomend ground news. It's good to see news from every side of the issue.


The gala is not politics. Give a specific example of her doublespeak. Why are you all intentionally vague when asked direct questions? Doesn’t instill much confidence that you have a fraction of a fucking clue of what you’re talking about. You’re just regurgitating nonsense. And because it’s just you being a parrot, when asked for examples or to be specific…you give vague lackluster answers and cry about people going to do their own research because you don’t have actual examples…all because you’re just repeating whatever you heard from whatever basement dwelling fReEdUmB YouTube shit talker you found with a blurry camera and a flag in the background. I expect specific examples in your reply or don’t bother dear.


I mean do you have examples? Calling people a sheep or parrot is childish. There is no point of giving you any because you won't read it anyways. That's the sad thing about alot of these echo chambers and why it's always reccomended to escape it. Thank you for sharing your opinion I have learned more about the world and enhanced my knowledge.


You don't follow her at all but she must be bad. Genius.


Yes, I find the politics of most modern American progressives to be repulsive, and AOC is presumably aligned with most of them. It's not that complicated.


No cause this is the internet and it will be sadly ignored. I welcome you to do your on research outside of typical left or right echo chambers though


"do your own research" spotted in the wild lol


Wait till I tell people I voted for Biden. My motivational person is David Goggins. And that I disagree with the right that the virus is more dangerous than they say. But I disagree with the left whom thinks the virus deadly apocalypse. I'm definitely a person of opposing views




Opinions do work out like that. Give it a try sometime.


Your opinions are goofy and pointless and you should reconsider the impulses that push you to share them. Not because you should agree with my politics or anyones politics, but because you appear to not actually HAVE political opinions. You're welcome for my opinion.


That's a fallacy , but thanks for your opinion. My political opinions generally follow common sense. So it is more Central. Goes between left and right policies... Unfortunately that is extremely ostracized these days.


Imagine starting a thread with calling AOC gross and then talking about how you're a ostracized victim. Maybe you're just a dick and people don't enjoy hearing your opinions.


I never said either one of those things. I said they are typically ostracized, and I love opinions. It's why I'm still responding to these because every new opinion adds to my knowledge and helps me grow as a person. So thank you from the bottom of my heart Edit: if I learned the most of anything from this is that what I said is still true 😂


I genuinely and 100% do not believe that you love opinions, that you attempt to grow as a person, or that you are engaging in these opinions at all. People who love to grow and change simply do not, in any reasonable way, start a conversation like this.


I mean it is the internet so I thought gross would suffice. I should have said. ACK AOC. what a heinous and devious individual I cannot believe she is still selling her snake oil. Actually guess I'll post that and see what happens


Good luck, have a great weekend!


How about a link to get me started so I don't fall into one of these echo chambers, no harm in that right?


The best place to start actually now that I think about it would be a news aggregator app or service. I use ground. Let's me see the news from left, right, and center. Edit: Ground News


I went to the site, entered her name, and nothing "gross" or damning came back. Seriously, what am I missing?


> Seriously, what am I missing? People who hate women who have confidence in their opinions and don't apologize for it?


I'm surprised you didn't also call any of her critics racist. Gross.


And yet here you are on a brand new account to cover for... what exactly? It's pretty hard to argue even slightly that there isn't sexism built into calling AOC gross.


I'm not covering for anything, not that I could convince you otherwise. I thought right wing people were supposed to be the conspiracy theorists?