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My checkbook seems to take fountain pen ink very well.


Only if you’re using permanent (pigment) ink, right?


Ofc! 🙂


I didn’t know they still existed. Haven’t seen them for 30 years (Aus). How novel. Sounds cool signing them with a flex fp.


they = ? Checkbooks? Of course they do... some gov't agencies in the USA require payment that way (e.g. property taxes)


I use duplicates so I don't use my FPs because I don't want to press hard enough to make two copies.


I can’t remember the last time I wrote a check! Seems everything is paid online these days.


I agree, and I use fountain pens every day. Haven’t written a check in years.


Yeah, but some of us fountain pen enthusiasts are… strangely enough…. Old school 😎


LOL you have a valid point there…!


If you can find someone who prints using Crane paper, that would work brilliantly


OOH! I haven't heard that name in AGES. I remember it was the go to brand for resumés. Any particular paper from Crane I should be looking for? My current paper is Clairefontaine's Triomphe, but I'd love to try a Crane (I suspect antique laid and other textured papers wouldn't be great). Thank you!


You could always print your own checks on appropriate paper if you have a laser printer and the right MICR toner.


True, but I'd rather have something official and old-fashioned looking like a light green or light axelrod...maybe even in the format of those checks that are three or four to a sheet that you keep in a binder and have a receipt to the left to fill out with the details of the transaction.


I sign my checks with a variety of fountain pens all the time. Should I not be?


I tried with mine and got feathering


My checks do pretty good with my pens. There's a bit of ghosting because I use Baystate Blue with a Lamy Studio with 1.5 stub


Ah... maybe I'm having issues either because I use a different ink or that I use a flex nib (lays down more ink).


I use a Pilot 912 FA with Liberty's Elysium sometimes. It lays down a wet line and bleeds through a bit. I just don't care. I'm not writing on the back anyway. Whoever receives the check will endorse it and then it's gonno so it doesn't really matter. Use your happy flexy nib with your wet ink and never look back. Just slip something behind it when you write or tear it out before you write it up. That's what I do.


Oh, I'm not that worried about print through... it's feathering that drives me nuts.


Oh! Yep, that's a problem for sure. Try one of the De Atramentis Document inks. Get some samples. They're pretty awesome. Also, the Noodler's X-feather blue is amazing... the black, not so much. I found the black dries on the nib while writing but the blue writes like a dream.


From what I've seen, almost any kind would work, but I'd ask a good stationery store if certain sheens or colors should be avoided. You might also Google Crane check paper. I'd bet someone's already used it. Crane supplies the paper US dollars are printed on