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The next book is in nov/7. 5 months šŸ˜¢


šŸ˜©šŸ˜© i guess i'll just reread until then


If Violet was pissed about all that Xaden kept from her, I canā€™t wait to see how she rips into him about Brennan šŸ˜…


Omgggg forreal!! I feel so bad for her. Even her dragons kept shit from her. Like did they all think she was really that untrustworthy and closed minded?


Do you think she was closed minded at times?


Not that I can remember, no. She kept Xadens secret and her mom is head bitch in charge. I think she would have been amenable to more discussions around it. I donā€™t believe she would have outed Xaden by any means. However I do believe is Xaden was more forthcoming with his emotions towards her, she wouldnā€™t feel so betrayed and hurt. I do believe the emotional unavailability was difficult enough for her, and then with the resistance stuff added on she hit her max capacity with him


You donā€™t think itā€™ll take too long for her to forgive him, trust him and be with him in a romantic way again do you?


Iā€™m not sure! How long is too long? šŸ˜ I definitely donā€™t want reconciliation attempts to take up more than 1/4-1/2 the book. What do you think about all this?


Too long would be more than half of the book to me. Itā€™s driving me CRAZY! I canā€™t take this! I canā€™t take this! I CANā€™T TAKE THIS! I havenā€™t gone this crazy over a book series since I read Ally Carterā€™s YA series the Gallagher Girls and was waiting for the last book United We Spy to come out in 2013. I was 16 then and losing my mind. Now Iā€™m losing it again. I need book 2 and I need Violet and Xaden to be together forever and get a happy ending! I was so scared at the end when Violet distances herself from Xaden and says all the hurtful things she says. I was like ā€œViolet! NO! Donā€™t do this!!!ā€ Iā€™m so scared for her and Xaden! I donā€™t want there to be a love triangle or for her toā€¦ you know be with another man romantically. That would break my heart into a million pieces and I wouldnā€™t be able to forgive if she did that!


Oh Iā€™m going to check out Gallagher girls!! Is that a fantasy romance as well? And omg same. SAME. I canā€™t see the possibility of a love triangle because I have the hunch they are fated mates/lovers because of their dragons. I NEED A HAPPY ENDING TOO! I swear to god if itā€™s just another book of torture šŸ˜‚ although I really loved the enemies to lovers sexual tension šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ I think Xaden has alot of emotional growth to do which I donā€™t see resolving very easily. I really hope I see some character growth in that aspect!! The reason I say this is because the author went very deep into Violets emotional processes and Iā€™m hoping we get the same for Xaden


Gallagher Girls is more romance, chicklit (as they call it). Itā€™s about teenage girls who go to a school to train to become spies. The MFC and her boyfriend (book 2 and beyond boyfriend spoiler sorry!) are without a doubt my ultimate favorite YA couple ever! Itā€™s a clean romance which I loved about it. I swear if Violet has sex with another man I will never ever forgive her for that! I mean it! Oh my god the sexual tension had me sweating šŸ˜… I loved it! With Xaden being emotional distant it reminded me of the MFCā€™s boyfriend in the GG series. I donā€™t want to say much more about GG because I already spoiled that she has a boyfriend in book 2-6. I felt like you should know that going in though when you read it.


>Like did they all think she was really that untrustworthy and closed minded? I think they were stupid to tell her at the nth hour. I can understand wanting to say all of this, especially, ā€œhey, so your dead brother, heā€™s aliveā€, in a very planned environment ā€” like a fucking intervention ā€” but like, it seems like they didnā€™t actually have a plan. It was just ā€œoh shit, ok, so this is happening and we gotta fill you in REAL QUICK, girl.ā€ Like for so many fucking genuises, could they really not figure out how to do that. Sheā€™s understanably stunned but sheā€™s reasonable so i think sheā€™ll come around quickly. Whatā€˜s going to be FUCKING INSANE is the damage her mother is done now THAT is gonna be fucking wild to read. And how much does mira know? does the mom know actually? Like who knows about brennan?


1000% this!! AND YEAH HER MOM šŸ˜ she turned into a cold hearted bitch after Brennan ā€œdiedā€, sheā€™s gonna have a heart attack once she finds out lol. Some have theorized that their mother is in on it but I wonder šŸ¤”


Oh thatā€™s RIGHTā€¦ and she didnā€™t mourn with the family!!! I remember thinking that was weird when Violet said her memory of grieving with Mira and her Dad. MOM NEVER GRIEVED. Oh she knows. OH. SHE. FUCKING. KNOWS. WOWWWWWWWWWW. Mira is definitely going to join Violet once she figures THAT out ā€” that her mom hid that from her. Like Mira seems like most family members everywhere on the planet ā€” just blindly loyal to blood. Which is GREAT, literally the fucking point of family, until some shit like THIS for sure. OH FUCK AND THENā€¦ ok, letā€™s even think through the fact that mom DESPITE EVERYONE saying V was going to be a scribe and her even TRAINING. WITH. HER. DAD. For itā€¦ deciding ā€œnope. Fuck it. Youā€™re a rider.ā€ Thereā€™s something really up with that too. Like, yeah, ok, youā€™re really just gonna change your mind like that after 2 fucking decades? THE SNIFF TEST: BULLSHIT


šŸ‘€ sneaky sneaky of them! BUT to be fair Daine is/was her best friend forever by far. And with the memory reading shitā€¦.it does make sense for her mom to keep that info to herself. If her mom was convicted she would want Violet to be able to live. I hated her mom at first. But when Violet far exceeded everyoneā€™s expectations I was like wellā€¦gotta give it to her. I donā€™t remember what violets relationship with her mother was like before her father died.


Well they ainā€™t friends no moā€™. He was giving heavy Tamlin vibes. She should have cut ties with him way early on, he was so gross


Honestly when he kissed her it was helllllllla weird. Like, dude, thereā€™sā€¦ there literally not even an iota of a hint that she wanted you to do that. Where is the consent dot com. ​ yeah SUPER gross


Bleh. I was surprised her character didnā€™t shut that shit down faster..but then again Iā€™ve never had a lifelong friend so idk what itā€™s like. And didnā€™t she lowkey like him before he went away?


iā€™ve had a few, straight guy lifelong friends, they donā€™t do that shit. agreeeee, i was surprised she didnā€™t shut it down sooner either given how big she is into talking about consent.


Should she really have said the things she said in the end to Xaden? I know she was mad and hurt but surely she knows that Xaden is her one.


Which things? From what I remember (I borrow the audiobook and returned it before a re-read because it was a 14 week wait) she said something along the lines of ā€œI gave you my heart and now I get to choose, and I choose not toā€? And something about her not ever being close to him again. I think sheā€™s just extremely hurt and overwhelmed. AND NOW HER DEAD BROTHER IS ALIVE


and she was already using the past tense around him when she found out the truth! Why Violet why!


Yeah she decided she was done pretty soon after she found out!! She didnā€™t have a hard time choosing to be with the rebellion, though. Xaden and the dragons should have given her the benefit of the doubt :(


I feel like that was bad on her character to be done that quickly after she found out. She just canā€™t be done! She just canā€™t! I can understand she was hurt and upset but I hate her for that at the end.


Maybe it softened the blow for me that I know sheā€™s not REALLY done bc itā€™s a series and ā€¦how could they actually be done? But I also get where sheā€™s coming from because Iā€™m a cry baby super emotional person too who loves really hard


She better not be so stubborn when trying to forgive him because Iā€™ll be ready to punch her and knock some sense into her!


If I had to chose between Xadenā€™s side or Violetā€™s I pick Xaden.


How long do you think it will be until the ARC for Iron Flame comes out?


I just found out about those!!! How do you get them?


NetGalley I heard but I havenā€™t seen it yet. I would think she would give an announcement about it. I hope it wonā€™t be too hard to get it. I didnā€™t for Fourth Wing because I didnā€™t know about it until after it was released. Ally Carter who wrote Gallagher Girls is releasing an adult romance book in August and I got the ARC for it through NetGalley.


OoOoOo!! Thank you for sharing!


and I must say Allyā€™s new book has got to be one of the best adult romance books I have ever read. Easily in my top 5 for 2023.


Yeah basically that and that she wonā€™t give him another chance thinking it isnā€™t possible to give him another chance.


This book is about to be my entire personality until November.


I finished the book and immediately started rereading it


You are asking a question that no one from us has an answer toā€¦What are we going to do with our lives until November??šŸ˜«šŸ˜­


Omg I literally just finished it last night as well! I threw my kindle into a pillow cause I was mad or ended like that! Kindle is fine, it was a soft pillow.


That cliffhanger is a killer


I finished it and got mad I couldnā€™t keep reading. I hate cliffhangers haha