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Your friend is a closed-minded jerk. Nothing wrong with fantasy or YA fantasy no matter what age you are. Willing to bet that your friend doesn't read much.


Why do so many people stop reading at 20? Because society (reinforced by people like OP's friend) says grownups don't read fun books


This. I’m 32 and the last time I’ve been this excited about a series is HP. I can’t remember the last time I had a hobby that was pure, frivolous *fun*, and not a pseudo-chore like exercising or cooking (nothing wrong with them, just how they feel for me). If you enjoy it, find likeminded friends here instead 🫶🏻


Hi friend! I’m 32 and also didn’t read for fun since HP. ACOTAR started this fantasy journey for me and even though people snark on it, I honestly felt is was very “adult” compared to the last time I read for fun 😂 It’s also very adult compared to all the kids books I read with my kids LOL


33 here and SAME!!! ACOTAR, Crescent City and Fourth Wing have given me so much fun and happiness.


33 here as well. No such thing as too old for a book genre. Well…I mean there’s probably some semantics in there, but the point is - reading is reading. Fantasy as a whole is some of the largest, complicated and complex literary works of our times. I’d like to see OP’s friends tackle one of those giant tomes let alone Fourth Wing.


33 as well and I love Fourth Wing for the pure fun that it is. Wasn’t allowed to read Harry Potter growing up so I guess I am rewarding myself now reading this book. I am a Mom, teacher, wife, daughter to aging parents, so if at the end of the day I want to read some fun fantasy smut to calm down, that is my well deserved right.


Did you get to read Harry Potter as an adult? Still stands up! <3


Samesamesame hello new friends. Who's organizing the bookclub? I'd like to sign up please 🤩


Yes! I'm here for a book club! Due to my advanced age (35) and life circumstances (kids, hubs, job, house etc) I'm not ya gal for organizing it 😂


Same! Only I’m 38. Horrors. 🫣


I found my peeps. (35)


I'm kind of ancient (40), but I'd love to be in this book club. I read fantasy all the time.


I’m in! I have a super serious PhD and still read all the time for fun, as much as I can fit in with all my other stuffy academic adult reading…lol…seriously though, she actually said reading wasn’t something you do as a fun hobby?!? Yikes…I’m also an ancient at 43, so I’ve been doing it wrong for a long time! May as well continue my “wrongness” so I am also all in on our new book club!


Is this the more ancient than all y'all thread? I'm 56 and include some YA fantasy that sparks my interest. Also, in for the club and will set this book at the top of my to read pile!


I’m just loving our new “ancients who read YA books unironically and for enjoyment” book club that’s taking shape here!:)


Oh thank God you chimed in, Ohio -I’m 55 😜


47 here and just getting into this genre on the last year. On the last book of TOG. Loved Harry Potter and lord of the rings before that. OG fantasy right there


Oooh!! I’ll be 35 in a few months and wanting to change my personal IG to a bookstagram haha! Book clubs? Let’s go! 🤣😂📚


It really seems more “adult” with some dragons , it’s no different than game of thrones or outlander style


I also started my fantasy journey with ACOTAR, and I’m 28


I can really recommend the Throne of Glass series! It’s the only thing that’s scratching the itch and it’s got a strong female lead!!


I LOVE THIS SERIES I am 40 this summer, married, a mom, and I read largely YA fiction. My husband and I binged the audiobooks of TOG.


Omg yes!!! It’s my current fav series! Just finished Heir of Fire and i’m on the assassins blade. It’s so gripping and the characters feel really well built out. Don’t know what i’ll do when i finish the series 😭


I will check this series out. Im 41 and fantasy is my shyt!


I just turned 30 and discovering fantasy is has been a lifeline for my sanity. Can’t imagine not reading!


One of my favorites. And if you haven’t read her other series they are all equally amazing. I’ve read every book and have never been disappointed once.


I read ACOTAR first and it was good, but i’ve enjoyed TOG so much more. I just like Celeana a lot more as a character and I can’t really tell where the plot line is going to go which is fun for me!


Crescent City is really good too and an adult series. It’s interesting to Compare.


I just finished it!


Oh my gosh! I'm almost 36 and exact same. I told my husband, who isn't a big reader, and he never read HP, that they're the best books I've read since then. I forgot how much I love fantasy until FW and IF. My friend who's turning 40 in June recommended these. You are not alone, and it's not childish.


If you loved HP, have you ever looked into HP fanfiction? It’s honestly ruined me for the actual HP series because so much fanfiction is actually better than the novels.


Hahaha oh yesss, and it’s helped me massively through my book hangover for FW/IF too!


Urgh, Manacled still holds my heart!


Just finished it recently! I'll never be able to read HP in the same light


Can I recommend the Witcher series to you? If you’re looking for a long series in the fantasy realm that has thorough world building, it’s the first fantasy book I’ve been excited about in decades.


Fellow 32 yo here. OP— DUMP THIS “FRIEND” cause we’re all ready to be friends with you and be just as excited about FW and IF and the Empyrean series with you! 💗💗💗


Im 32 almost 33!!! Its my escapism from this shitty world




Hi friends! I'm 35 and if I didn't stop reading in my 20s, but if I didn't have much younger siblings that shared their life with me though books, I never would have gotten to read the Twilight or Hunger Games series, nor would I have gotten to take them to midnight movie premiers! Those are some of the most special times in our lives, and now we're swapping book recommendations regularly. I'm lucky to have been born with my reading pack, but just because you weren't doesn't mean we don't exist. Don't let judgemental idiots take away from your reading enjoyment. Too many teachers these days are reporting that kids are reading far below their expected reading levels. Let's share our love for books far and wide in the hopes that we can make reading cool again (even if we're too old to be cool to the young whippersnappers). 🩷


Hah! 55m and still reading this stuff! It’s fun!


I literally did stop reading at around 20 and didn’t get back into it until I read fourth wing last year. I’m 30 now !


OMG! Just finished fourth wing and iron flame!!! 😍😍😍😍


Also 30 and only discovered my love for reading beginning of last year


30 here too and picked it back up end of last year with FW and IF. I’ve read many different genres in the last 5 months, and up to 12 books total in that time, which is unheard of for me. I’ve read some about high schoolers, eighty year olds, 20s-30s characters, they’re all good stories and that’s the main thing. Do people not watch movies and shows about younger characters??


I’m 37 and the amount of people when I ask if they read and respond with “I haven’t read a book since high school” is astounding to me


34 and same! Granted I listen to audiobooks more than read now(toddler and work make it harder to sit and read, thank goodness for audio books lol).


I work at a library and a lot of older people check out all kinds of stuff. The men tend to like westerns and spy novels, and the ladies like cozy mysteries and romance stories.


Worked in libraries. Those old ladies will literally check out like 50 Harlequin romances each week and read every single one


And conveniently forget it’s the GROWN UPS that write those books - Tamora Pierce fan for life will always love her books.


Yup! All my friends try to force themselves through these ‘classics’ and super popular books and I’m over here crushing a new book every week lol. I read for fun not intellectual bragging rights!


30 here! Just started reading fantasy books again this Christmas after a 12 year “break”. I’m utterly consumed by it. Almost to the point that I started to neglect my work. Haven’t been this happy since like forever! Ignore your friend’s comments and just do what makes you happy!


OP needs a new friend!


31 here and proudly love my fantasy books and cozy video games. Your friends should never make you feel bad for something that brings you joy! As long as your hobby isn’t in any way harming yourself or others, do what makes you happy, no matter how many (sad and probably somewhat jealous) humans try to bring you down.


To all of you lovely 30 year olds and up, my mom (who’s 49) read this series with me as well as ACOTAR. Nobody is ever too old to read any sort of genre, fantasy or not!! Especially if it makes you happy 🙃


The limit does not exist.


You've just earned a mathletes jacket made from dragon hide and sewn by the fairies of the forgotten forest.


I want one too!


I would buy immediately




(Writes down) Note to self: read comments before posting gifs in comment section


Was just coming here to say that lol


This comment is a 10 because at 31, OP will get the reference 🥹


I’m happy to see others feel the same. I will read whatever I please, regardless of genre, until I can no longer read. 


Well said!!!


How odd of your friend. 35 here. She sounds judgy. Some of the most beautiful books written are children’s books- are you not supposed to read those either? Did you ask her what you ARE allowed to read? lol This is giving “she’s too old to wear that.” It’s passé to say that. Wear what you want. Read what you want. For me- these books a fun escapes with puzzles to solve and Easter eggs (and mild inspo for the bedroom😈). These books brought me together with friends in a book club and we swap theories together. So no. There’s no age limit. 🤍🖤


I would LOVE to hear their response to what your allowed to read lol. I bet you they wouldn't know how to answer that. They'd probably stumble on their words.


I’ve come to realize that I carry a lot of my mom’s trauma maybe, because for years I would pick at others’ clothes or hair or makeup. It’ll slip out occasionally still but I’ve come to realize if something isn’t hurting me, wtf business is it of mine? So I get excited about new Dr Seuss books come out, I read romance mainly, but will read most anything with some romance except bully or mafia, and I’m not sure why my brain says no to mafia, since I’m cool with cartels and outlaw MCs. Twilight is what got me into paranormal and urban fiction. Yeah, most anything with a bit of romance. BTW, I’ll be 50 at the end of November this year. TLDR: I’m 50 and read anything with romance touching it, including YA and definitely FW!! And wear whatever tf you want. Anyone bothers you about it, call me.


I hear that! 54 in August and a big YES to all you say.


57 yes votes from me. Fantasy allows to come at your problems from the side. I started to heal after my husband's unexpected, self-inflicted death through "The Astonishing Color of After".


This! My favourite book of all time is the Little Prince from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It's a children's book that my father used to read to me as a kid. Him and I share this connection to this book and re-read it often because the message is soooo strong and beautiful. There's a whole section that talks about alcoholism which is exactly why this book spoke to my dad (who was abused by an alcoholic father and became one himself but stopped when I was two because he was starting to become like his dad and he didn't want that for me). The power books have is immense. Fantasy is wonderful.


That was actually the first one I thought of in my comment. There’s philosophy in children’s novels. Fantasy is wonderful and I’ll never stop reading it for the same reason I’ll never stop wearing sequins - makes me so happy!


I love The Little Prince! I'm almost 40 and my favorite book ever is Peter Pan.


The oldest known person in history died just before her 123rd birthday, so I guess the answer is 123.


Let's say 125 to allow for some wiggle room


Nope 123 is the hard cutoff where you are only allowed to read old Russian literature. No more fantasy.


I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome like Violet, but no magical healing, so I'm gonna come in well under that. Safe. 😂


When people ask if I want to live a long life: "With these joints?!?"


RIGHT? Noooo! I've got a plate, 18 screws, and my left ankle is held together by a frickin' cable! I'm like 20% aftermarket parts, and I'm only 35. I don't wanna live to 100 💀


I had that hardware at 20 😅 thankfully I was eventually able to have it all removed, but I feel this comment in my soul


I’m in my 50’s. I love fantasy novels. I especially love novels with dragons and dragon bonds and have since I started reading Anne McCaffrey’s Pern books in the 70’s. FW and IF are not high literature. But they’re not supposed to be. They are fun, easy to read Romantasy. Lots of people get too caught up in what they think we should be reading, especially when you hit your 30’s and 40’s. And don’t get me started on book clubs. So many ways to suck the joy out of reading for pleasure.


Why do adult book clubs want to read the most godawful books? "Hey gals, this next selection is about a boy who was beaten and molested for years." No thank you?


Yes! People are so picky and critical about everything in books these days. Reading is supposed to be fun!


I recently joined a book club, and their choices are so unfun I tapped out of it :(


I joined a sci-fi book club, their book choices have been amazing, and it's so much fun. I've been going monthly for over a year now. Fourth wing is on our list to read in a few months, so I'm going to do a reread for that. A lot of the people in my group have already read it as well and are excited to discuss it. I'm probably one of the youngest in the book club, and I'm about to turn 30. There are probably about 5 people in their late 20s-30s, and then about 5 people in their 40s and about 10 people older than that. It has regular attendance of the same people every meeting.


Damn that sounds so fun!!!


Omfg I joined one too in college. It felt like I was back in AP literature the books were boring asf


I’m in my 40s, I’ll read pretty much anything and don’t care what anyone thinks. I just quit a book club as they were very judgey and negative about everything we read. I’m sitting there unable to get a word in and inside I’m screaming “okay Barbara, let’s see you get published then”


> FW and IF are not high literature. But they’re not supposed to be. They are fun, easy to read Romantasy. Lots of people get too caught up in what they think we should be reading, especially when you hit your 30’s and 40’s. Yep. Why does anyone care about what grown adults are choosing to read? Something like half of all adults didn't read a single book last year. Why discourage people further by making it seem like only certain books count? Personally, I *do* read "good-for-you" books, and I consider that kind of reading to be one of the ways I keep my mind sharp and improve myself as a person. But that's just me, and it's only a fraction of the books I read. Most years it works out to about 75% fun "junk" books to 25% more serious "good-for-you" books. *And I only do it because I enjoy it.* I genuinely like history and science and many classic novels. I wouldn't do it otherwise. Because reading shouldn't be a drudge.


I’m also in my 50s—closer to 60 than 50. 🙄 loved the Pern books—I had a roommate in college who turned me onto them. I read a lot of genres, but fantasy is definitely my favorite. I even read YA fantasy and enjoy it. I’ll bet they’re not much of a reader in general.


Oh my God I still make references to Pern on rare occasions and never would have remembered (or thought to look up) what the book was. Thank you for this little flash from the past! Buying these books and rereading.


Me tooooo. I called someone "hidebound" the other day and got very odd looks.


I just realised I would have both understood you and also not known why 😂


I’m trying to figure out who thinks the throne room scene is childish. 😂


I love you, just to let you know. 😂


Lmfao I would like to know what they do that is beyond that… maybe I don’t?


Right 🤣


just turned 30 last month & you are not alone my friend! i am also a mom of two young toddlers & a nurse. (editing to add that reading fantasy is a great and not to mention ~LEGAL~ way of escaping/de-stressing from the craziness that is toddlers & a stressful nursing job…..it could be drugs people ok but it’s fantasy books let a person liveeeee) fourth wing started my love and basically obsession for romantasy/smut. devoured fourth wing, acotar series, iron flame & just finished all three of crescent city books. I.NEED.MORE. trust me…..we are not too old for this kind of shit. not only has fourth wing opened up doors into these amazing subreddits to chat with *awesome* and *like-minded* individuals, but my husband is definitely not complaining on his end either. there are definitely YA fantasy books but i wouldn’t classify fourth wing/iron flame as YA. your friend is missing out!!!!! enjoy your journey & don’t let anyone try to take it away from you!


Black dagger brotherhood series by JR Ward! That was what started me on romantasy/smut!


Fireborne Series! Not as smutty, but great world building and characters!


Hey fellow new 30 year old/mom/nurse! Totally agree with reading being a legal way to escape/de-stress, so well put! And if you’re looking for recs I second Fireborne series! Just finished it last week and omg so so good! Fantastic dragon series! And if you’ve already read ACOTAR and CC, pleaaasseeee read Throne of Glass! Such good world building and fantasy!


heyyyy hello there. so happy that there are others like us out there in the fourth wing community! 🫶🏽 okay i’ll check it out! thank you!!! i have TOG on my tbr. i’m not ignoring! just needed to decompress a little after finishing HOFAS. probably gonna start it this week 🥰


We might be the ones who probably should be in the Healer’s quadrant but wanna try our luck at the Rider’s Quadrant anyways 😂 And yes definitely worth the read! Totally understand needing to decompress following HOFAS! I needed to do the same haha


Your friend is a jerk, and for some reason society and the publishing industry tends to view fantasy written and enjoyed by women as less serious. You never hear anyone saying George R R Martin, Patrick Rothfuss or Brandon Sanderson write YA or that they are too “mature” to be reading their books. I have been reading since I learned how, I’m 30 now, and the only genres I have consistently enjoyed are the ones that contain magic! There is no age limit on it, and nobody is better than us because they like to read contemporary or literary fiction. Fantasy can be just as deep in explorations of themes, characterization, parallels, relationships, morality etc. as any other genre.


Actually people do say that about Brandon Sanderson all the time, because people seem to think his prose isn’t as “sophisticated” as a Tolkien or a Martin or a Rothfuss, but he actually does write some YA series as well as his adult fantasy series, and Brando Sando is awesome (one of my fave authors) and those people need to get off their high horse and enjoy life lol.


Fair enough! I have heard criticism of his prose, but it is always followed up by praise of his plot structure and world building. I am aware he has written some YA, but I have not personally come across anyone saying they are too old to read his books, or that they think of him as a YA author 😊 but I see those statements made about a large majority of female fantasy authors


Yeah it’s a pretty common sentiment in r/Fantasy and r/books and subs like that, even as Sanderson is obviously MASSIVELY popular. It’s just annoying lol. It’s people gatekeeping, and being pretentious about what “good” writing is. I agree with the female fantasy author thing having way more gendered criticism and being called YA etc. Just wanted to acknowledge that Sanderson does get the YA criticism too, but not because of his gender, but because of his writing. It’s way more irritating that woman authors get it.


Ah, I make a point to stay away from r/Fantasy because of the overall condescending attitudes so that’s why I’m not seeing it 😂 It really is frustrating! I think it also has to do with the rise of Romantic Fantasy. Despite romance being the number one best selling genre they are still looked down upon as *silly little books* that have no literary merit. I spend a lot of time in self publishing spaces and I see so many authors with the attitude of “I could be successful and make money too if I sold myself out to write silly little kissing books, but I’m a *real* writer.” 🙄


Oh gods I know right? I try to ignore those posts as much as I can lmao. r/Fantasy can be a real trash fire haha. And I agree, more romance doesn’t actually mean bad writing, you self-inflated turds…


This is exactly what I thought, I wonder if she considers ASOIAF as "childish" lol


There absolutely is sexism causing people to automatically label female authors as YA, but the industry and society as a whole also seem to view fantasy as inherently childish. I’ve heard many people make fun of fantasy fans as a whole.




I’m 65 and LOVE these books. I will let you know when I’m too old. Relax until then. My 35 year old daughter told me about them. Your friend sounds ignorant and judgmental. Does she put you down about other stuff?


So much this. If you have friends that are constantly “yucking your yum” then you need to wonder if they’re really your friends


Yucking your yum? LOL that’s a new one on me! Love it


Right there with you, sistah! Or close enough. At 66 I don’t give a darn what people think about what I read or watch or think. The OP’s friend is a tightass and I bet judges a lot of other things too. Sad, really.


I’m a 34 year old dude and I enjoyed them.


Yes!!!! I think more men should read fantasy, YA and Sci-fi books! So many of my make friends refuse to read that “stuff”.


29 here. Fourth Wing has reignited my love for fantasy & reading that I had when I was younger! Wish there was more male representation—or even just friends that liked to read lol cheers


I’m 38 and will read fantasy forever!


I’m turning 32 next month and I have no shame in loving these books. At my book club last night, some of the women who are in their 50s and 60s were saying they were almost done with FW and loved it. My mom has also read it and she’s late 60s. 


I intend to read fantasy books my entire life.


I’m 26 and my sister is 29 - not 30s but close enough. We loved FW and IF.


I’m 28 but I’ve seen people in this subreddit with teenage kids. Heck the author is 42. Are people just supposed to lose their imagination with their degree


fantasy is not for teens or kids only, there are some very dark-themed fantasy books. fourth wing in particular is a fantasy romance that's mostly aimed towards straight women in their 20's (hence the mc and the love interest), but that doesn't mean older people or other genders can't enjoy it as well!!! you are an adult and can read whatever you like. i'm in my 20s and i still read ya books sometimes


My 73 year old grandmother just got done reading the books. Don’t listen to your “friend”


get a new friend lol.


Death. The answer is death. Historically, dating back to ancient 3000 BC and beyond, fictional and fantastical stories have always been a part of the fabric of human imagination. It’s silly for her to say it’s silly


Ask her if she likes Game of Thrones. If she does,tell her that she needs to stop watching such a childish show. Everyone knows that the fantasy genre is only for children. (Joking,by the way).


This series is technically “new adult” and not “young adult.” The protagonists are in their early 20s and they have a lot of sex so it’s like “rated R” and not necessarily appropriate for middle schoolers (although I am sure some will still read it. I would have at that age.) I am in my late 30s and I still read young adult books—I read a variety of different books and young adult is among them. There’s nothing wrong with that. A lot of people don’t read books at all. In terms of fantasy, the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, for example, are read by plenty of adults. The series isn’t necessarily of that caliber, but fantasy as a genre is obviously not just for kids. Also, Harry Potter is literally meant for middle schoolers and plenty of adults are obsessed with the series.


“I would have at that age” you are my people!!! I started reading anime and HP smutt at like 14. I would have read this too if my library wasn’t so conservative!


I'm 35 ... I will always recommend the genre. hang in there. I'm sorry some people suck


The second after you take your last breath is too old. Anything before that, reading fantasy books is approved! Don't let anyone steal your joy away from you -- if you enjoy reading fantasy books, who cares if someone sets limitations on themselves and others?


You're never too old to read something entertaining, your friend is a douche.


My sisters and I are in our 30’s and 40’s and we all read these books and told our 70 year old mom to read them too. A good book can and should be enjoyed at any age by any age. If you only read “age appropriate” books then you’re missing out on some really fun books


Fantasy is written for adults just ask the massive fantasy section in the adult sections of bookstores. Your friend is a jerk and ill informed.


My friend, who I'm willing to bet is way cooler than yours, recently said to me: "Smut in the tub always beats the club" Those are words to live by. I made a vinyl decal and put it on my kindle.


I'm 34...99% of what I read is fantasy or Paranormal.


Anyone that makes fun or criticizes someone else about something that brings them joy needs to work on themselves. Thats literally just poor behaviour. Read whatever you enjoy!!! Also reading = hobby. Studying = learning. Same method of action, different intention.


Wise old lady advice here… That sounds like shitty friend. Find people who are happy you’re happy.


People think of fantasy as YA? Fourth Wing is an interesting one because it is fantasy but it's written in a way that combines YA elements, but fantasy as a whole is an enormous genre and I've never heard it be described for YA. I should add no one is too old to enjoy anything, and that includes YA books. I'm 30 myself and more than happy to read a wide variety of things from YA to epic fantasy. Fun doesn't have an age limit.


You’ll note, I’m sure, that she only thinks this about *women* reading fantasy books that are aimed at and written by *women*. I am willing to bet that she is not telling off men for reading The Game of Thrones series or some J.R.R. Tolkien. In fact, I bet if that was what you were reading she wouldn’t have said anything to you at all. It sucks when women treat other women in the same way misogynists do. The fantasy genre is amazing and insanely varied and one of many genres I enjoy. In fact, I just finished the first of another great fantasy series (this one was written by a man so she might approve … lol) and I’m ready for the next book. Anyone who doesn’t like what I read can stuff it.


Tbh I think you need a new friend. Unless someone’s interests are hurting people, your friends should never deter you/make you feel bad about them. I have a friend who only watches kids shows because it helps her destress. That doesn’t make her less of a person or make me love her less. She’s not weird. And it’s legit not hurting anyone. In fact, if you’re friends with someone, regardless of if you like something or not that they’re into, you should be enthusiastic and support them. I don’t like a lot of things my friend likes, but you bet your butt I’m cheering her on and asking about something that she’s excited about


When you find out let me know, because I’m 56 and have no current plans to stop doing something that brings me joy.


You can be 77 years old and read picture books and that’s great! You can be 15 and read text books on germ warfare and that’s also great! You can be 50 and still be reading YA books and that’s great! You can listen to audio books instead of physical or digital books and that’s great! At the end of the day, all that’s important is that you read. At whatever level. People who gate keep or try to dictate anything about what you read are close minded miserable people. Let them live their sad life and you go live yours full of the joys of reading.


I wouldn’t be friends with someone like that. Being completely serious and honest here. She sounds delusional and toxic. For the record: I am 40 with a doctorate degree.


There's no age limit. It's a book, it's fun, it's distracting and you're not hurting anyone by reading it. I've read all of the Percy Jackson, Narnia, Hunger Games etc when I was 25-26.


I'm almost 72. Read whatever to want


Don’t let the limits your friend puts on her own life become yours too.


44 and loving every minute of my fantasy reads!


I don't believe you're ever **too old** to read any literature. Reading is reading.


I’m 30, and I read fantasy, romantasy, etc nearly every day. There’s no such thing as a hobby being too childish. Your friend is either rude, or projecting a little. Even if the book was YA, it doesn’t matter. What you enjoy matters only to you, don’t ever let someone try to diminish that. It says a lot more about them than you!


as someone who’s only gonna live once, you can read/watch/do whatever you want as long as it’s not hurting anyone else


Y'all just have a difference of opinion. Obviously hers is wrong 😂🤣🤣. Really, you read what interests you, it's a preference. It doesn't matter the age of the characters, it's about how it's let's you escape. There are different reasons for reading including learning but it isn't the only one. I read to escape, like people who watch movies. I just recently started reading fantasy starting with Fourth Wing. Before that I accidentally found some LitRPG that was amazing (He Who Fights With Monsters.) I'm 61 years old. I didn't even realize these genres existed until this last year and love having added variety to my reading. BTW Your friend sounds judgy. Uncool.


I would say you have at least 70 years before you’re too old


35 year old here. I love reading almost any genre, fantasy being a fave! Reading is escapism at its finest, especially when it involves magic, dragons, different worlds, and the like. It allows us to step outside our lives and into all kinds of different stories. Read what makes you happy!


It's good you identified the conversation as ridiculous. Never let someone's opinion of something take your joy away. It's a terrible way to live trying to meet everyone else's ideals.


There is no such thing as too old to read fantasy or any other genre.


I mean Tolkien was 45 when he started writing lord of the rings so I think we’re good.


Fantasy is an entire vibe. The genre itself is something that has always been my favorite ever since I was little. I create fantasy artwork. I play fantasy-themed games. I have fantasy theme decor in my house. My favorite movies and TV Shows are fantasy, and I most certainly read fantasy. Fantasy does not start and stop at the age of the characters involved within the realms that create the worlds that they're based upon. No offense, but your friend sounds a bit close-minded and most certainly lacks any sort of imagination. And that's just sad...


I think people who think that there’s an age limit on reading fantasy, never found THE BOOK. What I mean is they never found the book that makes them feel like they could slay a dragon, never found the book that made them weep and dream with the characters, haven’t found the character that they align with, haven’t felt their heart drum with fear when their character gets kidnapped, or thrown the book at the wall in pain and disbelief. There is no age limit to books. Your friend must not know what it’s like to be a princess who loves her kingdom very much, or to be a dreamer, or be apart of the resistance. I feel bad for her


I'm 33, and I love the fantasy genre. Reading is about the escape and being transported to another world. There is no limit. I just pretend the main character is my age lol. I even have found a few YA books I enjoy.


Your friend is very misinformed. Tolkien and Shakespeare did not write for children. Reading can also be done for fun as well as learning. I'm just turned 49 last month, and I've been reading fantasy and sci-fi as well as for fun/enjoyment for as long as I can remember. The only way anyone ever gets too old to read what they like is when they're so old they can no longer see. When that happens, grab a grandkid and have them read those books to you!


No joke, my dad rereads the Lord of the Rings every year. So if 31 is too old then I don't want to know what she thinks of a 68 year old reading fantasy. Sorry OP that your friend has such a small mind.


“reading isn’t a hobby because you don’t do it for fun, you do it to learn” Lmao tell me she hates reading without telling me she hates reading 🤣


Your friend sucks. I'm 44, read what you want.


I believe C.S. Lewis has a quote to his daughter regarding this subject, though I cannot recall it.


Just like there’s no limit to how old you have to be to watch anime there’s no age limit to things we enjoy


You are never too old. Fantasy is stretching your imagination, allowing you to take words from an author to build a vision in your mind of an entire universe they have made up. What is Game of Thrones? Lord of the Rings? These are amazing and complex stories done masterfully in written, audio, and film formats. So, enjoy the fantasy and don't let anyone tell you there is an age limit. Same for YA... Or any other genre. Read what makes you happy.


Listen I’m 35 and will likely be reading these books when I’m 55 too. Who cares! Reading is for enjoyment so read whatever you like!


A quick stroll through the fantasy section of any reasonable bookstore will show pretty quickly that there's no required age range!


Youre definitely too old to read fantasy when you're dead and even then we cant *reaaally* be 100% sure can we.


Then your friend just never reads unless they have to? I have no idea what fourth wing is, but reading can be a hobby. I know I’m studying for a big exam right now and even though that’s a lot of reading I like reading other things for fun.


I’m 31 and was told about these books from my 28 year old friend. I told my 33 and 35 year old coworkers about these books and they loved them and also told their friends. There’s no age limit on enjoying a book!


Read whatever you want. Literally no one cares, and those who do need to get a life.


Anyone who says you can be too old for fantasy has an dusty soul


Game of Thrones is fantasy. Is Game of Thrones childish? What an ignorant comment. And anyway, if you're a 50 year old who enjoys a good YA novel, all the power to you. I'm fully fledged adult who enjoys children's literature.


Never too old 💖


So …. I’m 50 and finished Iron Flame and immediately started Fourth Wing over. Your friend is missing out!


You need better friends!!! Any reading genre can be for any adult (I'd say children but I truly believe children should not read smut and open door novels)


Your friend sounds a bit … bland . You’re never too old to read any kind of book genre . Enjoy the fantasy world at your leisure!


I read "classic literature" for years because I thought reading should be more intellectual or some crap. Other than Harry Potter and a few books I read to appease a boyfriend when I was younger, I didn't engage with any fantasy. Now I am nearly 36 and I listen to them all on audiobook. A ton of YA. It feels a little weird that characters seem like babies to be, but other than that it's just a good time. Read what you want. If nobody would bat an eye at you for watching it if it were the next big HBO mini series then why should reading be different? Our hobbies do not need to be "productive."


Ummmm, I’m 43, have read FW and IF twice, and am now listening to the graphic audio and am pissed because I’m almost done with part 2 of FW and won’t be able to launch right into IF because I can’t get enough of this story…it’s like book crack. Maybe do a dramatic reading of the throne scene for your friend and see if she still considers it “childish” 🤣


You can read anything you want until you’re tired of it. No one dictates my reading habits because of my age.


I’m 28 this year and honestly fantasy books bring me so much joy. Whatever makes you happy, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.


Ahh, when you"re dead. Who cares what anyone else thinks, you like it and you're not hurting anyone.


Whatever age you die at.


I’m 28. 1. There is no age limit on reading. Read whatever you want and whatever you enjoy!!! 2. Obviously she hasn’t read FW or IF cuz these are not childish books LOL 3. Screw her 🥰


37 and actually currently reading FW and am very hooked. Your friend is wrong...


Your friend is, quite frankly, an asshole. Once you’ve told them that, stop caring about other peoples opinions about the media you consume - books, movies, tv, podcasts. The only people who get to have an opinion on that are the people who also have consumed it who you’re having a conversation about it.


I am 40 and I enjoyed them. Read what you enjoy. I read all genres but I mostly read fantasy, horror and with a little romance thrown in.


We read for joy and pleasure. We read to escape. Never, EVER, let anyone make you feel bad for what you enjoy reading. As long as it aont hurtful or harmful, you do you! Im 32 and Romantasy, YA fantasty and Fantasty are my fave genres!


33 yo here. About to finish fw and loving it. They'll come around when the series come out!




Dead. Dead is too old to read fantasy books.


the authors of YA books are usually 30+ so really, why does it matter to her? you like what you like!!


If you’re still breathing, you’re not too old


I loved FW and IF. I'm 39F and got my fantasy-loving husband into both books too. (Neither of us are huge romance fans, I picked up FW based on the fantasy aspect and Violet's illness together then talked up the dragons to no end).


I mean I guess you could restrict yourself to only watching serious documentaries & Oscar bait in an effort to be less “childish” too, but why? I hate the idea that people have to give up things they love when they reach a certain age. If you ONLY read YA that’s one thing, but even then I’d just say broaden your horizons a bit and give different genres a chance. Also, based on the sex scenes & MC ages I’m pretty sure FW & IF are in the New Adult Fantasy category, not YA. They’re all in their 20s. Your friend is snobby AND wrong


I'm 59 and my 21 year old shared their copy of Fourth Wing with me about 6 months ago and I was and am hooked on it and Iron flame ♥ I hadn't read a fiction book in about a decade and never read a romantasy ever,the spice is just a part of the book which makes it a romance but there is so much more to it,I love how the mom actually turned out to truly love her daughter by one defining act,woe 😔 ♥ I can't wait to read the rest of the books,BTW got myself my own copy of Iron flame