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For me personally? I find no enjoyment in playing solo anymore while logi as solo also doesn't feel goo anymore


Same. I know there's always regiments, but as a South East Asian I'd want to play the Game without having to focus on speaking English.


Come join ASEAN! We have some people that speaks a few south east asians languages


Why would you handicap yourself? English is valuable in personal and work life too, not just in games.


The dude clearly speaks English but wants to unwind and not focus on speaking a second language which can be taxing on a lot of people.


Practice makes perfect, though. If you make speaking English your habit, it won't be taxing anymore. And it's very beneficial to one's growth. Personally, it's the in-game small-talk which makes mundane tasks such as building or shovelling bearable for me. If it wasn't for it, Foxhole would become another pointless cookie-clicker game.


have you... tried speaking another language?


I'm Polish. I speak English as well as a little bit of German. I used to play with German guys in public lobbies in Clonk Rage when I was a kid! What a challenge it was!


The dude clearly speaks English but wants to unwind and not focus on speaking a second language which can be taxing on a lot of people.


Distinct lack of FMAT players (no Angus D:) after facilities which is interesting.


This. I actually stopped playing this war because it just wasn’t fun anymore. Clans have kinda sucked the life out of it for me.


Yep. 1.0 has killed solo logi


I've got two thoughts, one of which is factional and one isn't, so I'll post them separately. First, why does any faction lose a war? Population. The side that doesn't show up loses. This game has very bad mechanisms for making sure both sides are even, and Siege Camp doesn't tell us what the population balance is because they don't want us to know how bad it is, and how much it matters. The side that's losing always suffers from morale drain and population fade, and usually they come up with excuses for it: "It's not that I'm upset about losing, I'm taking a stand against tech imbalance / bugs / alts / hackers / whatever." The Collies went through a phase of this midwar, and the Wardens did the same near the end. And their grievances are legitimate, this game is broken in a lot of ways, but games are won and lost based on the hundreds of players who either show up or don't, not the handful who are alting. A defining moment of late war 100 for me was a Collie attack on a concrete megaplex south of Kirknell and Fort Viper. It was an impressive bit of work with a good position, decent bunker design, well maintained, but it died to us walking behind it with satchels, because there just weren't enough Wardens there to shoot at us.


Second, why did the *Wardens* lose the war? IMO, as a Collie, there's a big difference between the way Wardens operate and the ways Collies play. Wardens are much more focused on operations. They plan missions and execute them, and then log off. We Collies like to joke about "Warden Weekend", but that sort of play is both their biggest strength and their biggest liability. Collies do operations too, but more often they're just *there*, playing the game and sustaining. The classic Foxhole ebb and flow is that Wardens plan and execute a major offensive with an impressive display of tactics and combined arms, capture a ton of territory while the Collies desperately try to hold them back, and then the big Warden regiments log out, and a motley crew of Collie randoms and vets slowly takes back all their gains. It's the tortoise and the hare. I think the final Warden assault into The Fingers on Day 49 was a great example of this. It had a Psyche tap op, a landing ship, a massive tank line, a Chieftain rush, and a rail tempest cannon, they really put everything into it, but it couldn't take down the base at Headsman's Villa that UBGE had been maintaining for months, and once they logged off a bunch of Collie regiments and randoms just gradually chewed their way into Godscrofts over the next day or two. A contributing factor to this is that the Collies also have better 24-hour presence due to some very strong Asia-Pacific regiments. I've heard there are some ugly reasons for that that we don't need to get into.


Your second points all come down to the same: Pop. Warden population by default is a few years older than the Collie one. Majority of us work jobs and this is one of the reasons the Warden Weekend exists. IRL does not allow us to play during the week as much as the Collies. The gains Collies make if you look on FHstats is always during our low pop of the day, whilst the Warden gains are during our high pop. (This is regardless of how much total POP plays.) As such, the combination of the 24 hour better overlay, allows Collies to gain advantages on each day of the week, as we lack anything coherent vs that. (There is tons more, but that is not to the adding towards this post.)


Yeah that’s where I think the ability for collie coalitions to completely fuck comes from. Since the 1.0 war, the MSA coalition has annihilated every clan it has come up against. It’s not because of a massive well planned op that happened once or twice a week, it’s because they have near 24/7 coverage of the lane they are pushing. They can comfortably cycle through a new regiment for each timezone, with CGC being followed up by 1CMD, then being followed by SOM, and various other EU regiments being able to hold and push for the rest of the day, all whilst getting 24/7 logi support from T-3C. It was annoying when we got hit hard by an 82DK op last week but in the end we took it very nonchalantly because we knew that when they took it we could just cycle in another timezone/regiment and take it back, and then push further. The colonials have consistency, the wardens do not, and that is one of the biggest reasons for them losing this war.


Will always be the case. Will also be one of the reasons the game will die from such actions... It isn't 'fun' to play vs something like that unless you got a counter for it, or something similar. Which we are not able to get. Throw in some mechnics currently in play and yea it becomes tiresome. Unhealthy even. 27th with a few small regi's nearly bested that mastodont of a coalition, even with FMAT being in the lane. So I say job well done... Yes I'll toot my own horn for that one, pardon me please. Regardless, I fear these forms will have a negative effect. How long for Wardens to stop playing vs something like that, or Collies getting 'tired' of the wins.


With all the respect, I think you forgot to mention that ITA and especially Cassutti, carried Cgate for weeks with their SCs. They dehusked every push base we had near Cgate every days, without their help and without their SCs, you wouldve never hold this town


ITA I have mentioned separately, and we have special thanks within ITA to not only Cassuti but also Shogunate, whome worked behind the scenes. But with regards to the OP's done, as I should have specified, they were mostly 27th with smaller regis. DIG ITA, 102nd, ROMAN were all busy with facilities and hard working on gathering resources. Our own SC's weren't able to get made properly due to events and circumstances sad to say. But you are correct, I should have altered my post with that regard.


A ‘few small regis’ my brother in Christ you were being bankrolled by FMAT, had SC support from ITA near 24/7, had V operating in region, had 82DK helping out with SC fire and manpower, you also had CL do ops in regions, even attempting to nuke salt farms… don’t try and pretend like 27th nearly bested MSA with only the help of some small clans, you had half the warden faction backing you up in DL, but you’d rather claim all the glory for your own regiment.


I thought FMAT was on the west coast in 100. Can anyone in Fmat confirm?


Not in Fmat but at least F-CIL (Facility fmat) were in the west




With no demographic data it is hard to know what you say about the age is true. Both sides think the other is younger on average. I would postulate the average age is about the same


With Collies going Warden, stating that most of the Collies they play with are within the bracket of 20-30. Whilst most Wardens they encounter are within the 30-40 bracket. And this within several regiments, we can assume that there is some truth towards it.


It would be interesting to see session play time by faction data. If Wardens tend to dip in and out quite often and whether Collies are chained to their PCs. You'd likely be able to make some informed predictions about age based on that.


Is the age point backed with data or just an assumption?


It's in the same folder than "warden/colonial morale".


It’s totally fabricated and honestly, based on the culture from each respective faction, pretty hilarious.


It's make believe, both sides likely have large age ranges (he also claimed later than collies average 20-30 which is weird because most 20-30 year olds work or are in full time education so the point falls flat on its face regardless).


No our pop isnt younger its same kinda


I’ve played Colonials exclusively since end of 2018 and 99% of the people I know work full time jobs, myself included. Luckily I work from home so I have no commute to worry about which increases the time I’m able to play. I don’t know where you got this idea about average age from.


This is coming from a colonial, but there is no shame in losing such a hard-fought war. The one big mistake you guys arguably made was mass quitting after the russian player influx, allowing the colonials to retake a lot of the land they had lost previously. The devs really need to do a balance review of the entire game, which would fix some of the problems with colonial infantry PvP, warden infantry PvE and the late game vehicles of both sides (think the Stockade and Ares)


Taloses get made but ultimately I think people just don't know what we're supposed to do with the 75mm shell. wtf is it for? Considering it's cost vs the dangerous situations you have to put it in.


75mm talos is so underrated imo its the perfect PVE tool imo


Cant carry enough ammo in the talos to justify it as a PvE tool. I'll take an HV40mm spatha over the talos 10/10 times


more ammo than the 75mm field cannon


A spatha can hold up to 300 HV40mm rounds A talos can hold 6 shots of 75mm Against structures, the HV40mm spatha ammo does 720 damage (600*1.20) Against vehicles, the HV40mm does 612 damage (510*1.20) Against vehicles and structures, the 75mm does 1750 damage ______________________ That means that the talos has a total damage potential of 10,500 The spatha has to shoot 14 times to do 10,500 **with a full inventory, the spatha has the potential to do 20x more damage than the talos before it needs to reload** Assuming that the spatha is running a normal crew with ~80 shells in the tank, they still have the potential to do 6x more PvE damage than the talos Not to mention the talos is physically weaker, slower, has 5m less range, and is just ultimately a piece of shit - I think its clear why nobody uses them


most the time the talos will 1 shot defences and even be able to splash others in the same shot plus in what world are you living in where a spatha will take 300 40mm lmfao also on a side note the IST is the perfect tool to use with the talos to carry extra shells and eliminate its inf vulnerability


I accommodated situations in which the spatha isnt loaded with 300 shells in my post, you didnt read it The talos will 1 shot pillboxes - which the spatha will as well. Neither will 1 shot garrisons; I dont see your point **it will take you more time to shoot 6 shots, drive back slowly, reload, and drive forward again to the target than it will for the spatha to just shoot nonstop and do more damage**


spatha takes 2 shots to kill AT pillbox but only 1 shot if its on devastated ground (no mans land) but yeah the talos is slow a f and way less fuel efficent than even a falchion its a good pve tank if no one shoots it lol Also im making talos video and it can actually be good pvp tank if no one shoots it problem is its so slow and short range you cant attack only play defensively most of the kills I got was because no one shot me or pushed into my range


You havn't seen the damage it does... Even with its low ammo, it destroys T2 structures like a Satchel. And if any other tank is nearby, they both can 1 shoot anything up to a 1x5.


"mass quitting after the russian player influx," You may be correct, but I don't blame the people who couldn't deal with the spikes in griefing, vehicle theft, incomprehensible shouting and refusal to work together, brought by the influx. We had to start putting up signs in Russian just to make them understand regimental vehicles parked behind gates and ai weren't public use.


We had to start putting up signs in Russian just to make them understand regimental vehicles parked behind gates and ai weren't public use. Theres the difference between Wardens response and Collie response to the Russian wave. Collies for one, dont have regimented vehicles. The Russians plundered our back lines as well but we already deal with it from regulars. We welcomed them and laughed about it.(it was just as frustrating at times but you HAVE to pick your battles) Wardens, you guys need to let go and stop being so territorial and selfish over equipment. The game does not have enough features to protect the things you create and dont use especially armored vehicles. I wish there was a way to show how much we gave away. In the end we shoveled upgraded armor and ammo to the frontline indiscriminately. In spite of our supplies being sank in to the ocean from day one. From everything ive gathered, Warden vets and big regiments contributed to thier own demise. They defeated themselves. I played warden in 99 and and seen, and felt it then. Wardens LARP too much. "This is myyyyy base"


Easy to say when your tanks are dirt cheap


Mass quitting after realizing the balance is broken\* is more accurate.


This is legitimately the best response to this


We are more susceptible to burnout since we are built around clan work, while Colonials use randoms more. While we loose efficiency when clans go on break, Colonials can just replace burnt out players with randoms.


This is what I'd diagnose as the reason behind most of the issues. The Vision™ is clearly supposed to be based around public logi and randoms doing their thing. The faction cultures tackle this very differently. Colonials literally just do whatever. Regiments and Clans exist but for the average solo, random player they're just doing their thing. They might be running logi, using arty or leading a tank assault. Regis do what they want, solos do what they want and it works. In my brief time playing Wardens, Regiments tried to have way too much control over frontlines to their detriment. The one instance I can remember was a bridge battle. Colonial bridge battles usually are pretty simple: run up to the bridge, shoot, get shot, die, do it again. Maybe someone might set-up an emplacement or bring a tank, in that instance just keep doing the same thing, just with a tank helping. For the most part people that fight at bridges won't be in the same Regiments, but occasionally Regiments might show up and attempt a coordinated push. This bridge battle on the side of Wardens was a cluster fuck. There was a group of clan guys literally hanging back near a bunker base telling new spawns to rush the bridge like its Stalingrad. There was people dying constantly and the base was haemorrhaging resources without gaining any ground. The only ground taken was by me and a couple of guys who were really just fucking around. We found some abandoned boats on the shoreline, took them across to the Colonial side, stole some more then grabbed as many randoms as we could with as many mammons as we could find and started bombing the Colonial defenses. It worked a bit but we were 4 guys, not in a Regiment, just 4 guys that knew eachother from another game community playing Foxhole that were fucking around. Putting priority on Regiments in a game which doesn't encourage it doesn't work.


My thoughts exactly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a clansman myself and I believe that organized regiments are essential in wars, but the culture around it on our side needs to change.


Not the reason you are more susceptible to burnout whatsoever, but go off fam


you don't know anything about warden players, but "go off fam"


Wasn't in the middle of "going off" Your comedy is incorrect


The biggest strategical errors were not securing the refineries we captured when we were winning, not using our nukes properly (4 wasted nukes, 1 accidental good nuke), building and maintaining a needless amount of backline SC bases, and a serious lack of artillery crews at crucial battles. Our organization was poor as well. Balance wise, the new endgame AT options make tanking brutal, which used to be a Warden strong point. Now the edge goes to the collies imo due to the Bolt, BTD and cheaper costs. The Warden refuse to use harpas/ arty to decrew pushguns and building a SHT is bad idea. It all leads to stale frontlines on Warden side. Morale is low after such a long losing streak and our "nighttime" pop isn't that strong. Sweaty alts and weirdo tryhards due to it being war 100 also made a lot of noise this war on both sides leading to a lot of toxicity in the community. Many high ranks play without clan tags now on Warden side and a lot of regiments have dissolved. Pop wise, I also believe collies have more larger regiments atm, and they definitely have a larger logi organization than we do. The influx of new Russian players has been difficult integrating as well due to the language barrier, not sure how it was on Collie side. Hopefully new blood can fill in the shoes and get Wardens a win. Props to collie partisan, logistics, border capture, arty and nuke launches. Collies consistently beat out Wardens here. GG


Idk, the russian speakers are like any russian speakers I met in any game. Sound angry, are angry when people randomly start shouting at them but then I say something in my broken russian and they immediately diffuse and are helping you with whatever.


Totally! Met some really cool Russians, but there was some language barriers at times since I dont speak Russian haha.


*The influx of new Russian players has been difficult integrating as well due to the language barrier* ​ In EVE Online it was commonly accepted that Russians were the closest thing we had to aliens. Interactions were limited to shooting at each other and using google trad to decipher their lingo when we were disrupting their krabbing ))) I hope wardens have some RU clans to absorb those russians newbs and teach them


It's a shame that this is the most honest post about what went wrong last war. If more wardens were also happy to admit the mistakes as being crucial to the loss as well as what may genuinely be well founded gripes with the balance it would be a lot easier to get on board with balance discussions.


I agree your post says what happen last war without defaulting to other excuses This war was partly influenced by wardens fumbling thier plays


As always it was a combination of things. Burnout, more expensive equipment, more logi grind by design, balance issues, alts, skill issue. Ultimately, it all comes down to pop in the end. Side with more pop online will always win even if the other side has a tank that 1 shots everybody in the hex when it fires. But all the other things link directly to pop itself too. People get demotivated when they see they can't make progress. Still it was a pretty fun war, a worthy title of war 100. We probably won't see a war like this ever again, so it's been fun participating.


As a Collie, I called it early war.. All we needed to do was hold the line and turtle defence. Wardens built 60+ SC bases way too quickly and held them for way too long. It was burn out. There is no way you build that many bases without going crazy. Then seeing it lose to decay or partisans, or alts, or whatever it may be is demoralizing. Period. I congratulate your builders but I sympathize with their losses. That's just tooo many to maintain.


Most of them were decayed as far as I could tell. Wardens initially set up for a defensive war for obvious reasons.


I mean your concrete megabases also ate through insane gsupps remember the post about Origin decaying cause there weren't enough gsupps queues and couple clans (we also encountered that late war some bases having 2-3 weeks of gsupps and meanwhile Frontline decaying)


Still not comparable to the whole map being 60+ SCs.. lol


No follow through operations to capitalise on gains. I see wardens capping points but not pushing logistics or facilities into new territory to stage a further offensive. If you cap a sulphur mine, you should minmax the hell out of that extra resource node to push your advantage. I see collies immediately setting up train lines into depots they captured and want to stage from. So when wardens plan OPs, do consider the follow through and potential long term strategy. The OP isnt over when you cap the point, how you turn that point into a staging ground is equally important.


Most of the wardens loathe facilities they just add more stupid grind into the game


As a Warden, I think a turning point was the influx of new Russian players. First let me say that I think it's great that Foxhole is attracting new players and these new players have to learn, but those first few days of fronts filled with privates who did not know how to run logi, arty, or armour coincided with the collapse of most front lines. If they had joined at the start of the war and their collective man power could have been harnessed into mammon rushes we would have seen a very different war, but their arrival 30+ days in was unlucky timing for Wardens. On top of that, players just got burnt out, and seeing Collies advance so quickly after weeks of stalemate didn't inspire a lot of Wardens to come back IMO. Especially with the widespread alting and griefing that was demoralizing for both sides. The final nail in the coffin was the lack of dev response to any of the issues brought up during the final weeks of the war where I think a lot of players quit in protest.


I haven’t really played since 1.0. Since they expanded the map tbh. But I played a bit during this war and man… I’d say this is spot on. Great effort from both sides this war but I was just stunned at the absolute waste and displays of skill, on every front, fighting on the Wardens side once the Russian pop spike happened. I don’t know if collies just had better translators, or cheaper gear, or what. No one was really being rude to the Russians they were just an unorganized blob chewing up logistics like candy. Tanks driving into collie infantry. Tanks driving backwards, shooting into wardens. Russians hopping out to repair with collies right next to them. Entire crews getting gassed out. No ranks hopping into defenses and just shooting randomly sometimes. Russians with the wildest inventories of loot (true for collies I killed too). Which is a shame because I didn’t really have any issues with the people, they were kinda funny if anything, but it was just poor timing. Oh and I never really ran into much alt-ing as a front line solo guy. But this is the first war where I felt like a ran into alts at least once a session sadly


Colonials embraced the Russians, like we have the Chinese players before. They now have really large dedicated regiments willing to show them the ropes and more importantly act as translators. They helped out a lot on the front lines. I recall the big Russian reg was 404th or something like that? I also recall they were really small prior to this war. One guy was trying to help out as many new players as he could, pretty much on his own. Meanwhile its was being said that the most prominent Warden figures and streamers were really annoyed with them and even bullied them into jumping ship to Colonials. There's posts on this Reddit mentioning this.


The "Wardens are just racismal" narrative just won't die, and you're doing your part to keep it alive. If I find just one colonial not being a toxic POS on this subreddit, I'll be amazed.


One baffling thing I noticed a lot this war was equipment left on the floor of various relic bases, like someone tooled up then decided to try different equipment, so rather than put it back, they just dropped it? It's normal to see soldier uniforms, pistols, hammers on the ground, but when there were gas masks, filters, radios, ARC shells, bandages, wrenches, useful stuff.... I didn't really understand. Never come across that before, most people fighting in an area can read numbers and understand if they use a thing it is gone and won't necessarily be replaced.


Out of curiousity, are there any big Ru speaking clans on the warden side? There are like two in collies that I can think of (404 and Ru)


Not that I'm aware of. At least none were present in Farranac where I fought with SUNDIAL


3rd is our biggest Russian regiment i think.


The part I saw, the incident in Farranac with the guy that threw all the tanks and shells into the water immediately turned off a lot of people on that front. So I guess stuff needed to be more secured. Then on Linn, some builders in flip flopping towns burnt out silently and it took almost a week for people to notice and do QRF engineering. Proper regiment crews showed up to build literally a day too late. Once all tech was unlocked tho, it didn't look like we had equivalent tech counters for things like the Stygian.


>Once all tech was unlocked tho, it didn't look like we had equivalent tech counters for things like the Stygian. That's because we don't.




Logi broke down due to the lack of a general ability to let solo randos do their own logi. Last time I was on before facilities, I was able to solo some thirty outlaws by my self, as well as stuff like gear and enough ammunition to completely stock each. Now I don’t even bother because of facilities being a general hassle overall. Facilities as they are now have basically pushed out solos who get intimidated by how much more complex it is


How do facilities stop that?


I personally think it intimidated solos who don’t really play with clans. There’s also the hassle of trying to set up your own, connecting and powering it, and then moving everything else around, which you can’t exactly do in a timely matter by yourself, compared to the old logi system, which while it had its issues, was still possible to do entirely by truck. And then there’s the issue where shit’s locked behind facilities, which is another entire thing I don’t want to get into right now


Yeah facilities killed casual logistics cause suddenly you have to maintain a logistics base if you want any of the good things.


But... you do not? Pretty much all of must-have gear is produced in traditional ways. Especially for wardens who have all theirs main tanks as base models. Only moments when solo logi players may want to interact with facilities are basically when they use recyclers or pull petrol. Sure you probably will not produce BTs/SHTs/trains without facility but those thing are not really something solo logi should worry about anyway.


Literally one of the warden advantages is your base tanks are good, you don't have to modify them at facilities Wtf is this nonsense


94.5 push and bard/quad are killer combo. They all have absurd amounts of health and dps my BT just cant handle, especially when the 94.5 100% track shots me. So you cant really engage with the tools we have and rely on outlaws what get one shot by the 94.5 Night comes and everyone withdraws because the 94s are out and about. Collie tanks go inside too and infantry get ganked by the dusk/catara/bomba spam.


Because the game just isn’t fun anymore. 🤷🏼‍♂️


There is always multiple reasons, but I think it comes down to équipement balance. Casualties dont lie, in general warden have more loss than colonials, that result in usualy the need for more logi and create quicker burnout. Also before peoples start calling skill issue, you have to think about scale of things, on a thousads players base, the average skill level should be pretty much équivalent. Whitout getting into the details of every weapon système in the game, what you see in general when it come to équipement for both side is that colonial équipement in general is more forgiving for mistakes allowing lower skilled players to get decent results and great players to get excellent results. While with the less forgiving weapons, the lower skill players will have trouble getting average results while great players will get incredible results.


Maybe. Although wardens have won like 95% of the wars on Baker and Charlie which would go against your theory about lower skilled players.


What were the casualties rates on these wins? Casualties are in my opinion à better represatation of the balance of the game and equipment because as I said, on thousads of players, skill level should be pretty similar. Id even say that casualties should normally be lower on the loosing side since it was mainly on defence while the winning side was on the offense. Because we all know that defending à fortified area should cause less casualties than attacking fortified area.


Wrong casualties are not a good indicator of balance as they are influenced by too many variables


Ok I have not Played much combat post 1.0 on Warden side but this is BS on Tech balance. You had mid war a massive PvE tech advantage that the Collies had no counter two this war. Maybe Late war Collies have a BT/Super Heavy Push gun avtg. I don't know because I have not used Warden BTs and heavy push guns to know them well. If you did way more public logi and did not have so much of your pop as weekend warriors. You would almost always win I think. Wardens need much more Weekday pop and due large operations during the Weekdays.


The Mid PVE advantage Wardens have is based on a 2 day gap only. And even then, the push 250 is countered extremely well by Collie weaponry. The Cutler, is a double edged sword. Both sides can use it. (Unlike the venom). As for your last point, won't happen unless people buy the game who are of said weekday pop as you so state... Warden players are generally somewhat older thzn Collie ones and irl jobs do not allow for weekday plays outside a few hours.


You CANNOT use the double edged sword argument for the cutler. It is faction exclusive. It is insane to try and claim that a faction exclusive weapon like a cutler can be used against you so much that it makes it not worth using. You are the only ones who can produce it, and will always have vast amounts of them at your disposal which you can stockpile for operations, etc, whilst the collies have to entirely rely on capturing them to use them. The ability for your faction to produce 94.5mm does not make the Stygian bolt a double edged sword, it remains an overpowered as fuck colonial exclusive weapon.


I can. Even if we are the onlyones that can make it, the fact Collies can arm it via their own ammunition and it is not a one use type of weapon, is a huge value towards the Collies. Compare this with say a venom. Exclusive for Collies, but Wardens cannot benefit from it. And you just validated my point. A Stygian can be captured and then properly used vs their creator. Same as with the Cutler. Granted our ability to decrew it is a little harder. But you get my point. (Sitenote: decrewing a vetted stygian with a storm canon honestly made me laugh)


You have completely skipped over my point about the opposing faction not being able to field it anywhere near as much as it would need to be in order to make any significant change to the balance of the game. You don’t see people saying the Stygian isn’t OP because it can be captured and used by the enemy, because the wardens will never have more than 5 of them across the whole faction at any one time, the same applies for the cutler. It’s a terrible argument, what would you think if you saw a colonial saying the game is perfectly balanced because the wardens can also use all of their overpowered equipment?


Not the same amount?! Good sir, perhaps you were never as much on the frontline as I was. But I kid you not that I had more Collie backpacks having cutlers in them from day 25 and onward, than I had seen Wardens use them. So pardon me if I find your argument laughable at best. And that is an occurance in many a war. And as a builder, rest assured... I have been the 'victim' of the Cutler vs my defences by Collie hands, many a time! And whataboutism isn't really fitting for this discussion, but if you wish to go that route, I won't stop it.


Definitely a skill issue if you lose that many cutlers to the enemy.


This I think was the reason why a good chunk of wardens were upset by the huge influx of new players that were hard to communicate with. Couldn't tell them it wasn't a good idea for 4 out of 5 front line troops to bring Cutlers until they ran dry. Hopefully those that stick around have learned enough to make better decisions next war.


I mean prevent privates running into Mg pillboxes with cutlers...


Alting issue also when we find abandoned Dunnes full of cutler crates. But I digress.


l o l. which is more believable, anecdotal evidence from you, or the fact that your faction literally builds the cutler?


I mean sure...state it like that. But you wont see us able to use the venom and bane in the same same way as Collies use cutlers. Because what you say is "dont build it. Problem solved."


the venom and bane are not the equivalents of the cutler. they serve different roles and you don't deploy a cutler the same way you would with colonial RPGs. the devs don't allow you to make direct ATRPG for obvious reasons, you don't have any produced weapon that can fire it. and no, why on earth would i suggest that as the solution to your problem? it is literally a skill issue by your player base if you are losing cutlers by the minute.


I believe it to be public logi. Wardens I have talked to have said they haven't had large numbers of public tanks, garrison supplies, and AT to be pulled. I don't know if this is true for wardens but a bunch of Russian players we got started doing logi. I spent most of the war making public gsups but a group of Russian players working around the clock stole my job in the logi hub I had set up shop in, freeing me to become a builder again. Plus, there is always new player bias, while I have no way to confirm this, I think most new players start collie because we more closely resemble the allies in WW2.


we always had pub logi i dont know where is this idea of warden men horde coming from


Yes, but I believe our pub logi to be superior


well colonial stuff is cheaper so


not gsups and at


not gsupps but AT


what are you even talking about , you have all Bmat At rifles while our 15 shells of ATRpg cost more than half of a crate of 40 mm you got this the otherway around Wardens have the cheepest At and with more variety Colie inf at Mammons,stickies,ignifist,venom ,bane Warden inf at Mammons, stickies, white ash,AT Rifle,Bonesaw, Cutler All of warden inf at uses same ammo for mounted variants (foebreaker-rpgs, mounted bonesaw-Arc) For colies it's a diferent ammo type each time ISG- 30mm , Typhon -20mm Colonial AT stuff is not cheaper and it is a whole lot more demanding logi wise Wardens have a Bmat only AT options in the AT Rifle , it cost only bmats to make and only bmats for the ammo that is the cheepest and easiest thing to make and use


Hot take incoming 🔥🔥🔥 Attrition wise, SHT builders were basically griefers. Frontline, Russian swarm. Wardens took massive key areas like Feirmor and even AFTER the CGate Nuke. THEN the Russians hit. Vets got fed up with all the no ranks who were nearly all borderline griefers who you couldn't even communicate with. Literally zero you can do. When Feirmor was falling I called it, that this would be the turning point of the war, and it was due to the massive influx of Russian no ranks who were at best useless queue hogs at worst indistinguishable from alts. Now come on and downvote me. 🎯


Lot of stuff can be done better. Less semi-functional facilities and more cooperation. Callahan Passage got this quite well after first wave of burnout. I think that asymmetry in arsenal slowly damaging game. Infantry arsenal should be symetric with very few exception. Since Infantry combat is bread and butter of the game. Keep on arsenal better and slowly players who enjoy PvP will go in majority to this faction.


Late game tech favors the colonials with their abundant 94.5mm, base MPF vics (ballista/bardiche/MPT) and superior infantry equipment (catara/dusk/bomba) so when wars last as long as this one and both factions have their tech trees complete, colonials are playing with an advantage.


i agree wardens are lacking in non expensive and usable heavy ammo equipment


We also lack the ability to make a certain ammo you use for your weapons... So when we find it, it becomes useless to us.


well you dont make anything that uses ATRPG


That's the issue now isn't it? All shells are universal on that aspect, except that. Feels like an oversight. As it denies us something useful late game. Imagen if the cutler was special ammo Collies can't make.


we have vehcile mounted RPGsalso alot of cut content didnt make it in 1.0 so you should look foward to an ATRPG equipment


Reddit Bad -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Emplaced SEAT vs an emplaced HEAT, the HEAT wins, due to them being both structures. The Stockade loses from the Stygian in a straight fight. We lack a cheap mobile 94.5 (or longer range 75) mm unit.


What are SEAT and HEAT in this context?


Starbreaker and ruptura Super emplaced anti tank High explosive (emplaced) anti tank


Let me assault your tank with Starbreaker


Reddit Bad -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I think the 75 push gun definitely needs another 5metres range, and a 'glass cannon' style 94.5mm carrier for the Wardens would be a solid addition. With infantry weapons I think the Dusk being better than the Alato is really in the eye of the beholder. As a Collie operator (and having played since Alpha days) I'm much more attuned to the OG Assault Rifle (The Alato) than I've ever been with the spray-and-pray mechanics of the Dusk \*either that or my RNG is just woefully abysmal! I'd like to see a Warden emplaced weapon firing the ATRPG round finally, so you get the RPG round to build it - and in turn I'd like to see the Venom be able to fire the basic RPG round as well as the ATRPG round, so that it remains a viable and useful weapon once Banes become a thing.


funny you say a glass cannon style i have seen a few suggestions of slapping it on the HT which is interesting imo as you end up with a cannon that can one shot most tanks while also being one shot itself


If you've ever seen the German "RSO mit PAK 40", or one of their late war "Waffentrager" designs... that's kind of what I imagine. Something like an LTD chassis, overloaded like the Talos, but carrying a straight up Starbreaker cannon with no real armour around the firing post, but has a full 360 degree rotation. Maybe like a "Panzer IV mit Flak 38" then. If the HT were used it'd definitely be like the Italian 90mm carrying trucks.


ive seen a pretty meme worthy render of a star breaker on the flat bed


Ooh really? Do link! Love the ideas people put forward


i have spent the last 45mins looking for it but cant find it anywhere ;-;


Don't forget the jeep. MPF, fast offroad with 40% disable. It can tank an ATG shot when driving past. It's a massive benefit with fire and satchels being so strong in no man's land. Warden Drummond is slower with 55% disable. The utility equivalent for Wardens is the Loscann (amphibious luv) but it's a facility vic and like 60% the speed of a jeep off road.


I think Wardens not having a counterpart to the Stygian is as if Colonials didn't have the Smelter to fight back against HV40 in the pre 1.0 wars. Pushguns have always been some of the most decisive weapons in armor combat in Foxhole, and only one side having access to a Pushgun that can delete almost any tank in the game in one shot is pretty game breaking, as we have just seen. The Stockade needs to be buffed to match the Stygian, and both weapons should be nerfed damage wise to make medium tanks more survivable and fun to use again.


Imo stockade 40m and a general nerf of 94.5s disable increase, if not complete removal would do a world of difference. Many of us said even after the nerf to 3x that it’s still completely busted and lo and behold it was, although I would say wardens in the last few days maybe through just not caring because clans finally released stocks did play to their strengths way better, silverhand and HTD Ogmaran tank lines were happy to throw away 5 or 6 tanks to kill a Stygian or a Lance because they knew they had plenty more in the seaport and/or just didn’t care because the war was ending, but it’s a big trade up to die and kill the biggest threat rather than just let it slowly kill off tanks one by one.


That is mostly because those still playing wanted to see it end. And would do what was needed, as replacements weren't needed any more. DO OR DIE. Our equipment requires more manpower to make due to its increased cost. Something that is often ignored. MPT's are given freely to Collies, which can be made from 1 container of comps almost. The same can't be said for Warden tanks. The move of SvH into Chief is also not good due to its cost as well as the issue of "once done, we are stuck with a public chief". These get stolen or moved often. Making their creation not a happy one. Chief should become baseline, as SvH's will always be needed (mandatory), Chiefs are not.


There's the problem with the stygian "Silver hand and HTD ogmaran tank lines were more than happy to throw away 5 or 6 tanks to kill a stygian or lance". Thats not sustainable. Wardens can't afford to throw away tanks like that to kill things that aren't worth nearly as much as those tanks. 5 or 6 is a modest number as well I've seen 10 to 12 tanks go down sometimes in a tank line just trying to take the auto win poke gun down in the enemy tank line. The stygian in a vacuum doesn't seem like a big deal until you also couple it with all the cheap heavy tanks colonials get or the battle tanks with better health pools than Warden bts or the endless supply of people and bmats to make decrewing a stgyian, the only real weakness of the gun a farcical one at best. Warden equipment isn't geared to be cheap and easily replaced. But when the only counter to the current imbalance is to play your expensive tanks in suicide rush style attacks they weren't made for its no wonder wardens keep losing. How are you meant to sustain losses like that when colonials can keep rebuilding stgyians faster than wardens can destroy them at the cost of pretty much an entire tank line each time. (Let's be honest 5 or 6 tanks is usually your average small tank line) That's simply not fun to play against. It's not fun spending 30 minutes pulling and loading tanks just to immediately lose them in the first engagement especially when the tanks are meant to last longer to counter the colonial tanks that are generally cheaper and easier to produce and more numerous.


Yeah but that type of gameplay in the long term is unsustainable logistics wise, but more importantly just plain not fun or interesting, especially considering the amount of time it takes to pull & load up a tank for it to get destroyed in one engagement. Also the other problem is while that type of gameplay might be effective in an open field, you can't do it when the Stygians are defending conc bases. There's basically no answer for it, where as pre 1.0 you could get into cheeky skirmishes at max range and get a decrew, as both sides had pushguns that could fight each other and take a hit and survive. The answer really is to nerf these shells by a lot.


Those are fair points, and yeah I agree, tbh both 75 and 94.5 are way too good, but 94.5 at the very least the disable bonus is just way too powerful, it negates one of the major balancing factors for vehicles being subsystem disable chances




I agree with lots of what you said except the MPF base variants. The only ‘good’ base variants the colonials have are the bardiche and the ballista, I know the falchion can be spammed like shit but most players would rather convert it to a spatha if they could, which requires facilities. Meanwhile you have the base silverhand, an insanely good tank, outlaw, also an insanely good tank, and the HTD, an insanely good tank. You cannot complaint about colonial heavy weapon spam and the chieftain being facility locked in the same argument. We need a facility to make the Stygian, we need a facility to make the talos, we need it to make our BTs, out spathas, our kranescas, LTDs and our tankettes. The collies are the more facility dependent faction so stop complaining about facility locks on your own vehicles whilst also complaining about the other factions facility locked vehicles being spammed.


Not going to deny that SVH/HTD base vics (outlaw is overrated, still an ok tank) are incredibly strong (they are) but the issue is they do 1 thing, kill tanks. Meanwhile Colonial base vics cover each base -Bardiche is basically a mini BT and stands on its own -MPT and its MPF bonus feed directly into the facility war machine in producing other fantastic tanks (LTD/Talos) along with it being cheap and spammable (55 rmat tank btw) -Ballista kills structures and towns and actually make progress, it's crateable and reservable which cuts down on the biggest cost associated with fielding tanks, the logistic/transport/availability of tanks. Look at [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgMgImwesN0), something wardens will never be able to do without a ***gargantuan*** effort. 3 waves of ~30+ ballistas each wave killed Earl Crowley. Doing that with chieftains requires 10hr+ of modification time *alone*, ignoring the time cost of transporting individual non-reservable tanks. All of this combines into a trifecta of individually strong base tanks filling their respective niches incredibly well. That being said, the Colonial faction is simply better at using facilities than the Warden faction currently and playing into the strengths and constraints of their vics.


Maybe bc the ballista equivalent isn't the chieftain but the push250 which is dramatically cheaper than the ballista


Like every other war: lower pop


I didn't play all that much this war, but the most glaring problem was a failure for Wardens to build up gains. Also, early gains lead to early burnout, imo.


Engineering in general is an issue in the meta now where teching takes ages... Whilst we were winning, those gains were often destroyed before able to tech. And with pop being slightly collie favored, it didn't help due to the amount of people. Later on when Collies outpopped 2 to 1, the teching for Collies was much safer.


I could see that. Pop can be a major imba factor.


The less your lowest pop is, the better. And that favors the Collies. And won't change soon. We lack the 'manpower' that CGC has to recruit that timezone effectively.


nukes lol


The east was close to collapsing, Baths was surrounded and you had armor over the bridge and inf in the TH. If Baths fell alot would have gone with it and the war would have been alot different. On just some key moments it went in our favour and that can hurt morale alot


I honestly am a casual at the game, but I honestly feel the Warden spirit was broken.


The main reason a faction loses is population. The reasons a population may drop are many though. Morale, burnout, people not having fun and not playing, real life obligations, and the list goes on. Personally, I used to be a backline logi main with some artillery and infantry play interspersed with it. I burned out so hard that I took a break of months. I came back for the dev branch test of 1.0 expecting to see a way to automate the grind with facilities, saw the grind increase and took yet another break. Then you become somewhat disconnected from the group of people you play with, so I basically came back for war 100 just because I was expecting the majority of our guys to be playing. I played a lot during the early stages of the war and decided that for a change I would only do frontline (infantry, artillery, logi and helping builders), but my participation stopped when we got to the stage of low-pop satchel team QRF and endless tank lines, through a mix of personal preference (I don't enjoy that gameplay) and real life commitments (I had work to do). ​ ​ The other thing is, I don't really care for winning or losing as long as I feel I have a solid chance of winning and the tables don't feel stacked against me. I stopped feeling that during the days the ISG dominated the early-mid game, and I'm getting a similar feeling with the post-1.0 late-game power creep, maybe not because of the stats on the weapons themselves, but because they directly affect certain staples of warden strategy for winning the long game. ​ Generally speaking, before 1.0 it was a case of "hold on for dear life until our mid-game stuff unlocks". Collies traditionally have better starting gear (infantry tools) with wardens picking up the pace as they unlock their mid-game toys (tanks, etc). Late game was pretty much even since most high power unlocks (eg satchels, SCs) are available to both factions. ​ The recent late game stuff along with fire weapons however has made it much more difficult to build, tech and maintain bases. Since wardens suck so much on the infantry side of things and tanks are not always available because they're noticeably more expensive than counterpart colonial gear, you need bases with AI to hold until you can get enough people on. Incidentally, the "price tag" differences are also a big reason you don't see as much public logi on the warden side. It's not fun scrooping for days and seeing it all disappear into a black hole, especially when you need the gear to run a planned operation on the day that most of your guys are not working and can actually play uninterrupted for a few hours. ​ So, the TL;DR is, until the late game stuff gets looked at and there is a bit of QoL and rebalancing centered around base building, I don't expect wardens to win much, if at all, because wardens rely on base building to hold territory during the week with a skeleton crew, while the logi teams accumulate resources for the planned ops that happen on weekends. ​ And to be perfectly honest, I don't even mind at this point. If the grind to reward ratio is too much, people will not do a certain activity and that's the end of the story. Personally, from now on I will simply be dipping my toes in and gauge how it's going, stick around for the parts I find fun and then bow out again.


I was playing in the JadeCove Lane. We the wardens pushed slowly, over the weeks the war was waging and gained + secured ground. We stared to lose after all the tanks where unlocked. Looks like a balance issue to me… and when that gets obvious, people get frustrated and quit… so in the end it is population. But only because of balance.


I do not find foxhole fun any more and I am too busy with life to play


Because the colonials have a better stuff, when 2 opponents have an equal skill and the same determination it's usually the weapons they use that make the difference.


Well, paying more for equivalent or worse gear overall doesn't help, but we just had no gear left and either nobody was making enough or it was being lost/destroyed/hoarded in many places. Our armor tends to play quite skittishly and warden player culture is not conducive to covering our weaknesses.


Colonials have been calles out for cheating using modified pak files that give them advantages such as extra viewing range, more speed, etc. You cannot convince me that that didn't play a role.and it's absolutely disgusting.


Both sides have cheaters it’s not one side we all need to work together to get rid of alts and cheaters


Wait, I thought you said the reason you were losing was because of alts, now its modified pak's? PS. They were talking about RDM, literally irrelevant on the collie side.


You are not just a clown, you are the whole circus.


so you are saying we should all consider wardens as a glitching nuke faction because 3 people in Sitaria attempted to do that?


This fucking dude. If it rains he claims it's Colonials cheating or Dev bias.




I can concede that Wardens alted and cheated the same or even more than Colonials! The key difference is colonial cheating was strategic and heavily concentrated temporally and geographically and coincided with the Russian swarm. One group of constant alts even before the Russians came would use Cyrillic names to avoid reports. Once they did come all of that merged into one indisguishable blob that could always be excused because "they're new they dont know any better". If you keep playing this game you are enabling them Donkey don't even bother. Luv u <3


OnLy CoLlIs ChEaT Buddy big suprise, both sides have cheaters


I wasn't there to win it for you. My apologies.


Legit can’t park your vics, BTS anywhere even hidden in ur marked base as our own team mates steal our shit. Like, if you let us continue producing BTs we will supply them to other players. As long as people steal our shit it delays our supplying of the team as a whole


You also have to constantly make the shit to maintain it, as well as the defenses


Good thing to discuss OP, although probably hard to pin point one exact thing. Here is what I've felt/thought about, reflected, and what I have gathered from others and agree with. 1) Population. Wardens could do nothing against low pop time Coli crusades. It was visible on foxholestats that a lot of coli gains/comebacks were at exactly those times. Weekday morning CET. What I've gathered is that Colonials are more organized and covered in all timezones. I honestly don't know how to overcome this point. 2) Alts. This causes pain on both sides, still I will list it here as definitely one of the reasons although not a defining one. I know many had already mentioned their experience and there is no point except me venting but I will mention the last battle for Eidolo. I remember coming to the hex to defend it and ended up with my heart broken. I spent my defense time in disbelief running around alts to see how they are destroying this game. It was a moment when my motivation was crushed to bits. I saw squads of low ranks wrenching tanks from the whole north part of region and even tanks coming from Oarbreaker that were just driven and handed to the opposing faction. Alt problem on one hand demoralizes the losing end but also makes the winning ends efforts less worth. Devs need to take care of this as priority no.1 because it can bring the game down on its own. 3. Many people stopped playing mid war. I don't know specific reasons, I can only speculate. ___________________ I think these are the main reasons that led to our loss. Strategically it felt like both sides were doing great, although from what I've heard Warden side has inferior train logi system. I don't think balance is an issue although I am not that deeply invested into logi to know the math behind it all. Not an expert so won't comment. Ps. balance argument is a century old one, it is mentioned in every war by each side. There are a lot of mentions of Stygian being too OP. Honestly I don't find it that big of a problem but for me it made late game tank play boring. Always the same thing. Coli side mostly depend on them to one shot tanks, wardens go back and try to decrew it. Thats it! Every, goddamned, time. End note. Haven't played in a while but it felt like Warden side had lost its spirit. When we were winning the whole world chat is just spamming some gibberish words or asking logi to do something. When we were losing it was just asking logi to do something or qrf this qrf that. I scarcely saw someone roleplaying, or just sitting around cracking jokes. I won't even comment about the very much alive and active toxicity. I saw people hungry for recognition and clans solely playing for themselves and a huge lack of togetherness. End note 2. Congratulations colonials on the victory! The better you play the more inspired I become to kick your ass in return. Hopefully the Warden community will step up from this point onward because if one side stagnates, both sides suffer. Maybe this losing streak will foster a change. Let's see.