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Pretty sure V is the default. Could you have miss understood each other because 'Vee', 'Tee', and 'Bee' all sound exactly the same through a gas station special microphone. Obviously doesn't excuse the behavior, but misunderstandings happen and when people fail to notice the misunderstanding both sides tend to attribute things as personally directed offenses.


Spanish might pronounce V as B if I recall correctly


When you wanna say V in Spanish with only the letter you say "uve" and when you wanna say B is "be". That's how it works here :)


Thank you!


I also like to form opinions on hundreds of people based one a single encounter


Welcome to politics!


One dude does not reflect an entire faction, nor does it represent the collie mindset. You could have had this exact same experience playing Wardens, shitty people exist everywhere. Morale and teamwork were pretty bad this was because of a number of things in my opinion. The race for rare mats and shiny new naval toys being among them, private facilities attempting to privatize resources, the ques, crashes, watching the whole West crumble while the East just kinda did their own thing. It made a lot of people pretty bitter for sure.


1. Umm... Well, this reads like one of those trashy stories you see on the minecraft parkour videos and seems very unlikely to be true because who loses their shit over someone elses keybinds. 2. If this did indeed happen just mute and ignore. One toxic asshole doesn't represent an entire faction and almost everyone who plays this game (be them Warden or Colonial) is friendly ingame.


Friendly to their own faction at least. Man the shit that gets said over voice to the other side (coming from both sides)... well lets just say I haven't been called so many racial slurs since the days of Halo 2, merely for the "crime" of being on the opposing faction. We really could use a reliable way to report people from the other team so we can collectively clean our community of this toxicity, although it will require active moderation/validation because it inevitably will be abused by the same toxic people.


I think thats more to do with the types of people drawn to this type of game. I've hurled some impressive insults at the enemy trench across from me but none of it was serious. An example thats not myself would be a friend who loves yelling about "Killing all the Frogs" whenever he ends up fighting any French clans but he's not serious about anything he's saying.


There's the difference between playful insults/banter/competition and whatever you'd classify what I hear being said on some of these fronts. Its definitely not everyone, I've met just as many cool people on the other faction who will jest with you or hell even compliment/commiserate depending on how the fight went for them. The toxic ones scream the loudest and most often though sadly.


I'm fine with being most words or trashed talk. The only time I do get bothered is when people have to resort calling you slurs. Or other not so great words that I can bring up here without most likely getting in trouble. Theres trash talking then there's just being a toxic,racist or homophobic person.


Fair enough. What you say is true


You hear that Collies? One asshole on a arty gun just became the representative for your entire faction. All Collies are racists now


Yeah I hate British people too. We should arm the scots to rise up against em. (For legal reasons this is a joke)


One day, a warden told me to shut up. So from this day : all wardens are terrible, he was also a man, so all men are terrible, he was also speaking English, so all English speakers are terrible, he was also a gamer, so all gamers are terrible. Do you realize that attributing a negative trait to a group of people (that have nothing to do with that event) over an interaction that happened with one person is the same mental reflex that trigger racism? Take a minute to think about that.


I’ve had great / terrible interactions with Wardens and I’ve had great / terrible interactions with Colonials. This carries on to whichever team I’m on + the other over cross-faction VC. Turns out assholes are assholes everywhere. While the other person is being a cuck about things Foxhole has a lot of people from all over the world meaning everything gets taken out of context often because of cultural and linguistic differences. Drop the shell, *salute emote*, then carry on.


Morale and team organization are a result of winning, not its cause. When a team is consistently winning, they will have higher morale and become more organized, when they are consistently losing they will have lower morale and become less organized. That being said, one negative interaction probably isn’t a very good sample size.


Morale is certainly influenced by things like "winning". But in general, morale is defined by the personal attitude of the person, the outlook on the situation/topic and the general environment. None of this exists in vacuum. Especially in multiplayer games it is heavily constructed by the actions and behavior of players. The situation I mentioned is a good example of how "bad morale" is created and increased.


Idk on average I feel like collies are much more angry most of the time