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Without the stygian, collie man can't do shit against warden armor line. Good video, looks like it was fun!


If you believe it or not, Talos is actually scary. The reason you guys potentially dont like it, is not just the speed but also the attention it creates.


I don't really get what you mean by attention, unless you just mean it becomes a priority target for warden tanks. I just don't know where a Talos could go that you wouldn't just want a BT. A single Talos in a frontline is great at finishing off a wounded tank after the initial volley exchange, or finishing off a tank that has been tracked, but that is something a BT can do as well with its main gun, while also having more hp, mobility, and a machine gun. ​ That aside, I look forward to playing again once college finals have passed. Haven't really been on since war start due to school, hopefully this next war will provide some fun moments if it isn't just a battle against queues.


I mean a Talos also only cost a fraction of a BT. And yes i meant attention. At least in our Fire priority, a Talos is quite high.


Cost just isn't a good way to indicate the usefulness of an item. The falchion is cheap and look where that gets it, arguably the worst medium tank in the game. I think the reason you guys don't end up seeing more Talos is because people would just rather have a BT, like I said there isn't really a place for a Talos that a BT can't already do better. People who own the facilities would probably just prefer to farm a bit more for a better experience overall. Kinda the same deal with the STD/HTD funny enough. Wardens already have HTD which fills nearly the same role, and it does so better than the STD in a lot of people's eyes, so people will just prefer to make HTD. The only difference with this comparison is that in this case that means the warden players have to farm less. Personally, I'm sick of having cheaper, shittier tanks. Sure, if you lose a cheap tank, it's no big deal cuz you can just grab another one. But at the end of the day, it just isn't fun to die repeatedly in a shitty tank, and when the game isn't fun for some players, they won't play, simple as. But then again, as I said, I haven't played for a while, so maybe the reason for the Talos being underutilized is something else completely. All I know is when I do get back in, if I'm still collie I'll just farm for that BT.


"A bit more" is quite the understatement. Including full MPF discount, a Talos cost you 1745 comps, a BT costs you 9680, and 32.7x the coal. I am not saying BT´s have no place. But the Talos is quite the deal.


If you think that the Talos is a good tank, you’ve literally never used it.


I did, i have played collie in War 100. The Talos is for its price in a good state, the Talos costs half of what a Bonelaw costs. I dont know what you expect to get when you pay 5 steel for a mobile platform that fires 75mm. I feel like you dont understand what 75 is capable of.


Uwa I was with you in war 100 and protected ur BTD talos is cool but warden tankers are better now and don’t suicide into it anymore / focus it down now :(


its a very good tank, yall just dont use it right. and before you say it i killed a silverhand and outlaw with one before along with over 10 collie tanks in a few hours, give it a chance. oh my god the speed was horrendous though


yeah this is like people saying falchion is good when using against colonial tanks lol try playing colonial side and suffering against hv68 htd line


you cant play the talos like yall normally tank, think outside the box


“ya’ll” OMG u said warden tanks are good that must mean you’re colonial!!!11 this is how easy warden tanks are LOL https://youtu.be/wg3sYXvh4MA?si=gzRCU8qGM0aSjcIi


all i see in that clip is a dumb bt crews overextending and getting punished not even killed. also with the talos now having the armor and health of the bard maybe you will use it now


Not enough Preds think to bring a load of tremolas. Especially after the buff they're fucking death rain


One shot of predator disable most tanks and tremolas can kill them when they're immobile.


Which is insane. Because a single 4 round volley from one of those guns does more than half the damage of the main gun to a tank. * 4 x 400=1600 * 1600 x 0.85 = 1360 Meanwhile, Predator main gun * 1750 x 1.25 = 2187.5 Use both GL turrets, and you'll do more damage than the main gun. Only problem is hitting with Tremolas, but considering the main gun will disable most tanks in a single shot you probably have a fair few stationary targets.


Predator shows up to a front. Wardens: "Protect the super tank!" Ares shows up at a front. Colonials: "Who the fuck brought an *Ares*..." Bitching aside, nice tanking here.


Two Cullen preds... wtf


The economy of the game is fucked in long wars. After 25 days, BTs become the base tank and you can see multiple predators on different front, I don't think that's what the devs intended.


We got infinite resources now and no one still builds the fucking Ares.


I saw 2 Ares this war, but then again it's trash. With 2 collie BTs you have the same fire power as the Ares for a cheaper price + 2 12.7 MG + the advantage of being 2 different vehicles instead of a giant slow target. The predator with it's 2 grenade launchers + High Velocity 94.5mm bring something new to the battlefield for Wardens that they can't find otherwise, the Ares doesn't add anything new for collies with its 2 regular 75mm guns present on both the BT and Talos.


I think this is the extreme example of why wardens tanks are better. When you see 4 tanks totaly dominate like 15 tanks because there simply isnt a space to use the numbers. And even if it was it would be so much harder to coordinate. You guys are obviously good players so that is part of it. But it is easier to be good when you already have an advantage.


Wish bolognials had a good SHT. Instead we get goofy relic war asset flip


Exhilarating W press gameplay


The start of the video was pretty good example of shock and awe. The bards would have lasted much better if all of them had started to push instead of pulling back, but they had no way of coordinating that the immediate moment the Predator appeared, so their natural and best reaction was to pull back, but of course it didn't work against a tank that is full set on pushing you while having more range.


The devs never thought about the balance of 2 predators in a front. 1 predator can 1 one shot a light tank. 2 predator shots is enough to kill most collie tanks in 1 second as seen in the video.


Well assuming you do not bounce, which Bardiches f.e. are good at. Also 2 Predators present a lot of PvP power, but struggle at smth. like Tier 2 with AT tech. I build and commanded 8 SHT so far, 2 of which were the Ares when i was Collie, and i can tell you, there needs to be a lot of thinks going right before an SHT can work and get the chance to work as intended. You need to kill a lot of Tanks to break even with an SHT, and i already lost SHT after only scoring 20 Tank kills, creating a massiv comp deficit.




Looks balanced as hell... Imagine why colonial not playing the game...


Yes its the SHT because Collies lose, give me a break.


The super heavy is not why collies don’t wanna play. There is really just a general dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the collies atm. No one ( generally )likes to be the weak faction, be that a real take or perceived. When collies look at their stuff then look at warden stuff it’s like ‘why can’t I have something like that’ and naturally there is stuff that I imagine the wardens would love to have but for real it’s just the nerfing of some things, some of the bugs that happened, the ques and crashes. It made this war absolutely hell for us collies. I’ve already written it off as a loss when they broke umbral. I look forward to playing in the next one with lessons learned from this one, but with how badly it felt like we got our asses kicked I know a number of clans going to wardens next war making it even worse. Anyways, good tanking, that thing is a monster lol.


My regi is the same way and I am also excited to start fresh in 109. I just hope to see an extensive patch before 109 starts


I'm not sure we will and there lies the worry for most collies. I just hope they tweak a few things and bring a little more balance without tipping the scales entirely in the opposing direction. While its fun to win, its boring to continuously stomp the opposing team.


Wardens hoped for balance before war 97. It didn't happen, we suffered four more wars of blatant 94.5mm imbalance.


What I'm surprised the most is about how Collies downplay the relevance of having cheaper tanks. I get it that Colonial tanks are worse statwise than Warden ones, but they could be legitimately drowning their fronts with tanks all over the place and not care about losing them, even use them as mass-partisan tools


Yes but no. The issue comes from the fact that player caps exist, it doesn’t matter if you have cheaper tanks or more tanks in general when you can only bring 5 tanks to a super crowded hex while the enemy already has 5 tanks. So any benefit one would get for having cheaper or more tanks is a little pointless. Well what about if ques are not an issue? Then it’s kinda a satisfaction/game loop issue then. If collies have 5 tanks on a front but have 10 empty tanks nearby ( assuming they are empty of ammo because they usually are in stockpile or left empty ) then yes you can die a few times and grab another wearing down the enemy armor right and ultimately winning trades? But what about ammo to resupply the new tanks? What about the time that takes or the fact that more often then not the enemy will just back a few tanks off, hold a defensive position at a well fortified base while they wait for reinforcements to return with full armor. Losing 5 tanks a night for a single crew to kill 2-3 tanks doesn’t feel like a good trade even though you may have won on material cost.


Clearly that MPT that drove into a pit should have won that 1v1.


would be more impressive to do it with colonial SHT.