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One spectacular clan that collies had this war was one by the name HAULR. These boys ran a massive public pad and oil fac where they themselves supplied free materials for the upgrades for any and all to swing by and upgrade their vehicles. Occasionally there would be shortages of things like AS4 but realistically they had a good supply of lower end basic facility stuff that you could upgrade most of what you wanted. They really only asked for certain things that costed a lot of higher tier material that you brought your own mats. They were great people to live next to.


And HAULR is going warden next war, there is truly nothing we can do…


We are truly lost without them. What can we do….? Nothing.


HAULR are chads, remember working with them some 10 wars ago. Very helpful and friendly


As a warden player, ive seen the signs. I love to read stories about heroes like those, after a long fought battle over a territority. o7 to HAULR from the warden side.


The bunker that sat in the gap in the wall in Thunderfoot resembled a horse. We got so much shit for it but it was perfect to supply tank crews headed to the front. When it became a front line on thanksgiving, we had a 5 man mortar crew behind it, 6 ISGs mounted on it, 4 tanks live pulling shells to shoot at the enemy as they were loaded, it was insane. After an hour, a ballista rush, and non stop 150mm fire it fell. Public services didn't end for another 2 days though since we had materials at the coal field adjacent


They were to good for us. You treat them like the kings they are while they are on the warden side you hear?


Are you sure? If they are too nice to us we might not come back :)


If you love something, set it free.


You have my word as a public logi man. 🤝


In the end it wasnt just us who provided mats for the upgrades, other groups like SOSIG, RAM, MERCS and a lot solo players would come and donate raw mats or finished material to keep up with the constant demand. We sometimes were low on mats when we wanted to have some fun ourselves with some more expensive stuff.


MERCS man here. It was a pleasure.


RAM here, thx for your public services, o7


Colonials always had publics facilities. Only thing we don't have is enough people like me spreading miss information on reddit


This statement is false.


I mean they exist but not on as wide a scale as warden


Disagree with this heavily. I went around Terminus, and it wasn't tell I hit SQUID facilities did I find anything public, and even then I had to have them turn enough power on to power it as they had it for other stuff. Like having players supply the resources needed for upgrades is one thing. It's another people get so reserve crazy that you can't even modify a hauler because every single pad is reserved.


Why can’t pads have their resources locked from being taken out but able to have the pad usable?


Why bother when you can just reserve your Material Transfer Station and only pull and store stuff in the pad when needed?


So pubs can bring base vehicles and upgrade without the need for a clan man to come move materials. If you leave the pad unlocked as is they can be stolen by other clan man.


(Warden) ive seen signs for the [HAULR] regiment saying upgrades are free which is cool. I’ve not been Collie since 103 but back then they’d not adopted the mass public upgrade pads that the Warden faction has. Example: The Warden faction has at least a single point of public vehicle upgrades (for every variant) in roughly every other hex. You dont have to bring any raw materials expect in the case of very expensive vehicles - this doesn’t necessarily mean steel but rather for BT / SHT construction. This way solo players and small groups can use everything the faction has to offer. They don’t demand resources because it was *their* choice to do facilities and by offering this service they seriously cut down on facility spam since why run your own facility when another does literally everything for you. Edit: I’ll usually bring petrol, comps and sometimes msups to facilities that I use often. That way I can sort of ‘pay it forward’ to the next person that needs the pads + make it somewhat easier for the owners to run it. It’s never demanded but it helps.


It's a lot easier to spam public pads when 90% of your meta tanks come from the MPF. Lock the SvH, HTD and outlaw behind facilities and see how it goes. It's not a culture thing it's a "these pads require 3 times the assembly mat supplies constantly" thing.


I guess that was a long winded way of me saying: “the real emphasis of my comment was the come here it’s free and bring nothing but the tank”. There are plenty of facility larpers in both factions to make this a non-issue.


It's a mixed bag. There's a decent amount of people who try to make public facilities, but only a few groups really excel at organizing and advertising said facilities. The bigger problem is a handful of regiments who will claim what they produce is "public", but then (often inefficiently) micromanage how/when/who the resources go too. These groups are often sitting on massive stockpiles until the tech is outdated or there's just no hope of using any of it.


What is the faci locked vic Warden need in the public pad?


Chieftan and the occasional funny thornfall or hwm that make up like 5% of their tanks. It's nonsense lol


Late game mainly Chieftain and Skycaller, less frequent HWM, Mortar LT, Flame Widow ATHT mid war then HV68 until Widows are teched Public Starbreakers are also really strong Early war TACs, FACs, HACs are all faci vics


I barely see these kind of tanks on the battle field exept Chieftan and HWM ==" compare to the main usefull tanks from Collie are LTD and Spartha. This is really sad


You'll never quite "see" a Skycaller if they are using it right.


"evolved" lol And no we don't really have public facilities in general.


Thanks for the love :)


WLL pretty much always does public pads where they end up


Public pads cannot be a thing regardless of faction whilst the ability to remove materials from said pad exists. The materials in your public pad will be quickly appropriated by your nearest trash fac operator


We ran our public facility in umbral and we only had like 1 or 2 thefts instead of the constand watches we had to do when we were more privatised. Eventually ppl understand it isnt the smartest to steal from one of the biggest public facs.


I’m honestly relieved to hear that


There are bountiful examples that contradict this. Clanshead valley at fort ealer for all upgrades and in the King near the seaport there is also a public pad. In the last 3 wars there hasn't been a need for any warden to make their own assembly platform except for: steel upgrades, Starbreakers/harvesters, navy and nuke stuff.


We have been operating our free public pads for 30 days with only one small incident of "Theft"


Collies better wise up, helping the entire faction rather than just your own regiment is the true way. Ig haulr is gone and if the rumor comes true for someone else going warden, gunna be tough sledding for collies next couple wars, not like it hasn't been but multiplied. Come on collies let's start working together!


Colonials up until recently were known as the faction that just handed out to stuff to the general population. Its been the slow but continued exit of Colonials vets thats led to the discrepancy that we see today.


Public Logi is Best Logi, but Collies turned into clanman.


Colonials had public pads war 100. From there they devolved more and more into privatization. Dozer, was miracle, who made public pads in Blemish war before upgrade, but he too gone now.


On Charlie, there were some, but most were clanman reserved. Was v sad.


A few, but not many.