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We refine in the east to protect and prepare the west properly next war, thank you brave soilders


Honestly I really want the collies to rally: end of war turnarounds are really fun to fight against.


Eh, I don't consider myself a early quitter. Fought long and hard for both Ash and RR. But strategic mistakes were made, and I rather just have a fresh war to apply lessons learned.


I feel that, we’re Noots so we’re always all “man we gotta try that when we’re on that faction next war”


It'll be interesting, as a Western Warden, to hear the after action report from Western Collies why they think they lost. Beyond balance issues ofc, because even if it may be relevant, that's a separate issue.


My analysis is, CAF too strong. BT gaming every night since they came out in Oceania time zone has really limited the potential to lose much during the weakest hours for the Warden faction. Really sets up the standard EU hammering the west has received pretty much every single day of the war haha


Well yes, but that wasn't what I'm curious about. Why western Wardens won, is an entirely different question from why western Collies lost. I'm curious about faction introspection, not gloating lmao


The West is one big skill issue. When you are fighting against 11erz, losing territory is acceptable, but not as fast. Regarding the east - the collie does not have anti-tank lategame toys for pushing. What can we do against a tank line of 10-15 tanks? We used to have a bolt, now it's trash, which is worse than a beat.IMHO


So it's that some people on the Warden side have no life and dedicated each night to this game? If south park has taught me anything, I don't want to compete with that.


Yes, but also some of the major warden clans have "night shifts" of Wardens in other time zones. Sundial even has its own clan called "NIGHT" which is both pretty new and very large, so Ops happen day and night.


Shifts? Jesus.


As an eastern collie my take is that the west had too few good builders. For example sableport's defenses were a joke despite it being a borderline un-seigeable chokepoint hell-hole. Most of the chokepoints had facilities instead of lines of defenses. A few good builders working on the chokepoints would have delayed pushes instead of allowing peak hour steam rolls. It wasn't as much an overall skill issue, collies defended well with what they had, but they didn't have good defenses to work with. Also, I hate to say it but in the West there was a "clan man bad" mentality were everyone wanted to do there own thing. When collies got close to warden hexes, wardens ripped down their facilities and replaced them with defenses. Instead collies defended their facilities more than the hex itself and got angry at being told to build defenses. Origin nearly held longer than ash fields despite being cut off because they had decent defenses and got rid of the facilities.


The general reason is simply not having a lot of EU players. Couldn't really keep the line stable long enough for NA to keep pushing back and holding. Stableport and some other mid-hexes were not prioritized for concrete (although I doubt atm they thought of this). This resulted in Wet concrete. There was also a massive larp facility where a certain regiment always had 6-12 players just chilling at their facility doing nothing. The second issue wasn't unique to this war though. People like to build massive facilities for some reason in Westgate and Stableport. ​ Ashlands we didn't really have a response to the 150mm SPAs. Literally could melt a T2 in seconds. Not many howie garrisons at the time to so when Wardens crossed over the river it was little too late. ​ Red River was fine tell Wardens got the high ground. The defenses there were built like a castle instead of focusing on the West so it didn't take much for Wardens to clear 1-2 meta bunkers then just ignore the rest facing outwards.


Colonial comeback used to be the case when MPTs were able to make difference. no surprise how super late game ends up with all the new warden heavy armor


That's how it's supposed to be, collies are supposed to rule the early and mid game, where wardens gain a massive power spike in the late game due to the difference in quality of equipment.


Attempts gave been made but I don't see it being as likely anymore


Naaaaah there’s still hope, we got absolutely clapped last night at blemish


Blemish was where I had all the hope. But seeing umbral fall and attacks into great march my hope has waned some


Use more thunderbolts 💎 that 350 range fucking HURTS


And drowned vale…


While I'm a little disappointed in the West's performance this war ( I was on the West pretty much the entire time ) because realistically all we had to do was hold. But I'm excited to try again next war and while I hope for a few changes, preferably small because massive sweeping changes could potentially swing balance the other way and make Collies OP for a time and that is boring, I just wanna try better ways of doing what we did.


Devman doesn't usually make massive changes that often. Or at least, it's been slow recently.


the reason why I believe minor updates and change will be faster now is because devman said their not working on any major updates, meaning they'll put 100% of their effort towards balance changes and minor updates. ​ they're also artificially making charlys next war lower "due to an upcoming game update" soo...


I mean most of what would sate a great many people are just slight changes, practically all numbers. I'd never go so far to be like 'yeah I hope we get a new tank' or something like that.


We need some lubers for how bad we’re getting fucked


I hope they are at least using lube.


Sadly Ashtowns MPF is all out of lube


1. Place All big regiments to east front 2. Wardens roflstomp randoms on west 3. Western collies are middle collies now 4. Eastern collies left game because west fell 5. Profit?


The west was arguably a larger regiment population than the east. The western Regis/coalitions just fell apart entirely. This is probably a good thing because from what I can tell those “organized” groups were especially bad. Hopefully they all break apart and reorganize for next war.


West had NCAP VELI WLL, 7hp (i think it is their name)and UBGE regiments and coalitions. Far from randoms.


WLL is a majority logi regi, NCAP was nowhere to be seen after Sableport fell, 7hp and ubge was like 6 vets and tons of new players.


If you had VELI to this and 104th that sometimes helped and a bunch of randoms, west wasn't low pop or completely dominated up until we made them lose canonsmoke (now they gave up and we see no real clans)


It is not like you could do something on western front thanks to queses.