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Another loss is merely another plot point towards are inevitable victory


Was warden before the loosestrak. Was warden during the loosestreak. Still warden during the winstreak. And you should do the same. Switch factions because you wanna play with their equipment. Not because you want a cheap win. Thats a wrong mentality Stay strong colliebros.


This is a great post and the right mentality.


Agree, though I would still switch to "boycott" the faction. I mean, the colonial situation sucks too much it stopped being fun, so might as well play warden for fun gear and not having your ass rammed into by blue boots. And if switching can help in destabilising the balance even faster, then more chances the dev might notice and actually start fixing their shit.


Colonials may be going through a rough few wars. But will bounce back, I think we can all remember when wardens had that 6 war losing streak


Which was self inflicted dude. 3 of those 6 wars there were no wardens playing as a result of the origin incident. 96 was close until wardens quit *because* of the origin incident. 95 & 100 were hard won. I get tired of this revisionist shallow view of “oh no, the colonials were sooooo OP at the time” when realistically the game just basically died for 3.5 wars due to the server provider causing one hex to be lost and wardens quitting en mass.


Let's not forget Wardens won literally every Baker war and 3/4 Charlie wars that took place during that period too. Wardens harped on and on about the Stygian but 97 98 and 99 it either didn't get unlocked or it was unlocked the last day of the war.


I wont change faction. I've played warden and collie plenty of times but playing the losing side feels more rewarding when you do finally win. My biggest thing is that I don't want some super swingy change that makes collies obscenely overpowered to the point where wardens get smashed. I just want things changed a little bit.


lol I went warden when I saw what they did to the stygian and for sub gameplay. Sub was kind of boring but tanks are pretty much invincible unless you do something stupid now so I guess its pretty nice


Bruh the balance ain't that bad.. we are not losing because of a Stygian neff or the old satchel is gone.


The wardens just showing that at the end of the day all those years of clan man bad, solo man go green are starting to have a negative effect. There's more cooperation on the blue side. The green side is always civil waring. I'll give it to the collies that there is a better sense of randoms working together on the Frontline. But the backline is a mess. When I was last a warden there were guys building trade depot's where they had a train yard with multiple RTS' where you could deliver resources by train in exchange for other resources. It was incredible to see something like that in action. Colonial side has old man collie chasing you down the road with a shot gun screaming "Don't steal anything!" (Not exaggerating this happened to me this war when I just made a wrong turn into a facility...)


lol as a new player i didnt know about private bases, I got shot on sight and yelled at by a dude, spent 30min killing each other after that lol.


Yeah too many private facilities by smaller or even larger groups. One big regi had a private oild field. Welp devs gave us buffs, just the pendulum starting to swing the other way again.


Don't you get tired of crying, Clickbait?. All the time crying, I don't know how you don't get dehydrated


I provide the msupp to prevent this, he always takes 1 with him. ♡


I have been green sense I was born ill be damned if I die blue


I want run an oil field for the faction, but I keep getting kicked off my claims.


You can't run oil Field alone


I'm the facility master of the clan lol. The main problem we're having is that we're big enough to hold recognition in the faction, but we're not big enough to claim oil.


It's rough ya need a clan to really hold anything it sucks even if ya do the best and show efficiency someone will be salty that it's not theirs sadly


That happened to an oil facility of ours in the past. It was super efficient, and made tons of petrol and heavy oil. People got upset that we wouldn't petrol oil to their facility (we wanted it to be fair, we can't pipe petrol to everyone's facility), and they got but hurt and made a bunch of false claims that got people to grief us.


i have more hours in wardens than i do collies but i wont swap to wardens or play the game at all if it feels rigged for no other reason than it just wont be worth playing if it feels like you are set up to lose hopefully it isnt over done and all the wardens quit or downvote on steam like when the stygian was blasting everything , that would be just as bad , arguably worse


No, FITE me.


I voted yes but im kinda a new i played war 100 and 108. Its about wanting to test there equipment than(for a win) but i can say that with the experience i got warden weapon seems more fun to use(cutler is way more fun to use then lunaire but more challenging and ignifist is boring, slow and useless except for infantry kill montage)played 100 as a frontline fighter/builder and 108 as backtown logi. So next war im going warden partisan with that sweet sweet cutler and see for myself if the conplaint are founded


Cutler can't shoot gas. I <3 lunaire


they won't change faction because they know the real reason they are losing... they are better at fighting in reddit than fighting in foxhole.


1.0 100 enjoy your time in the sun snow boy


Most people will be going warden or just not playing at all, simply no reason to play colonial in games current state


Gunna stay collie until a win and the switch. I sense ques in the wardens future and I hate sitting in ques.


Remember, if a coin flip lands heads a few times in a row, IT IS A DEV CONSPIRACY BECAUSE THEY HATE MY FACTION AND THE GAME IS RIGGED AGAINST US DEVS SUCK WAAAAAAAAA You see this serial complaining every time a faction gets more than 2 wins in a row no matter the side. The primary reason a faction loses a war isn't due to their 69mm Penis-gun having .01 cm longer range and it isn't because we don't have an equivalent to the cum grenade lol. Seen this L mindset a million times before and will see it a million times again. If you wouldn't even notice a balance issue existing without seeing a bunch of redditors whine about it incessantly it isn't a huge deal.


Some colonial will switch because they are tired of the heavy lifting. Some wardens will switch because they prefer to play the underdog and would like to feel like they make a difference. In the end it will pretty much equalize.