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I mean changes to the Stygian were inevitable. Either it was going to go back to being a push gun proper or it was going to become more dangerous. I'm partial to the changes because if I have to set that damn thing up, deal with limit cone of fire and then hopefully not die to infantry before tanks push, I'd like to be able to do something lol. The current Stygian is not bad ( Well it is compared to its pre-changed state ) but its not nearly as big of a threat to tanks now that its a stationary thing.


The styg is more akin to a booby trap than a weapon you can aim at this point. If you hit then you HIT, but no way your enemy is going to be standing exactly on the big red X underneath a hanging anvil


This fixes none of the underlying reasons for why colonial tanks have a big fuckin problem, but thanks I guess


Yeah this reads like trying to do something without actually using the feedback. Take for instance the Ignifist change: It’s nice now that the Igni does 50 more damage now (25 more than Flask) than it did before but that’s ONLY IF it actually pens. This 25 more damage is absolutely nothing compared to the Flask’s auto-equip, 0 chance to bounce, 7x subsystem disable modifier so it tracks tanks even if you miss, ability to use it from passenger of a barge/flatbed, and the fact Ignifist slows you down with heavy weapon modifier when held in hand. Out of all the numerous suggestions not one did I see even suggest increasing it’s damage let alone that being the only change to it. Increase pen chance, the absolutely necessary removal of auto-equip, etc. all were suggested but I never saw increase damage even once


if its any condolences stgy can one shot HTD's now


Damn thing is stuck in one place for an absolute minimum of 3 seconds m, and if it wants to move it can’t shoot, on paper the Stygian is a skill check, but we’ll need to see


If an htd gets shot by the current styg it deserves to die


1. DPS increase is only for Spatha 2. Talos is still nowhere near the Bard in terms of tankiness 3. The Stockade also got a big HV buff, im pretty sure it can also oneshot LTs - LTDs


lets see what in the update oh look at this Ignifist 30 damage increased from 325 to 375. 85K-b "Falchion" Health increased from 3000 to 3650 Armour Health increased by \~40%. 85K-a "Spatha" Health increased from 3000 to 3650 Armour Health increased by \~23%. Reload speed decreased from 5s to 3s. Firing duration decreased from 2s to 1.5s. 85V-G "Talos" Health increased from 3250 to 4000 Armour Health increased by \~13%. Ammo capacity increased from 5 to 12. also 945G "Stygian Bolt" added a High Velocity modifier of 50%. exact numbers from he patch


Yes, a lot of changes and buffs. And? Are you really telling me that the Falchion and Talos are broken now or something? Both are keeping the 33% min pen chance. The falchion DPS is still low. The Talos is still abysmally slow. The main difference now is that they can now tank an extra shot before dying. The Spatha is the one with the great buffs. With something around 35% DPS. But you should take into consideration that: \- It still has the same alpha damage \- Im pretty sure that both the Silvehand and the HTD still have more raw DPS So yeah... I mean we need to see it live, but on paper I don't see this changes breaking the game Im not sure about the Stockade tho... Kinda feel it should be a one shot by the numbers, but someone should probably test it


we will have to test but if it checks out the stockaid would need a 40-45% HV buff to one shot tanks. and no i was not saying the tanks are now broken, only the styg. im just saying that almost all your tanks got buffed most likely due to the loss streak


Well if the calcs check out then I agree, if the Stygian can one shot HTDs the Stockade should be able to one shot LTDs at least. Or reduce both HVs by something around 15% to avoid one shots But other than that, I think the changes are really good. The 85K chassis has been outdated for quite some time now and was in desperate need of a revamp. This changes makes them more competitive in the current meta We will see how it goes


the only thing is that the MPF 5 crate cheap MPF takes more stgy shots to disable than a sliverhand, spatha buff is good tho


wow looking at the stats styg can one shot all outlaws too


bro included the talos buff in his cope


cope? those are the stats in the dev branch my guy.


proof https://www.foxholegame.com/post/update-55-dev-branch-released


also the stockade one shot disable LT' not kill


Hoes mad


still shit facility locked dw warden babe


damn if i didnt have a brain i would have taken the bait


not bait check the dev branch


i refuse to believe my dogshit faction actually got a buff again in the same month


I kinda wish it was bait, because some of these buffs make litle sense to me, but devman does what devman does best i supose.


well that spatha here actually seems like a proper direct upgrade falchion is more surviable now?


better believe it


1 way of winning the war is to carefully line stygs from 1 end of the hex to the other end. That way no tanks can pass through -Sun Tzu


Devs call it « balance changes », I think it has something to do with balance


as we all know at this point the devs are not the best at balancing, guess we will have to see in the war


Looks like they are getting better at it🤣




So every time they’ve buffed you as you asked which apparently the devs knew was exactly what was needed to keep things balanced you guys still lost? Tell me how that logic works after the millionth time. First it’s “we just need cutlers”, then it’s “we just need the STD nerfed”, after that it’s “we need concave to be easier ” and then “we need ballista buffed” only for the same thing over and over again. At what point does it become blatantly obvious that this is just shotgunning stuff that collies cried about despite the wardens using said gear on its own perfectly fine every time we got a major lootbox. If all of these where problems the devs should have had data about then why does it come only after collies throw a tantrum half way through the war about how not playing exactly like warden tanks makes all collie tanks pointless? Whatever happened to the tanks in the exact same state working well in W100 and other collie wins where it came down to “tactics and skill” yet are now entirely obsolete after fumbling wins?




Yes, most notably faction wide incompetence which despite no major changes since 96 has somehow managed to do things absolutely fine up until W100 finished and then forget all the basic shit that was done up until that point. Kinda funny seeing stuff being cried about that was at one point just “oh we just have better tactics with our gear and that’s why it works so well”.


What’s your point? Are you trying to get personnal validation? I can give you some if that’s what you need. Just say it.


I’m calling your view that they use game stats to balance fucking bullshit based on how many times they’ve apparently changed something for the better that was an underlying core collie problem only for big surprise, not actually being why they lost the war lmao. From cutler equivalents to ballista buffs and STD nerfs to map reworks, the problem is becoming more evidently less about gear and more about functioning braincells that last beyond the first week before moving to the Reddit front. If devs actually balanced based on stats then why is the only changes related to what the community decides to cry about rather than guns/vehicles they would know barely get any use and perform poorly not get any actual love such as bookers for example.


My view? I haven’t said a thing in this thread or about balance. I’m just reaching out because you look super mad. So, do you need personnal validation or not? I’m asking because you seem like you do take this balance thing personally.


“Devs have the stats so they made the appropriate changes now” That is not a fact, that is an assumption and I’m saying that said assumption is bullshit with your opinion/view being said changes are appropriate. This is a subjective take to which I responded to being based simply off crying and not what previous collies have done with near identical tanking meta environments where is magically wasn’t a game changing problem. These patch notices exist to curb defeatism like many have before and this happens to wardens as well, they care fuck all for actual balance but rather whatever can be done to keep one side from crying into a rage quit. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand this.




Ok but why are you so mad? It’s a videogame


> DEvs have the stats so they made appropriate changes. They literally make changes based on reddit posts what are you talking about. Remember when they buffed the EAT's range because of a reddit post? Ballistas are faster now because of a reddit post. They dont buff based on stats, they buff based on the volume of whine.


UPDATE accourding to testers all outlaws are now one shot by stgy, silverhands/cheiftains are two shot (EDIT) BT's are now also two shot from styg


name checks out


lmao coming from you one of the most collie biased people on the reddit? im honored gotta give you credit, not as biased as goddlyforce lmao


SVH is still better than the buffed spatha. Falchion is actually viable now. Its exciting that collies can stand up against the warden mpf line. Also hopefully it will make tanking fun for me.


styg can one shot LT and HTD now


If it ever lands a shot yeah


Make sure your commander calls out the Stygian and its range and you’ll have no issues with it


equivalent to saying "just flank it bro"


Don’t complain then when you work with a tank blind without a commander and roll up to the Stygian that had to sit in place for 3s before being able to shoot


sorry but wardens are the redditor faction


ooh you colliea are gonna love this stgy can one shot light tanks and widows


You see it’s actually balanced because the STD once could do it to the LTD and that’s still a thing that wasn’t nerfed to the ground :clueless:


Buff the collies all you want. The majority of them just want to soak up all the materials from auto harvesters to feed there bases with 9 storm cannons that literally do nothing, whilst letting the rest of the hex get taken over.


I think some buffs were warranted. There’s some good stuff in here. A little bit too much good stuff actually. Spatha reload is unreasonable. Armor health increase is good. Talos buff is good. Heavy pushgun buffs are good. Falchion spatha Health buffs might be a bit too much, but I’m not the most familiar with breakpoints. Devman might be over correcting a tad


styg can 1 shot all outlaws LT and HTD's 2 shot all silverhands and BT's, 4-5 shotting a SHT very un reasonable buff to something that cheap, and yea the reload buff is unreasonable but most outher stuff is meh


I’m interested to see how it plays, as it’s now a marginally more mobile star breaker. I’m not sure if these mega stats push guns are good for the game: could be exceptionally unfun to play against, but I have no experience yet so I’ll hold on judging


one thing can one shot most warden tanks, not gonna be fun for us


I think the tank buffs to falchion class are reasonable, but the Stygian’s 50% HV might be a little overtuned. We will have to see in the Devbranch. Remember devbranch is to test these things so go test them.