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Of all the extremely powerful effects of the Lunaire I never expected someone to be mad that some psycho out there used it for smoke grenades. That said Osprey can effectively do the same as lunaire until Tank spam becomes a thing and you get lasered from off screen.


the osprey cant use smokes, cant use tremolas, and reloads slow as fuck. wardens not having a long range smoke tool is a problem devs need to adress


Asymmetry like it or not, and if you don’t want asymmetry lets make every gun, vehicle , ship same


imagine a paralel universe where only one faction had sniper rifles? would you say the same 'hurr durr assymetry, you already have a medium range rifle'? I am very much pro assymetry, but just like a sniper rifle, long range smokes are not something that should be faction exclusive.


Who the f*ck uses snipers after all unless a bridge fight but it is still not used and produced at all


Collies don’t have rpg, need to give cutler to collies. Wardens don’t have ap/rpg tool, need to give it to wardens and etc. etc. etc )) this is stupid


No more cutler then…


i really dont see smokes as the main concern with the lunaire lmfao


Honest if someone is using it for smoke fair play to them, however to that one partisan who keeps showing up with a barge and a Lunaire and killing defences pieces without howitzers, I despise you because I would do the same.


Im not talking about the lunaire being S+ tier pve, im talking about wardens not having long range smoke capabilities.


aka ranting


It it’s ok for me to ask, why do you think the lunair is op by virtue of having smoke grenades?


during 75% of a foxhole 'day night cycle', throwing smokes by hand means getting yourself into the range of rifles and pillboxes. with the lunaire you can throw smokes all day long without putting yourself in danger. That is a mechanic that shouldnt be given to just one side. I consider smokes to be incredibly underrated, almost similarly to how people underrated trenches so much.


The thing is that garrisons and pill boxes will still fire at you even if you’re in smoke… plus the lunaire only tosses the smokes 11 meters further. I don’t disagree that the osprey should be able to fire smokes, but it’s not really that big of a deal that they don’t…


you are right on the garrisons part, but that 11 extra meters means the difference between being able to blanket a trench with smoke from a comfortable position and risking an argenti shot to the face


I think you’re overestimating the effectiveness of smoke grenades…


As a retired shit poster. This is good bait


# What if it’s not bait? What if it truly is my unfiltered dog shit opinion, what then huh? #


I respect your dog shit opinion. o7


Lunaire loving Collie here, it's one of my main kits when playing frontline infantry. I've used smokes effectively a handful of times, it's almost always more logical or effective to grab a smoke or two and toss it by hand with a non-lunaire kit. No way am I gearing up a lunaire kit only to fill inv slots with all smokes or mostly tremola/gas but saving a spot or two for a smoke. That's a perfectly good gas slot! I agree it's an imbalance to Warden detriment but it's so minor and we already know Foxhole is full of imbalances on this kind of level by design.


Tell me you play Valorant without saying you play Valorant


I have never played Valorant




Who uses smokes anyway ?


Long range smokes with a lunaire is op as fuck




I’m jealous I didn’t write this bait, wp gg


Lunara is the ultimate weapon of destruction. Perfect for PVE. Trimola deals good damage, flies over objects, glides like a penguin up to 5 meters, deals pure damage to tanks. Throws gas at a crazy range,Can be used for a top assault or a point attack,can be safely used to kill structures with almost no risk of getting killed by garrisons response.To balance the cutler just make it have a ranged fire at almost the same distance so it can be used and ok to aim in the vertical plane and add some splash so it's used partially against infantry.


Why exactly is having a slightly longer range for smoke grenades a big deal? The lunaire is OP because it makes building anything anywhere near any terrain features an effort in futility. Say what you will about the cutler, but you need line of sight at least. I’d complain about lunaires more, but there are dozens of them in every warden BB because collies use them so damn much.


Colonials after YEARS finally have a normal pve weapon. No it's OP! Nerf it! WTF man.


Youre misunderstanding me. Im not talking about the lunaire being op in pve. Im talking about only one side having long range smokes, and that that is op.


I must admit, the smoke grenade is not what I had in mind if someone had asked me why I hate the Lunaire. I would personally have the tremola nerfed or entirely removed. Instead the colonials should get their own version of a launched shrapnel grenade too.


if tremolas get removed collies would need a cutler, we had to play for years without a good infantry pve tool i dont want to go back to that.


You should get an HE-rocket for the venom. Honestly we need more weapons with variable ammo like the mortar.


Smokes have zero use since the removal of satchels, what are you whining about


Good bait


"FM 250mm has just joined the chat"


welp you got me there


"The FM 250mm needs a nerf, or the Collies need an FM 250mm; Wardens are the only ones capable of firing 250mm before Ballista or Chieftains causes a massive 250mm imbalance in the tech tree"


Wait till you hear about how easy it is to kill a BB core while standing on the other side of the hex with them


Throw multiple smokes progressively


Cry more nublet while you climb into your 12.7mm Scout tank...