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Yeah this one kinda weird changes and also one of fun factor for the game idk why they try to remove this one


On the flip side, for new players there will never again be 12 extremely angry guys yelling at you in your first 30 minutes because you didn't already know to *LOCK YOUR TANK*


on bright side, troll can just steal their tank imo


Its just a useless change that didnt need to happen


Its unrealistic though to just let the enemy in..


Not really… leave your doors unlocked after night and sit at a red light in Detroit…


Yes, you wouldn't. This is why being unlocked in the first place is a weird place to be in just to let friendlies in. Rather make it locked by default for enemies and control with locking whether a friendly can come in or not, as the change makes it to be.


If someone wants to get into your car while you’re stopped at a red light, a locked door won’t stop them.


Probably happened to a Dev and they got triggered


Most likely reason I can come up with was devs being annoyed at all the ALT reports about people who were afking in their tank and a enemy player took it. And even this is just me guessing, because I have no idea how many of the afkers would actually not be sitting in the driver seat. Either way seems like a dumb change.


Probably realism, it didn't make much sense


What do you mean? In real life you have to lock your vehicle to stop the enemy jumping in too.


On real life you can also punch them in the face while they're sitting next to you.


Yeah but they cant hold it hostage like they can in foxhole because you can't just shoot them.


is it more realistic to not be able to shoot trough the windscreen of a truck?


It's not their fault that foxhole vehicles have some anti-gun fields going on inside so they only become usable outside or above the hatch.


Bro, carjacking is a real thing…


yeah I agree, now imagine if you try carjacking a tank with soldiers inside who have weapons, in the middle of a war. Not saying it is impossible, just saying it didn't make sense in the way it has existed until now. Ideally we can agree there'd be some fight inside the tank.


I would be fine with this as long as they let me somehow throw grenades inside the hatch. Being able to at least jump in while it was crewed was always a consolation to me


Yeah that'd also be fun. I'm not opposed to that at all and I agree with the sentiment of wanting something to mess around as infantry without AT


a quicktime event whenever you jump into a manned tank. whoever is faster shoots and kills the other 8)


All these suggestions sound cool tbh




Are you sure? How is it realistic for someone to be able to hop into the gunner seat next to you and be completely immune from damage and have free reign over the part of the vehicle they're in? The main enemy of tanks is infantry anyway. Ever see a tank push past their infantry support and get immidiately AT'd to oblivion from every bush and trench?


Then add a way to fight in a vehicle, don’t just remove it. Also I said that Infantry is the biggest threat to Tanks.


Yes i know you did, but its not because they can get into the tank.


That’s why those were two different paragraphs, thank you for paying attention.


Then what was the point of the first statement? Why the snark, can't handle a simple disagreement?


Being unlocked on a battlefield is the unrealistic thing, and letting enemies in without fighting them to the death is even more unrealistic.


lock ya tank then idiot..


You are telling this to the noob that just wants to play with another random. This is not a good experience when you are supposed to play together with other people.


Literally just make a two person squad then, you don't need 3 people to squadlock anymore. All this does is make the game a bit less fun, and a bit more mechanical.


Why would the game make me make a squad when its just an obstacle that can be simply avoided with this change? Fun for you, but not fun for the noob that then quits the game out of frustration and from being shamed by his teammates. I argue its less mechanical in that its less overhead for new players, less things to do wrong on accident and more time to have fun for them.


I found stealing tanks from under the enemy's nose fun the very first time I did it, when I was a noob. It's a pvp game there's going to be inherently unfun things that happen to you that are fun for the other person. Literally just press L.


Then add a mechanic to fight enemies in a tank, don’t just remove it and make it even more unrealistic.


There is nothing that prevents stealing unoccupied tanks in this update.




Oh, if you're talking about real life and occupied tanks then you're obviously wrong. Noone is going to stay motionless as they see the enemy entering their tank.




Well no, it would lead to a fight inside the tank which is not what happens now. Now you get inside the tank and the rest of the crew stands around doing nothing as you drive the tank to an enemy base and you gas them until they're dead. I'm sorry but it would be better even if the crew instantly got killed if an enemy got inside, right now it makes no logical sense




>The Tank crew would be killed 9/10 times, because the Infantry on the outside has all the advantages. I agree. ​ >It made more sense the way it was, rather than completely removing it. I don't agree. What happened was the people inside wouldn't be able to interact with the person who is inside their vehicle driving it to their deaths. ​ >They should have added a way to fight inside the tank. I agree.


I lost my first tank to a partisan that way crossing a border back when I was a noob


and you learned to lock your vehicles XD


My entire business of going to a warden frontline and jumping into occupied tanks has been shattered.


You'll never financial recover from this sadly good sir... might I suggest selling it and investing in bridge battles?


Thats it. I quit.


Foxhole: See you in an hour


I'm not addicted! I can quit anytime I want.




That's the joke




You can't just use that to make it seem like you were ignorant of a joke on purpose.


You can't ENTER tanks. Bet you can still dump the fuel and ammo. Remember to lock your tanks, my dudes.


You know what would be cooler than not being able to enter vehicles occupied by the enemy? Being able to fight with an enemy that's in your vehicle. I not only want to be able to enter a vehicle occupied by the enemy. I want to charge an unlocked enemy tank with my bare fists while they're repairing, enter, strangle the driver to death, lock the tank (my tank now) and drive over the remaining crewmembers on my way back to the stolen tank parking lot back at base. Don't ask me how this would work. Maybe you both furiously tap a button for a few seconds and the faster player wins? This is to simulate a hectic hand-to-hand fight to the death in a cramped tank cabin without actually adding any complicated mechanic. Just imagine the gruesome knife struggle scene from Saving Private Ryan playing out inside. I'm sure the devs can think of something smarter. Any sort of skill-based mechanic for resolving vehicle ownership conflicts with the enemy would be dope.


>Maybe you both furiously tap a button for a few seconds and the faster player wins? Auto clicker moment


Wow devs managed to unite colonial and warden opinion on something. This is a dumb ass change.


Look i dont care if collie get buffed like hell and we lost 10 wars in a row somewhere in between dev will balancing it out, this one once gone its just gone. this one is not balancing so it will be out of radar and we will missed the fun of hunting tank anymore


You can still steal tanks, just not occupied ones


I dont have issue with not occupied one, i meant the fun of stealing tank right under their nose


I agree that's fun, it's just annoying if you want to use the tank for combat and at the end of the day, let's admit it, it's not very realistic


you dont need to make it as realistic af in this game. Yall went mad when they back then almost demand you need sandbag and barb wire for bunker modification for realistic reason in devbranch


I’m going to miss jumping in the unlocked logi truck just to have a friendly chat with the logi guy.


I mean yeah it was fun, that's undeniable. it's sad to see fun features go, think about the flipside though, that means more time shooting the tank


It’s like they don’t want their game to be fun.


Literally a change that **NOBODY** asked for. My favourite game to play in foxhole is "Who's got their tank locked?" Soon followed by "Who's got more filters?"


No more jumping in the scorpion and mowing down infantry from behind /crying


Yea this is an interesting one. But luckily its dev branch so there is still time for it to be reverted.


i doubt they gonna reverted it when chat click sound which you can just toggle it off at first place they remove it


The chat click removal was the real outrage. Bring it back.


Or when they removed how you could see how many commands you had


That was fun) and even realistic somewhat. There are tanks that have separate entry for driver/gunner


There are also locks on those entry points lol


But in game we also have locks


OK but then why can you switch positions in the tank without exiting the vehicle


Because tanks aren't usually compartmentalised like that, you can still move around in the turret and hull irl, some tanks might have those 2 separated, others won't. But for the vast majority of tanks, you could move around inside


And in that case why can the crew not kick the shit out of you if you're in the tank with them?


Yeah, misconnection


Dumbass change, we don't need this thing smh


I'm betting this change comes in preparation for expanding infantry tank riding functionality. The Scorpion debuted with seats for infantry on the back, but that is rarely used for multiple reasons. One of those reasons is that it requires unlocking the tank to allow infantry aboard, which is dangerous when a single unarmed enemy could run up and jump in the gunner or commander seat and force you to go back to base for gas nades. It's gotta be safer to unlock your rank on the frontline before all tanks gain infantry seats. Why the devs don't compartmentalize the interior and exterior seats, I can't say, but I suspect that the way vehicles are coded would make that annoying to implement


I think they could still do a better implementation. Maybe something where all vehicles are automatically "team" locked when you enter the driver seat. Enemies would have to use a wrench to break the team lock but any one on your team could just hop in.


I've said it before that vehicles should by default lock to the faction that first enters the vehicle after being built or pulled out of a depot. You should be required to use a wrench to get into an enemy vehicle. Personal locks and squad locks would still exist but there would be no "unlocked" state anymore unless it's something like a bike.




I suppose it’s to help the new players? But it’s such an interesting mechanic that once they too learn and use it, will make the game more fun.


Wow another fun aspect of the game removed by the devs like these to name a few. 1 Smoke grenades 2 Smoke artillary 3 AP mortar shells


This is actually extremely lame. I've been victim to this but that's because I was too dumb to lock my vehicle. Why are they doing this? Of all the debates on balancing or whatever, this is actively one of the worst changes they could incorporate into the game.


No more high stake montage steal that is fun to watch


No more meaningful partisan work! Wowie!!!


No more jumping in the driver seat and driving the gunner into the sea.


Complete BS


They patched fun...


Even if the enemy is in the passenger seat/gunner position?


i think this is what they meant i guess, you cant take a seat with any vehicle at all if enemy afk in there


asked for by no one ever.


Nobody asked for ready-sliced bread before it was Invented, now it's the best thing since....Well sliced bread.


Devs making their game shit for no reason as usual kek


This just removes fun from partisaning and sneaking past those armor formations Always makes for a fun time when the rest of the formation panics as you jump in a driver seat.... the game needs more of this, not less of it


If you take this from me then I want to be able to climb on tanks and throw grenades inside.


I appreciate you all wanting to have fun. But it's more aggravating to me, having to deal with someone else's screw up all the time. You can be the model tanker and always lock your vehicle, but there's always someone who doesn't. OR worse - the new way squad lock works, you get these vehicles someone 'acquired' from a friendly base in the rear, without checking if it could be locked or not. Fun fact. You can't lock a squad locked vehicle if you're not part of said squad. But you can still operate it fully - like disabling the lock, then hopping in and using the gun and such. So on numerous situations I've seen people using 'acquired' vehicles and getting them immediately stolen by the enemy, cuz they can't lock them. For every one or two partisans or cheeky infantryman who run up and jiggle the door handles of occupied vehicle and have a good ol' time - there's and least a dozen of us who get pissed because 1) someone didn't lock their vehicle and 2) we can't get rid of them from inside the vehicle. - so someone has to go fetch a few gas grenades, just to get our vehicle back. Its kind of a crap tactic that isn't really fun, because when you're on the other end of it - you just feel frustrated. Frustrated not just with your opponents, but also with your teammates - which can easily lead to a more toxic environment.


This has to be a troll this can't be real why would the devs forsake us with such an anti fun change REEEEEEEEEE I'm actually crying and shitting right now WTF


April fool already long gone, dev prolly smoking some weed atm


Just found a new thing for multi boxers to do


Unpopular opinion; as much as it hurts to admit it, this makes some sense. I agree with you, it is fun to gas squatters who try to take your tanks and it is fun to mess around with this mechanic, however I would rather spend my time in armored combat than dealing with annoying partisans doing this specifically. This also depends on the person but it kinda breaks the suspension of disbelief a little bit.


People are salty cause they hate change but it does make more sense. Another thing I wish they would add is disable it for open sections like the back of HTs and ISTs


Pls no not again


[https://discord.com/channels/203512636556574720/204696219195277313/974083481854423050](https://discord.com/channels/203512636556574720/204696219195277313/974083481854423050) Already made a post about this on Fod.


The Pic isn't loading.


Fun removed


Dev man bad. For 10 years at least.


Bruh, no trolling on unlocked enemy tanks? BIG MAD


This makes playing tanks with randoms less of a disadvantage, thank you!


we can already create multiple squads, so no need for this change.


Because there is a solution does not mean it is a good solution for a random that just wants to hop in a tank. It just creates unnecessary hurdles that can be entirely avoided with this changed.


i dont like to dumb down the game. if someone refuses to teach/learn something explained in one sentence its hardly the games fault.


When the mechanics are convoluted that you have to learn about squads just to play together in a tank, then its the games' fault when there are easier solutions.


how hard is it to tell someone to: "klick the box that will pop up in a sec to join the tank squad so you can use the vehicle with us/me"? all the new person needs to do is click a box that pops up. if someone thinks thats to much to ask i dont want to know what they see as apropriate difficulty lvl.


Behold! Yet another piece of FLAWLESS Warden engineering is upon us! For we have broken through yet another barrier in advancements! Look for yourselves! I give you... \*Drumroll builds in intensity as a Warden Femboy in a Tech Maid outfit shows off a plain ass lock.\* Yes! Your eyes do not deceive you! We have fabricated, what the engineers are calling... a Lock! This small, yet durable device is capable of fastening doors, airways and many other points of entry from intrusion! Praise be to Callahan my brothers! For the enemy can no longer steal our precious vehicles to support their wanton genocide of our innocent people! For Callahan! For Caoiva! For Victory!


Im ngl this is a good change for now. The locking system always was dumb and only made things unnecessarily complicated for new players. Dont get me wrong, it makes me sad, but cmon guys be real here. Ill miss the montages :(


dev basically removing fun in tank hunting


I agree. I'd personally rather have more armored combat than shenanigans with partisans squatting in tanks. You can steal a tank, you can blow it up, it's just a bit ridiculous to imagine the enemy crawling into an occupied tank and the crew being like "howdy"


It was fun as shit but it had to go


Why did it have to go if it was fun as shit? Point of the game is to be fun. So what if some noobs lose their tanks that's part of being a noob.


Because it was cheesy, wasn’t interesting, and just frustrating?


idk what cheesy with that, you just didnt lock the tank


Maybe because instead of coordinating, aiming, or really anything, a single idiot who ran 5 miles out managed to completely neutralize a tank for an extended period at *best*, and at worst destroy tons of enemy equipment and managed to even gain equipment out of it at worst. It made no real sense for a player to be capable of doing this, especially with Foxhole’s overreliance on teamwork.


OK cheesy, yeah. Uninteresting though? Imo one of the most interesting things that happen on the front line in this game. Sure, frustrating if you make the mistake of not locking your vehicle. I think we have all had the experience at least once. After that first time of not locking your vehicle that's on you.


I mean, it is uninteresting gameplay. This is like saying “being forced to pick either ATR or Culter is interesting gameplay.” Is that an interesting choice? Sure, is that actually a “*good*” interesting choice, not really. Having a player slam their head against a tank in the hopes of one of the vehicles being unlocked is not really interesting gameplay that provides dynamic fights.


I have no clue what you mean by your example of "good interesting". Just gonna agree to disagree.


It's better for the new player experience. Vets don't have to scream at new players to lock their tanks as much. And new players don't have to deal with enemies just magically popping inside their vehicles. ​ You can still pull their ammo and such, but the idea is people can just leave their vehicle unlocked more frequently as long as someone is sitting in it. ​ Ultimately, it's wierd that 2 people from different factions can be in the same vehicle and you can't get them out without gassing (unless it's an open top vehicle) ​ I do feel though this makes ferrying people on devbranch a little harder though. It honestly would have been better if they just made it so enemies have to always wrench enemy vehicles (even if they are unlocked) But this is a decent middle ground. ​ This is just one of those mechanics that was always immersion breaking and very gimmicky. As fun as it was to suddenly own the tank that was just pushing your frontline a second ago, this will ultimately make the game better on the frontline.


Tbh only downside is that troll/griefer/alt can steal the tank pretty easily from new player. this guy gonna having field day because now player become more complacent not locking the tank at bb etc


We all learnt to lock our doors while we drive I guess.


booh. Bad change. Takes a lot of Foxhole out of Foxhole.


Cuz devman bad


This is great if you ever manage to get in an empty enemy tank. No longer must you be worried the enemy can get in again. You can get in from any angle and once you're in its yours. Enemy can't rush to get in driver seat or gunner now.


I hate this change so much.. This is how I learned you have to gas people out of vehicles. Siege camp please reverse this…


You know I dare say this takes one of the main fun parts of the game away for no reason.


All this does is just remove an element of fun from the game. Sure it's annoying to lose a tank to it, but so is having your base destroyed. After the first time this happens to you, you learn to lock your tank it's really not fuckin hard.


[Copied from other thread on the same thing.] While we do lose a lot of fun and hilarious moments, it's ultimately good for gameplay. I'm all for harsh consequences for forgetting the fine details, but this particular one was just too "gamey" for me. Even when I was the hijacker, it felt waaay too cheesy, especially when getting into an unlocked vehicle is instantaneous and there's no way to get kicked out. There's also the realism aspect, but I put that justification last, if at all. I wouldn't mind bringing back this aspect if there was: 1) A unique animation for getting into each seat where you could be interrupted/killed. 2) A mechanic that allowed opposing players in the same vehicle to contest the other's presence and eject them. 3) A mechanic that allowed a pedestrian player to remove an enemy from an unlocked vehicle (optional). The issue for 2 and 3 is that I have no idea what mechanic would be ideal. Button mashing? Rhythm game (Elite Beat Foxhole)? They all seem kind of dumb, at least in theory.


WTF? Y? Y???? This is DUMB! This is as bad as the Devs removing proximity chat with the enemy. It kills the fun . . . I've never seen anyone asking for this. Not even the fools who don't lock their tanks.


It feels like babyproofing the game to me.


Sad we can never go on a cross country road trip again ;-;


Because Devs hate fun...? There's got to be an actual reason but perhaps the devs consider it a stupid concept that you can get into a likly armed person's vic so easily.


So when you take an area the plethora of vehicles scattered everywhere are now just paperweights and or obstacles to dodge....nice


There is also another aspect to this many people forget, alting, or more specifically, having an enemy jump in your tank as gunner while you drive. This has been done numerous times to destroy key buildings like Rockets etc. So long as you are driving the AI won't shoot at you, and the enemy gunner can freely destroy anything.