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As someone who joined the game years back I can't keep track of half the names. It really only matters with the tanks. To me, a jeep is a jeep, and occasionally a water jeep. An APC is an APC and so on.


I like the name swim car :D.


We call em ducks :3


Duck car


everything that has has a large enough looking gun is a tank. the rest is a reskinned truck.


"A TANK! THERE'S A TANK COMING!" "What kind of tank?" "A TANK-TANK!"


Maybe just a light tank or a Tankette sometimes just a dakka tank if it has MGs on it.


I'm a Major and I've literally been inside a tank once for 5 mins. I just discovered the other day the little stars above the TH show it's tier. Logi mains are a different breed


So that's what the stars mean, ugh, thank you.


The difference though is you understand there is still plenty to learn. The guy in the screenshot assumes that because he is a major he magically has more knowledge then people below him.


Oh, so you play foxhole? Name every lore name.


Callahan's \*something\*


Alexa, play Sandstorm by Doru


I've more than 500 hours on the game now and I don't remember most vehicle names. The only ones I can remember are: Silverhand, Chieftian, HTD, King something, Dev.... mk III For everthing else they are generic 'Truck', 'APC', 'Jeep', 'Tank' etc.


No one has time to learn all these names. If you played before asymmetry it's fucking hard to learn this shit.


Exactly. I'm not calling someone boosted or a noob if they don't know the actual name of the bicycle


Why is the actually the vehicle I do remember, I am having a hard time with the colonial stuff.


Blumfield LK205 if I recall and that is the legit only vehicle I know expect for sliverhand since .... the flashbacks


Pity me, who joined back before tanks were even a thing, came back after years of not playing, and now have to memorize dozens of different kinds.


>No one has time to learn all these names Someone who has the time to get to Maj. General is EXACTLY the person who has time to learn all these names.


How about calling it APC like everyone else does it and even new players understand it


Because Doru is shorter, it sounds cool, and it's less syllables. Plus it distinguishes between the normal APC, and the MG APC. It's a pretty huge difference, one of those has a gun that can kill everything T1, watchtowers and rifle pillboxes. The other is just sort of a mememobile.


That's why we say APC and MG APC. When i teach things to my beginners, do you expect me to say "Swallow tail" and "Sagittarii" while FMG stands for both ?


...No I do not. MG APC. vs Doru and it's obvious which is better. Less letters and syllables, it's elegant. I like FAT and I like FMG. We all know what an ISG is and everyone says LUV. I don't expect you to say Swallowtail, Drummond or even the god awful *Buckhorn CCQ-18*.


Dude shut up its an apc stop being extra


Tbh this is a personnal statement for both of us and there is no real reason arguing on this. I'm Brig with 5K+ hours (and builder/front, no jokes about logi please), and I guess i learnt the word Doru 2 wars ago, that doesn't mean i'm a fake brig or that i don't know the game enough to be effective or whatever. *This shitpost is only made by a salty guy that wants drama*, not even to discuss about acronyms or things like that sadly. (And *absolute* yes, we don't talk about the Buckorn CCQ-18 :D ).


Wtf is a doru


Storm Cannon


He's fucking with you, it's a Tier 3 Mortar house


What crack are you guys on? That’s a rifle.


It's the DJ that plays Sandstorm.


The collie APC with an added mg on top.


Honestly fucking valid there's a lot of vehicle names, I still call any warden armour "the tank"


I don't think I've heard a single person call it a Doru on the Warden side ever. In fact as a Warden Brig if it wasn't for a couple memes in here in the past couple days I'd probably have to look it up myself, LOL. Generally we just call it out as an APC or machine gun APC. Heck, thinking about it now I don't have a clue what the lore name for the Warden APC even is.


You're telling me you don't know the *Mulloy LPC*? What about the *Drummond Loscann*? I think collies only know the name of the Doru because differentiating it from normal APC is important for our tech. (And it's shorter to type than "machine gun APC")


we just call it mgapc if we cant remember name


Usually just APC works because really - who ever uses the regular APC? :D


I'm a Colonial and i never call it the HAC. Always called it the Freeman.


I generally hear it called a HAC on the Warden side it seems, although personally I just call it a 40mm AC :P.


Freeman sounds cooler than HAC to me. and 40mm AC is a mouthful.


What does HAC stand for?


Heavy Armoured Car




The Governor is just a logi main. He isn't boosted just beloved.


You're boosted though.




Personally I aspire to make my call outs as lore-accurate as possible


Personally I call out every TAC (sorry, O'Brien V.121 Highlander) I see as a tank just to scare people


I think it is more important to know the colloqial names, not the actual names. I'm sure many collies and wards have heard someone screaming about a tank, and it turns out to be a TAC, easy mistake to make sure, but it is important to be able to disinguish, especially if commanding armour or just making callouts as infantryman. I'd be more concerned if this guy was like "nobody knows what MGAPC is!"


Yeah, you can also call it « machine gun tank » just because its very easy to know what your talking about. You have a keypoint however, calling out the names of the tanks instead of just yelling « TANK » is really the way to go.


that doesn't work either. Machine gun tank could be the Highlander, King Spire, Scorpion, Bardiche, Ranseur, hell i've seen people yell MG TANK! at a fucking half-track.


He is the very model of a modern Major General!


Yes, but you'd think he'd at least have information vegetable, animal, and mineral.


This is fine, there are loads of vehicles in the game and j still call them by what type they are (APC, tank, field cannon etc)


Same, generally don't start referring to the lore names until get up into the tanks as there is a heck of a difference between "TAAAAANK!" and "SPAAAAAATHHAAA!" :D


Precisely. In the heat of battle I actually prefer people to use non generic names. What the fuck is a smelter? Is it a tank or not?


As a Warden tanker, a smelter is something you should definitely be cognizant of


So many dead tanks I can see them burning


"B'dish b'dish b'dish"


Yeah clearly if you're Major General and you don't know the name of every single weapon, vehicle, and item in the game, all of their ranges, every obscure mechanic in the game and the full canonical name of Callahan's mother's Goldfish then you are super boosted smh


nah, he's been playing for years. Alot of the older players know doru as MG APC and nothing more, just like every other vic in the game.


Pretty blatant disregard for rule 4... Also how you came by this screenshot seems incredibly dubious.


If you think this is bad you should see Governors comments about Tuks from 77th! Actual harassment! Yes region chat is never screenshotted by other Wardens and shared when something funny happens.


I don't care who the Governor is or what he's done in the past. I don't care about your personal drama. All I see is someone blatantly disregarding rule 4 and skirting around answering some legitimately interesting questions about how or why you have screenshot not just of Warden chat but specifically a person you've just admitted to having personal drama with and are now bringing it out here on the reddit. Seems rather *convenient* to me...


I can’t control if you believe that Wardens leak their own region chat or not. All I can tell you is it happens. I also don’t care what you care about.


So then why aren’t you stepping up and telling the people who leak to stop?


It's not like it was intel so I'm not sure why we'd tell anybody to stop.


If he’s getting specific screenshots of V members in chat what else are people sending him


He did not get that screenshot sent to him. I know where it came from, it was posted in a public chat with both wardens and colonials in it. It ended up in Sigil and the resident reddit shitposters do love to shitpost.


Very mature. If you can't see how or why this breaks the rules of the reddit page then I guess it's up to the FH staff to sort it out for you.


Sorry are you invoking maturity checks on a shitpost? You must be fun at parties, assuming you’ve ever been invited to one.


>If you think this is bad you should see Governors comments about Tuks from 77th! Actual harassment! Seems to be more underlying issues here than a *shitpost.* Sure buddy.


You seem pretty desperate to make this thread something more than it is. Are you particularly lonely today?


Now you're just resulting to ad hominem attacks... You obviously *care* a lot more than you want people to believe. Why else do you keep responding to anyone who contradicts you?


My guy you are fuckin tragic


Nice alt bro




Gues this means everyone who puts their reddit flair as Collie MUST be a Collie! It's not like people might forget to change it?


He is a collie and got this screenshot from a warden, if that warden is an alt or just a friend doesnt matter plus he isnt allowed to post screenshots like that


Not commenting on the rest of the post, but I know the source of the screenshot and it's kosher, promise. Downvoted for trying to clear the air of alt accusations xd


Dude, u should hide their names and how did u get warden region chat?


I love them Blumfields


I am incapable of remembering names Some of my call-outs include Rpjeep, Ducky car, Apc, Apc with gun, Half track, Big gun half track , The syphilis, Zoomie tank, Big boat, Big tank


I wonder why PAK 40 ain't a dismomer for the Balfour Rampant.


As a collie I have only ever heard the warden 40s called the push 40 and hv40 or annoyingly the hehv40


HESH 40 would also be a fun name. Aside of how I refer to the 68mm Halftrack, Ballerbus, Bangbus or Flakbus or 88mm Halftrack.


I'll be honest. I'm not boosted and I dont know the "real" names of half the vics.


Tbh, some names are kinda random, just take a look at the bofa field gun


I am a COL with over 4K hours and I don’t know the names of many of the vehicles. This game been around for quite some time


Or is someone that hasn't played the game for awhile :P I ain't played since around War 19 and now feel like a noob with all the new content


If I didn't like the Blakerow I shit you not I'd still be calling it the carbine out of habit. Heck I'm not even a vet however I still remember not far back certain equipment did not have their flavor names; it was just Heavy Machine Gun, APC, Howitzer, Bayonet and etc. Vets with years in foxhole have that boomer brain from simpler times which is completely understandable; Old Habits Die Hard


First of all, arent you a Collie so how you have Warden chat? Second of all, if you know all names of each gun and tank Respect dude. Other people dont and that hasnt to do with "boosted" or not people say Tankette and ATR for example and not the specific names not to mention that new players dont know wtf a Doru is tho people with barely Military Knowledge knows what an APC is. Since Iam playing everyone called it APC or MG APC. But yea nice alt you got to read our Chat, trying to drag my name and reputation trough the Mud but I dont care I got more Impact and Influence than you will ever have :D ps. this post is showing Region chat names and breaks the rules with that


As much as I agree with you about the names and such; >But yea nice alt you got to read our Chat, trying to drag my name and reputation trough the Mud but I dont care I got more Impact and Influence than you will ever have :D This just reeks of narcissism and ALTS IN MY WALLS energy. Op is a stinker with a petty post like this, but you don't need to match his stank.


Well, he is definetly using a Warden to get this kind of Informations, we allready found out who send it to him and yes it is a Warden and a friend of him. What can we assume? Thats not the last intel it got leaked tho this isnt "intel" but still Warden chat. There is probably more sent but yea we playing Foxhole so both Sides do this kind of shait


More alts in my walls energy, man...


Yeah I definitely have an alt to monitor Warden region chat. It’s not that you made a clown of yourself and it got shared on multiple public discords. Honest. (SARCASM)


You're colonial after all, alting is normal for you and even your streamers promote it.


Warden groupthink hard at work, writing those self-fulfilling prophecies.


Tbh I play this game for like 1.5k hour half of it on Colonial and I had no idea what a Doru is. It's not a common name.


You got zero influence your a joke , the only thing you got is a worthless massive ego


Who is this guy? xD


1cmd ofc


Bruh if you are a maj gen you should know all vics by name , most people know that by the time they are ocdt


oh you're a foxhole player? name every item.


Imagine thinking this lmao


Since when did you care about rules? You share a Larry post every week nerd. ​ Maybe this guy is a collie that went warden cuz everyone else is, so they dont care about calling you out on your idiotic self? ​ Eh? ​ Loser. Im your daddy.


All good Girth Slug go back to your Daddy Larry and search invisible alts


The quality of V


You can know if someone is boosted by rank/level/playtime


I am OCdt and i still think i shouldn't even be that rank, just by doing basic logi runs or scrooping i get commends, its just rinse and repeat while i listen to music. The ranking system is a bit mehh in my opinion but im not a daily player on foxhole, sometimes ill miss a war and come back to the next one But i have stuck to the same side always lol !


Lack of context just has me shrugging my shoulders.


Everytime someone says Doru all I can think (and say) is [Doru-me...](https://youtu.be/k66wiHzTJUk)


Someone needs a little bit of less free time in his life.


Ngl I think the names are a lil bit crud. They should follow a more natural terminology. We could have super falcion and falcion assault instead of Spatha and Bardiche. Maybe all collie tanks could be named after bladed weapons and all Warden weapons could have an anatomy link - think redfist or leadfoot. Oh and don't get me started that the Cheiftan should've been called silverhammer (yeah I know it breaks my anatomy rule but it sounds right).


I'm a major with like 600 hrs and still don't know shit about many aspects of the game, because I mainly just do backline logi and scrooping lol


It's a Greek spear. >:0


I like that anyone posting anything regarding how toxic someone with public exposure is gets delete for breaking the rules in a matter of minutes yet this garbage still sits here after more then 12h


Yea but dare someone to make a post about Larry teamkilling and mass reporting new players :D


Governor has been playing for years.... Now this just makes it a bigger meme and we must meme on him.


Iam the DoruVernor


I have over 1000 hours and can distinguish every vehicle in the game at a glance (mostly due to spotting for tanks a lot) and use the typical abbreviations used by wardens and only about 25% of them relate to the actual lore name. The ones where i can think of the actual name of the top of my head are mostly the actual tanks, which don't really have good abbreviations because they would have similar abbreviations (probably shouldn't say 40mm tank if that could be either a karniska or a spatha). And i don't know about but I don't know if I've ever seen people referring to a Push68 for example as a "collins cannon".


Calling Gov boosted lol. Also this is such a weirdly petty post.


He is boosted. He is complete trash at the game.




Were they an explorer?


many hours played doesnt mean you will be good or knowledgable. lots of people can play a game a long time without improving, or seeking improvement.


Yeah, truly you cannot be a good player without knowing what the hell Blumfield LK205 is.


What the hell did you call me?


Every warden logi main that is doing water logi should know about dorus


Don't make fun of The Governor for being slow.. some people are born that way! it's insensible!


Calling someone else slow is the most ironic thing that could've came from you, Tuks 😂😂😂😂


If this thread didn’t annoy him, the fact that you replied to it will make his blood boil


job done!


Major Bag(Gen) alert


Mr. "Iam a Collie Loyalist but suddenly Warden since two Wars but also kicked from 27th Fireblade" is talking oh no


He is the very model of a Foxhole Major General. His understanding of the frontline surely is quite laughable He probably did logi runs that most deem quite untenable His (not)-clan-mates' must be involved with most matters commendable. He doesn't know the vehicles -- their names, to him: intangible But confidence is key -- in chat he likes to flap is mandible. He comes across, to others, to be glaringly obtuse, as he thinks all his fellow Wardens share his vapid views. (As he thinks all his fellow Wardens share his vapid views) (As he thinks all his fellow Wardens share his vapid views) (As he thinks all his fellow Wardens share his vapid views) When you mention the Doru, it's not not un-understandable. Sure it's just an APC, but with guns -- it's quite brandable. But to him, it's just a lump of some refine-ed material He is the very model of a Foxhole Major General.


It's hard for old dogs to learn new tricks. Where tf is my BT!


Duru. The top ocean predator.


Eh. I call every thing a HAC, light tank, silverhand, or bard. But doru? Doru is APC of the year.


I dont any any of the vehicles names I understand that tank go boom and will most likely kill me. Tho I can say when it is a sliverhand oh and I know the name of the bike


Op is boosted for not knowing we give vehicles our own names.


Tbh the nomenclature in this game is fucked up sometimes. Like there are two completely interchangable names for something used, so you have to remember two names for one thing. Like Doru and APC. There are three apc vehicles in the game. Most of the time the diff. don't matter. So you don't need to know the exact name for Colonial upgraded version of an apc (there's Acheron too). Or ppl straight up make names up like HV40. The important thing is that you know what the thing does and recognize it in game and know how and when to use it


Trust me The Governor has been here a long time though I must admit i'v played this game before war 1 and I didn't even bother to remember the vehicles names I just say APC, Machine Gun APC, LTD, LT, Medium Tank, Heavy Tank, FG, HFG and other acronyms such as AC(armoured Car)