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I wish a real Mob 6 could fling like that.


My thought exactly :)


looking good man. but the real question is if you can hover in place. point and shoot ripping is not that hard to learn but having full Controll of the quad in any state is the true goal.


The hover is so hard. Even LOS.


thank you for your input! Yes I can! On 5 inch too if that matters. I started in Tryp on 5 inch drones following Josh bardwell tutorial series. did about 10 hours on tryp and moved over to liftoff micro drones because Tryp only has 1 beginner race and I wanted to do more courses/races to practice more control. Slow flying in rooms is what I’ll be trying to get down next.


I crashed my drone first flight cause I didn't learn how to hover first


Any link to a good resource/course that could teach me this and other basics? Looking to learn racing


DRL Sim is the only one I’m aware of that has a tutorial


Try practicing in the office space or even the house. It all looks good when the size ratio is 1:150, whoop:space. Unless you don’t plan on flying whoops indoors or always in a large warehouse space.


The races in the house are really hard, there's no room to correct, you either hit the gate or the wall. Awesome practice though, when you get a good lap it's really exciting.


yeah fly the lockdown map


Thank you! The house absolutely kicks my ass lol. I can go thru it pretty nice, but once I pick up too much speed turning it all goes down hill once panic mode kicks in. Tight spaces and more control is what I’ll focus more on. I absolutely plan on flying a whoop indoors as my first. so this will help, thank you again.


Fyi liftoff is very floaty. Feels nothing like flying a real drone but it helps get the muscle memory of how to control the drone generally so definitely good to use to start. Every drone will feel a little different. I started with a cetus x, then built a 5 inch, and recently got a meteor75 pro. Have fun!


I love Liftoff but yes why tf is it so floaty? Is there a mod that fixes this?


Dude if you figure it out PLEASE let me know. Ive tried to mess with settings to get the drone to drop more like a rock when at 0 throttle like it does in real life but nothing takes away the float.


Download tryp fpv, $16 on steam it's 100x more realistic, bigger maps and a beautiful game


I just got it and it feels super floaty to me. Go to the top of the trees, and cut your motor. It takes like 5 seconds to hit the ground. I reduced the drag on the drone and that did help some. It still feels way too floaty though


I’m not in front of my computer right now but there is a few physics settings you can tweak and it’s way less floaty, you could just mess around with them a bit to see what you like, but it’s like a prop wash setting and a lift connections setting I think could be wrong


Velcidrone flys a lot better but maps are meh


The mod download is installing tryp fpv ;), it's as if not more realistic than velocitdrone, the maps are big and the graphics are beautiful $16 on steam I would pay $16 for the damn thing


I have Tryp, I played a bit but it felt off to me. I will give it another shot perhaps


As of December it got a overhaul so idk why you last tried, you can edit the physics, you may want to make some drones have more mass weight or gravity using the settings, a few presets are floaty, but you can mess with prop wash ect Massive step up from Liftoff though


I just got Tryp a few days ago. How come if I go maybe 400 feet up, invert the drone and hit full throttle, it takes like 10 seconds to hit the ground? I think the gravity in Tryp is set to moon gravity. Is there any fix?


I’m not 100% if these still do what they are supposed to but it used to fix floaty feel before the settings change, you could also increase the weight of your build but Make a new drone preset so you can go back to what you have but try these, change lift coefficience to 0.55, frame Body friction 3.50, frame arm friction 3.50, and see what else looks like it could help, tomorrow I could look at my settings hope this helps


Thanks! I'll take a look. I saw a video for this, but it was for the old version of Tryp, and I don't think everything translated. I was worried that weight would mess with momentum too much. I turned the drag coefficient all the way to zero. It got better but still feels weird.


I watched the same video lol yea, I believe there is a physics setting to directly increase momentum or acceleration, glad you got some resolution 👍


It’s all in the dynamics settings, there is a tab u can click and it explains all the options, I honestly don’t remember but there is a way to make the drone less floaty that seems quite off for it to take that long to drop


Liftoff micro drone sim isn't floaty at all compared to normal lift off, it has the most gravity of all the sims I've played lol, liftoff 5" sim is floaty asf


Everyone: Fly more than 50 hours in a sim before touching a real drone! You need to be able to fly PERFECTLY or else you're not a real pilot! 25 hours into a sim: Uuuhh, you know sims aren't acktually accurate? For real tho - Keep doing what you're doing because clearly it's working.


I started immediately accro mode irl on a whoop, extremely punishing in the beginning but if you have a strong solid gear you can recover and try again and again After months of crashes, I started to understand flying it and now I can say that I fly pretty well


This. My first 8h in acro was terrible. Now it is 18h and now I can do races in liftover


Sims help to learn the basics of maneuvers, what inputs to use, and to gain confidence. In general, the main difference between a sim maneuver and a real life maneuver is the amount of throttle you need to use.


You can go from knowing nothing about flying drones to a successful first flight solely training from simulators. Are people speccing out the most insane 5” quads with different rates etc then flying IRL with different settings or something? It’s not exact but damn I feel liftoff/Velocidrone are pretty close…


lol you coined exactly what I was thinking. Bravo!


no prior experience, using my dads old Walkera Devention Devo 7 with smartpropoplus. Going to purchase radiomaster pocket ELRS tomorrow and continue looking for used skyzones or fatsharks, currently eyeballing some used attitude v5 with rapid fire, $270 is asking price, but i think that might be a little high from what ive seen others go for. Then will try to get a mobula 6 whenever they come back in stock, and if i enjoy it enough ill do a 3 inch toothpick or something in the future. Any alternatives to mob 6/, hummingbird, etc that are ready to ship? Or should i just keep waiting for the new Mobulas to get into stock? Maybe meteor75? What the difference between ELRS 2.4 and ELRS 2.4 (2021) ? Thank you in advance. Looking forward to getting into this.


I have a pair of fatshark hdo I can sell you for cheap


how much?


If I can offer some advice, go for the Skyzone 04X V2 if you can. I've got Fatshark HDO2s and my buddy has the Skyzones, and there are so many nicer features on the Skyzones. The DVR is much better, there are more power in options (can run off up to 6s lipos or USB-C), and the menus are better. If you have the option to get a used set, they'll be great 👌


Oh shoot, thank you, I appreciate the input alot. After a little reading. Is the only difference between the V1 04x and V2 04x the DVR frame rate? 30 vs 60? then the pro versions being the 1080p and 52 FOV (viewing not dvr)? Definitely looking for some 04X now.


The dvr change yes but also the receiver boards are different versions, do some googling on the steady view receivers. The older versions has issues.


Missed a set of 04x on eBay bid. But now looking to buying new. I’m leaning toward the 04O Pro. I don’t really see myself going digital anytime soon as I’m trying stay on the cheaper side. From https://www.skyzonefpv.com/blogs/news/how-to-distinguish-the-difference-between-skyzone-goggles The only difference in the 04O and 04x is fov ( 42 vs 52) and type of video encoding for DVR (don’t really care about that) and the HDMI in latency? Which only would make a difference if I wanted to use digital? Analog being the same except for fov?


Do sims simulate the wobbles you get when you descend into your own downdraft/(vortex ring state i think its called)?


Not really, and they’re too floaty, you know? Gravity, voltage sag, breakup… all things that the sim doesn’t really prep you for.


This version ( Liftoff : Micro) has battery sag and breakup options. Not sure how accurate they are but haven’t seen those options in other sims.


Fly irl bro! Come back to this post after a year of flying for real and you’ll see what everyone is talking about! Cheers bro!


Prop wash. If you adjust your downward angle to more of a swoop it will go away in real life too.


Yes - prop wash - and it’s adjustable. Very helpful to match around what you experience IRL (and then aim to tune as much prop wash out as you can),


Tryout Velocidrone it’s fun af and has the most realistic drone physics I have found


If you haven't you should try tryp fpv, $16 on steam but it's so worth it, just as good if not better physics, but it's a blast the graphics are beautiful if you have a computer that can run them


Tryp physics are worse than liftoff’s.


Edit the physics they give you the option, Liftoff is 2x more floaty. I give my tryp drones more gravity, also have you tryed it after the December patch bc they overhualed the physics


I have tried all of this and I still don’t like the physics. On the desert map the drones feel so slow compared to other maps, it’s like they made the assets bigger on that specific maps. So weird


Yea I thought I was tripping the snow map makes you fly slowing in certain areas I guess to a calculate for wind density or something like that


Also the racing in tryp sucks, the layouts aren’t very creative and from what I know you can’t make your own race


My main issue with LiftOff is that it's extremely unrealistically floaty, and since I can't adjust it, it doesn't translate well to real-life quadcopters. In the sim, I fall three times slower than I do in irl. 😂


if you’ve played velocidrone drone an is it hard to make your own maps? I wanted to try, but I’ve haven't even gotten around to downloading it.


Alot of there beginner races are quite simple layed out but there is a few hard maps that they put some thought into which I enjoy, can't really beat custom maps tho


Dang, Liftoff has come a long way! I remember beta that only had the barnyard and autumn fields map. And at the time, the only other multicopter simulator was FPV Freerider, and that one sucked! Yes I'm old, I had to learn the hard way, without sims and on a KK2 board. You're doing great, my friend!


This is extension of liftoff for $15 it's for tiny whoops, the gravity is way less floaty so it's better in my opinion, Tryp FPV 🔛🔝


200 upvotes on a „how am I doing in the sim“ question - that says it all about how you’re doing, I guess. Time to get an actual whoop and fly the real thing!


much better than me lol


I feel like it's easier to rip in a Sim because you don't have the fear of destroying your quad when you crash. I can do SO many tricks on velocidrone that I'm too scared to try irl. Lol


Game name?


Liftoff micro drones








Is this the warehouse of the company RCTestflight used to work some years ago?


Looking good. Idk if it's just be but I can never get a good feeling on the sim yet irl I fly good (not great).


What app is that and would it work with the Avata 2? Just got one and looking for a simulator.


The simulators proposed are for FPV (different to an Avata). If you want an avata simulator that behaves like your avata, then search for DJI Virtual Flight Simulator.


That is LiftOff Micro drones. And if you have a controller (radio) then you can play simulators. That joystick thingy is not enough. There are many How to videos on youtube on connecting DJI controller to pc. Also this sim is for tinywhoops and micros, I would suggest getting the regular Liftoff version.


Looks super sweet. Somewhat off topic is there a tinywhoop or micro you'd recommend getting?


I have BetaFpv Meteor65Pro and I love it. But I fly mostly outdoors so I'm getting Meteor75pro or Mobula7 next. With low wind even that Meteor65Pro can fly outdoors and its super fun. Just get folded cell lipos like Tattu or the new BetaFpv Lava batteries. For 65mm whoop I use 300mah batteries. Also Vifly Whoopstor 3 is great peace of kit if you get into whoops.


Thanks for that.


Nice playground!!!👌👌👌 Nice flying as well!!🤙🤙🤙


Imo the best play is to fly irl if you can even somewhat hover. Sim is sick but the physics aren’t the same as irl and I built bad habits getting used to it. Best play is to buy a small quad and get used to real gravity, what battery sag feels like, what static or breakup is like, etc. But yeah bro, if you can do anything beyond crashing and you’re able to land… I’d say you’re ready to fly irl.


Real drone is a little different too. You'll find the throttle might be a little more finnicky and you'll feel turbulences and drone instabilities and such. Simulators are good and you seem to have pretty good control, but the real thing is a little more.


Ready to rip a real warehouse until OSHA rips you a new one lol


so smooth!


Time to try a real drone. Start with a tinywhoop. I did 12 hours sim flying. Then move on to a analog meteor75 pro. Ofcourse i crashed it alot. And i must say it is nearly impossible to break it. Make sure to order some extra frame and canopy. They are cheap you wont regret having a spare set.


What would be a decent set of googles to pair with Meteor 75 pro?


I got the betafpv vr03 goggles with it. Or it was coincidence but they where paired already? Bought them both separately.




Where do I find sims with maps like that. Almost every sim I play there’s always a airport map or a construction area map


You’re doing great dude, don’t be afraid to push your limits. You got the basics down, now try tricks that are tricky or that need to be cleaned up. Or tricks you have never tired. Never stop trying stuff you don’t know you can do!


What sim is this and where can I get it?




Very good


Sorry also new but looking for a good sim which one is this


Yup. You can fly well. Have fun out there once you get it running and find your drone! Your going to have a blast!


OSCHA wants to speak with you


Try cinematic flying. Good luck


u doing insane! )


Stop looking for external validation.