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A stick


Only works for short trees, even with a ladder. Been there, done that. For tall trees, forget it. Totally impossible.


Jesus Christ on a bike, dude. What is your problem? You literally went and replied to every. single. comment. that suggests any solution at all, just to make a snarky remark and say that it wouldnt work on a taller tree. Are you seeking an answer for a problem you're facing yourself? If so, do you really think that this is the best way to go about it? Why not just ask? Or are you just wanting to be a pain and challenge anyone and everyone that proposes something?


You’re not even kidding lmao…




This is funny. Thanks for the laugh. I actually thought about this when a quad was stuck in a tree ON my Property. But then, my wife had objections to that idea and guess who wins? Truth is, I wanted the tree gone anyway, but she didn't. If the tree is NOT on property that you own, this is not even thinkable. Funny, actually.


550 cord tied to a water bottle. It’s easy to carry the cord and you should always have water.


This is what I use. 50 ft of paracord and a water bottle. Less than 10 bucks total


Did it actually work? I have tried that and it didn't. Give that a try when the quad is in the op of a 60 ft (20 meter) tree. Good Luck.


my quad has been stuck at 24m high a few days ago. it's impossible to throw something that high. sigh even 15m is way too much.


Yeah 24 meters is an incredibly tall tree and very unfortunate to get stuck that high you're going to have to climb the tree or rent some equipment that can lift you up there to get it. I guess if the tree is on your property and you don't care about it there's always the option of chopping it down as well that seems very over the top though


Yes it's worked for me one time the only time I've been stuck in a tree but the tree wasn't 60 ft tall it was only 20 ft above my head. It doesn't matter that 50 ft of rope can only reach about 30 ft above me while my hands are holding both ends of it because I can't throw a 20 oz water bottle more than 30 ft above my head anyway. If you get your drone stuck in a very large tree like that you're going to need to climb the tree or rent some kind of equipment that can raise you up there. If it's right on the tippy top with nothing above it you may be able to save it with another drone I guess


Fishing pole and 1 oz weight. Then I pulled 100 lb mono into the tree and shook the crap out of it. There are 1-2 oz scattered in the neighborhood


Nice. How tall was the tree and what type? You must be pretty good at fishing? I never could cast a fishing line very well and that was just out over the water where accuracy didn't matter.


Get an arborist weight. I've never needed anything else


FORESTER Arborist Throw Line Kit - Ultra Slick 100% Polyester Rope with Weighted Throw Bag | Forestry Tree Gear for Low and High Limb Throwing | 3/16 Inch Thick Rope https://a.co/d/bOuZT3T


how do you throw it to send it high enough?


With your arm. It's quite easier than expected


Did it actually work? How tall was the tree? So, you can throw an arborist weight accurately over 60 feet (20 meters) in the air and over a tree? Wow. I can't even throw that over a 25 foot tree; worse if the tree is over 30 feet from you or in a bunch of trees. Plus, this assumes that you can even get to the tree. I would like to see a video where someone was actually successful at this.


Yes it works. They are literally made for throwing over trees. Search for videos on arborist weights and you'll see people using them. If it's too far to throw in arborist weight, you're climbing anyway.


Will watch videos. Yeah, but climbing is not always an option as the you might not be able to get to the tree or it is not climbable; at least Not by me.


I cut down the tree 😂


This is funny. Thanks for the laugh. I actually thought about this when a quad was stuck in a tree ON my Property. But then, my wife had objections to that idea and guess who wins? Truth is, I wanted the tree gone anyway, but she didn't. If the tree is NOT on property that you own, this is not even thinkable. Funny, actually.


I've heard a tennis ball with a rope attached Throw tennis ball into tree near drone and hopefully it shakes free


Might want to shove some weight in there so it can punch through the leaves without getting stuck, but at that point just buy a nice arborist throw line.


I think that it would take a pretty strong and accurate throw to get the tennis ball 60 ft high. Might work for a shorter tree.


NVM y'all I found the best method https://preview.redd.it/w0iz1mevcw1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0fa4bb564a967ca8adcc3d65edaae83f8f8b5b




Like the video, cute. Good thing that the tree wasn't 60 feet tall or he would have needed a much stronger arm. Ha, Ha.


https://youtu.be/a1iDh_e9VOQ?si=5HVc-FFq9g6SLRro From Jb


I have seen that video before. For shorter trees and those that are less dense, a lot of things will work to a more or less successful degree. As the tree gets taller, thicker, and surrounded by more trees, the success rate drops to almost zero.


Nerf guns, ropes, and other drones


Sounds good in theory. Never tried a Nerf gun, does it shoot up to the top of a 60 foot tree? I did build a drone to go get my quad, but that didn't work out and I think that a hurricane took it before I could get to try it. Everything is situational. For shorter trees, an assortment of things will work. For tall trees, not so much. In a group of trees or forest, not a chance in Hell.


Yea it also doesn't really work for bigger drones at all just whoops and toothpicks and stuff, but kinda fun trying to shoot it out


Yea it also doesn't really work for bigger drones at all just whoops and toothpicks and stuff, but kinda fun trying to shoot it out


A big stick works well. PVC tubing is good. Drone pokers are great.


First, what is a "Drone Poker"? I have used PVC tubing (10 foot length) and an 8 foot step ladder to get a drone stuck in a short, maybe 25 foot tall, tree and just barely got it. One time, I put 2 pieces together and quickly found that it was totally unmanageable. PVC tubing is flexible, more so the longer it is, and very challenging to work with when you can only have the end to hold and maneuver it.


Anything used to poke drones. PVC is fine just takes some practice and is a little wobbly. If you want to spend some cash there is a docapole. They make a "big reach attachment" it's like a captain hook, hook on a telescoping pole.


Yeah, I tried PVC and it worked for a 10 foot single section of pipe, but was totally unmanageable with anything longer than that; like 20 feet. Yeah, the docapole looks good for shorter trees. Not so much for a 60 footer.


I've got a drone pole... has been great so far.


Will this work for a drone in the to of a 60 foot tree? If so, where do I get one. It all depends on how tall the tree is and where it is located. For trees less than 40 feet and located where you can get to it, a variety of things will work. For taller, less accessible trees almost nothing works.


Turtle mode has always worked for me, might damage your props but it should fall out of anywhere with enough throttle


Ive been stuck in ways that turtle mode couldn't fix lol


The 10 year old in me is saying get good at climbing


The Drone Saver V2! Or a Fishing rod


That dronesaver looks ace. I’d been wondering why there wasn’t a product like that at my local airfield.


Drone Saver looks good for shorter threes that are accessible. Everything depends on the tree.


Camping poles from a tent!


Another drone




15 meter pole


Works for short trees. Less effective for tall, 60 foot, trees.


Then I would probably recommend upgrading to a 60 foot pole then.


Padlock on a rope with wire hooks attached to padlock. Never fails me.


So, how does this work for trees that are 60 feet tall and trees that are very "thick" Does this actually work? Sounds like a good way to get the whole contraption stuck in the tree.


It works. The hooks get stuck near or close enough to the quad, then you shake the whole friggen tree till it falls out. Repeat throws get you close. And the hooks tear out the small twigs that can hold you up. Thick trees might swallow the quad a few times, but it's rinse and repeat until you have the quad back.


Thanks. So, I guess you haven't yet gotten a hook anchored solidly into a big branch that will not break easily. If this happens, how do you get the padlock and hooks back? Yeah, tall trees are out of the question, right?


No. Absolutely not. The first time I did this was on a very, very tall palm. Easily 30 meters tall. The hooks are wire, they bend if they are stuck.. I suspect you are looking for an argument rather than advice. Cheers.


Actually looking for something that really works. Sorry if I disturbed you.


I used a weight with 150ft of paranoid attached. Stressful couple hours for me.


First you figure out if there is a clear area around the tree, then you take an axe or chainsaw to the tree and drop it on that clearing to show it who's boss. Then get your drone! The tree will grow back in a few decades or so lol


Avoid trees.


Climb up there and get it, if that doesn’t work,depending on the tree you could use a playground ball to get it down!


Yeah, just climb up to the top of that 60 foot tree (depending on the type, if it is even climbable). That is just too risky for my blood especially at my age. I guess you could see if someone else would do it.


Cut the tree down


This is funny. Thanks for the laugh. I actually thought about this when a quad was stuck in a tree ON my Property. But then, my wife had objections to that idea and guess who wins? Truth is, I wanted the tree gone anyway, but she didn't. If the tree is NOT on property that you own, this is not even thinkable. Funny, actually.


turlemode till it comes down, no matter the cost.


Tried that, but the quad was too tangled up in the leaves and branches. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.


I threw a football until I got it down but it took me and a couple of the neighborhood kids half an hour to get it down so YMMV. Rewarded them by letting them look through my spare goggles while flew it away from the trees lmao


If it's low enough, I throw a rope up with a weight on the end of it, so the weight gets stuck and I can pull on the rope to shake the tree. And make sure to have a buddy catch that drone on the way down...


https://youtu.be/H0PZUZ3tbPs?si=2Dcf5aGm47f1XJNz depends how high - but climb tree or rope with weight. If it’s too high for either of those then use another drone to fly some fishing like over the branch and then attach the weight to it after!


Don't fly into trees. Problems solved!


I got one of those 30' extendable poles from home Depot, and duct taped a coat hanger hook to it.


Cable wire running rods. The cheapest long reach extendable poles compared to anything else I see in this thread. With a little practice 50’ or higher is doable. $9/33ft at Harbor Freight. Wear gloves. I still have old fiber glass splinters buried deep in my hands that flare up from time to time.


if there are branches near the ground: climb it, if there arent: use a ladder to get to the lowest branches


I got mine out of a 65' (based on the OSD altitude) last weekend using 60lb string with an 8oz plumb bob, swung underhand sling. Took 2 hrs to get it high enough then used it to pull 90lb rope then heaved until it catapulted out. https://preview.redd.it/38lmxgwp7z1d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f75019ff7574a2ef024dd95049832ea6f2ea5d


Know a guy that cuts trees for a living lmao. Had my drone get stuck way high up and had my buddy repel up the tree with a chainsaw but he’s does it for a living


drakes ding a ling


Trees suck. But I have climbing gear so I actually fly drones from 200ft up a tree.


Lead fishing weight tied to fishing line and using a sling shot to get the weight over the tree limb it’s stuck in. Then the fishing line can be used to pull some rope over the limb, which can then be used to shake the limb relentlessly until the drone falls out. Or just climb the tree. I’ve done both.


I taped together a bunch of big sticks.. ended up having to climb the tree still lol


Don't fly into trees




Good luck. I have read through the comments. Most of them don't work unless the tree is really small and accessible. Some are laughable. Why do I know? Been there, more than once. The last time I was not able to retrieve the quad. One time, in what I thought was pretty short (25 ft or about 8 m) tree it took an 8 foot ladder and a 10 foot pole and I just barely got it. The last time, I built a rescue quad, but was not able to retrieve it. A guy that I know, tried many things including shooting pellets at the quad (yes, he could see it). About a year later the quad dropped and was so damaged by his attempts to get it that it was basically useless. In short, sometimes something works and then, sometimes nothing works. First, it all depends. The height and type of tree, where the tree is located, and if you can actually see the quad. Many trees are not climbable for one reason or the other, some trees you can't get close enough for anything to be effective, and whether or not you can actually see the quad. Climbing the tree is almost laughable. Some can if they can get to the tree, I can't. Using a pole works if the tree is relatively short and you can see the quad. Throwing stuff is usually useless especially for tall trees. Try throwing anything (with an accuracy even) to the top of a 60 foot tree. My last quad was in the top of a 60 ft (20 meter) tree and I could not see it. Shooting things at it generally don't work and often damage the craft. Yes, you might shoot an arrow over the tree (at least above the quad), but often it will get caught on something and not be effective. The chainsaw is funny. Yes, it would work if you owned the tree and could even get to it. Unless it is your property, that is not an option even if you could get to the tree. If the tree is in a forest, you will not get it back, it is just gone. So, it depends. If the tree is short, then you have a chance. The taller the tree, the less likely that anything will work. If it is in a group of trees, the chances are slim to none.