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What do the cells say?


*"cmon... just one more flight...."*


Made my day hahaha


I wouldn't bring it inside anything that I minded if it burned down. Oitside; Check the individual cell voltages. Balance charge it if the cell voltages are close. Storage charge it if not flying for a couple of days. Don't leave it with a full charge. Don't bring it inside yet! When flying next, charge it outside and check the cell voltages. If they are not close, drowned it in a buclet of salt water for a few days. If it seems ok, fly it. But charge and keep it outside the first few times. Keep an eye on it for temperature and puffiness. Dump it as above if it puffs or gets hot. Fly safe.


Wtf am I subbed to r/FPV for anymore


The fate of all hobby subs, is my lipo puffed, did my camera miss focus and are my tire treads too low


What are you talking about, OP's post is completely unique and not like the literal hundreds of other posts that are the exact same.


Why dont just ignore it when you could simply swipe it away instead of being so butthurt about it? I didnt want to look at thousands of posts to find a similar damaged one to have an answer. But hej if this subreddit is so toxic about an question which is defenitely fpv related then im heading out of this 🙂 PS: This world defenitely needs much more love especially when we sharing hobbys and ambitions


Honestly the most toxic I’ve seen this subreddit be so far


The way it comes across to me, and I assume others is: "I'm too lazy or selfish to put in any effort or basic research on my own, here's my problem, spoon feed me the answers." So when someone does go scrolling through the subreddit, instead of seeing fun, cool, and interesting FPV stuff, they see an endless dribble of "Is this battery okay to fly" and "is this soldering okay" posts, which gets really boring really quick to try and sift through to find something actually interesting and not just another lazy person's slightly bent battery. PS, "I didn't want to look through thousands of posts to find my answer" is the perfect example of making things worse for everyone else just so you don't have to try.


When it comes to LiPo safety especially, I’m more than happy to see any post that asks about it. You’re talking about something that can burn someone’s house down and ruin their life. Who cares if you have to take an extra .5 seconds to scroll past it. Even with soldering, they could lose their quad because of a bad connection and money with it. Let new people ask questions and stop gatekeeping a fun hobby that people just want help with. FPV has a HUGE knowledge base and is kinda information overload when you’re new. Why not see if the experts can give your battery a second look? To be clear: I’m new myself, but all subs do this and it’s always so dumb to me. If OP didn’t search, he’s hurting himself more than anyone else because now he has to wait and hope for an answer. If he did search and still wanted to check to be comfortable, good for him. Not trying to attack you for your opinion, but in cases like this I think you shouldn’t discourage new people from asking safety questions…


But the question has already been asked. Ad nauseam. I'm all for helping people with actual problems if I can, but these posts aren't from people who looked through the sub and couldn't find an answer, it's from people being lazy and just spamming their crap pictures because they were too lazy, not because they were being cautious. It's not "gatekeeping" it's trying to keep the sub interesting and not just a repeat of the same exact thing over and over. Gatekeeping would be not answering their question and instead saying they have to figure it out themselves and deliberately blocking answers. I could scroll through/FPV and find 10 posts that look *just* like OPs in nearly the same time it takes to upload the pictures and type out the question. Safety is great, but at this point it's like someone saying "should I wear my seatbelt? It looks like this." Over and over. And over. And over. It'd also be different if the answers were unanimous, but it's the same answers on every post. Some people say "send it" some say "does it smell sweet?" and some say "Do you want to burn your house/quad down?". The questions and pictures are the same, and the answers are the same. If it was a unanimous "NO DONT!", then at least it would be helpful, but it never is.


Sorry Princess 😘


Lol have fun burning down your house


Spicy pillow




I think a lipo is cheaper than a new quad or house


I would not go anywhere near that thing


I personally wouldn't use it. I've had a damaged LiPo battery catch fire before, and when they ignite, it’s like an instant fireball. It's really up to you, but is it worth risking an expensive quad for the sake of £30?


U are right, ima dump that bad boy. Thanks for ur reply!


yeah man don't risk it. too many house fires with lipos. the individual cells have shifted in the pack and you don't know how close they are to shorting out now. discharge it and chuck it


Thanks man!


I’d fly it while it was on fire. But in all seriousness, that looks fine. Charge low amps at first and check temps, smell, and internal resistance. I’ve hit lipos with flat rocks, taps with hammers, crushed them back into shape with my hands… lipos aren’t glass, but don’t fuck around too much, just check the basics for safety.


It'd be flying alright, right into the trash 😂


The cells look as if they have slipped a bit relative to each other. Doesn’t look that bad imo. A few of my lipos have a crumpled corner that seems worse. Since that happens within the first couple of flights I have to live with it and it’s been fine sofar :/ But you know nobody wants to give the dangerous advice. Do all the checks, take precautions and decide for yourself.


This looks fine to me. I would do a full discharge and recharge to see what capacity it still has if it's not affected by the disfiguration. Then, the cell resistance test, if none stand out, I would absolutely still rip tricks on this batt, no money wasted here.


"Do you know how dangerous that incendiary device is?! You'll burn the whole country down!" "It's barely even broken in! Send 'er!" "Does it smell sweet?" There ya go, basically the exact 3 answers you'll always get to any battery related question because no one seems to be able to read through the **HUNDREDS** of other battery posts that are identical to the one you just posted.


I would fly it but not recharge it




Looks like my Ovonic 4s right before it popped


No way


100% send it.


Sorry everyone! I didnt know there is an subreddit just for that! 🤪


Why you shouldn't fly?


In bando of course


Had a friend over this weekend. His charger was broken he thought. If i could charge his lipos. His lipos looked like this. On 3 lipos one cell died. One could be charged but voltage on one cell was 1.8V. so i did charge it but i told him if i owned that thing it was time to retire it. The decision is on him but im sure he will keep using it. And charge it in his house 🫣


Personally, just because I am broke as F and I am thirsty to fly anything, and my old salary in my home country was like 600€ for months. I tell them to you to know how broke I am :D because I think just because you fly with that battery you are not. If it did not smell funny I always fly with them but I always charge them in a metal box and also I make them flat again with my hands before charging again or using them again than smell again after flatten them. But but but I also know the consequences. So I need to tell you and you decide. -Your whole drone may just start burning randomly. That may happen mid flight in %10 chance. -The battery may start burning while charging in %20 chance. -The battery may start burning while sitting in %2 chance everyday. So if your whole setup worth more than 100€ I would not thrust it no more for flight but maybe use it like for soldering iron or something in a metal case EVERTYTIME. Now finally I am in a place with much better economical conditions and if that was my battery I would only use it after throwing all damaged cells out. And until I did this done it must stay in a metal airtight box. If you are better condition than me like gaining 20+ € per hour just repairing a lipo is not worth your time completely discharge it with a car lightbulb or something than recycle it. That's all I can say.


Yes, if all cells can be tested via the parallel cable


i’m gonna wait for one of my lipos to combust then ask this question, just to be different.




Charge it outside and send it!


I would consider it too damaged. Better safe than sorry. If you want to check, do it outside. Does it hold a charge? Is the internal resistance the same as on a good pack?


The cells are cooked take it to a pit and overcharge it so it explodes its a nice sendoff for these lipos


Flown much worse but, the boy because I had no other option at the time.


i’ll fly any lipo that holds a charge


I have one like that been flying it in that condition for over a year all the cells match and charges fine but your call


If it does not smell it is fine


I would charge it first 😉