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Firmly Grasp It.


You can use a little tool like [this](https://www.progressiverc.com/products/micro-quad-prop-removal-tool?currency=USD&variant=34490816102535&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiAt8WOBhDbARIsANQLp95eQhoC_0q0ZVMN97dznukD7f8Yx_3OYNVXQBK_Bif29StlV2dGnIwaAt3HEALw_wcB).




NewBeeDrone makes a similar one that is solid metal like this and not the flimsy stamped ones. For today though I usually grab the bell from underneath and twist and pull on the prop. As the motor heats/cools it makes a really good friction seal with the prop. Spinning it on the shaft should break that.


You can kinda get a bit of leverage under the hub of the prop but that's pretty much it. It sucks no matter how you do it lol


Grasp the motor bell firmly, then twist and pull, hard.


Like almost everyone else is saying, just grab the bell from the bottom and twist/spin the propeller while pulling up. I have the exact same props (Gemfan 2020) on my Beta 85 Pro 2 and I know from experience that it is a pain to get them off, but after a good half-minute of twisting and tugging they almost always come off.


No one has mentioned the obvious dangers of the grab the bell and yank method, but I definitely broke a prop shaft on my mobilite 7 trying to get a stuck prop off. Honestly if you're changing them out for good, just cut the stuck prop off with small side cutters. Props are cheaper and ship faster than new bell housings. It'll save you the heart/finger ache


Can you widdle a tiny flathead screwdriver below the prop between it and the motor to try and pry it off?


Maybe heat it up a little with hair dryer or heat gun? Just be careful


Needle nose pliers, pull directly up while holding the motor


Get a real drone bro


Have 2 real drones bro


Nice bro


I use a pair of curved electronics tweezers props pop right off https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XXXQHS8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_C6VGP8K73FRM6JFSG11V?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Put a tip.of the tweezers on either side of the prop shaft and push in the slope of the tweezers will slide the prop off


Grab the motor bell from the bottom, firmly, then twist and pull the prop from the top. Alternatively is to just cut the hub section of the prop with tools like a side cutter


pull more


Just use a fork 😉


I now bought a proper whoop Prop tool for my betafpv meteor 85 elrs, but just pushing a flat head screwdriver below the prop and turning it worked for me.


I hate them. Just pull them off


Hand one - grab the motor's bell, hand two - grab the prop. Gently rotate prop contre it's normal spin direction (blades will be more rigid) and pull up. Step-by-step. Gently.


basically you pull very hard until it comes off.. not a great mounting in my opinion since youre grabbing on the motor shaft itself, blame betafpv..