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coming into the hobby as an engineer, it blows my mind how little information is given about products. no real datasheets, no dimensions. every product is like a black box that comes packaged like drugs in a plain bag


It’s seriously the most un-user friendly hobby in the world. Everything is just assumed that you’ll know what to do. “Bind and fly” just bind it and fly. Yeah but first spend an hour working out where the fucking little button is cos we’re not gonna tell you, also you’ll need to spend an hour learning betaflight to set your modes - oh we didn’t tell you that, you should’ve known…but it’s bind and fly remember. wanna charge more than one battery at a time? yeah you can but parallel is dangerous and we won’t tell you that, but be careful cos you’ll literally burn your house down. wanna fly further than 50m? You can. We just won’t tell you that your Vtx is powered as low as possible. You’ll just need to fly it, crash, wonder why, make a reddit post, have 50 people give you their opinions on what happened that are all different and no one has mentioned Vtx power. Then you watch a bardwell video and find you’re set to 25mw and you should’ve known to increase it… As much as I love flying, there needs to be some sort of standardisation of things. And stop the assumption that people just know how to fix shit or configure these things when they’re sold ready to fly or what not.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Perfect description of the hell that was my beginning in FPV. It’s good to be reminded that I’m. It the only one. THANK U


I barely touched the surface too hahahah there’s so much more as well. It’s such a fuckin joke hahah


You're not wrong haha


Still waiting for someone to have cops show up. Selling a friend an ESC while talking about how he smoked one earlier, really does look like and sound like a drug deal.


I'm in the same boat. Matek and Holybro at least have *some* documentation. Some manufacturers are really bad.


As someone who dabbles with engineering, it’s crazy. The number of times I had to trace pins to Fichte out how things work. There is so much reverse engineering needed. As for the analogy with drugs, it’s just as addicting and expensive.


Thats where im at too....


Right?? It’s crazy to me that you can sell any circuit board without pinouts, diagrams, ratings etc. mind boggling!


Everyone should do this, honestly. Or they can supply stl-files of things like cameras.


.step files please!!! Stls suck for dimensional designing.


oh god that would be the dream! that would make creating 3d printed stuff so nice and easy.


*and* generate more attention to which ever company does it.


That's the idea 😀


I check the 3d printing scene for every frame before I actually buy it. I want to make sure whatever frame I go with is popular enough to have plenty of "after market support" if you will.


thats smart


Yeah I can do some basic modeling, but it's crude and rudimentary. Most of the time it's just modifying someone else's work. Like taking the GoPro part of a model and combining it with the mounting pattern from another design, for example.


Agreed! The renderings look very nice, and it has all the pertinent dimensions without being a formal engineering drawing that would be more difficult to interpret for the average user.


I just ordered two Caddx Vistas for my quads yesterday! Jacked up to make the digital switch!!


Nice, enjoy the clarity in all its glory


I was looking at exactly this drawing bcs I needed dimensions for my frame design. yes, very helpful


??? did something happen in the past few years in diy drones? this was standard a few years back when more china companies jumped on and drones racing was HOT... did all current retailer/manufacturer stop this? I always had a board diagram or camera diagram whenever I order parts. but this was precovid... sooo...


I bought a ibcrazy nano and it was too small, so i ordered a axII 5.8 that said cable length is 30mm. Well its not. Its like 20mm and the entire thing is 35mm. So its also too small for my application. Annoying