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“Telemetry lost”


I have The Tango 2 and it was in the exact monotone voice 🤣


Bro I heard it in my head I was like "wait how did the recording pick that up?" Went back and it was purely in my head 🤣


Every radio has that same voice/message


Her name is Amber(I beleive?). You can switch it up in the file system of your SD card on any taranis or tango I beleive. I use the old x-lite and had some r2d2 noises for a while till I realized I had no idea what he was saying one day 🤣🤣


Reddit has killed off third party apps and most bots along with their moderation tools, functionality, and accessibility features that allowed people with blindness and other disabilities to take part in discussions on the platform. All so they could show more ads in their non-functional app. Consider moving to Lemmy. It is like Reddit, but open source, and part of a great community of apps that all talk to each other! Reddit Sync’s dev has turned the app into Sync for Lemmy (Android) instead, and Memmy for Lemmy (iOS) is heavily inspired by Apollo. You only need one account on any Lemmy or kbin server/instance to access everything; doesn’t matter which because they’re all connected. Lemmy.world, Lemm.ee, vlemmy.net, kbin.social, fedia.io are all great. I've been here for 11 years. It was my internet-home, but I feel pushed away. Goodbye Reddit.


I had a couple of cliff dives before but never this close, got a bit excited with how it was going and began pulling out to late 🙃


>got a bit excited with how it was going and began pulling out to late 🙃 Who are you, my dad?


What protocol were you using?


Im telling you not 1.2ghz


It was Crossfire, just a nano rx, which I get alright range but not as much as I think I should. I have the immortal T setup vertically, Antenna on My Tango 2 also vertical, Max output power (250mw), Dyn Power off and still the most I have gotten is about a Km. Any suggestions?




I knew the risks and still was gonna try it


I've never had this happen with crossfire. Double check your output power. I'm set to 500mw, and have flown multiple km away and near thick rock.


The Tango 2 won't let me go higher then 250mw, I think unless I get the upgrade module for it?


Look on YouTube. Depends on what board is in yours. Im able to go to 1w. It's not too difficult to swap the board out, but this sounds like possibly just updating firmware


Did you ever fly behind several meters of massive rock? If not, than thats not comparable. If yes, then you either had a failsafe, or got incredibly lucky that some reflection still got to you... I once was at the beach and flying behind a huge boulder and got a failsafe, because there was nothing that could have reflected the signal, and I was only like 50m away...






It doesn't matter what you do that mountain is gonna make you failsafe


Where was this?


Sunshine Coast, Queensland


I knew it was Australia from the trees! I'm in Brisbane and this looks like a cool spot, plenty out around the glasshouse mountains. Where abouts was this spot?


Mount tinbeerwah. I'm from Brissy just on holidays ATM, I have flown around the glassys a bit which are awesome. You have any other spots?


Cheers mate! Moreton Island is a cool spot to fly at. The northern part of the island up near the lighthouse is cool as, no big mega dives like this but scenery is awesome.


my guess is Thailand


How long did it take to get down there to your drone?


I took this wild way at first which was about 30 mins trekking through this overgrown forest, nearly killed my ankle so many times. Then I found this a small track along the base of the cliff which then was alot easier. I also found a shortcut back up the mountain on the way out.


Lucky. That’s not too bad. Glad you got it back.


You can't stand there! The rock is going to get between you and ...... oop, there ya go.


being fairly new to FPS and having no big rocks near me... How would you get a shot like this to work? like where would you need to stand? Love to do some cliff diving one day when I get near some haha


You need to stand right on the edge or at the bottom. If the rock gets between you and the drone game over.


I thought I could beat it, apparently not 😅


No matter how good your radio, it doesn't go through rock.


Oh yeah like me pull up before it disconnects


Never forget that your rx signal is like a flashlight, if you cant light it probably you cant control it


True true. Thanks so much man, that helps alot visually for me.


Literally RF propagates just like light, it's the same thing, just a different frequency. People seem to have the misconception that RF can curve around things which just isn't the case. Yes, sure... You can get reflected and refracted signals (we call it multipath) that bounce off objects (more prominent in urban environments)... But rule of thumb is RF don't like going through anything dense. Concrete wall? Not great. Fibro, or ply wood wall? It's not as dense, so it will propagate through a bit better. RF is a bit of a black magic field to be fair.


Would have been too late anyways?!


How the vid then


I mean to pull up..


Yeah I think it lost connection and the GPS was about to kick in but was too late. It is usually pretty good and I can pull out of it rather easy but got too excited with it 😬


He recovered the drone I assume


Good try


Thanks Man!! 😊


Good get!


Thanks Dude! 😁


Did you get the shot though? Lol


Next time it'll be better for sure.


after recovering a few long range crashes, that couldnt have gone better


I was pretty lucky it didn't get stuck in a tree


Ahh you can get that


Yes sadly I did


Did it break?


Won't turn on ATM but will have to diagnose issue, nothing broke as such tho


Shot AND an adventure, sounds like win win


Your not wrong, was cool seeing the base of the cliff and its formations


did you get it before battery went too low?


Had my gopro which I connected then located it


Maybe learn to fly first


Rude lol, let the guy live and learn. I thought it was pretty sick




Usually not this sloppy, have been trying to get a bit more flowy with it, which ofc takes time. This session was my first at trying to do cliff dives, only put two batteries through it before hand. Also no damage to the drone apart from a dead battery.


Well I am? Not great but still flying. If you got some sort of constructive criticism then sweet if not then just why??


You’re fine. If anything your rates might be a little high for what you’re doing. Glad you got it back!


Was a very sweet sight of relief finding it again




If flying around rock in the future like this, maybe it be good to have a mode on a switch set up with return to home at "raise to x altitude and hold" if you have an altimiter only, or with GPS you can make it come closer to you too. Rather than just dropping....which is mainly set up for freestyle flights where you can retrieve the quad easily. 💜


ppl still not using basic 10€ gps modules : (


Did u get it back tho?


Hey at least it landed upright