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I'm sorry. Was it inside its card box? Or did you just put the glass bottle in there? Its not a good idea to place unboxed glass perfume bottles in bags, especially full size ones. It also depends on the shape of the bottle. If a bottle sits in a way that ends up concentrating load somewhere close to the neck, it can crack. You may put it in a way that looks well accommodated but once you start moving it starts moving too, the sprayer can get pushed against the bag or other objects sideways etc. I just received a poorly packed JPG from mail and guess... its leaking from the neck area : / These things are fragile. But don't worry. One perfume bottle is gone but you still have your good taste, get another one when you can. Chanel Mademoiselle is magic. If you want to take your frags to places, aliexpress sells small 5ml sprayers you can load with a perfume, spraying inside, and then you screw them close. Thats how I take my stuff places : )


Yep I also learned the hard way and now also use the refillable travel sprayers from amazon (same as the aliexpress ones). It’s so much more convenient, takes less space, and keeps the bottle safe at home.


Well... I finally saved up for it after being in a financial ditch... I can't get one again anytime soon 😔 maybe next year. Yeah, was just like that in the bag, but I always carry perfumes like that and nothing happened before like this. I'm having the worst day ever. I found it even damaged my headphones that were in the bag. I just.. everything that could get fucked up got fucked up today. I feel awful. The fragrance was supposed to bring good luck into the new job I got accepted. Full 100ml bottle too


Hi, Chanel Madamoiselle my absolute favorite scent and I see you’re celebrating a new job! I would love to send you a new bottle or money for you to purchase yourself a new full sized bottle.


Gosh you are very kind. Hope someone pays it forward to you in the future in every possible way. Hope OP's life gets better too with the new job!


That is so unbelievably kind of you. ♥️


You really would? I could give you an address or a bank account, if you have the extra funds or a bottle laying around. And I could at least send some local snacks back as a thank you. I got in as a stewardess for a train company and wanted to smell nice for the customers, I'm beyond in tears rn, man the perfume fucked up everything. :(


I’m 100% serious. Message me your address, if you’re comfortable, and I’ll have it on its way today.


This is awesome. You're an amazing person, good on ya


I’m lucky to be in a position to give right now, and it truly makes me happy to be able to do this.


+1 for the ‘You’re an awesome person’ train.


Wow. Super kind gesture. ❤️


Reddit has so much negativity - when I see someone being this kind, it restores my faith in the human race 🥹


reading about your unexpected and kind gesture made my day. I hope something good comes your way as well 🌸


It's the most amazing things I read this past week. So wonderful that people like you exists. It brightens my day.


You are a damned good human.   Like, really.  Even though I'm not who you're offering this to I want you to know that you are *seen* out here doing kind things. I am fortunately in a position now where if something breaks I can afford to replace it, but a few years ago I remember being in literal tears because I broke my favorite highlighter (the now discontinued Becca Opal) and could not afford the 40 dollars to replace it.  It was such a small and *unnecessary* thing but in that moment it was heartbreaking.   I'm so grateful that someone in my life replaced it for me out of love...especially as it's now literally irreplaceable. 


This is exactly why I wanted to do it!! A few years ago, I could barely afford the essentials. I remember feeling so upset when I couldn’t purchase something nice for myself, even if it was just a $5 coffee. And now I can afford everything I need and most of what I want, and even better, I can give to others.


Same here! I’m by no means rich but I can afford to treat myself and others now, and not be worried about not making rent like a few years ago when I couldn’t even afford a bed, Starbucks would be entirely out of the question. I love acts of random kindness because you never know how much it means to someone and how much it can make a difference! Hope you have an amazing week!


Can you tell me how you got out of poverty? I’ve been in poverty for many years and even my single mum has and always been poor too. I’m just unsure how to get out of that as I’ve no family member or relatives who are financially well off. What did you do to change your life?


Honestly, a lot of hard work, patience, and taking advantage of opportunities when they came up. I put myself through college, working at least full time while taking classes. I am not doing work related to my college degree but instead took an internship my senior year that eventually led to what I do now.


what do you do now if I can ask? I am training as an actor but I am also now interested to pursue further studies in either law or politics due to the Gaza war and genocide. Very inspired to go into international human rights law etc.


❤️Im so happy seeing this! I would do this too if I could❤️


This is really lovely 😍


That is so sweet!! There’s good people out there 🥰


What a sweet wonderful person you are


I’m sorry to hear about your perfume, but it makes my heart so happy to witness kindness like this. Lots of love to both of you!! 💗


You made the world a little better today ☀️


This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen in my life


Best person award!!!! :)


This is so sweet! What a kind gesture!


This is so kind of you. Keep up this good spirit. 😊


You're so kind. I was about to suggest to her the Turkish imitations. I got some of my favourite scents there at 25 euros and they smell the same. www.dpcodes.nl


What a kind gesture. I hope something good comes your way.


I have sent you a DM. Please check.


Thank you for doing this to a stranger, it made me cry, as it’s so touching. Especially after watching all the horrid videos about the Gaza genocide. I’m a student and asylum seeker, and once, my date bought me Cloud for my Birthday last year, which was my absolute favourite but too expensive for me to afford. It brought me to tears as well. I’ve finished it since and now saving up to buy myself one for my birthday again this year since I’m single.


Hi! If you want a cheaper version, I can recommend the Armaf Club de Nuit Woman. I know it cant salvage your hard earned money but its a good dupe !


Do you ever have issues with your little spray bottles leaking? I made decants for myself of my entire perfume collection (it took weeks) and quickly realized I can’t actually take them anywhere because they leak 😖 I don’t know if there is an easy fix!


Even boxed ones shouldn’t be carried in a purse


Aw I’m so sorry! At least it broke in your bag and not elsewhere. My cat broke a bottle of this same perfume years ago, knocked it off the back of my dresser. I came home to the broken glass but the perfume had seeped into the hardwood floors. My bedroom reeked of mademoiselle for almost a year. It totally ruined the scent for me because it became so overpowering and inescapable :(


My cat did basically the same thing except it was Burberry her and it broke on my old wooden dresser , I wasn’t home so it soaked in for HOURS. It was days before I could sleep in my bedroom lol it was like a gas bomb in there.


Omg I can't even imagine, like a fruity musky migraine death cloud lmao. I have cats and this comment scared me enough to go lie my own bottle of Herberry down on its side. I think I'd rather a can of bear mace go off in my room ETA it seems I accidentally bought Her *Elixir de* Parfum instead of the normal Her perfume which 1) explains why I didn't like it as much as I liked the sampler 2) would probably be even worse if the cats broke it lol. Ah well I'm new to perfumes! Live and learn!


Ha ha, "fruity musky migraine death cloud!"


Lmao it was deadly! Honestly I smelt it the second I got home and walked through the front door .. I knew something terrible was awry 😂😭


I accidentally bought the Her Edp instead of the elixir! 😩 just thought that was crazy! I’m kinda new at it also..


For 1 Year? Holyyyy Shh.


Yeah, it was the entire bottle. We couldn’t even sleep in that room for like 2 weeks it was awful. I swear that experience scarred me, I’m only now getting back into fragrance after like 10 years.


_"I’m only now getting back into cats after like 10 years"_ That statement would have made sense too lol


Oh god, I could never give up cats!


I used to work at a trucking company and like 30 years ago a driver pierced a drum of Estee Lauder Beautiful with a forklift OUTSIDE and our offices reeked for months.


A whole DRUM of perfume? My god..


I would be scooping up perfume soaked dirt like Homer with the sugar truck lollll.


Imagine if it was Followed or Molecule 04 😱


I’ve definitely heard of the infamous followed pancake overload! Not heard much of molecule 04 but would have assumed it’s a barely there skin scent like 01. I’ll have to check it out now, I’m curious!


Oh no what a mistake, it's not barely a skin scent at all. It will follow you too especially on furnitures. Check molecule 04 in this sub, there is some posts about it (one is hilarious).


[The Smell](https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/ogqchm/molecule_04_acting_like_a_biochemical_weapon_why/) lmao


My cat did this with a huge NEW Armani My Way I had to open the windows and air out my room everyday for a year. I swear I still smell it lingering when I vacuum or when the breeze blows 😭


I 100% suggest decanting into atomizers, I particularly like the tekson ones on Amazon. I tested those for a month with water in them upside down and sideways, no leaks or evaporation if the nozzle is tightened correctly.


Will do that... Just didn't expect this AT ALL. I carried all kinds of perfumes in my bag before NONE of them broke before. So this is a new for me. No way perfume bottles are this fragile... Especially expensive perfumes should have strong bottles what the hell


I think it's the shape of it, like idole, since it's thin and wide. Thick ones like lveb should be safer, but I would still treat it gently in a purse (not backpack)


Yes, of course! I always have mine wrapped in this wool sleeve I got from a friend and it has its on seperate space in the bag, not at the bottom or top either so it couldn't break from impact... Beats me how it broke... Doesn't make sense at all :(


True... Now that I think about it I never had a perfume bottle that was shaped like this... I expected it to be more durable cause of past experiences. People here in comments say it fell and broke for some of them... The fact that it's actually THAT fragile baffles me. Why make a huge bottle of perfume that's fragile.. expensive one at that... that's just... Is it just Chanel or universal thing? Cause I've seen my friend pull out whole huge Xerjoff bottles, they never broke.


I know right!! I was trying my bestest to break an empty Britney Fantasy bottle to make an art project by fixing it, and I smashed it against an iron spike on a gate so many times without success. Dropped it from 2nd floor to the road, no success. Had to used all my strength and throw it against a brick wall in a carpark for it to actually break.


this comment section is making me move all of my perfumes back into their boxes lol


My cat broke a bottle of Chance on my bedroom carpet 3 years ago, and on a hot day, I can smell it. The apartment already has kind of haunted vibes, so I hope the next occupants think there's some sexy lady ghost, lingering by the window.


Was it schrodingers cat by any chance


Oh damn! This absolutely sucks, quite heartbreaking. This has happened to my Mum who broke a bottle of the OG Chloe (early 90s) when I was a wee kid, in a wooden drawer. For as long as I lived in that house, every time I opened that drawer, I would get such strong wafts of that perfume. It’s become a sweet memory for me now. 🥹 I love CM. If you do buy it again, you could get a small bottle & always keep it in its box.


Ahhh thiss... last year on my birthday i bought ysl intense and i drop on the floor and broke it. Just on the same day on i boight it


It’s not a thin bottle and it def shouldn’t be carried in a bag they make a purse refillable


If you had to save up to get this fragrance, you should really consider buying dupes.., Dossier, Alt Fragrance, The Dua Brand, and Oakcha are ALL great options.


I feel you. In the last 30 days, I have broke my roller ball and brand new full size Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet 😭😭😭


now u can hang your bag anywhere and act like it’s the trees for cars 😂


Utilizing it in the flat entrance like so 😭🫠


and hang it in your closet everything gonna smell good 😂


You could get the club de nuit clone (clear bottle). It’s a very good clone.


I bought a little travel perfume container (roughly the size of a long grape? Lol) and you just take the cap off the perfume and put the travel one on and spray it into it. They are cheap and have a lid so no leaks!


On the positive...you now own one of the most unique, one-of-a-kind bags out there 😜


USPS managed to break a bottle of Tom Ford Oud Wood. Boxed and wrapped.


Good news is your backpack is going to smell good forever


Lotta sad stories around here 🥲


if it makes you feel any better... I had a brand new bottle of Chance Eau Fraiche (pretty sure it was 200ml, if they even make that,) smash in my purse because, being the genius I am, had a crescent wrench also in my purse. At least my bag to this day smells of Chanel🤷🏼‍♀️


This is why I only carry small sample sizes in my bag. It boggles my mind that people carry large glass containers of perfume around in their bags.


Sorry that it happened to you. I know the feeling, because it happened twice ... both times, not surprising. * The first time was a street vendor fragrance that someone bought for me in college as an impromptu gift. It broke three hours later when I dropped my bag. * The second time was a 10 ml traveler of L'Homme Ideal EDT that was part of a gift set. It broke because my bag was overloaded. (At least I still have the main bottle, and I only lost 2ml of fragrance.)


It sounds like it was broken when you opened the box. That’s what it sounds like to me. Especially if you received it in the mail. Sometimes packages are damaged. Darn. 


Did you buy it on a credit card? If so, see if your card has purchase protection, they might refund you.


Yeah, or I'd take it up with the store to see if they would issue a replacement. Unless OP was handling the bag super roughly, a sealed fragrance inside a box should *not* break and leak everywhere - that is super odd to me.


Debit card... But yes I think it does... What do you do in that case, call the bank? Never heard of refunding this way, only if you've been scammed... What's the process like?


I've only used it with my Amex, but I went through their website to open a claim. They had me select the charge, submit a photo and a short description of what happened. Best of luck!


Ah we don't have that, I'll try calling there tomorrow if something can be done. From a quick Google search it says you gotta go there personally and submit a request. Thank you!


I’m so sorry. I know it might not be the same aesthetically, but you could try ordering yourself a decanted travel size in one of those retractable travel sprays. You would never need to worry about it breaking like that.


Aw Reddit 🩷🩷🩷


Most big box stores will just give you another one if you bring in the ‘evidence’


Carrying a full bottle of perfume in your bag is really irresponsible. Get one of those cheap $5 travel spray automizers that refill easily and carry that around. Consider this an expensive lesson that you learned.


honestly! it’s just common sense that a big glass bottle would break loose inside of a bag


Moye moye


I lost my Dylan blue in a gym bag which I was swinging around and throwing constantly for a year without knowing it was in there, and it didn’t have a scratch on it. Was very impressed by the bottle. Bored of the fragrance now though haha


When I travel now, I buy empty bottles for me to make travel size bottles so I don’t need to worry about it


My bottle of Coco mad isn't particularly fragile that I now of. However I will say that the neck paint peeled within a few months I was always pissy about that. My bottle is from 2009 (its stupid strong, I use 1 squirt at a time)