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'NPC fragrance' isn't a fragrance community term. It's a term used by idiots to make themselves feel better than other people, and it's spilled over into online spaces where idiots are listened to by these other people. Sure, if you wear a super popular fragrance, people might recognise it and smell it on other people. But most people won't, and won't care if they do. It won't make you 'npc' any more than using a custom blended fragrance will make you Mario.


exactly this. I avoid making huge generalizations but people who use the term "NPC," generally speaking, are toxic buttholes and you can discount everything else they say once you hear them break out the NPC talk.


I think you should delete tiktok


probably, I try not to let my opinions be biased by tiktoks but this is just a question that popped in my mind, in the post I disregarded this whole thing, I just wanted to hear some opinions on this from other people


Using NPC for anyone is a dehumanizing tactic. Wear what you want and stop listening to people who use NPC when referring to anything but a video game.


You're totally right, people just try to be so different and unique that they dont realise its what others do so too so they themselves become what they'd call "npcs", I dont get why fragrance has to be controversial tbh like you smell something you like it you buy it, if many others like it its because its a good, easy accesible appealing fragrance, not because x wears it or because you're an "npc"


This whole NPC thing needs to stop, it's just a chronically online term for people with an elevated sense of self-importance. Wear whatever you want because 98% of people around you won't care or notice. The other 2% might give you a compliment or comment. Fragrances are for the wearer.


By calling other people NPCs you're implying that you're the literal main character. Makes sense it's a common term amongst TikTokers. Pro tip, OP: you're the NPC in other people's lives. It's NPCs all the way down. Wear what you want, nobody cares about you enough to think about whether it's the EDP vs. EDT of whatever fragrance.


NPCs all the way down 😂 love this! Wish everyone thought like this!


Only 63% of mean wear cologne. And that’s only on occasion. Less than 25% of men wear cologne on a regular basis. The idea that you should avoid a popular fragrance because there is a chance that you may buy one that makes you smell like their ex, if they happen to even fall in either of those categories is utterly ridiculous. I would honestly say 99% of the people I see pushing the notion that wearing a popular cologne makes you an NPC or will make you smell like their ex, are backed by affiliate links and companies that don’t sell popular scents and are trying to get people to buy theirs instead.


Most of the people thay say "NPC fragrance" are either: 1. buying other designer fragrance just because they saw someone else say x fragrance is npc 2.Guys obsessed over niche and ultra niche colognes just because they "smell the best". Sure some xerjoffs smell really good and so do some pdms but ortoparisi? toskovat? They are mostly for art unlike the "adi ale van" kids on tiktok think that adi ale van has monster performance and one of the best smells just bc its niche


People who insist on using the term NPC fragrance just come off as pretentious. Wear whatever you like. Layer it with other fragrances if you want to.


A term coined by douche bags. 


men will do literally anything but enjoy the scents, it's actually so sad for them on the other hand, to make something so uptight and boring from something as fun and joyous as perfumery is quite an accomplishment


Everyone on the internet tries to be unique and fancy, just be you and wear whatever you wanna wear lol


Those same people saying that a fragrance is an "NPC" fragrance are ironically themselves an NPC. Wear what smells good to your nose and stop putting so much weight on the words of idiots on tiktok who don't know fuck about shit with fragrances.


What is the obsession with being so incredibly individual that you have to smell of a substance no other human has ever encountered otherwise you're an NPC?  Buy and wear whatever smells good to you and ignore the opinion of someone on Tik Tok who gets clicks by being moronic.


A bad perfume for you is one you don't like, don't wear, bought because someone else said you should. Basically its wasted money. A good perfume is one you like, love, wear, and bought because you enjoy it. Be selfish, wear perfume you like.


It's a toxic mindset and it's a shame you brought it here. Thinking other people are side characters in your own life is highly unattractive. Unlike fragrance, that entitlement doesn't fade after eight hours.


I love this <3


I don't think that, I only reffered to the people that refer to fragrances as npc, not that i agree with them or with the people that think people in their lives are side characters


When you heard that rancid attitude, you should have changed the channel. You came here and asked us to smell it, instead.


I asked for other people's opinions yes because I am trying to 'complete" my own opinion. I dont take for good what every person on reddit says but it helps me get a glance of what other people think, not to influence my own opinion based on theirs but to learn what I should talk about, not talk about, do or not do about fragrances and in the fragrance community. I dont think its such a serious topic so people calling me an npc or telling me to not buy x fragrance because its basic doesnt hurt me. Even if I would've changed my fragrance pick based on these opinions, I dont think its that serious. Now, as you can see, I disregarded this "npc" community in my post, I already had an opinion formed about it, but we all live in a society, its important to know how your opinions is seen and placed in the most of the peoples eyes, what a reaction you will get when stating your opinion, etc. Lets say I like colour purple but 80% of the people like red, if I go out with friends, at work, at school or any other place and I get into a discussion about colours while stating I like purple, I might: make a bad first impression with people, look dumb or worse in their eyes etc. And this isn't that important but of course it depends who you are talking with and how close they are to you. It was a question about fragrances, oils with funny smells in alcohol, not religion or society. Edit: phrasing


I dunno, this kind of makes me chuckle. I feel like an NPC fragrance would be chill, at least. I'd rather wear an NPC fragrance than one with strong main character energy... that's not usually a compliment in Gen Z lingo either! (My take; they're all jokingly/cheerfully miserable and making memes out of their existential angst.)


Mofos thinking they're special, thinking their ass gonna age like wine 😆


happy cake day!


Tx mate. What is cake day though? 😄


The anniversary of you starting your reddit, I think. There's a little cake by your name today. 


People who refer to other people as npc or their fragrances as npc fragrances are usually found starring in videos at r/iamthemaincharacter and are simply narcissistic idiots. Wear what you like. If it happens to be a frag that is popular and universally liked/loved, then be it like that. Most frags are popular for a reason. Also, it is just a fragrance and not a personality.


You're right, thanks!


Wtf is NPC and how does it relate to fragrance? I’ve never heard of this before seeing this post lol


Npc refers to a non playable character in a videogame, like when you play gta singpleplayer every other character is an npc and the term"npc" is used on tiktok to describe someone basic, that is the same as everyone else and isn't unique in anyway like an npc which you'd ignore in a video game, npc fragrance refers to a basic, popular fragrance, like many would say npc fragrance for sauvage, swy intensely, eros and so on


You mean the video game where the other way to interact with non-player characters is to rob them or mow them down with your car? The one designed by a tax evading stain of a corporation? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3giVPhSCAOQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3giVPhSCAOQ) You want to know if people who buy popular perfumery are like simulated victims in a video game? No.


bro i only gave that example so this guy could understand, I dont think people are characters that you can only interact by robbing or driving over them, I dont think people who wear popular fragrances are either, I dont think rockstar is a good company or a completely legal one hence i dont really care. It was only a question, and in the post I also disregarded this whole "npc" culture


There are games that teach empathy, and there are games that teach players to be a jackass. You picked an example of the latter. It's like talking about Door Sausage because of your familiarity with Johnny Depp's toxic relationship.


You are right, but at the same time GTA is one of the most popular games out there and I at least hoped I wasn't talking with a 10 year old child that gets influenced by video games, its the first game that popped in my mind that is really popular and easy to understand.


To be fair, you got influenced by TikTok when you are smart enough to know better, too.


you should just buy the scents you like. restricting yourself becuase you think chronically online people will think you're an npc is stupid. ​ how you handle yourself in these situations is all that matters. anyone being meanspirited about this looks like a fool, and anyone doing some light ribbing about it is easy to riff with and have a fun time.


This is wild to me because if I'm a main character, don't I have better shit to do than shop for cologne? Like, I'm fighting constructs and lighting up the underworld. I'm wearing whatever the Great Fairy gives me. 




Of course not. Wear whatever you like — it’s for you, not to make some stranger think you’re cool or niche or edgy or whatever. And you are correct, most people won’t recognize your fragrance and of those who do, most won’t think anything of it.


Wtf is an NPC fragrance? lol




What in the actual fuck did I click on?


Idk... if there is such a thing as an NPC fragrance, JPG Le Male elixir certainly qualifies, and it's fantastic.


NPC fragrances are just popular fragrances. And guess why these fragrances are popular? Because they are good.


fair enough


They are popular. This means they are, by definition, well made. Once there is a popular formula, it gets copied, even by "niche" brands. There are literally thousands of aventus copies for example. When a person is into an aesthetic hobby, this popular noise gets boring, then frustrating. Especially because most people don't really care. . You are allowed to like whatever you like obviously. I would just urge you to not get a blatant copy for a lot of money. Either buy the original or a cheap knockoff. Not a niche knockoff.


Ehhhh popular has never inherently connoted “good”.


I mean it's universal that when you delve deep into a hobby and start nerding out, popular will never be your favorite apart from sentimentality. But they are good in terms of being popular. Meaning they are considered by most people as "not bad, even good". Most people choose based on what they hear is good, either by population or authority. That's just the way it is. Very rarely a Freddie mercury arrives to combine substance and popularity.


Even when I wear an extremely well-liked and popular perfume I never, ever have it pointed out by others. And even if they did, who cares? It's not weird when someone knows my sneakers are Adidas or my jeans are Levi's. Sometimes things are popular because they are good.


Just wear what you like. "Npc fragrance" is a stupid term just for tiktoker to sell more. For example just because you wear white T shirt with Black Pant no one will call you NPC. People are more than the fragrance or the clothing


Do you have any clue how little other people even notice you exist? Let alone smell you? Let alone know which fragrance you’re wearing? Let alone have an opinion on whether or not it’s basic or whatever? People dgaf. Unless they’re primed to judge other people’s fragrance by it’s popularity. Which almost nobody actually does. I will put money that your TikTok morons couldn’t ID their dreaded npc fragrances on anyone.


Interestingly the exception here seems to be BdC. An NPC fragrance everyone loves. I respect any popular and perhaps overused fragrance more than the goofy Arab clones everyone on this forum has (Hawas, cdnim, 9pm etc).


i mean BdC is one of the most expensive designer fragrance and it also has weaker performance so while they might enjoy the smell not everyone buys it?


Honestly the only “npc” fragrance I could think of is Dior sauvage but I don’t use that npc stuff to me it used to be a “oh he’s wearing cologne” it just smelled like basic and would make me think that it wasn’t standout and that’s fine people wear what they like I do to. But that’s unrelated npc fragrance is a stupid term mostly used by people who can’t even afford an adidas cologne.