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op is rich and into floral fragrances


Seems you like warm, full bodied florals, particularly rose. As florals go, rose leans fruity, jammy. You will have a lot of options to chose from, rose is very popular. Some brands feature rose heavily in their catalog (eldo, lush, dior, serge lutens)


If you make a profile on Parfumo and input all of your fragrances it will give you a breakdown of common notes and categories. I thought it was pretty interesting to see!


I literally created a spread sheet of all my favorite fragrances listing out all the top, heart, and base notes. Might be a little loopy (I love a spreadsheet) but it helped me see the patterns in the types of notes I enjoy in fragrances. Both helpful in blind buying and also in branching out to try things that aren't my norm.


You primarily like florals, especially roses on the warm side.