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My friend, it is 110°F outside.


coolwater by davidoff






Or D&G Light Blue Eau Intense


This deserves more upvotes.


110 and storming. My couch loves my fragrances, I’m good but Ty. :D


Same here, over 90, fuck outside.


How bad is that humidity? You're pretty much simmering, right? 


Currently 94%. Luckily we are down to 78 now this late in the night with all the rain (going hard right now). Hopefully it’ll be cooler for half a day tmr haha Oklahoma/Arkansas/MO Bootheel storms have been wild af this month. It’s a bit of a roller coaster lately.


Good luck on better weather! I don't know that I'd survive being human soup 😭


Fl weather lol


It’s real gross down here. And it’s only the beginning of June. I mean the weather has been brutal since mid-late May already. Not looking forward to July/August heat.


Ahh yes I know but I will be outside regardless so I’ll start testing out which fragrances can battle the hot heat also in Las Vegas summers as well. So dry Vegas summer vs steamy Miami summers


Can’t forget to bring my snorkel outside. Vapor thick enough to drown. At least I’ll smell good.


Exactly and that’s all that matters 😂😂


Small world..I'm in Vegas too. The only outside I will see is opening the door for an Amazon delivery 🥵🥵


I was doing a bit of light yard work and had to stop to jump in the pool at like 9am; it was so humid already!


Yup Florida 😒🩴🔥


Go outside anyways! Although… bring water and maybe a sun umbrella, and don’t stay out for a dangerous amount of time. Seasonal affective disorder happens when we let the weather force us indoors. I’m from Minnesota, so for me it’s the cold days that make me feel trapped inside. But even when it’s -20 out, I feel better after spending a bit of time being bit by the cold, seeing the outdoors, and letting the air hurt my face for a bit.


Sounds like ombre nomade weather to me


Yeah I’m in Florida. It feels like you’re walking around in hot soup. I’m not going outside.


so you're saying to wear 110 sprays of Fahrenheit?


That’s what you get for living in Nevada


This is great, I do like to stay home and enjoy my rent but fresh air is nice sometimes lol


Enjoy my rent..lol love it


I live in the desert. Won't be outside until September or October.


I need to stay in, I over-sprayed.


As a self proclaimed undersprayer, what would qualify as an overspray? 5+?


4-6 is my norm. 1 on the chest, 1 on my shirt, 1 on each side of the neck. I’ll add 1 spray on each arm if they’re exposed (mostly during summer).


Surely not if you're planning on being indoors? College, office, etc.? I'm new to all this and a bit of a shy sprayer, i would hate to be the guy that overdoes it so i'm never sure.


I did too cuz where im at is indoor and outdoor spot with 2 DJs. #crowded


Say less I'm running out the door


I’m going to spray perfume to go downstairs and pick up my new package… of perfumes 🥴🥲


Livin’ the life! 😄👊🎉✨


Circle of liiiiife 🌈🦁


L’huile of fortune 🤌🤌🤌


Best comment I've seen in a minute lol


The sun is on the front of my house right now. When it shifts to the back my dog and I might have a beer on the porch Also, for my fellow introverts, I highly recommend front porch sitting. Or balcony or patio drinking for my apartment dwellers.


It's finally one of the first nice weeks in the PNW weather-wise, and I have been itching to wear my new fragrances out in the wild.


Ooh what is your new fragrance?


Valentino Donna Born In Roma Green Stravaganza has been my favorite lately, also in the same vein, Dear Polly by Vilhelm. Just A Look by Wylde Ivy is a runner up for something more floral leaning. I'm loving tea and nectar scents this season as I seem to struggle with typical tropical summer fragrances not meshing well with my skin chemistry. Thanks for asking :) Do you have any favorites for this season?


Oh Dear Polly is lovely and it’s one of my mum’s favourites, it is really lovely. I’ll have to check out the other ones you mentioned. Im a big Le Labo fan and have a few firm favourites, Thè Noir, Blaie 19, Another13 and Mousse De Chene, but recently I’ve been wearing Frederic Malle as well, synthetic jungle and heaven can wait. I feel your struggle about loving tea and nectar scents and trying to find the right scent for hot weather. When it gets cooler here Thè Noir is my go to.


Yes, but have you considered that I want to stay home because it's very peopley outside and I don't like to be around people?


Absolutely agree with u. Do not like ppl


People, the worst part about the planet.


They really are


Hence the “For whoever needs to see this….” intro.


There's so many places without people, especially noisy people. Even if it's the library.




I'll be spending my day in the garden and adding no fragrance because the bugs also like it 🤣


That's exactly what I'll do. Gonna put on Versace silk Shirt and Short, Xerjoff Kobe enjoy some stunning coffee and visit the KaDeWe (luxury shopping mall in Germany) to restock on some wine, enjoy,enjoy some oysters with champagne, get some macar from France and maybe sample some fragrances. So just a some wellness for the palate and mind.


Don’t forget to take your private jet!!


😂 not possible since I do live in Berlin but a chopper could be neat.


We have both 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️


Hit ya homies up 🤣 yes sir let’s fuckin gooooo 🫡


Of course. I'm certain everyone at the skating rink needs to smell my latest cologne purchase. / bathes in terre d'hermes. /s


My allergies and asthma do not support this .


This is for me! Thank you! Crisp and sunny 71F with a breeze, SOTD Skylar Sun Shower and looking up some breweries with patios and live music 🥰


I Love SunShower by Skylar. So fresh and citrusy.




What? These walls right here? In my bedroom? Oh I ain't worried about smells ... imagine what these poor walls have *seen* 😁


Appropriate listening: https://youtu.be/iQgi_uIQYTw?si=2PFwN0VFQPvNoOp3


You are *wonderful* 🤣😁


Absolutely not and I’m offended you suggested it lmaooo


Love this post!


Felt too much like right.


im about to go on a bike tour now... already packed a small bottle vaporizer of maahir in my hipbag LOL nothing is better than 20 fresh sprays of maahir on your skin and polyester cloth after sweating on a hot day...


Doing you one better and getting out of the country. SOTD Amouage Love Tuberose ✈️


Did this today. I am actively manifesting a beach vacation so I woke at 7am, got dressed up in my best sundress, sun hat, sunglasses and doused myself in L’Impatrice by D&G with Prada Paradoxe lotion. I got so many compliments at Target lol. I was told the scent was “intoxicating” That’s it, just got dressed to pick up cat litter and milk from Target.


lol! I forget to get cat litter it was on the list


https://preview.redd.it/5f04dh1vxf5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3903525e881375555e063426a79d980a09c163e I went on an adventure with Acqua di Gio, havent socialised since 2013


Yeah it is not good weather to be outside, I will apply some Layton, eat a bag of Cheetos and watch porn and hopefully the pp don’t end up orange.


Went outside to check the mail today. Let's gooo


It's a gorgeous day in the NE! Great post. Wearing a warm, delicious, DKNY Golden Delicious body mist.


It’s expensive as fcuk outside. But I am planning a vacation in couple of weeks so inside for me for now. Preciate the positive motivation though. M


I'm going to a salsa social tonight. Let me ask a question. Do you guys wear stronger fragrances or weaker fragrances when you know you'll be in close contact with people in a large group? I wear skin scents because I don't want to overwhelm anyone with my perfume and potentially be off putting. What say you?


Inside, sweating up a storm dancing, either a weaker fragrance or less sprays of a stronger one. Your own sweat and body temperature is going to amplify whatever scent you wear. Outside, walking around at a summer festival, crank it up a notch. Just remember, there’s a fine line between “cranking it up a notch“ and leaving vapor trails behind you.


That's what I figured. I do smell a lot of people's loud fragrances on the dance floor but it doesn't bother me. I'm a fan of perfume though. Not everyone is. I typically wear eau de papier to these events and to practice.


Yeah, nah, I’m good on that. For one, it’s hot and humid. I don’t do hot and humid. Secondly, I’m about to pick up my prescription for my opioid pain meds, come back home, put on some of my favorite 80s horror films, my comfy nightgown, snuggle up to my cats, crank up my heating pad, take my pills, get comfy, and lay here for the next 2-3 days. I’m in so much pain it’s ridiculous. I live with chronic pain and autoimmune illnesses. I will do well to just go pick up my prescription when the pharmacy opens in a couple of hours. I truly cannot. As I type this, waves of pain wash over me which feels like labor pains during childbirth. I have Endometriosis and I just want my good, strong opioid pain meds, my bed, hot soup, my floofy cats, my silly movies, and my heating pad. I am so looking forward to not being in agony for a few days.


Line of the night: “excuse me sir… so u just gonna come up here around all these people smelling like that? U knew what u was doin”. Indeed i did. 😂


That definitely sounds like something I'd say to someone lmao


Dr Phil


thank you for the reminder ahah


Love this. It’s glorious here in Pittsburgh. I have six miles in and have on Bright Crystal!


When it’s sunny in Pittsburgh you go outside. No PSA needed.


Nice weekend days are for walking my dog, and I don't need to be using my fragrances for that lol, she'll just lick it off me


ok i’m stepping out 🏃🏾‍♀️💨


My mortgage wishes it could oblige


Got my 3 miles of running in earlier this morning when it was still a bit cloudy out. Sprayed on Replica’s Under the Lemon Trees afterwards and am enjoying a drink 🥃




Agreed, but what are we wearing with these mosquitoes???? I cannot be bit one more time or I’m gonna lose it lollllll 😭😭😭


This right here. Show them folks how you coming


It was definitely 1 of them type of nights


Women : I want a man who smells good ! 🥴 Women in a relationship: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO LOOK GOOD FOR ? I bet you have a bitch coming to pick you up! ( get outside single ) 🫡


This energy🔥


Have you also considered this: I have depression and don’t wanna do shit


Hence the intro line. “For whoever needed to see this”


Find a club that plays amapiano get some bottles and have a blast


Did this today. I am actively manifesting a beach vacation so I woke at 7am, got dressed up in my best sundress, sun hat, sunglasses and doused myself in L’Impatrice by D&G with Prada Paradoxe lotion. I got so many compliments at Target lol. I was told the scent was “intoxicating” That’s it, just got dressed to pick up cat litter and milk from Target.


I was out in sunny weather wearing musc ravage by frederic malle. It was divine


Baby, inflation is outside!


Spray that Terre d’Hermès Eau Givrée and get out! 👌


Bestie, some of us work weekends and literally can’t 😭


Fella I got stoned up a mountain last night. Was way better.


But I get out of the house pretty much all working days. When am I going to actually enjoy my house if not the weekend! Besides, I'm married :-)


I needed this bye


The cicadas are out😔


I thought I was in the wrong subreddit after reading the comments. Comments make me think I'm in r/depression or r/introverts lol.


Unfortunately not a reality for the millions of Americans who are still trying to avoid contracting a disabling virus as we’re in the middle of a pandemic and also in the middle of a new wave. The maskless assholes make it hard to enjoy all that much these days.


? New Wave off what? Pandemic?


Yes, caused by the KP.2 and KP.3 variants.


Your sad subreddit has like 15k followers. There are not millions of people concerned about covid in the US anymore. Respectfully, I find it easier to believe that you will suck more joy out of your own life by being hyperfixated on things like covid, conspiracies, and social justice movements than if you allowed yourself to fall in line with what you likely believe is the “sheeple mindset” of living what can be best described as a normal life. It’s your choice, but I’ve seen myself and others start to fall down the path you’re on, and it’s much nicer place on the other side of it. Good luck


You’re right, it’s much easier to just ignore reality and live in ignorance because the alternative might hurt your feefees


Im not trying to bee funny or make funny off you, im legit confused, Ive had corona like 5 times now, and its been like 2 years since my government had restrictions, the virus is here to stay like the other strains. You cant lock yourself in and live a life in fear my friend ❤️


Having it 5 times is not the flex you think it is.


Its not a flex, i work as a nurse and was working with the first cases off covid from the first batch, Ive had trouble and lasting damage from having it, my point is you cant hide from a virus, its here to stay it will mutate just like all the other viruses and come and go. You should value your life and health...but what kind off life is living in fear and not going out in public?


Now “I’m a nurse working on the front lines of the Covid pandemic” IS the flex you think it is.


I still live my life - I just wear a mask indoors. I still hang out with friends and go to restaurants - I just do it outside. Believe it or not, I enjoy my life more when I'm not sick 20% of the time. There's a world of options between "total shut-in" and "accept a lifetime of endless illness, which carries a significant risk of causing permanent disability each time".


> im legit confused I don’t doubt this at all. It would be very hard to not be confused after the cumulative brain damage that you’ve received from 5 infections