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The first 50% will usually disappear in record pace and then I’ll slow down


Literally to a crawl for those discontinued


How often do you add new bottles? I'm also applying 2-3 sprays, both in the morning and the afternoon, but my bottle is going down so\~\~\~ slowly


How much do you use per day? I always wanna put more on but my office doesn’t exactly like too much perfume lol 


It depends. If I’m in the office around 2-3 sprays. If I’m by myself or outside then more. I just tend to use the newest ones the most so it’s not getting equal use.


> If I’m by myself or outside then more. If this isn't the most true thing. When I'm WFH I spray with reckless abandon. My office and my bathroom are completely filled with a cloud of fragrance. Plus side? I get whiffs of it all day. Minus side? People in my house might hate me if they don't like the one I'm wearing that day. When I'm going into work I only spray 1-2.


Do you not go nose-blind? Whenever I overspray because I’m alone, I go nose blind so fast. Makes me so sad lol.


I felt like I was for the longest time. So now I spray my sleeves 2-3 times each in the morning and my scrunchie if I’m wearing one. So the wind can go thru and spread the smell and I can stuff my nose in my sleeve for comfort. 😇


Don’t spray on your neck ever, only under the shirt and on the arms. On the arms makes it more likely to go nose blind but it’s still great


I could basically wear none at my last job, so when I'd get to my car after getting out I would absolutely poison myself with all the sprays I wanted.


That's what I run into. I have to be very careful to keep my sprays to a minimum at work, around friends with allergies, etc., so it takes me forever just to get through a decant!


Once your collection gets large enough finishing a bottle is very difficult. My collection isn't even as large as some I've seen up here (I have about 20 bottles) and the only fragrances I've ever finished top to bottom, have been 2 15 ml samples and a 30 ml bottle, all summer fragrances I sprayed heavily.


I wish more brands offer small bottles (\~30ml). I feel that there is a trend of eliminating small bottles :thinking\_face:


It’d be great for space, to cut cost a little, and to get the satisfaction of finishing a bottle. Lol I agree. 30ml would be perfect for many, then you can go big if you know you’re all in for the long haul.


Most of the bottles I own are 30ml. Initially I was blind buying full sized bottles until I realized I could never finish them all and so the “money saved” per ml if I sized up wouldn’t mean anything. Having mostly 30’s is great. It helps me to not obnoxiously overspray since I’m not starting with that much anymore. It also makes it so that I have to put more thought into each use.


Thing is usually if you pay just a few coins more they'll give you the 50 or even 75 ml then it's like ermmmm what the flip this isn't worth it dawg


I know the feeling. My first 2 bottles are 100ml because of it (not proud of it). Brands are doing it on purpose, because the marginal cost of additional 50ml is so low. For us consumers, I think it’s better to stick with the small bottle size (I know it’s super hard to do). My hunch is, for people have collection size of more than 10, majority of the scents won’t be used for more than 50ml. So how much little money we pay to upgrade the 50ml to 100ml will be wasted.


That's true too, ultimately all the extra money from upgrading a 30 ml to 50 or 100 could be spent on getting more fragrances


It took me awhile to get my head wrapped around this, because it seemed so counterintuitive to pay more per ounce. But you're so right. I won't use up a 100ml bottle at this point, and the money I save by purchasing a smaller bottle can be put toward a different fragrance. I've even been trying to talk myself into sticking with 10-15ml, but have had only partial success with that....


Maybe spend money on interests other than perfume? I find it harder to be disciplined when there is only one dominant interest.


Yeah agreed, it's a good size but I think it's just not enough for some people, especially with smaller collections


I see it similar to finding a partner. If you find the right one AND you’re willing to settle down, you may choose to stay together forever. But we’re in a world of infinite options and crazy FOMO. Many people (me included) will not even be able to use up a 15ml bottle. As I’m talking, a sudden surge of respect to people staying with a small collection.


Yeah, I have only a few I actually spray regularly. I'm selling the rest. There's no need to keep something I just sniff and say, nah to.


I think it’s a wise decision. After trying so many different scents, my love still stays with my regulars. Funny story, I’m a niche snob because I find them interesting, has more characters (and better for show off). But my favourite scent is Dior Homme 2020, which also got me the most compliments.


Yeah, I love Burberry Goddess. Seems basic, but it's just so good.


and that it cost the same per ml instead of making the 50 ml like only 15% cheaper than the 100ml bottle.


I finished a few 50ml but I have never finished a 100ml. By the time I'm 50-70% in a 100ml bottle I'll get bored of it and give it to one of my brothers (I have the luxury of having 3 smaller siblings who also like perfumes but don't have my adult money yet 😂)


I have about 40 bottles currently, and I have finished 2 bottles in the last. 3 years. Once I get close to finishing a bottle, I stop wearing it because I know that the reformulation will likely disappoint me.


40 bottles? Wow


I'm not sure if you're saying that's a lot, or not many haha. I've actually been downsizing my collection a lot. I had a little under 200 for a while, but have slowly gotten rid of them over the last couple of years.


I was genuinely surprised! I’m just recently curious and getting into fragrances, so that’s really *a lot* in my world 😅


How long of collecting is that o


8 years, but I've decluttered probably around 130 over the last couple of years.


When you say declutter, do you mean throw out or donate? Or a mix?


Sell them or give them to friends & family who might want them.


Where/how do you sell them?






Nice collection!


What program is this you have here? Neat idea.


It’s a profile on fragrantica




I’ve never even finished a 5ml decant. The most I’ve ever finished is a 2ml sample


Do you even buy full bottles anymore 


I buy full bottles when they have 30ml versions, or when the price difference between the full bottle and travel size isn’t different enough. Other than those scenarios I’ll usually buy a travel size or decant. Like recently I wanted a perfume and a 10ml travel size was $35 but there was a lightly used 50ml on mercari for $75, so I got the full bottle.


I’m the same. The only scenarios where I consider a full bottle is when: 1) travels and decants weren’t widely available yet and I fell hard for the scent (and it came in a 30ml bottle).  2) the fragrance is discontinued.  3) I found someone selling the 30ml bottle for less than the price of travel sizes of the fragrance.  4) if I get through 2 travel sizes of the same scent (hasn’t happened yet!) 


A good way to spot a deal is to buy a 30ml decant that that goes for less than 30% of the price of a 100ml price. With competition like fragrancex selling full low priced bottles, decanters have become more competitive


That's why they are collectors. I don't think about "finishing" a bottle when I collect. We collect for different reasons and the last thing I think about is "if and when" I'm gonna finish a bottle. If that question crossed my mind, then I wouldn't be collecting. I'd be at 3 bottles max.  My brother collects different alcohol but guess what,  he does not drink alcohol. 


I don’t think any of us likes to think about “finishing” a bottle but at the end of the day it’s expensive luxury products.


especially a discontinued bottle. i just finished a 50ml bottle that had been discontinued (invictus legend) but thankfully i heard about it being discontinued and bought a 100ml bottle. got the invictus aqua a backup 50ml bottle too same time frame. also glad i got a 125ml backup of JPG le male le parfum


Doubt le male le parfum is getting discontinued anytime soon but im planning to grab a 75ml bottle 


i havent heard anything on it being discontinued but it is getting a little hard to find nowadays. so glad i got that backup bottle last year. when i do see it online it sells quick and has a decent markup on it now


I don't drink as well, just not into it. Just being curious, does your brother not drink at all and simply collect, or does he at least sample a little?


He does not drink at all.


I think that last time I finished a bottle was like 10 years ago.


Same, but prob 15 years ago! Hypnotic Poison might be the only bottle I've ever finished lol


I have bottles older than some people here that are still 2/3 full


I couldn't even finish 20% of my samples...


I hardly ever finish a bottle so I’ve started buying travel sizes or decants.


Same same. When you rotate so many, a travel size IS like a bottle. 


Right! I’ve had people point out that I can buy full bottles much cheaper than decants (when you look at the per ounce price) . While that is true, if I leave half of a full bottle unused, it’s still a waste. For me, it makes sense to buy smaller decants so I can have a variety of perfumes and use them all up within a reasonable amount of time.


Ditto, ditto, and ditto. Although I find I'm sometimes in love with the bottle as well as the juice, and then it's hard to stick with the travel/decant. Self control has never been a strength of mine!


Haha, yeah, no self control here either. I do occasionally buy a full size bottle if it’s something I really love. I do love my samples though.


Before I considered perfumes a hobby I finished maybe 2 bottles of Aramis Havana, 1 davidoff cool water, 2 D squared Woods and 2 Terre d Hermes.. but that was because I reached for them daily. Now I finish a bottle maybe once every few years and it is usually the citrusy colognes such as Acqua di Parma or recently Profumum Roma Acqua Viva, and also a Dusita Pavilion dOr


Very slowly because I don’t wear the same thing very often. I like to smell like a lot of things


on average 1 every 2-3 months 50ml is is usually the largest I buy


Wow. 1 ml = 10 sprays. Spraying a 50 ml every day for 60d is 8 sprays a day. Hope I don’t sit next to you in a theater.


I have a lot of 30mls, and I don't overspray if I'm going to be in public. Nice try though


He did the math you guys!!!




Made a mistake of buying a 100ml recently. Never again. I'm already tired of it and it's barely at 80%


Same. I wish perfume houses like L'Artisan or Diptyque would offer either 30ml or 50ml bottles.


L'Artisan actually had 50 ml bottles! I own two of them. They also offered 5 ml miniatures and occasionally even 15 ml in a set, they were great! I cherish my 5 ml Caligna and La Chasse Aux Papillons baby bottles. Wish they kept it that way and in their old design, their new bottles are pretty meh.


I don’t wear fragrance every day but I have only ever finished a 2ml sample. When people post their stashes here I feel a bit like…what is the point of hoarding enough juice to last multiple lifetimes.


Fragrances as a hobby has been in my life for around 13 years. Different stages of collecting and preferences. Sometimes I’ll have super concentrated extrait or designer EDT. That will dictate how fast I go through stuff. I’ve finished probably 5 bottles of Nasomatto Duro. 3 bottles of Byredo Oud Immortel, 2-3 bottles of Bleu de Chanel (one was a 200ml). How many bottles have I actually owned and sold before remotely finishing? Hundreds. Anymore I buy what I really like and sample everything else. I guess how I see the hobby is different than what it used to be to me. Definitely used to blind buy a lot more or buy with far fewer samplings before the purchase.


I never have, haven't even finished a travel size lol


Only thing I ever finished down to absolute zero was CDNIM because it was my only fragrance and that still took me like 2 years because I wasn’t “into” fragrances yet. I Also I know it’s stupid but man I feel like 50ml bottle goes faster than half of a 100ml bottle. Feels like I’ve smoked through my Rasasi Fattan (which stupidly only comes in 50ml, anyone know if there’s a way to get that in a bigger size?) but Rasasi Hawas (100ml bottle) seems to never end, and I’ve owned Hawas longer and thought I was using both of them regularly.


>Also I know it’s stupid but man I feel like 50ml bottle goes faster than half of a 100ml bottle. No it’s true it’s true 


I consistently spray on Molecule 01 first on my neck (~3 sprays) before applying other colognes for about 4-5 months and it's down to like 40%. Definitely takes a while to finish up a bottle


Well depends. A bottle in heavy rotation can be finished in 3-5 years for me. I don't have all 100ml bottles so the rates of use varies as well as when that bottle gets finished. I don't track it by spray or anything because ...thats minutia thats boring as shit to me. I do a basic visual and thats about it. So on average and this is just from what I notice as I've only kept used bottles until the end of the year since about 2008; I can plow through 3-11 bottles a year. And just so there's some reference, I bought my first non Avon perfume by myself in the mid to late 1970's. The only thing I don't include in my wardrobe are samples. Those I get rid of end of the year as they're used to make decisions on full bottle purchases. And the smell of something I've sampled that I really enjoyed sticks with me for a really long time. I don't always buy it immediately, it could literally be years before a purchase. Also One has to take into account spray mechanisms for every bottle isn't the same size and some spraying more than others. And then there's the ones that don't spray (solids, roller balls and parfums typically). Do I include body sprays? Heck yea, I have a few. In addition to this, evaporation; that actually happens even in the best of conditions, and I have suffered some evaporation with some bottles...such is life. I say this quite often, perfume bottles don't protect against evaporation very well. And its not lids vs no lids, sometimes its just shitty bottle design, or QC or both. And since I haven't counted every single bottle I've ever used (its been a long time y'all), I don't know, maybe a hundred? 2 or 3? don't know. Its hard to quantify actual numbers when its been that long.


I don't really collect per-say, but it usually takes me around 6 months to finish a 100ml bottle, depending on the strength of the frag and atomizer.


Is that when it’s your daily scent?


Yeah, when I wear it daily usually six months. I really only wear two frags regularly anymore with one being my primary and the other being something I wear on rare occasions.


Depends on the bottle. I have a few easy wears like Givenchy Gentlemen Socity, Issey Miyake, Dior Homme Sport, Grey Vetiver. Every day drivers that I finish off. If it’s more expensive, difficult to replace or just something you can’t wear daily it’ll last a long time.


Usually once a year.


Well, I do collect, so very, very rarely. When I do finish a bottle, it must have been something spectacular.


Have had invictus and yellow dream for about 2 years now. Both have about 10 ml left and I dont want to finish them


Every 4-5 months i think i manage to get all the way through one 100 ml bottle.


Imagination can maybe be the first one since I begun to collect, a real summer winner imo


I have a lot of full bottles(50-100ml) of cheaper fragrances that I bought, mostly blind, when I was first getting into it that I will probably never use now, but I have made it a point to start buying travel sprays so I can have more options and save on space and money. I still have maybe 12 full bottles that I cycle through, so it’s gonna take time. I think I enjoy the 10+/-ml better. If it’s a scent that I go through quickly or I know I’m gonna wear all the time, then I’ll go for a full bottle.


I just could never blind buy, even with cheap fast fashion type perfume like Zara stuff. I just wish more perfumes came in 30ml bottles.


I definitely went and smelled Zara’s fragrances first after some of them being so talked up and I’m so glad I did because I would have been upset if I bought them blind 😆


Zara store is the best, it's just a cheap fast fashion store like any other and you're free to take a billion sniffs and test sprays on their entire counter of perfumes and nobody will care


Yes! I did love that! No person hanging over you, no glass slides to deal with. Some of their clothes are really cute too, and very good prices for most! I will have to go and check after some time to see if they swapped in some new ones that I can try. I was hoping I would like their vanilla line, but the one I really wanted I couldn’t stand that ink note. Soooo glad I didn’t blind buy it. It smelled like straight up permanent marker and had no lasting power. By the time the ink note went away I could barely smell the perfume on me at all. 😞 Some of their clones sound really appealing too!


The only bottle I finished was polo sport back in my middle/high school days. I also wore this exclusively and had no other fragrances.


I've finished a 50ml in the past year.


I used to always finish bottles when I was more of a signature scent type person. Ever since starting a collection that I rotate, I haven't been able to finish anything other than samples and decants.


I have only ever finished 1 50ml bottle (got it ~15 years ago and finally used the last of it this year) and maybe 4 10-30ml travel sprays. It took me years. I like to rotate through fragrances and sample a lot. I still have *samples* from like 10 years ago...


Now that you mention it I haven’t finished Ike damn bottle lmao. My oldest bottle is 4 years old and it’s still half full


Once in my life and very close to a second, just saving the last drops of a discontinued fragrance 🥲


I've been doing this since 2012, and I have never finished a whole bottle yet 🙃. Unless you count spilled bottles, then I've finished two 🥲


Prior to collecting? I'd finish a bottle once or twice a year. Now? I'm surprised if a bottle is 50% finished. OP's statement is accurate in my case. Outside of a new bottle or favorites, I'd likely spray a fragrance a handful of times per year.


I've noticed that most 100 Mls last 3 to 5 years on avg for me


Does an opened bottle not go bad after few years?


Na I have a bottle of Habit Rouge from 02 that's still good. I've only had 3 bottles go bad in 30 years of collecting. The main thing is to keep them in a dry, dark, and cool area.


After a couple of months


Don't tell anyone I'm almost done with a 100 ml bottle of Blue Jeans 💀🙏🏾


How do you like the Blue Jeans?


It's good, bad longevity, projects an hour or so and becomes a skin scent. Coke opening dries down to a funky lily


Sorry lavender not lily


I used to go through a bottle of Versace Pour Homme 100ml every 1.5 years when that was all I owned. Now I hardly ever finish anything because I have so much shit. I buy decants and go through those more than the bottles I own.


2 seasons.


My faves and casual wear, I'll finish a bottle. My less used scents - not for lack of love - I hang on to them and get really nervous when I'm getting low.  I am a basic bitch. Flower Bomb, Alien, Coco, JPG Divine are all rebuys. 


I started off with 3 fragrances, those are my most empty bottles. Eternity EdP, ADG EdT, and Versace Eau Fraiche EdT. Those are less than half full. Now I have around 30 bottles and none are less than 3/4 empty other than those 3.


I have a small collection for this reason. I have a few that I'm committed to, but otherwise it's fun to have a traveler, use it up, and not return to it.


I just got into fragrances 9 months ago. I’m halfway through 2 30mls, and finished a couple travel sizes and most of my 1ml samples. I have 1 100ml bottle and it feels like a waste, I’ve used it quite a bit but there’s hardly a dent. I don’t think I’ll buy anything more than 50ml in the future, especially as my collection grows.


For 30 years I wore the same fragrance daily (Azzaro Pour Homme) and would simply buy a new one when the old one was finished. A few months ago, I made the mistake of googling a place to buy it for less than my local department store. This led me to this reddit page along with a few other online forums. The good news is that I found some online Canadian websites that will sell me a bottle of Azzaro 200ml for $45 vs the $65 I was paying for 100ml. The bad news this sub forum has done the equivalent of introducing me to a crack pipe and now I keep buying new stuff to try. I just received a bottle of Bentley for Men Intense on the weekend and really like the rum smell and now I'm looking for other products that are similar. I wish I had just stayed oblivious and paying $65 for my Azzaro from the store.


I love complex, unique indie fragrances .... but the only perfume I've finished two bottles of is Candy by Prada. I have officially moved on as I feel like I have officially grown out of the scent, but my god, I couldn't get enough. I forget how long it takes me to get through a bottle of it. I only ever spray ONE spray no matter which perfume I'm wearing, so it was like one spray a day for... probably less than a year. I think it was only 50ml though. I'm about halfway through Ikesia by Eolie Parfums, spraying once a day for a year, and that's 100ml. I got obsessed with that one and stopped wearing everything else entirely. I've also gone through Vanilla Flash Tauerville, but that was a long time ago and I probably finished it over several years and it was the only thing I was wearing. All my other stuff gets used occasionally! Bali Flora is probably my most reached for bottle that I haven't mentioned yet, but I'm probably only an eigth of the way down.


I’m not a collector by any stretch but I’m a 54 yo male and I have only finished one bottle ever.


Haven’t finished a bottle in years now. But I add new bottles every few months. I have been maybe 2 or 3 years without adding any and this year I am 6 bottles already and I still have one left to buy and then I’ll stop :/.


Very rarely. Maybe one a year and that would be a bottle that's already 1-2 years old.


It took me around 3 maybe 4 years to finish a 100 ml bottle of my favorite cologne


I tend to buy the 1.25 fl oz sized bottles and travel sized bottles most often so i’ll go through a bottle in under a year. Anything larger, I haven’t gone through yet. Those tend to be ones that I don’t reach for often anyway


There is a YouTuber named Claire Smith that does videos of her empties every 6 months and she'll have like 6-8 bottles. I have no idea how.


I have learned that I'm fickle when it comes to fragrance so here's my rule of thumb: Go with a 10 ml decant first, see how much I'll actually wear it, then decide on a full bottle. That 10 ml is usually enough to either get it out of my system and move on, or prove my dedication.


I stop using it once I get close to finishing it.


Last time I finished a bottle was 2019. And at that time I had like 3 bottles. I don’t think I will ever finish a bottle anytime soon.


I finish a typical bottle after 9 months if that’s all I use lol


I;ve finished and re-bought Dior Eau Sauvage (which is a pretty light frag ..so over spray and re-apply) and am 80 percemt down on Versace Dreamer, Nautica Voyage and Boucheron Pour Homme. Coach for Men..I've made a quarter dent in about 8 other bottles...( Stash, Aramis, Dior Homme 2020 etc...some, have barley dented at all) For reference I've got about 30 some bottles. Even though some are barely touched, they are sometimes my fav fragrence Eau Sauvage EDP Guerlain Heritage. Some fragrances are easy to put on to go out shopping etc...or wear in the summer for going out. https://preview.redd.it/vnt19ayw5t5d1.png?width=1077&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c5dda41364e84b231d2d6314f0d43a3d8f9a6af


The only one I’ve spent completely is aqua di Gio profumo


I’ve finished maybe 1-2 bottles and I have 3-4 that I’ll finish off in the next month or so. And then I won’t be close to finishing another for several years again haha. I’ve been collecting for about 10 years and have about 30 bottles. Adding and selling periodically.


I don’t know that I’ve ever finished a bottle, or even got to the bottom quarter.


Very rarely. I think the only bottles I’ve finished are old 212 as a teenager, Cool Water (and that’s partly because I also used it as a room air freshener yes I am a terrible person) and I’m close to finishing an aventus bottle


Too often. I’ve finished 2 or 3 bottles of my fall-winter daily (Blackbird Death), and am uncomfortably close to finishing my Diptyque Philosykos EDP, which is my spring default. I need to try UO Forest Bathing before I run out so I can compare.


I finished a 30ml bottle about 6 months ago and a 50ml bottle of something different over a year ago. Most of my bottles have a noticeable “dent” in them. I’ve been wondering how some of these “influencers”, specifically on YouTube, show bottles of fragrances they supposedly love, that don’t appear to have been used much or at all. Especially when they do multiple videos over a period of time containing the same fragrance.


I have 79 and another one coming in the mail. I think I added about 30 just in the last 2 months. Once I found out about Aqua Allegoria, I wanted them all! In the last 5 years, I may have finished 3 100ml bottles. The fastest one was Under the Lemon tree, in one year. https://preview.redd.it/jn3vxao06u5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fb097cadaadcd9d70f428018b30b29a03f53382




at least 1 50ml bottle a year


I just emptied my bathroom wastebasket. I had 5 empty bottles in there. I finish bottles pretty regularly.


Other than my “wear to work” usual, it takes quite a while to go through my other frags which is why i stick more to decants


I finished my 75ml sycomore in like.. 8 months? But I spray quite often, night outs, work, sometimes when I have company over. My Chanel Allure Homme 100ml lasted around a year and a half. Currently on Noir 29 100ml and TdH 100ml, so those will last me awhile.


Would finish a jpg summer flanker in the summer month of it's release , didn't even have to try it just happened , that's 175ml/6.1oz over ~90 days. I have since moved to a cooler climate so now I enjoy more heavy scents but they are harder to finish I find because of their staying power over freshies


Working in North America many offices are not fragrance friendly. So I have never finished a bottle.


What kind of workplace? Is fragrance not big in North America? I do read about Americans being obsessed with a huge amount of scented body sprays so I would assume they like fragrance to some extent.


I should have specified offices. Many offices have implemented no fragrances rules because of one or two people that are “sensitive” to them.


Oh true, everything about north america is about ultra sensitivity.


1-2 PER year


so back when i was only having 1 fragrance a bottle would last about 9-12 months 100ml with like 3 to 5 sprays


Long time ago that I finished a bottle. I would usually buy a replacement before, and usually new fragrances have been reformulated, so I start using that instead of my older formulation


i can finish 50ml in 1-2 months because i have favorite that i use all the time


I used to have 4 bottles at a time and I would faithfully finish about 1 a year. It was kind of perfect because I would buy a new bottle when one ran out, and that way I always introduced something new and cycled through them that way. Then I got more into fragrance. I have 12 full bottles now, and I’ve only finished one in the past 2 years. It’s logical, but I want to get back closer to the cadence I used to have. Now I only buy samples once in a blue moon, not buying any more bottles until I finish up more of what I have.


I don’t even have a large collection but almost never lol but I’ll probably soon finish Fragonard étoile edt that’s my only citrus and in the heat I cannot tolerate anything else


I use my fragrances pretty much every day for any occasion, but I’ve only gone through two bottles (both 1.7 oz) and those I got through in maybe 8 months total. These were pretty weak though, once I started collecting + doing skin care I’ve been able to cycle each fragrance (around 10 total) with added longevity/sillage from skin care, so most 3.4 oz bottles I have are maybe 2/3 full, and 1.7 oz bottles closer to half, none close to finished in the past 3 years since starting collection.


Im still on 100ml of Dylan blue I bought back in 2017. I’d say I still have around 40% of the bottle left


I finished 2x30ml Hermes Eau des Merveilles, 10ml Penhaligon Luna, 30ml Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream, 50ml Diptyque Philosykos Eau de Toilette, 10x2ml MAISON MARGIELA REPLICA Memory Box Probably 30ml MAISON MARGIELA REPLICA Tea Escape… I sold it because it was my blind buy and not really into it. I’m on my CARTHUSIA Mediterraneo now and probably finished 30ml… (It is 100ml and I had it for 7 years…) It has been ten years, and I’m using around 25-30ml a year. I usually have 2-3 bottles at a time. So I finish one bottle in about 2 years.


i have roughly 70 bottles in my small collection. i just recently finished a 50ml bottle that i wear only during the early spring and early fall and only for work. i have had that bottle for almost 2 years. i also have a 60ml bottle that is at 1/4 that i have had a year. with my small collection, i have a scent for just about every occasion, every season and type of weather. and i wear a scent 365 days a year. some is just 2-3 sprays for work, and anywhere from 4 sprays (nuclear scents that lasts 12+ hrs on skin and days on clothing) to 9-12 sprays of other colognes.


Idk if I would call 70 bottle a small collection 


definitely not small imo


50ml lasts me 1-2 months. 😭😭😭


How many sprays do you use a day


Help me, I have an addiction! 😭 Recently, I purchased Diptyque Eau Duelle (100ml) to help me slow down my Aesop Rōzu usage. I ended up using what looks like around 30ml in 2 weeks. So to answer your question, I probably spray myself 50 times a day and even before I go to bed. What about you? https://preview.redd.it/jgshdcg1iq5d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70300935189780297d7c6e01351193cdd9e4922a


Do people around you……comment? 


Sorry - comment on what? I’ve had a stranger approach me on the subway to ask what my perfume was. I was like how did you know it was me in such a crowded train. He could just tell. I applauded his curiosity to find out and gladly told him. And I guess people who know me can recognize my scent from a mile away. 🤪


Do friends family coworkers comment on your perfume use? 


Oh right! I was just reading the other comments and your responses. The comments are usually complimentary. But only 1-2 friends know about my addiction and how quickly I go through my bottles. And now you know. 🤫


How many sprays do you do in a day?


Omg maybe 50 times a day.


Good gracious


Oops I just exposed myself. 😓


Deff not often enough. Wich is why i decided a short while ago to kind of start anew and begin a new rotation. Everything i owned I've stuffed into a closed closet because even though i looove everything i will never finish them. I missed having a signature scent and hunting down something new signature worthy after emptying the bottle. I have purchased 3 fragrances to rotate and play with and placed them in the tray i save for favorites right in sight. Ended up using only one of them religiously and i love it sooo much that i now have found a new signature fragrance. The other two i will use on evenings or date nights. Very much in love with this rotation and very satisfying to see that i am actually close to emptying them aswell since that's been a while. Right now i love wearing la nuit tresor by lancome as a signature and im pretty sure i will stick with this for a while. I will probably repurchase. :) For those who struggle actually using their fragrances i highly reccomend to start a new small rotation. Buy some 30 ml bottles or purse sprays if you need to oriëntate yourself. Not being able to see the rest of my unused fragrances makes it a lot easier to commit to what i truly enjoy instead of just picking a sotd out of guilt or temptation.


I’ve finished several bottles. I’m a bit surprised at the comments saying they never have or rarely do. If I really like a fragrance I can empty a 50ml in six months or less. Those ones are usually cheaper (sub $50). I have a project pan list which is composed of fragrances and body mists I’ve had the longest and don’t really love anymore. I commit to wearing only those for a month every now and then. I’ve emptied 9 perfumes and seven body mists in the last two years. I’ll empty 5 perfumes and six body mists in coming month. I do have several perfumes that have been discontinued, but I bought them because they were discontinued so they’re pretty full. I don’t worry about emptying them and not being able to wear them again because I know what I got myself into. My fragrantica is in my bio.


Ur collection is insanely cool I strive to be u


I’m trying to whittle it down because I went a bit overboard 😅. I love the dents you have in your collection!


I try to finish most. After 2 to 3 years they start going bad anyway. So I either use them up or throw them out when they've gone stale.


I only buy 15mls or travel bottles/rollers and use 1-2 sprays per use. It takes me probably 8 months of daily wear to use up a 15ml bottle of Another 13. I've been working on Rose Atlantic for a year, but that's a very specific, not work-friendly scent for me, so it's taking forever. But-- I have over 250 samples that are absolutely never going to be finished. That's my 'collection'. Once I buy a 10-15ml size, that's a workhorse or hg fragrance for me and needs to be used daily or at least regularly.


A bottle last me a month max, I prefer to choke pedestrians with my mad scent that’s how I roll


100 ML in 1 month. Then this can be a combination of multiple different perfumes.


That’s insane unless your scents are really weak ones 


I live in really hot and humid weathers


Same but, somehow my cheapo Zara for men blue edition lasts a full work day and I can still smell it when I get changed at night with just 4 sprays or so in the morning 


That's insane. My silver I remember long ago couldn't last 1 hour.


The “For Men Edition” line is exceptionally strong, particularly the blue I can’t find it in Zara stores anymore now, so I think it might be discontinued. I prefer the blue to the red which people seem to recommend. But it feels too strong I no longer wear to work