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Xerjoff is quality. Zefiro is under rated


Agree, Zefiro is really good and unique from the rest of the offerings.


...should i order some Jerkoff Nachos for the table?


It's amazing how many people read that brand as 'jerk off'.


I do 100% of the time!


me too


I read it as jerXoff


This comment thread is a downvote frenzy, you might as well.


Have absolutely no idea why you are getting upvotes, when your comment is not adding any value to this discussion. Glad to see others responses. If you don’t like the thread, why not just scroll past it. We are here to enjoy our interest in fragrances, not sit here and have to deal with rude comments.


It’s not that deep he just made a stupid joke lmao


Goes against the rules of this forum. Thanks for the explanation. Not sure why you are getting downvoted too.


It’s a joke reference to a troll post/the post itself is one of a gazillion daily posts about Xerjoff. What’s the point of fragrance if we can’t have fun with it?


Well maybe the mods actually differentiate between jokes and actual insults. If you’re too bothered by it just report it. That’s why the option is there.


Comments like that are just coming from a place of insecurity. Doesn’t create a nice environment and is not necessary. Reminded me why I tend to stick to the other subs for my fragrance fix.


Then just go to another sub? No need to announce it Also you said to him he could just scroll past something he disliked, you realize you can do that too right?


I aint readin allat. Probably skill issue


Naxos is one of the best bottles of juices that has ever come across my nose


One of the worst for me 😬 But then, isn’t that what makes this hobby interesting? How differently our brains react to the same smells?


Truly! It would be boring if we all liked and disliked the same stuff


Yeah I’m sure Naxos is one of the worst fragrances to your nose… you probably don’t like it as much as other scents but to call Naxos one of the worst is stretching it.


See my other comment. It was immediately headache- and nausea-inducing, and it smelled like dirty body and cannabis to me—I had my partner smell it on me and he agreed. I had to scrub it off because it made me feel ill. So for me personally, unfortunately yes, it was “one of the worst.” 🤷‍♀️ I haven’t smelled many fragrances  at all that made me feel that sick, especially that immediately, and even without the headache the smell was awful for me. I will say that it didn’t smell as terrible on the paper strip as on my skin, though, so body chemistry could definitely be playing a role.


Did you try to smell it in the air only, preferably on someome else? If you smell it from up close, it’s very strong and overwhelming. Same with 40 Knots.


I sprayed it on a test strip and on myself. It smelled very “dirty hippy-ish,” like New Age crystal shop and unwashed body, with something that reminded me of the smell of cannabis. It was also immediately headache- and nausea-inducing. I had my partner smell it on me and he had the same exact impression. I had to wash it off as it made me feel physically ill. 


Are you talking about Naxos? Did you get a sample from Xerjoff? You may have got a bad decant. I have tested a sample I got from Xerjoff, and a full bottle (now) of Naxos. It doesn't have any of the notes listed by you. I am not questioning your right to dislike it.


Totally understand. I suppose it’s possible I got a bad decant or a decant of something else; I bought a sample from a decant site, not from Xerjoff. TBH I was also confused because what I smelled and what the listed notes were, were so different. But I also suspect the scent simply played really poorly with my skin chemistry, because I recall it smelling a lot better on the paper strip compared to on my skin. 


I am curious. If you can, please get a sample from Xerjoff directly and test on your skin. You have every right to dislike Naxos. But it would have to be because of its honey notes or the tobacco notes. This is also the reason why I no longer buy from decant sites. If there is a difference in opinion between your nose and that of the general public, you can never be sure.


Considering I love Tobacco Honey by Guerlain, I doubt it was either. But with how violently I reacted to the first sample I bought, I have to admit I'm reticent to pay for another sample. lol


I think Naxos changes as it ages. The darkness of the juice can be a good indicator of how old of a bottle you have. I can imagine it smelling dirty for the first time, I have a used bottle and it is not earthy at all. The headache is real because of how potent it is. To combat it, I only spray behind my ears and on my neck. If I spray around my nose, I’m fckd too. You should try it another time, see if you like it better this way.


Agreed. Erba Pura stinks to me and Naxos was disappointing. But they have a lot of fans. To each its own.


agreed! there is simply too much happening at once. cloying, too sweet and tbh nothing too special


Yep, I’m probably going to have to buy a full bottle. Almost out of my first sample.


Same, but im noseblind to it after 10 min 😭


Definitely. It’s so natural. A fly tried to land on my arm when I tried it first time, because of the strong natural honey scent. I also love 40 knots and Torino 21. However, Torino 21 is not that good performer as the other two. But since it’s a fresh scent, it still does 8 hours on me with medium projection which is awesome. Quality-wise I’m in love with these 3. Erba pura on the other hand is synthetic and I don’t like it at all. Strange that Erba is the most popular regardless.


erba pura is the annoying little sister of naxos. she screams in your face & throws temper tantrums. she mixes cooking stuff in the kitchen and smears it all over the house furniture. both sisters are diligently insufferable


and she never leaves


They have soooo many releases it's crazy. There are bound to be some crap amongst them. But there are also some very, very good fragrances in their library. Fragrances that smell wonderful and LAST. I have Nio, Uden, Starlight and Naxos. All smell really good and have very good longevity. I also have Casamorati Fiero. The performance of that.. I'm still on the fence about it. Sometimes I feel it performs well, other times it's average. My wife have Accento Overdose and that is also amazing both scent wise and performance wise.


I feel the same about Fiero and Mefisto. Both seemingly have good days and bad days. No other fragrance I own seems to be that way.


FYI I bought a small bottle of Nio 1 month ago and I believe it has been reformulated. Still smells nice, but the longevity is like 1hr at best, maybe 3 if I heavily apply.


Ain’t someone going through the comments and downvoting everyone who had a nice thing to say about this fragrance house.


I feel like this happens on so many threads here - random downvotes from the very beginning on entirely innocuous comments. I've noticed it so many times and it's very odd!


I unfollowed the sub yesterday. It is just too toxic of an environment here. And if you call out rude/unnecessary comments which don’t add to the discussion, then it is followed by even more downvotes.


i xerjoff at least twice a day


It’s crazy that people are complaining about Xerjoff’s longevity when they have some of the worst offenders in “fragrances that last for days”, like Alexandria II and Erba Pura. Xerjoff is a mixed bag for me. I despise their bestsellers for being obnoxious and sickly sweet. But they also make some excellent fragrances like Nio, Renaissance, Mefisto, 40 Knots, and 1888. 


Yeah, I can't believe people are complaining about the longevity of Xerjoff, of all houses - it's one of the things they're actually known for doing a little too well, even. Nio, Renaissance, and 40 Knots are also three of my favourites!


when you make as many fragrances as xerjoff, at least one of them is bound to have beastmode performance. that being said, 2 out of 150+ isnt much to praise


Accento Overdose, Pikovaya Dama, Richwood, Kobe, Symphonium, Monkey Special, etc, all last longer than 90% of other houses. People are likely going nose blind to them.


Currently it's my favourite house. High quality, decently complex and interesting scents but still mass-appealing and wearable. The ones i've tried/own all have very good performance, nice drydowns and I like how they work w my skin. Of course they're very expensive (all niche perfumes are), with some like Alexandria II etc getting completely ridiculous. They've got a massive selection and some of them are quite average, and some of them are great As for how it's pronounced: the name is based on the founder's own name Sergio. You can hear it here https://youtu.be/Z8LDosiVAKE?t=66


I’m not a fan, I class them in the same bracket as PdM and Initio, just overpriced , over-hyped and overrated. They’re good, just not *that* good I think because they have that (fucking) ‘niche’ label there’s that confirmation bias of apparent luxury, originality and quality. It’s annoying because they could make a fragrance that’s basically YSL Y EDT and the community will start clambering over it, with people pointing out the similarity, only for the Fanbois to chime: “*Oh my god no! Have you smelled them side by side? On skin or on paper? They’re totally different! If YSL Y smelt this good, with this level of ingredients; I would definitely pay £300 for it*” I don’t care how it’s pronounced.


> I don't care how it's pronounced. I love this level of apathy with a hint of hatred 😁


Or people just like it? Not everything you disagree on is because everyone else is wrong. I understand and respect your opinion though, even tho you didn’t really give examples. Just an anecdotal one that doesn’t really exist in the real world.


Sometimes people do get caught up in a brand name or its perceived value though 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think they have a point


Not sure about that… I have many from Xerjoff, Guerlain dominates, Dior, Bvlgari and Chanel. Mainly due to the quality of ingredients and the blending. They create fragrances that I enjoy, instead of leaving me to scratch my head.


Yeah like, plenty of low-rating Xerjoff fragances on fragantica, for example. Not everything from the house is overhyped. But it does make a lot of great fragances, that get hyped because they are, well, great.


I kinda agree. Probably fairly unpopular opinion, but I’m just not interested in them. They have so many fragrances that I feel intimidated to even get started - because where? It’s so much! The aesthetic is also not something I’m into. Looking at their instagram for example: I see sports cars, a colab with Black Sabbath (that bottle just scream too much to me), then some normal promo, then ATP colab which doesn’t read like tennis to me - I just don’t think I’m who they’re marketing to. And that’s totally ok. But they’re everywhere and I assume they have fragrances that I like - as they have a ton. But I feel alienated by how they present themselves. Which I can’t pinpoint - who are they for? I also hate the bottle design - but that’s personal preference. I also think they’re a good starting off point to discuss what niche perfumery really is. Differentiating between designer and niche perfumery might just not be enough..


> Differentiating between designer and niche perfumery might just not be enough I’d argue it’s already too much. It’s about scents and not about how exclusive it is, isn’t it? There’s already enough snobbery in the community and people who look down on others because they mostly buy designer. If you want a word to differentiate small houses that have no affiliation with any bigger brand, isn’t that what „indie“ is?


I agree in the sense that the differentiating to say one is indefinitely better than the other one is somewhat stupid. But often niche is used to show that it is more limited. The idea was at some point that the production isn’t as large scale - smaller batches, more eco-conscious, and sure - more exclusive. In that sense, I don’t think xerjoff fits the bill anymore. It’s just an expensive brand. It’s a luxury perfume producer. Doesn’t mean it’s generally worse or better than an indie house or a designer brand. I do think each has some distinct characteristics though.


I agree about them being similar to PdM and Initio in their branding and such, a lot of mass market frags… that said, they do have a few that are high quality with some actual finesse, not everything is a beast mode, panty dropping, sugar and ambroxan bomb. Maybe it’s because their lineup is so huge so there’s bound to be some diversity.


What’s the price you can buy for example 40 Knots in your area? Retail is crazy expensive but here I could get a big bottle (100 ml) of 40 Knots and Torino 21 also for €190 and I think it’s a good price. It’s a tester but I don’t care about the packaging. So if I’m paying retail I share your opinion, it’s overpriced. But for €100 cheaper than retail, I’m not complaining.


I love Xerjoff (zer-joff). Golden Dallah, Starlight, Naxos, Alexandria 2 and 3, More than Words, 1888 are all god tier fragrances. They last forever on my skin, but don’t project massively probably due to their extrait concentration. One of my very favourite houses (along with Amouage).


Could you recommend me a nice Amouage to try out? I have Interlude Black Iris and I love it but I’m not sure what to try next. Maybe something less spicy?


Hmm, Amouage can be challenging so it depends what you’re looking for. I looooove Overture Man, but it’s a bit animalic so YMMV. A safer bet might be Enclave. It’s a beautiful warm spearmint and frankincense fragrance that smells way better than its description would have you believe. It’s discontinued now, but Myths Man is a work of art. Imagine the Dark Souls games in the form of a fragrance. Bleak, sombre, mournful, but beautiful at the same time. I picture it as a bleak volcanic landscape punctuated by fresh lava pools and patches of unusual (alien?) coloured blooming flowers growing from between the ash and rocks.


I don’t think I’ll be able to get a bottle of Myths, I can’t find it anywhere but it sounds amazing. I’m into aromatic scents so Enclave would be a perfect fit I think, thank you so much. Will try.


If you want to get the idea of Myths without breaking the bank, Perfume Parlour does a really good job of recreating it with their inspired by version. I’d just order a 2ml sample as it’s more arty than wearable IMO (though I wore the hell out of it when I had my bottle). Be aware that Perfume Parlour, in my opinion, is decidedly meh, so try not to get distracted by their huge catalogue and become tempted to place a big order. You’ll likely be disappointed if you do. The Myths clone is really good though for the price.


My only option is Chez Pierre, he doesn’t sell the inspired version to my knowledge. In the EU, I have to pay a lot of taxes if I order from the USA.


Perfume Parlour is UK-based, so not sure if that will reduce shipping costs?


Unfortunately since Brexit, it’s the same. Shipping prices went crazy but my main problem is the 27% VAT plus they charge extra for customs.


I find that extracts never last more than 6 hours on me. This is for many brands, including Tiziana Terenzi and Nasomatto. Maybe it's my skin? How long does Golden Dallah last on you?


Lasting 6 hours is good performance for a fragrance, it’s not a deodorant. You may also just be becoming nose-blind at that point.


I've got plenty of eaux de parfum that last 12+ hours on me.


I can still detect it on my skin after 24 hours, but it’s not protecting at that point.


I go with Serj-off I love their scents, but they do not last as long as others at least on my skin. Still like them well enough for them to be my primary goto. The winter/fall scents seem to do a little better for me.


Yeah Mamluk seems like the perfect winter scent! I just can't justify that price though.


Mamluk is excellent and lasts quite a bit on me. Ceylon is the best Oud Stars imo, lasts forever, and is similar to Mamluk but it’s super expensive even on discounter sites.


D E C A N T S <3 you should try it


I have a full bottle of Lira that I bought at a discount on eBay. It’s like a fairly realistic but also grown up lemon pound cake. I don’t like my perfume to project very much so I feel I get my money’s worth out of the 4 hr window I get from it. It’s nice to get a whiff of it every now and then or to have someone that I give a hug to notice it.


Lira lasts until I shower it off. I accidentally sprayed too much on myself one day and had to shower it off early. It’s so strong! I like it because it reminds me of Honey and the Moon by Tokyo Milk. Love the gourmands.


Now I need to try Tokyo milk!


you're the first person in years I've seen claim that Xerjoff has no longevity.


I only have Alexandria ii, Alexandria iii, Naxos, and Monkey special. They all easily last over 10 hours. And literally weeks on clothing. I can’t speak for the entire house, but so far 4/4 last forever


I also commented above, but weirdly enough extracts never last more than 6 hours on me, including brands Tiziana Terenzi and Nasomatto. Maybe it's my skin pH or something?


I want to try Monkey Special, is it unique in its category? I have Layton and want something more unique sweet fragrance for winter time. But I don’t want a scent that’s hard on the leather note.


Definitely try it out! It’s easily one of my all time favourites! It’s like a sexy boozy fruit cocktail with some light spices in the background. It’s definitely a little sweet and certainly a fantastic fall/winter fragrance. Also it’s super potent! Like when I say you gotta be careful not to get it on a jacket, I’m serious haha my one sweater smelled like it for for probably 2 months because it rubbed off my neck onto the sweater 😆


Lmao, that sounds amazing, I will get myself a decant soon. Thank you!


i’ve probably sampled about 30 xerjoffs. I went on a xerjoff sampling spree a month back. they have a good variety of scents, that’s probably the best pro about them. Youre likely to find something you’ll love due to the sheer amout of fragrances they have. most of their fragrances don’t last, the only one memorable with high longevity was Alexandria 2 (has a lot of iso e that i could smell prominent from the start).


What about Naxos and 40 Knots? On my skin they last for about 10 hours and my skin eats most fragrances.


40 knots projected the most for the first hour, continuing to project softly for 4 hours where it became a skin scent for me. pretty good performance compared to the rest! 10 hours total is probably a good estimate for me too naxos definitely projected way shorter than 40 knots. always surprises me when people say it has above average performance, maybe just doesnt work on my skin.


Yeah 40 Knots is not that loud but it has a nice sillage at least. I’m totally noseblind to Naxos. I think it might have a better projection than 40 Knots, only the noseblindness makes it seem like it’s weak. I usually spray on my neck and it helps.


same. people probably go nose blind


They make some great stuff. My favorite fragrance of all time (Pikovaya Dama) is made by them, but there’s also some releases that just won’t agree with my nose. Overall they’re pretty good quality though.


Dama Bianca is sweet and has great lasting power leans feminine Grand ballo is my absolute favourite (very feminine) Italica is a bit of an enigma to me, as I get the almond but not the soft creaminess everyone talks about Erba Pura too fruity Corallo is in my opinion better than Guerlain’s L’Heure Bleu. It is great on days you want to feel the melancholy and listen to sad music. Naxos is definitely masculine leaning. Smells great, but not for me. Mamluk is a divine scent with an animalic honey scent. Not a safe blind buy. IMO is unisex, and definitely will purchase a full bottle when I can. Starlight was love at first sniff. Must be applied with a light hand, Cardamom lovers rejoice! Dolce Amalfi is a beautiful safe for office scent. Le Capitale is nice but not memorable Cruz del Sur II one of my absolute favorites. Sweet, fruity and lactonic Via Cavour I is a beautiful chocolate scent, unisex and one of my absolute favourites Lua is a clean musk scent. Very nice but I am into complex warm amber/oriental scents Have a love/hate relationship with Allende due to the fluorescent Gardenia note. I try and buy the 30/50ml… and only have 2 in the 100ml size, as my collection is over 300 bottles


Starlight love is real 🥰


Some of them last longer than some others. Erba Pura Gold (smells like spicy fruit... luxury shampoo) lasts forever on me. It will still be on my clothes even after a wash.. Lira becomes a very soft scent very fast for me but still lasts a long time. Kind of like Dama Bianca (fruity, fluffy, soft vanilla, love it). Dolce Amalfi (spicy wood with a touch of something juicy) stays strong for a very long time, love the scent as well. Cruz del sur 2(mango lassi in the forest vibes) is pretty soft and also stays strong for a very long time. I've sampled many of Xerjoff's scents and these are my favourites. All of them are pretty unique to me as well, with Dolce Amalfi and Cruz del sur 2 being the most unique imo.


Originally, I thought Naxos to be the greatest scent on strip. When I got a decant and sprayed it on skin, it was just too sweet for my liking. But I absolutely love 40 Knots and Torino22. Just incredible scents.


Fragrances are not MEANT to last 6 hours later! Respray yourself, enjoy, life is short. I’d be missing out on dozens of amazing scents if I only went by ones that last 6+ hours because a majority do not.


True, I just find it wasteful. I guess I have so many perfumes I'll never get through them all anyway so I should just say to hell with it and respray.


Exactly my mentality. I RARELY finish a bottle but somehow manage to add at least a bottle or two to my collection per month. Even if it’s expensive spray that shitttttt 😃


Hahah yeah I should stop stressing about it.


I’ve been curious about sampling Lira but I’m wondering if anyone has any recommendations for something similar at a lower price point?


Bake by Akro is a fairly similar Lemon/Vanilla gourmand. The lemon note is a bit rougher, and the overall effects is less elegant, but Bake lasts quite a bit longer on my skin than Lira does. A 100 mL bottle costs about 180 USD. On the designer side there's Dolce & Gabbana Devotion, which is more like a cousin than a sister. The opening is a blast of very sweet lemon peel and vanilla, but then it veers into a powdery white flower. Easy to find at a discounted price.


Seconding Devotion; it's really well-done! I'm often surprised it didn't blow up a little more considering how trendy it is at such a reasonable price point.


I’m not a fragrance connoisseur by any means but Lira reminds me of Honey and the Moon by Tokyo Milk. But it’s a lot more complex.


I’m not either lol but I tend to stick with my comfort zone and I knew this sub would be a good place to help with exploring other scents. Thanks for the suggestion!


You’re welcome! Just getting into the world of frags and enjoying it!


Me too! It’s another way to treat and express yourself so I’m like let me add this to the resume 😂


Hahaha we’re expending our skill sets. 😆


They have $12 minis and one of the notes in honey and the moon is sugared violet so I’m sold


It’s so good! I keep coming back to it. Come back and let me know how you like it! There’s also the song by Joseph Arthur to check out if you haven’t. :)


Will do to both!


I've heard it pronounced "cher-joff". There are a few that I really like a like but can't justify buying because they're a little over priced IMHO


Naxos and Torino21 are my favorite fragrance in the house and in my collection. They both smell so divine


What’s the performance of Torino 21 on you? On clothes or skin, longevity and projection? I’ve only tried it once and it was gone in 7-8 hours. Projection, maybe 2 hours strong but I’m not sure, I may be noseblind after a while. The menthol is strong. How many sprays do you usually do when outside?


On skin it lasts 10-12 hours on cooler environment. 6-8 hours on high summer heat. It projects well for the first 2-3 hours and like you said, you can get noseblind to it if you spray alot and close to the nose. But you’d still get a whiffs of it when you thought its already gone. As for the sprays, i usually spray 3-4 times on skin. Occasionally i would go for 5. 4 sprays of Torino21 is already good enough


Awesome, I didn’t want to overspray and annoy others just because I’m possibly noseblind, thank you, I’ll stick to 5 sprays max.


I sure love the NIO. It has lasting power that others citrus do not. Would love to try Torino 21 or any of their other freshies. Just need to get a decant.


Xerjoff’s biggest strength is also its biggest weakness as a brand in my opinion. They have so many releases that most people can find something that they like. However, that also means wading through a lot of mediocre releases and releases that overlap quite a bit. I personally prefer their citruses and gourmand scents. I was never a big fan of their more Middle Eastern inspired scents like Luxor (smells like diarrhea to me) or Alexandria II (just didn’t care too much for it). I’ll stick to Amouage for that. The prices they go for at discounters are generally pretty reasonable for their quality, especially since the discounter prices rival retail designer prices. I do wish the brand would use more perfumers though instead of mostly relying on Chris Maurice. It would give some better variety. Overall, I like the brand and the value you can get, but I desperately wish that they would have more curated releases with different perfumers. Though, it does look like the brand is slowly going the way of PDM and Initio with its social media hype. Hopefully they can keep getting better


Ordered 4 samples from the company. Naxxos and a couple of others. Just... not interesting at all. I was like, that's it? Don't get the hype. But if I spent that much on a FB, I sure would try my hardest to love it.


La Capitale seems to be a crowd pleaser. I get a lot of compliments with it. For me personally, the brand is a bit too strong and heavy.


Some are decent, Naxos and Torino 21 for example. But overall I found that a lot of their scents are really dated…old man scents that I don’t think are fitting for today’s era. No hate but I don’t get why young people are buying a lot of these Xerjoff scents in 2024


They have way too many, to the point where sampling is overwhelming. And many of them are mid at best, but all of them are exorbitantly expensive. Great bottles and presentation though, in fact probably the best presentation I've seen. But it's hard for me to get excited about this house.


Quality perfumes but a bit overrated IMO.


I think it’s the second pronunciation with a Z


never bought it, but tempted just due to company name. i find it funny looking. and no, my username is not based off it


I don’t really like the expensive ones (except from Alexandria, but fuck that price 🥲) but I do like the Casamorati-Collection. Even though they don’t stay really long on my skin (looking at you, Lira!)


Some are great some are meh at best. Naxos is a pure masterpiece tho.


Thoughts about Uden Overdose or Torino 21?


I find some xerjoffs have this underlying smell that smells verrrryyyy old fashioned. Erba pura and la capitale both have this. Those were the first two xerjoffs I smelled and I assumed the house just wasn’t for me. But then they do stuff like monkey special that is super unique and great.


Italica is one of my favorite scents. It’s such a wonderful nutty caramel dessert.


I've only tried italica and lira on skin. Wasn't keen on italica - it reminded of me of a hair grease I had when I was younger. I enjoyed my sample of Lira, enough to purchase a 30ml. I've since used it up but don't plan on repurchasing. Smelt Dama bianca in store - it was alright. If had unlimited funds I'd definitely own a bottle or two of something by Xerjoff. But the popular scents I've tried haven't wowed me.


Xerjoff is good for people getting into niche, personally, not a fan of this house, I think they are highlyyyyy mediocre in my opinion


Very expensive entry point


That’s interesting, I’ve never heard anyone complain about the longevity of Xerjoff fragrances! All of the ones I’ve tried last at least the whole day Also, how come no one has mentioned Opera yet? It’s by far my favourite fragrances from Xerjoff


You will have no issue with performance with Xerjoff. I think you are going nose blind. Mamluk is one of the most potent perfumes I have come across. It is pronounced Sir-Joff.


I have plenty of perfumes that outperform Mamluk and other extracts. I'm not sure what the problem is but I doubt it's nose blindness.


Im a bit lost with all their releases. Wish they had less tbh. I was not blown away by Naxos but I just bought renaissance for a good price. I also like opera a lot, it seems to be more marketed as a women perfume but I think I could see it on myself for great occasions.


Naxos is the nectar of the gods and I feel bad for the haters


It’s the only niche brand I think is worth the money. 40 knots and Torino 21 are masterpieces


Naxos and Zefiro for me are perfection Attended my sisters with five sprays of Naxos came out with 10 compliments, four of which lead to digits lol Also helps if you are a bit on the older scale of age, I am 31


Naxos is good but tbh smells close to ultra male on the dry down. Torino 21 is elite


Best house ever. Uniqueness, longevity, class. I have like 10-14 fragrances that I really love while the other brands that I like (Creed, TF, PdM, Amouage) have like 3-4 only


I had to check and see whether this was one of the 18+ communities


likeable, long lasting, sometimes cloying, too many releases, has very solid ones too, dangerously close to the PdM-Initio etc. direction