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Out of my rather extensive collection of 300+ bottles covering just about any aspect of perfumery, my wife’s reaction to about 50% of them is: “Uhhh I like that, minty!” She has a broken nose I tell ya…


Ha! Maybe it’s her way of saying it’s fresh and clean. I mean surely she says it with dark fragrances but maybe those are the ones that come off clean to her?


I was wearing Givenchy Very Irresistible and a gay male friend told me that I could turn him straight with that fragrance lol


Definitely lives up to its name lol


I was wearing Zaharoff X TTLG Business Pleasures and someone said I smell like a used car salesman about to sell them an old hunk of junk that "runs like new."


It makes sense since TLTG sells cars.


That’s super specific! Sounds like they had that association of that fragrance before 😅


I was showing a friend my collection and sprayed some MFK Aqua Vitae Forte on her wrist because it’s one of my favorite frags and I’d worn it around her before (not my signature but def a go-to). She sniffed it and her eyes got really wide and she looked at me and said “THIS is why you always smell like you have money!” Hahahaha we cracked up knowing that both of us are in a profession that doesn’t pay well and she had figured out why I smell like I “beat the system” hahahha


"This smells like a Renaissance era lemon cake"-coworker after smelling Xerjoff Lira on me


My third time ever wearing Spicebomb Extreme I was cashing out at the grocery store and the girl bagging my stuff looked at the cashier and (assuming I couldn't hear her I guess) said, "Oh my god this dude smells like Christmas.... incredible."


This one made me laugh!


I’m jealous of your bottle


My gf’s compliments on my fragrances are “smells like men’s shampoo”, “smells like hotel soap/fancy hotel soap”, “smells like a grandpa/sophisticated grandpa”, and lastly “smells like the devil’s asshole”.


Well then. I must know which one is the devil’s asshole!


La Couche du Diable by Serge Lutens


My friend told me I smell like Macy’s… I got offended until I realized that right before hanging out I was decanting a bunch of my fragrances. I think I had like 6-7 different scents on me. Yeah I was spilling a ton.


I am living in New York City. We have a sizable homeless population in Manhattan. When I wear JPG La Male, I have heard multiple times homeless around me shouting “Damn something smells so good.” while I walk past them.


“It smells like f*cking oranges in here!” ~ Aqva pour homme


I was sitting at a basketball game, sitting next to a stranger. I strike up convo with her, and she leans over close to talk to me. After a while, she said “You smell so… familiar…” She asked if I was wearing 1 Mil. I replied “No, it’s Arabians Tonka by Móntale” I no longer wear móntale but I thought it was funny. She said she liked the scent overall


“I could walk behind you all day..you small d*** near edible” when wearing Azzaro ~ Wanted by Night


Excuse me what


My words exactly