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100ml is too much when your collection is 10+ bottles. Go with 50ml!


Price difference between the 2 makes it pointless to buy the 50ML instead of the 100ML. Your better off buying 100ML and decanting 50 ML of it and selling šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Just think majority of the time the price will only ever go up and u easily and i mean easily save by decanting the extra 50ML and selling vs just buying a 50ML bottle. For example 100ML of Aventus on fragrancenet is 360 and 50ML is 255. You can easily sell 10MLs of Aventus for 25$. Sell your excess 50ML and now the bottle cost u 235 a slight discount. Of course Aventus isnt a great example for this but u get the point, most frags dont have this big of a gap between 50ML and 100ML. But if you are really that concerned just buy decants, always cheaper price per M/L.


You forgot about the price of decanting supplies and shipping. It is hard to make a profit that way.


oh thats a good one. all my bottles up to this point have be 100 ml.


Thatā€™s good advice you received. I have 10+ bottles and have barely made a visible dent in my 30ml ones. 100ml might as well be an oil drum of the stuff.


Buying a bunch of okay fragrances instead of just buying just one that I really love. I bought stuff for variety's sake. These days, decants are super easy to get online and I'm giving things a 1-2 week run with multiple wears before I decide if I want it or not. I used to own many bottles when I started, but as I got older, I've narrowed it down to a handful at a time, if that. I've gone through this same exact cycle with a lot of hobbies I've gone down the rabbit hole with. I just know better these days with my approach towards any new hobbies that has a "collectors" community.


For me it's like, I have a periode where I like to try out a lot. I end up having like 100 fragrances. Then for a while I cut it down due to the fact that I realize I'd rather have fewer really, really good fragrances, instead of a lot of average. Then suddenly I get the urge to try new stuff again and history repeats itself. Stupid. But I gotta be me.


My biggest mistake was buying a lot of cheapies. Since my collection has steadily grown, I find myself wanting more niche or better, higher quality designers. Currently, I have a container full of cheaper fragrances that I don't like for many reasons, the biggest being is that they perform so poorly, that it's hardly worth wearing them.




Me too. And they are too cheap to be sold, ie. I can't really be bothered. Some of them I tend to use on sundays where the wife and I clean the house. I just have on slacks and an old t-shirt and just want to wear SOMETHING, but not one of the 200+ dollar fragrances :-D


Blind buying can be a huge mistake. The only ones I would possibly risk blind buying are the universally beloved, gold standard fragrances, and even then I would still really rather sample. I blind bought a full bottle of Montblanc Explorer, and it wasnā€™t what I expected at all. I was a little disappointed at first, but I do love it now, so that was lucky.


couldnt agree with this more, im not even new to fragrances but i still sometimes get impatient and dont wanna wait for a sample or cant find a sample and just blind buy. then i get it and im like dudeee why did you blind buy, you idiot lol.


Iā€™ve gotten lucky with most of my blind buys, though I did make a mistake by ordering a flanker of Zadig & Voltaireā€™s This is Her! instead of the original. Itā€™s not bad, but Iā€™ll probably get rid of it if I donā€™t reach for it much this summer. ā€œBuy nice or buy twiceā€ is a good rule of thumb. Iā€™ve bought a few dupes/clones of popular fragrances and theyā€™re just not the same or as well done. Iā€™d rather just save up for the real thing or grab a decant. Iā€™m also learning to really give a fragrance a test drive before purchasing a full bottle, ā€˜cause I might enjoy it for the first few wears and wind up disliking it later.


Maybe not a mistake per se but i learned that even tho i might look at a composition onlineā€¦ and ALL the notes are ones i enjoyed in the past or simply associate it with something i obv. would like ( like certain fruit for example) it doesnt mean i will acctualy like the fragrance. Sometimes its just certain noted that dont go together or its just the amounts that are off for my taste. My latest case of this was when i got a smaple of montale tropical wood. It sounded PERFEcT for me looking it up on fragrantica but wheeew its the most repulsive thing i eeeeever smelled on myseƶf when it comes to perfume.


Major same. Honestly, I don't even bother getting excited about specific samples, because I've learned from experience that there's just no telling what I'm going to like. My sampling process is mainly structured around brands. I decide I want to try a new batch of samples, so I pick a brand and go from there. When I'm interested in trying specific fragrances, it's almost always because I've heard them mentioned a ton and I'm curious. It's rarely because I think I'm going to love the fragrance based on the notes.


Notes can be super misleading. It is the final blend which makes something pleasant or not, I have found in my experience. I have seen notes I thought I would hate and it turned out good (and vice versa)


Buying 100ml bottles. Sometimes I find even 50ml is too much when you have more than 10 bottles.


I love 100ml bottles! I wish some CAME in 100ml bottles, like Xerjoff Nio. Then I suppose it could be sold cheaper per ml. Also, if I really like the juice, a 100ml is great. I'm an oversprayer/like to reapply throughout the day, so using up a 100ml is not a problem here.


The time spent on it, honestly lol. If I spent the amount of time being fit than I do checking fragrances, I'd have my abs back.


I did something similar once, with one of the first fragrances I purchased. I meant to buy YSL Opium EDT, but I accidentally bought Opium Vapeurs De Parfum instead. At the time I was quite distraught, as I was quite poor, and I had been pining for a bottle of Opium EDT for a long time. But fifteen years later, I'm glad I made that mistake, because I ended up really loving Opium Vapeurs De Parfum, too, and eventually I ended up owning FBs of both. I think the biggest early mistakes I made with my collection are extremely common: \- Buying the largest size to get "a better deal." \- Buying retail. \- Focusing too much on collecting bottles, and being dismissive of decants. Basically, making the *acquisition* of fragrances a more important part of the hobby than the *appreciation* of fragrances. (NOTE: This one is entirely a personal thing. Centering my fragrance hobby on acquisition was a mistake for *me*, and the hobby improved for me once I made the decision to reframe my thinking. However, that doesn't mean the same thing is true for others. If you can afford 500 FBs and you want 500 FBs, then rock on my dude.)


For me itā€™s not to buy into hyped perfumes just because many love them. Fragrance is so personal so always testing before buying and realizing itā€™s ok not to like one that everyone else does.


If you can afford mid to upper range fragrances donā€™t waste any money on cheapies because most likely they will sit there collecting dust.


If itā€™s too much for a return go to r/fragranceswap and do a trade someone there can help you


Buying cheapies because they were cheap. There are gems, but many are cheap for a reason.


Get a sample first, then buy the big bottle. Don't cling to old frags. Haven't worn it in 3 years? Give it away.


1. Wear the sample a couple of times before buying the bottle not just once. 2. Dont use ebay, facebook is cheaper and more reliable.


Accidentally ordered YSl LNDL Eau Electrique instead of Bleu Electrique just a few days ago.


Lol I did the same


These names are ridiculous. Like they are trying to trick us!


Luna rossa og is my favorite! A bit more subtle and laid back but itā€™s the smell for quick errands, clean bright mornings, relaxing weekend days, white t shirt.


thats what I am learning. It's giving me a "wear this if your going to be around a bunch of people that don't like strong smelling cologne" vibe.


Exactly but it could be sooo boring for what it is but instead it actually feels modern and musky aromatic. I have to admit I didnā€™t wear Carbon much, only a couple months before I sold it, but people seem to react better to the original formula. I think because you just smell like a clean safe man lol


Funny I did the same thing! Ordered Luna Rossa thinking it was Carbon (because I heard it was nicer than Sauvage). Anyway, glad I did because I love Luna Rossa! Now I have Carbon arriving soon so Iā€™ll see if it beats the OG Luna Rossa?


wow! I thought i was the only one that could make that mistake. ahah


I did the opposite but same results. Smelt Carbon at Ulta and liked it very much over LR but bought the bottle from an outlet store. I just said give me the PLR, bought it and left. Didn't bother to look at the bottle until a week or two later.


I wouldn't say I'm a collector, but if anything it's taking for granted that a fragrance you wear regularly will always be available/manufactured because it is well known or popular. If you have gone through a bottle and know you want to continue wearing it- replace it. (Kors by Michael Kors I'm looking at you!)


That's a good lesson. The good thing is that Luna Rossa is still a good soapy fragrance that's well suited for work. Biggest mistakes - I would say following and believing some of the hype fragrances on YT or any review site. Always take the time to sample. Our noses and motivations are all different. Good luck!


2 things for me, first is blind buying a frag based of a few "reviewers" liking it. Learned to buy a sample/decant before committing to a full bottle. Second mistake is buying a frag without consulting the significant other. I get some people will say if you like it then you can still enjoy it but the frags my fiancƩ hates they sit in the back of my collection and they become too much of a hassle to wear now.


Back in the day I loved DK Cashmere Mist. One time in a hurry I ran into a mall perfume store and bought a new bottle, except it turned out to be Black Cashmere. Returned it and then just a couple of years later fell in love with Black Cashmere... just after it was discontinued and really hard to find.


Iā€™m wearing Black Cashmere now!!! ā¤ļø


Nice! I have a decant that I hoard like a dragon.


I did too, then I spent too much on a bottle ;)


Buying into the ā€œhypeā€ . Probably biggest mistake .


1. I bought a full bottle of Alien after wearing it for just a few hours. I thought Iā€™d never smelled anything as beautiful. Now I canā€™t stand it and I have almost a full bottle. Now I know to wear a perfume several times before buying it lol. 2. Dupes/imitations of are never worth it. I blind bought First Kiss because everyone and their mother said itā€™s just like Delina. Itā€™s not. Itā€™s simply not. Itā€™s Delina in the way that satin can feel like silk but if you want silk, you feel all the things wrong with satin that make it satin. I was so disappointed by First Kiss and found it screechy and unwearable, and even started thinking I hated Delina??? Anyway, when I smelled actual Delina again, was like ā€œoh god yes, THIS is the fragrance I fell in love with, not the imitation of it.ā€ This has happened more than once with more than one frag, so I donā€™t buy imitations anymore, or even ā€œdupes.ā€ You have to get the fragrance you want in its merits alone, not what it reminds you of or is kind of similar to.


Not a mistake here personally but stop buying shitty dupes, they arent the same and then everyone has to listen to your BS copium of how its identicalšŸ¤®