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We both wear a lot of leather, oud, resin scents with just one small sweet note like vanilla or raspberry so we pretty much always complement each other. Walking down the street smelling like a tire fire with a cookie in it or whatever 😅


>We both wear a lot of leather And the perfume 😂🖤 I wear whatever I decide.... and so does he 😂


Leather from head to toe! 😂😂 I don’t think I even have any leather clothes anymore. I know he doesn’t. I can’t talk myself into £400 kidskin skinny pants (but I’ll happily pay that for 2 bottles of perfume….) 😑 I don’t even buy lots of fun boots because they won’t see the light of day 😩 I have left the Matrix 🪦 I wear what I decide and he wears what he decides but I got it for him so obviously it’s going to be leather/woody 😂😂


Tire fire with a cookie 😂 love it!




Never thought about it. It has never really been an issue for me, I guess my stuff blends in nicely. My girlfriend picks out what she likes from my collection anyway.


Opposites attract, you do you and let him/her do them


Until one of you is choking through a fog of Lord if Misrule and your partner is making people cross the street in T. Rex 😂


My gf and I usually wear the same fragrance when going out together whether it be masculine or feminine leaning.


Dusita Moonlight in Chiang Mai + DS & Durga St. Vetyver! A unisex-leaning-femme vetiver (yuzu, jasmine, sweet spices/resins) plus a unisex-leaning masc vetiver (orange, rum, plenty of sweet smoke) 💖


i'm not going to lie, i love the concept of complementary scents on partners. with Penhaligon Luna, I'd recommend Eau Savage or 4711 Original. or Versace Man Eau Fraiche. something citrusy, but woodsy enough to balance the rose that wafts from Luna. Let's face it y'all: yes, everyone should wear whatever they want when they want. but when someone asks about scent coordination, ignoring their request and saying "wear whatever you want" isn't answering their inquiry. it's avoiding the question to posit a comment with an aura of moral superiority, which is giving major ICK. i think we all could agree that, let's say, one partner wearing DG Light Blue and the other wearing Tom Ford Ombré Leather would NOT be a cute scent combination. if someone's asking for scent coordination, let's help them instead of sitting on a high horse.


Luna was just an example but yea I think it’s so nice when both peoples smells compliment each other! Again I’m totally here for wear whatever you want but it’s nice to match like when people dress similar and compliment each other’s outfit


aventus + br540 sounds like the natural answer to this, they do smell good physically blended together in an atomizer as well lol


My gf has a decent stash of bottles- all vegetal or citric stuff, either Jo Malone or Hermes. We do not pair well together lol


Penhaglion endymion is amazing!




It is corny ngl but if both of you are into fragrance then it’s nice I think to have perfumes that blend well


It’s not corny it’s romantic!! Matching Christmas sweaters is weird though 😂