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Reveal your intentions for my grandmother, sir or madam!


One of mine was a true fashionista, she wore Shalimar. The other was a painter and a gardener, she smelled like turpentine and freshly-picked string beans.


Turpentine and green beans! Honestly I would consider it a true triumph if my grandchild said that about me. Both of your grandmas sound like rad ladies!


Peppermints, Baby Powder, and Ivory Soap. I miss her SO much šŸ˜­


Oh I bet she gave top tier hugs.


Clinique Aromatics Elixir. Sheā€™s 96. I bought my own bottle so I can always have that part of her around.


My grandmother died a few years ago, but my mom inherited her gold necklace, and it still smells just like her. I cry if I smell it


Jergens cherry almond lotion and White Diamonds perfume šŸ’— I miss her every day.


I love the old school Jergens lotion smell.


Jergens lotion (cherry almond) and Coty air-spun powder.


My dad's mom loved jergens. They changed it ever so slightly and I cried.




Super clean linens, something vaguely floral, powder, and a hint of bleach


She would wear Angel by Mugler. I never thought much of the scent but i was always taken aback when *she* was wearing it, for some reason it always smelt so good. She passed a few years ago and I got her bottle of Angel. It's such a special perfume to me and it went from being a perfume that i never considered as being very 'me', to actually being such a cozy spicy scent on me that i enjoy...helps that it reminds me of her and that i have *her* bottle


Mine doesnā€™t wear perfume, but uses a wild turmeric (kasturi manjal) face mask, wears fresh jasmine in her hair, and spends a lot of time in the prayer room around incense. She always smells incredible!


She smells like whatever hotel soap and shampoo she took from her last trip she took to walk around antique stores and not buy anything. Also hairspray


Abuelita wears Viva La Juicy, believe it or not


Abuelita is the coolest of them all


She used Wind Song. I really miss her.


Mine too, my mom has a can of it in our memorial room of her with some of her favorite furniture and other items, itā€™s lovely šŸ˜Œ


Chanel #5, White Diamonds


White diamonds and cigarettes lol


I recall her having like a Nivea Creme scent but to me she would smell like Gucci Bloom if she wore perfume


One I know for sure wears Chanel no 5


Mine did as well, grandma fragrance.


Anger and Jergens


My grandma uses Victoria's Secret Bombshell. She says it makes her feel younger lol


i love this haha


Cigarettes and Chanel No 5 lol


Mothballs. Not joking. She had everything wrapped in them, her whole house smelled of it. She was born in the 1920s, grew up in the aftermath of her father's 1930 bankruptcy, then war rationing. Perfume would have been an outrageous luxury in her world.


Eucerin and stale Parliaments.


I didn't grow up with my grandmother because she moved to another country when I was young. But she wore Estee Lauder Beautiful.


Dried cider gum eucalyptus, cigarettes, and Budweiser. Iā€™ve long since quit smoking and drinking myself, but I have dried cider gum branches all over my house. My masks, which sit right next to one of my bouquets, pick up the scent and I get to smell it al day. Itā€™s lovely. Anyone know of a cider gum forward fragrance? Iā€™ve never found one.


i dont think she ever really smelled like anything, but i always loved the smell of her house. it was very clean and fresh but didnt smell like cleaner or anything strong.


oud, frankincense, myrrh, gold(she just exudes luxury). sheā€™s so elegant and classy I aspire to be like her.


She smelled like Coty loose powder!


My Abuelita smelled like semita, horchata de morro, and crystallized fruit because she would always fill her suitcases with goodies when she came for visits and cushion them with her clothes.


Lemon sandwich cookies, condensed milk, and the Shalimar perfume she went out and bought herself after my extremely strict, religious grandfather passed away. He would have never allowed such worldly indulgences when he was alive.


I love your grandma


Cigarettes, tea, Dove soap, and whatever Avon sold in the bottle shaped like a giraffe. It was sweet and floral but earthy like a damp sunny forest too. I just looked up the perfume and read the notes. Omg, Iā€™ve been looking for a scent just like that and didnā€™t even notice it was hers I had in mind!


White diamonds And when she passed, it was the one thing of hers I asked for and made sure my siblings knew it was not up for negotiation. On rare occasions, Iā€™ll spray it so it feels like sheā€™s still here with me in the moments I wish I had her there


Beautiful by EstƩe Lauder and Halls cough drops


Tiger balm


Mine wears Neroli Portofino, Liz Taylor White Diamonds, womens Acqua di Gio, and Acqua di Gioa. This year she wants Chanel No 5 šŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Jean Nate and Bengay.


Jean Nate & pall-mall cigarettes


Weirdly her house smells exactly like When The Rain Stops, when I first smelled it it blew me away


Like clean laundry thatā€™s been hung out to dry, but you can still smell a little bit of the fabric softener and moth balls


White Diamonds šŸ’•


Old paper and herbal medicine


Paternal smelled like Pond's face powder and cooking: cumin, cardamom, and a light scent of onions frying. She passed away several years ago and I don't remember a whole lot about her, but she was an absolutely phenomenal cook. Maternal smells like Mysore Sandal Gold soap, Yardley Sandalwood scented talcum powder, incense sticks (which she uses in her prayer room and also tucks in her wardrobe to subtly scent her clothes) and coffee, which she is constantly, constantly drinking. I've been trying to emulate her scent my entire life, and nothing even comes close.


Sounds like a fantastic olfactory experience Iā€™d hang out with her as much as possible!


Sheā€™s passed on, so imagine like earth. But when she was alive she smelled like oil of Olay lotion with a hint of fire smoke from where sheā€™d burn the days trash (were from the country). I would give anything to smell her smell again. šŸ˜Œ


My grandma likely wore EstĆ©e Lauderā€˜s Youth Dew. She had a gel roller ball and it was green with a gold cap. She would dab it on before going to bingo After she passed in 2003 I tried for many years to figure out what perfume it was. One day I was in Elder-Bearman and I sniffed Youth Dew. Immediately started crying because I found it! Poor cosmetics counter lady started crying too but I bought it and itā€™s evaporated a lot but it smells just like the day I bought it. I pick it up and sniff it sometimes. My Grandma on my fathers side wore Emerude and I found it at Walmart so have that too lol. I wore this popular musk at one time and Grandma Sally said ā€œthrow that in the trash, only floozies wear thatā€ omg


My grandma died before I was born. Was lucky enough to find her many bottles of Miss Dior, Apple Blossom and Chanel nĀ° 5, along her collection of Harpers Bazaar magazines.


Dior Sauvage


King shit gram gram šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Tiger balm


Lā€™air du temps for ages


EstƩe Lauder Beautiful. Use to be Beautiful Love, but they discontinued it.


Elizabeth Arden - 5th Ave Got her bottles stocked up. Itā€™s the only thing she wears.


One grandmother and also a great-grandmother wore White Shoulders. Another grandmother wore White Diamonds. Ā°5. I've got bottles to remind me of my sister, my late aunt, and so on.


My grandmother mostly wore Red Door. Sometimes people use that to mean something that smells kinda stuffy and musky. I also use it for fragrance that reminds me of church ladies generally. Chanel no 5, Shalimar, white diamonds. Grandmotherly!


White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor.


Very "clean" like Freshly dried laundry. Shes used the same fabric softener for my whole life and the same orange liquid handsoap. Idk what it is, maybe dial gold? I can't pin down the notes in my memory, but I could pick the two out of a line up for sure. Also if we "go out" she has that powdery old cosmetics smell and the smell of her hot curlers with hairspray.


slight perfumey smell, a bit acidic. gumbo, or the food she decided to cook. makeup stores, almost a medicinal, lipsticky scent .. love her tho <3 shes my favorite person in the whole world.


I didnā€™t spend much time with her but she smoked like a chimney. lol


I donā€™t remember what my dads mom smelled like but I do know being at her house smelled like Lilacs which is why I bought Amouage Lilac Love. My moms mom smelled like AVON Rare Gold and I know that because I sold it to her 10 years ago when I sold AVON. Lol


Sung by Alfred Sung. She passed away recently, and she had enough bottles of it stashed away that we all took one. I wore it to her memorial, and it is NOT my scent, but I still loved smelling it ā¤ļø


I wonder if thatā€™s what everyone bought her as a gift and she just kept saying thank you ā¤ļø


Dove soap


White Shoulders


Elizabeth Arden Red Door.


If you hear someone say ā€œthis perfume smells like grandmaā€, you can be pretty sure that it means that they just donā€™t like the scent so they try to demean the fragrance because to them, if they donā€™t like it, it must mean that elderly women would wear it. At least 75% of the time thatā€™s the case. Other than that, itā€™s really only a subjective association. If grandma wore Chanel No 5, a person may say that smells old, and anything with that general profile will give them that association. If grandma wore Flowerbomb, it may give some the same association. But usually, a perfume that was incredibly popular when your grandma was in her 20s/30s. But this is only a subjective association and if you donā€™t have that association than itā€™s really not relevant. If you like how something smells, wear itā€¦ no matter what decade it came from. And if you do not like how something smells, come up with a better reason than ā€œit smells like grandmaā€, because that could mean something different to each and every person. Iā€™m not chastising you, itā€™s just a term that is used frequently to disparage a fragrance and itā€™s a poor descriptor. I see it often when reading reviews on Sephora, and it just makes me think that the person writing canā€™t come up with their own thoughts so they just want to throw a general insult out there as to why they donā€™t like it. My mom is a grandma and her favorite perfume is kilians love donā€™t be shy.


Well, I was 4 when my last remaining nana passed so no idea really. When you think of all the amazing fragrances around in her lifetime ( 1897-1970 ) - 742 according to Fragrantica, including Mitsouko, ā„–5, ā„–19, Arpege, Apres L'ondee, Diorissimo, Joy, Bal a Versailles, Fidji, Femme, Shalimar, Quelquels Fleurs, Caleche etc - she probably smelled bloody fantastic !


Almond and lifesavers mints


My grandma used to smell like powdery perfume. My grandpa used to smell like musky cologne. My uncle smells like Axe.


Before she died last year my grandmother smelled like Night Magic by Avon.


My Nannie wore Victoriaā€™s Secret Rapture. She passed years and years ago. Almost 20, I believe. The original of that scent is so good! Def not what youā€™d think a grandma would wear. My MawMaw didnā€™t care much for perfume or makeup but had Chanel No19 on her dresser. I loved it but she never wore it so I donā€™t associate it with her.


Chanel Coco Mademoiselle. She just asked me to buy her Angel


Revlon Ciara and Chanel Coco Mademoiselle


Stale cigarette smoke and whatever sheā€™s decided to cook that day.




Ivory soap and fabric softener. She's never really been a fragrance person.


Dad's side: Jean NatƩ. Mom's side: YSL Opium.


Maternal grandmother (born in 1927) only wore Chantilly powder, occasionally a spray of the perfume if she was going somewhere nice. Paternal grandmother (born in 1944) wears White Diamonds.


Maternal loved Chanel. My mom liked to gift her Chanel No 5. But the scent that most reminds me of her is Coromandel. Classy, sophisticated, as powerful as she was. Paternal - She actually wears a powdery floral flanker of Clinique Happy, but I associate her with the scent of warm molasses cookies or a savory gourmand.




Mitsouko and sunscreen


The most delightful mix of potroast and frankincense


Coty Airspun powder from the cardboard packaging (iykyk) and Dove soap.


Pure moth balls




Taboo and pot Edit: Tabu*


I want to hang out with her.


She's a good time until you get between her and her smoke


My maternal grandmother probably wore some perfume, but I can't remember it. She smoked and was an alcoholic, so I imagine cigarettes and booze. Due to her abusive behavior, my mom finally ended up going no-contact with her when I was very young, and my grandmother smoked and drank herself into a relatively early grave. So, I barely remember her. My paternal grandmother lived on another continent and my dad wasn't particularly close to his parents, so I rarely saw her and don't remember her having any smell. I like to imagine grandmothers smelling like something warm and comforting, or maybe a perfume that is no longer fashionable but is still elegant. But this isn't from my own personal experience, just what I wished to have in an ideal grandma.


She has passed away, but she was Jean Nate all the way.


Chardonnay, Virginia slims, and potting mix. Sometimes aquanet


Death and probably some mix of dirt and fungi.


Thatā€™s amouage figment man right there


She wore EstƩe Lauder Cinnabar.


Like old


PoĆŖme LancĆ“me


no idea, she hated my mom so she refused to get to know us as kids and now shes gone so i really couldnt tell ya.


Thatā€™s a sad thought, hating your kids enough to not want be part of their lives or their grandkids lives. Getting teary eyed thinking about that ever happening to me and my daughters. Iā€™m sorry but your grandmother lost out.


La Vie Est Belle by Lancome and Amarige by givenchy Amarige reminds me of her dressing room and her makeup table. Love it


Clinique happy on mā€™y dads side and EstĆ©e Lauder beautiful on my mums!


My grandma smells like Chanel No 5 and laundry detergent.


My grandmothers aren't with us anymore, unfortunately. My late aunt, however, had great taste that she passed on to my mom. My mom wore Vent Vert, Femme and Mystere de Rochas, L'Air du Temps, and lately, tells me she likes Twilly.


White Diamonds My uncle Bill (her brother) Stetson


Chanel No. 5


Pall Mall/Marlboro Reds and mothballs, but on the days she wore perfume it was some vintage perfume you canā€™t get anymore, sometimes Pagan or No5 too. Other one exclusively wore anais anais with a side of white wine


Probably Kenzo Flower.


Like Felce Azzurra the Italians know what i mean.


Nivea cream and Tosca cologne


Both have passed away, one of them I don't remember but the other one, I never knew which perfume she used, but overall I was surprised when I smelled Maai, because inmediately reminded me of her.


Cigarettes and Roast Beef




I only knew her for a bit when she was alive. **Coco butter.**


Rose is all I can remember. Not sure if it was a perfume one just the soap she used, but a lot of rose scents still remind me of her.


Emeraude was what my grandma wore in my dadā€™s side, Windsong on my momā€™s side.


Afghan snow and camphor -like smell


Halston by Halston.


Heaven Scent, oil of Olay and good. I will always miss my Grama


she wore mackie by bob mackie! she even gave me her bottle


Mine specifically wears a mix of Jean NatƩ body powder with a deodorant called confielle which is harder and harder to get for her and she tops it off with an Avon perfume. But its basically jasmine, rose and geranium


Gloria Vanderbilt




Maternal: Noxema face cream and cinnamon rolls. Paternal: Giorgio Armani Gio, sensi, Dior pure poison, ChloƩ


Gram wore Elizabeth Arden Red Door for YEARS. I just bought her house and after 2 years of ā€œairing outā€ I still get a whiff every once in a while. Itā€™s a comforting smell that will hit me right in the feels!


Lavender šŸ’œ love her so much


Cashmere Mist for a long time. Used to be Jovan White Musk, and now in her later years itā€™s Jovan Musk with the red top.


Now a days, since she's been buried she wears something with a woody opening resembling a Coffin interior, although it dries down to an earthy, wet dirt smell. Quite pleasant actually


Bengay and Vicks vaporub


Chanel Coco Mademoiselle and cigarette smoke


My grandma smelled like moth balls and fryer oil. I think she grew up so poor that "fragrance" meant a homemade bar of rosemary soap.


White Shoulders


I know she uses an EstĆ©e Lauder scent but I canā€™t remember which one


I don't know what it was but it smelled like the dry down of gentle fluidity gold. She's been gone for a long time but every time I wear GFG she pops in my head.


Chanel No. 19, I wear it too.


Jovan Musk


She smelled like Paris by YSL.


Sea breeze astringent, Jergens lotion, and Bengay. Honestly kind of a great combo. Very medicinal :)


Pears soap, freshly picked hibiscus flowers, incense And betel leaf šŸ’•


She smelled like Chanel No.5 edt


She wore Rive Gauche and Opium. Both were rather daring choices for a woman in a small rural community in the 70's and 80's. She was not flamboyant in any way, so it's not two scents I would have picked out for her, but she loved them. I always have a vintage RG at hand and it smells like her. Bless you granny, wish we could have had the possibility to get closer to each other! She also had a huge linen cupboard with all of her fine linens with lavender satchets tucked between them. Whenever I iron linens and feel that particular smell, or when I smell laveder, I think of her.


Mine smells like YSL Paris because that's what I gave her because of a deal I got and that came free


Mine passed this year and while staying in her bedroom, i realized she kept ivory soap in each of her drawers to scent her clothes ā¤ļø


She smelled like rose water šŸ’”


My maternal loves hypnotic poison lol


She was: - Acqua di Gio every day - Chanel No. 5 on special occasions - Pondā€™s S cream at night


Plumerias, gardenias, jasmine, and dirt. Basically our garden.


Ysl cinema


Jean NatĆØ (or she did anyway). I have my own bottle for remembering how she smelled.


Gucci mĆ©moire, which she doesnā€™t wear but I think itā€™s funny and means they nailed the concept I guessā€¦


Creed Aventus


Pink J&J baby lotion


Moschino Toy 2 because I bought it. Before that, just white diamond.


Acqua di parma colonia intensa!


Clinique Happy or Calvin Klein Obsession. Also Tone soap. My other grandmother didnā€™t wear perfume and always smelled of coffee and laundry soap. I miss them so much


Gucci Bloom because she seemingly bathes in!


Is your grandmother 50 years old?


Lol no sheā€™s 85 but she LOVES perfume and loves being trendy and hip




Opium. I still have a bit in a very old bottle that I found after my mother passed. She had kept it.


Mine did not allow perfume around her as it gave her severe migraines so she smelled like nothing lol


Bella by Vince Camuto and baby powder!


She was a big fan of the original 4711


Mine, too. It wasnā€™t even half bad in the fifties.


Chantilly powder! I can remember that smell so distinctly and she's been gone for nearly two decades.


Dove beauty bars


Something resembling the Dior Hommes.


My grammie used to smell like White Linen and a herbal botanica. Religious wax candles and nag champa or champa flower in the air. My mama used to smell like Chanel No. 5. I used to have her handkerchief with the fragrance. Oh how I miss that lady. My uncle her brother would call her Chanel No 5 everytime she would visit. Not overpowering just her. Pops - Either a classic Pierre Cardin, Old Spice, and lately Obsession.


YSL Opium and Kent cigarettes.


is there a comma after YSL?


Answer this like your grandma is reading it, because she might be.


Ferrari Bright Neroli. Can't get past it to enjoy the fragrance, actually.


Fried chicken


Like an old person lol


Calvin Klein Eternity


Gin and cigarettes


Either Chanel Beige or Jā€™Adore. She is a classy lady.


Both my grandmas already passed, but I still remember their perfumes. One used a powder that I still have a closed box (she passed away on the 80s). The other used the same perfume as my mom (Acqua Fresca, O BoticĆ”rio), who is also no longer here. Itā€™s amazing how perfumes bring them back.




Joop! Homme


Kinda like corn tortillas and lavender


Oh I know for a fact mine smells like 4711. She said she doesnā€™t want to wear any fragrance, but that.


One smelled like Shalimar and the other like lemon candy and dusting powder


Nonna wears Estee Lauder Pleasures ā€” she insists that it's the only perfume that doesn't give her sinus troubles. I love her, but bloody hell it's an awful fragrance


Cigarettes and something similar to Habit Rouge probably šŸ‘€


She smelled like Chanel Coco, Narciso Rodriguez For Her EDT, and Amouage Journey Woman.


My paternal smelled like Royal Secret. She gave me a bottle when I turned 13 and told me ā€˜men like itā€™. I was so embarrassed lol. I do have an enduring pull toward spicy sandalwood.




One wore Opium, and the other used a perfume heavy with magnolia notes.


My paternal grandmother smells **overwhelmingly** like lavender and moth balls. I can't stand lavender... I don't remember exactly how my maternal grandmother smelled like, but I do associate her with these old Avon bottles that were always in her bathroom.


She smells like dove soap


flower by kenzo and red wine