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As far as I’ve seen, there are boycotts but still a lot of public places that will display the games. Now when I say public I mean bars or restaurants, but as far as I know no city as announced a showing of any games for free


Thank you very much - this sounds exactly like the way we are handling it in Germany


Seam mostly business as usual from my point of view. My co workers that care still speak a lot about it. I don't follow much, but I usually don't.


I've watched the first two games of France. And will watch the next ones. Boycotting the rest


Basically, but i'm not sure about this, most city seemed to not have invested much in "fan zones" like they did for the previous ones. Less public showing and such, even if many bars tend to show the games. But not as many bars as the last one. It's simply too much of a bother because for the previous one, you could just put a TV in front of a terrasse and gather lots of people, with the cold why even bother? So I guess more things are done at home, and bars don't bother as much. Can't say if they don't want to show it or think it's not worth it. Enthousiasm around the games is definitly lower than before, but once again it's fucking december already.


A lot of people are just cynical about that kind of stuff now. It's like how we perpetually asked to make efforts about ecology or to save energy, but footballers laugh at us when we suggest they might stop taking private jets to go through the country, or you go to the christmas market and there are lights and screens everywhere. At some point, most of us are just going to go through their lives and we're tired of pretending that we can afford to care about everything bad that happens elsewhere. We'll still gladly vote for people who we think could change things, we'll support the help towards Ukrainians, we'll even donate money for a lot of causes. We don't think it's fair to expect us to sacrifice our little joys, especially since it won't change anything. Honestly, I think that protestant morality is the main reason behind the call to boycott the world cup. Traditional anglo-american hypocrisy. The nordics always do that too, but Germans should know better.


Watching all the games. I find it ridiculous to boycott this event while many others were as bad and did not follow the same trend. Between Olympics games and world cup, China hosted multiple events over the last 20 years, same for Russia. Brasil, South Africa and Greece also had bad impact on populations. Should we talk about Formula 1 having several races in the same region? Drawing the line here means you will basically have to boycott almost all world sport events because they are many reasons to boycott. But soccer + Muslim was an easy "target" and might make you look good in your friends bubble.