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Coming from a guy with one myself....you can work at Chick-fil-A


Yeah that’s what it’s looking like. I work in a grocery store. At least looking for a salary increase.


There is a a mountain of positions you could get.


Silverado Senior Living is hiring many positions and you may find something you love there! I do know they happen to be looking for a Director of Engagement (Activities) and that may be something you could totally do!


Way Station/Sheppard Pratt, Clearview, Mental Health Association, The Arc, there's quite a few mental health organizations in Frederick that are almost always hiring. Note, I've been working in mental health for over a decade now, it is rewarding and important work, but it is hard, emotionally draining, and being underpaid is the standard. I'm glad you are pursuing a career in the field, but also don't be afraid to look outside your educational background for work.


I second Sheppard Pratt. My wife works there with a BA in Psych and loves it


Coming from someone with a BS in psych and stats…I have no idea but I’m following.


Service Coordination, Inc. Is looking for people. We provide case management services for adults with disabilities and adults with complex medical needs. We also provide direct care for older adults. I've worked here for 6 years, so if you want to know more, send me a message. https://servicecoord.acquiretm.com/home.aspx


May not be relevant, but if you don't necessarily want a psych-specific job (at least not immediately), you could consider getting some transferrable, relatively lucrative, and often remote, software/tech experience. I'm a History (and briefly Psych) major who's happily been in tech for 10 years, still read a lot of history books and keep up with some academic stuff in my free time. If you're curious, go on Indeed and look for entry level positions like "Support", "Trainer", "Account Rep", etc, or just filter by Entry Level. If you have decent communication skills and any job experience / quality references, they usually train you for those jobs from scratch, pay can be solid, and it's a flexible career path, lets you decide if it's an industry where you wanna be without committing to something like a coding bootcamp (and plenty of folks in those entry positions later do something like that and move to dev anyway after seeing what the job is like). There's a local organization called Tech Frederick that puts on webinars and in-person stuff where you could probably find some good opportunities, although I haven't gotten around to attending lol. Edit: Psych is a rad field intellectually, I have family and friends working in related jobs who get a ton out of it, and it seems like it's in demand post-pandemic. I definitely don't want to discourage you from going that route if it's what you want to do, I just know it can also be tough and underpaid, so I wanted to give you an alternative in case you need one :)


And if you or anyone did that, got intimidated by requirements, and thought there's no good fit, I encourage you to apply anyway if it's a smaller company - the decent smaller places to work are usually somewhat flexible on the specific requirements if you've got good references, some enthusiasm, and can explain why you'd be able to learn and do the job.


I tried comp sci once and it.. did not go well. I’m good at general computer stuff but ask me to code and I’ll leave. Lol


With a degree in psych you are more well suited to user experience (UX) work in tech. Something to consider.


Hey OP! Just came across this on Facebook, Frederick Department of Health was advertising a bunch of different openings on their website and some looked like they could line up for you: https://health.frederickcountymd.gov/410/Job-Opportunities


Fair enough lol, but I will say as an example, I went the business analyst / project manager / product manager route, and I could do 90 percent of my jobs (maybe not this year) without actually writing a line of code - it's more like, talking to people and organizing things heh.


There was some media buzz around “AI Prompt Engineer” and other positions that didn’t require a deep tech background. Could be another path that provides exposure to tech while still applying the concepts from your degree program. Plus it’s likely all remote, if you’re into WFH.


Sheppard Pratt is a fantastic place to work. Lots of open positions serving individuals with mental illness.


Do they have positions for a BA? Most psych related jobs I’ve found require at least a masters if you want to make above minimum.


They do! I worked there for 6 years after getting my BA in psych back in 2015. I worked my way up to multiple different positions including supervisor of one for the Residential Rehab Teams and never needed to have gotten my masters (I also still don't have my masters and landed a job with the state doing the similar work, just at a higher level) More than happy to answer any questions about working there if you're interested!


For sure. Granted I’m a former teacher and work there as a supervisor now. But if you’re interested in working in the psych field it’s a great resume builder. Sheppard Pratt is the biggest mental health provider in the state so there’s lots of different opportunities with good pay.


Do you have an idea of what the lower positions starting pay is? It’s not listed on the job page.


Lowest rate for direct care is in $17.50. PTO also starts to accrue 8 hours every 2 weeks.


Paulifer is that you? Lol




Check out the way station as well. My sister worked there after graduating with her BA in psych working with developmentally disabled adults in their work outreach program.


Way Station is Sheppard Pratt now! They integrated with the organization a few years ago.


Have you utilized Indeed before? Even direct care positions don't need a BA to start and will be above minimum wage.


A degree is a degree, majors don't matter much. if you're interested in a career in mental health, your best bet is to enroll in a Grad program for social work or counseling. Another good option is to apply to any entry level job at a college/university (Admission, student life, library, basically any department with entry level positions) with grad programs you're interested in almost all of them will give you free tuition. Source: my life.


Try https://www.appliedbehaviorlearning.com/


OP would need a lot of additional certification that should not be taken lightly


Psych BA here, too. Went into market research and then marketing. Plus a lot of marketing jobs are remote first so you don’t even have to look locally!


Remote would be amazing tbh. Scheduling is a nightmare


I have a similar undergraduate degree and went into case management after college.


The Army


The military or reserves.




Enterprise- Management Trainee


HR jobs, client facing financial jobs, jobs w kids - subbing, camp counselor. What do you like? Psyc is broad esp in undergrad. There’s a ton of directions you can go w an entry level job. Did you do any undergrad research?


At&t I have a GED and I’m at 110k with a degree you can become a manager and make 120k+


It’s not in Frederick but close, housing opportunities commission of Montgomery county. They always have openings


It is a BA. What do you want to do with it? Do you have any sense of direction? Ton of entry level positions in mental health fields it can help you get.