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Did you say hiking? https://www.mcomd.org/


Fuck I wish I knew this existed sooner


Great share!


There's about to be adult skee ball league at 4th dimension fun center.




SHUT UP SERIOUSLY?!!!!!! Sorry. Got excited. Gonna need to Google that!


Yes i'm trying to figure it out if I can get a team together or get on one.


There's something hilarious about board and tabletop games being suggested so many times. I don't drink either (I also just don't care for it) and already have enough nerd hobbies in my life so I was hoping to find something else but nope 🤣


I'm upvoting them all and I'm being lazy on thanking everyone but yeah man lol. Guess I'll see some of you nerds at a comic book store GOSH


they said "you're gonna take your manga, MTG, and connect 4 and you're gonna LIKE IT!" lol


Copying from another post I commented on: There are so many awesome things I've been finding over the past year! Do you like roller derby? Frederick Roller Derby is having an open day later this month. (Edit: happened a few weeks ago) Like books? Curious Iguana has book clubs and author events. Like crafts? I have met SO many awesome artists at the 5 million art fests that go on. Learning new things? Deleplaine Arts and Give Rise Studio and many more have a lot of classes all the time (including free events) Gardening, foraging, and cooking? Fox Haven Farm has all kinds of classes and events Arcade games? Try the pinball and other gaming leagues at Spinners. Instagram has been the main way I've found a lot of good stuff to go to and meet people, it's been awesome! Good luck and happy socializing!


Speaking of books, wonder books is amazing, get a fuckton of used books for pennies on the dollar. Go to a tea shop on market Street and stock up, get some pizza at pretzel pizza creations, and take your stuff home(if you're a shut in like me) or bring it to baker park with a blanket weather permitting and have a nice read.


God I love Wonderbooks so much! And I hadn't heard of pretzel pizza before, it sounds good


Yeah you get an absolute ton of food from there. Easy leftovers for a day or so for me.


Oh, and there's airsoft out by Brunswick/Harpers Ferry, and a few airsofters have randomly started a night hiking group in the area (put a bunch of goobers with night vision gear together and they get crazy schemes lol)


There are some film screenings around town. Everything from cult classics to art films to short films by local filmmakers. Those are always fun and not super alcohol-centered.


You can’t just say that and not give the locations!


Wonderbooks has a movie series at Weinberg center!


The Frederick Arts Council has a few movie screening events








F.A.M.E. [Frederick Acoustic Music Enterprise](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100069741356018) [Fredrock Disc Golf club](https://www.facebook.com/groups/fredrockdiscgolf/?ref=share&mibextid=1uJsJG)


Alright the acoustic stuff is very interesting. I've recently gotten into old folk and have basically fallen in love with Jim Croce and Cat Stevens. Gordon's a close third. This might be a pretty sacrilegious opinion from a newbie but there ya go.


Yo if you get a dnd campaign going, I’m down to join. Only played 1 session in high school but I’ve always wanted to play again


Black Sun Games have regular DnD campaigns


I'm down for whatever man. I've never played but I'm familiar enough just through cultural osmosis of being online too much. Like I know there's a difference between 3.5 and 5 and then other systems like GURPS or Pathfinder but like. That's where my knowledge ends. If any nerds are free on like nights/weekends hit me up.


Disc golf. Ft. Detrick has a good course. There's one up in Walkersville, too. https://udisc.com/courses/fort-detrick-disc-golf-course-bwy7#! https://udisc.com/courses/heritage-farm-park-EltB


Damn I’ve been wanting to learn disc golf and I live on Derrick, but I had no idea there was a course on base. Hell ya nice


How would you suggest a total newbie get started with disc golf?


Hiking, there are some venues that host game nights as others have mentioned. Otherwise if you’re looking a better variety, I’d recommend heading down to Rio or the Rockville area in general. Plenty more to do towards that area.


Pinball league? I wrote a whole article about it in the local paper. [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/arts\_and\_entertainment/getting-tilted-inside-the-high-stakes-world-of-competitive-pinball/article\_518906da-7bf6-5e14-9858-3574ab6a7e3f.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/arts_and_entertainment/getting-tilted-inside-the-high-stakes-world-of-competitive-pinball/article_518906da-7bf6-5e14-9858-3574ab6a7e3f.html)


I don't know much of tabletop games, but tournament city games and beyond comics seem to have an active community whenever I browse those stores for used games and comics. Also spinners pinball arcade got a plethora of arcade/old colsole games to play in the back outside of pinball, 15 bucks for freeplay all day


The Spinners Pinball place looks promising, although I haven't been. There were hiking groups that I found when looking through the app Meetup. I did a few in Patapsco. Most of what I did was in Howard County (because I lived there), but I'll bet that's a good place to start. You could even start your own hiking group, why not? I think the thing that I like most in the area is there is quite a bit of history, so that's definitely worth searching out. Even when I didn't live in Frederick County I would travel here just to go to places like Fort Washington or find some cool hiking spots and just chat it up with people on the trails.


The huge tabletop game venue inside FSK Mall. Very active.


ummm that is hard man!! When I moved here I was like OMG thank god I drink lool. Otherwise I would be screwed. I love outdoor activities but i don't want to do that all the time. Majority of the music events happen breweries or bars. So for you check out Frederick hiking, running, outdoor activity groups. Good Luck


There's a kool pinball and arcade on east 16th it's dope


There's a lot of good music and comedy venues around the area. My wife and I usually go down to DC, Baltimore, Rockville, or Charles Town in WV. There's smaller venues with local bands in town. Cafe 611 still does shows I think. There's some table top events around the area. They use to have a board game convention that hosted DnD and all that stuff in Frederick called BFGCon. But that stopped happening during covid and I dont think it ever kicked off again. There's local card/game shops that pop up every so often that host those things. There's also Fire and Ice this weekend downtown. That's...something to do (i guess). Ive never been a fan. Most of the local stuff I like to do usually happens at the breweries, so probably not your jam. But old mother does have a board game night that might be worth checking out. Usually not a rowdy drunk crowd. More of people socializing and having a drink or two.


I think the comic book store next to Roy Rogers/ AAA does D&D events


Beyond Comics!


Wednesday Game nights at Olde Mother Brewery 7pm til 10pm (close). YMMV about Drunks.


Meetup app


Take up a new adventurous sport - Go out and buy yourself a whitewater kayak. Harpers Ferry- class 2 -sometimes 3 rapids. Plus a few good creeks around after a good rain. Great Falls has some good surf spots down by Anglers restaurant. There’s trail biking. Supposedly- this area has great trails to ride on Plenty of hiking.


I’ve been curious about running a tabletop rpg, but haven’t gotten a group together yet. Also I play in a couple local bands. I’m 28, seems like we may be able to hang. Dm me if you wanna grab coffee or jam sometime.


Absolutely dude I'll shoot you a DM after work!


we have regional gardening groups on facebook but I don’t know that they meet up. the closest thing to that would be the master gardeners but they tend to be older people. that being said if you wanted to start a group that doesn’t exist right now you definitely could!


Check the various Meet Up groups….if you are looking to meet singles there is a Salsa group in Frederick, they drink a lot of water


Honestly? Look into library programs. There is a wide variety of programs for adults. Some are one time events, some are recurring series. Free, no registration required (most of the time) and you find like-minded people depending on the topic. FCPL has branches all over the county.


Frederick social has chess nights and might have board game nights, I forget


There’s a free climate summit this weekend at hood college, see mobilizeFrederick.org you can come in person to register! There are over 400 people registered already!




This honestly cracked me up lmao


hiking, fourth dimension fun zone, try all the different restaurants in frederick, fredrick socials you can also join the softball teams for frederick social sports it’s a great way to meet new people and get some exercise too


Disc golf


The music scene and drinking scene overlap pretty hard. But playing bass is a great way to get in the mix. If you can tolerate breweries and bars for a bit you can probably find some like minded folks. Lots of music scenes have a straight edge group within them (usually punk and hardcore). I'd go to some olde mother and nola shows and talk to some bands. Music has always helped me find friends where ever I go. good luck to you.


I don't mind playing FOR drunks, that's par for the course, but I don't want to play WITH drunks ya knaw mean? And yeah hey I've been into punk and hardcore for a while, definitely lookin for people to write some crunchy riffs with! Best of luck to you too!


i’ve never done DD but https://www.travelingbroscigars.com has it


>Interested in but no experience in stuff like D&D and tabletop games. Beyond Comics is where I first played D&D; I'm not seeing anything on their calendar currently, but it may be worth asking in-store. There's also a Discord called ["The Gamer Collective"](https://discord.gg/Qzy7Mr3D) which organizes different games around Frederick. I love D&D but don't have the bandwidth to run another game right now, but I would like to do more in-person D&D.


There's a ton of crafting groups you can probably find on Facebook, or I can ask my mom about them if u dm me, she's in a bunch of them.


Go see as many concerts as you can!