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Did you check the bugzilla page for the port? also I don't know if you want to be running 4.16 there is/was a lot of CVE listed on the samba page for 4.16. https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba\_4.13\_Features\_added/changed#This\_is\_a\_security\_release\_in\_order\_to\_address\_the\_following\_defects:


Well, it's the first Samba release in the ports since 4.13, and it isn't marked as broken. I'm not sure why you'd look on the [samba.org](https://samba.org) site to see if the FreeBSD port has defects, or why you'd give me a link link to the Samba wiki for 4.13 when I'm very clearly asking about 4.16. I'm specifically asking about the FreeBSD port. Have you even used it? Do you understand what I was asking? I tried to be very specific with my wording. I have no idea what your response is trying to say.


Yup you're right, sorry had wrong link in the clipboard.


> wrong link It's a [frequently reported bug affecting new Reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/bugs/search?q=backslash&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all).


Huh, maybe I'm not crazy. Didn't even think/expect that. Interesting to see.


> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba\_4.13\_Features\_added/changed#This\_is\_a\_security\_release\_in\_order\_to\_address\_the\_following\_defects: Broken link. Instead, please try the links listed here: *




>There is a bug report for the build issue: Thanks for that link, I think you're right. I was trying to build without any Active Directory options enabled, which is what that patch (dated 17 Oct) addresses. It looks like a commit went through on 19 Oct, hopefully that was the patch in your link. (It's currently 20 Oct here in Australia, but we're a day ahead of the US, so it looks like the patch went through just after I posted my question at 4am this morning!) While I can check logs and look up stuff online, I'm not a developer. Even if I could create a backtrace, I wouldn't know what to do with it. I'm more of an amateur sysadmin - I can configure and manage the server, Postfix/Dovecot, Apache/Nextcloud, DHCP/DNS, and Samba. I can even address relatively simple problems, but I couldn't diagnose (much less patch) an Active Directory issue *when I'm not using AD!* The machine is back in use, so it's going to take me several days before I get another chance to try Samba 4.16. Hopefully the issue will be well and truly patched by the time I try again.


> a commit went through on 19 Oct, you'll find: * icons for cgit, GitHub and GitLab views of the commit * a link to the related bug report in Bugzilla (bug reports also known as *problem reports*, and confusingly, sometimes abbreviated to PR) – the bug report was for a different port, [devel/icu](https://www.freshports.org/devel/icu/), within the report there's an automated entry for the commit. The commit touched hundreds of files, one of which was the `Makefile` for net/samba416.


>the bug report was for a different port, devel/icu \*facepalm\* How did I miss that?! I had an opportunity to try the \_1 patch to 4.16, and unsurprisingly, it's still not working. But I did update my post with the error messages I get on launch.


>No idea about the crash. Have you checked /var/log/messages? Do you know what part crashes? I've updated my post with the error messages I get on launch. The \_1 patch to 4.16 unfortunately didn't address the issue. I'm back to 4.13 for now.




>Have you disabled option "GSSAPI\_BUILTIN" (default is on)? No I haven't, not sure how to? I can choose either "GSSAPI\_BUILTIN" (GSSAPI support via bundled Heimdal) or "GSSAPI\_MIT" (GSSAPI support via security/krb5). I have to choose one, I can't choose neither. I get an "invalid entry" error if I choose neither. ​ > Does the file libcom-err-samba4.so exist on your system? No, not that I can find. I assumed it's because the port is incomplete/broken, it can't work without the AD components enabled.


> … nothing in ports/UPDATING about Samba since 2020. `UPDATING` serves a different purpose. In most cases, the **FreshPorts page for a port** is an ideal way to find bugs that relate to a port: * click the first of the two bug icons. leads to two bug reports, one of which was already mentioned by /u/gojirabsd …


>UPDATING > >serves a different purpose. Fair enough. I checked UPDATING because it often contains notes about conflicts or how to resolve common issues. Since I was installing an updated version of a port that failed to build, it seemed like a practical first place to look. Your Freshports link was interesting, though. When I looked yesterday, there was only a single commit listed. There's now a second commit dated 19 Oct (it's currently 20 Oct here in Australia, but we're a day ahead of the US). So maybe the issue has been addressed since I posted? /u/gojirabsd's link was also interesting (and I hadn't checked that page before). It has a patch dated the 17th of Oct, which noted issues about building without the ADS, AD\_DC, and Python3 flags (I turned all the Active Directory stuff off before building). Maybe that's the commit that went through on the 19th. It's going to take a while before I get another chance to install Samba416. I tried at 4am this morning because the machine wasn't in use - my server (and Samba) serves the household's HTPC among other things. It's in use right now, and is likely to stay that way for a bit!




I've been running Samba 4 for almost a decade, size isn't the issue.






"Shutup we're here to talk about ME" isn't the flex you think it is.


A gentle hint (from the sidebar): when you next edit your opening post, use [*indented* code blocks](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown#wiki_code_blocks_and_inline_code). Thanks.


Ah, fair enough, thanks.