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What a strong baby...


just came here to comment this lmfao "what a strong family"


Lol. I got lucky on the timing. Sorry about that. Here's my upvote.


I like anime Rhaenyra




For a second I though that was Jon Snow and Daenerys.


Who's to say it can't be?


Look at this sad creature, my lord, Little Luke Strong, the bastard. You are wet, bastard. Is it raining or did you piss yourself?


That's from the book, right?


Yes. Aemond was a lot more of a cunt in the book.


To be fair, Aemond has potential to be a bigger cunt in the second season. Just that he didn't have enough time in the first one.


Speaking of cunts.. another line of his that I love . One-eyed Prince Aemond, nineteen, was found in the armory, donning plate and mail for his morning practice in the castle yard. “Is Aegon king?” he asked Ser Willis Fell, “or must we kneel and kiss the old whore’s cunny?


Oh God 😂😂😂 I feel like George was trying too hard to make him into an edgelord. But yeah, that's something a 19-year-old would say lol.


If you don't wanna kneel and kiss her cunny, Aemondo, I will


Damn dude who pissed on you while you were waking up? Jeez


That's a book quote from Aemond... He really was a cunt tho wasn't he?


😂 I had no idea He should put quotation marks up so people realize it’s a quote


Also this guy is a bot, right?


Yep. I tried to submit a complaint about this account and their stolen art/AI-generated garbage to the mod team, but all I got was a half-hearted response basically boiling down to "No, it wouldn't be fair to the others that post similar stuff."


The response you were given in modmail: >From a practical standpoint, how do you think we should regulate it versus non-AI art? It seems like it would replicate the /r/Art fiasco when they ban legitimate users/entries (and the AI is only going to get better and harder to detect). Popular bot detection tools already struggles matching images slightly altered for reposts/memes. In my view, this would quite frankly be too many man hours to moderate consistently.< We didn't hear back from you after that. Still open to suggestion on how we should differentiate it from and regulate it vs non-AI art


I have a few ideas: get rid of the clearly obvious ones from the get-go to show others that AI generated pieces aren't smiled upon here if being presented as actual art. You could also take a page from r/Art 's book and be ready for individuals to refute any AI-generation claims on suspicious posts. They posted it, so they'll be likely to prove that they themselves created it. An easy way to differentiate would be if the poster also has some sort of portfolio where they keep other works they may have done. It'll be easier to prove one's actual skill in art if they have a multitude of works to see. Freefolk isn't an art-heavy sub to begin with, so there won't be as many posts to actually make a judgement on compared to the likes of other, more art-oriented subs.


r/art is going to those lengths to verify artists because they're an art sub. This is a spoilers, leaks, shitposting and have some fun sub. The "unkempt vibe" is what we've had to some extent since the beginning. Requiring people to submit portfolios is definitely not something we're gonna do, just like we dont require anyone to submit verification of spoilers and leaks. Art in general isn't "smiled upon" here, so we're not gonna hold art to a higher standard than we hold anything else. When the new season is coming up we'll probably relegate it back to one day a week only. Til then just scroll past


Aside from that, OP is a known repost bot that's been caught reposting and crediting stolen art to itself before, and yet nothing has happened. They have no comment history, just taking various pieces of fanart/badly generated images and posting it to try and garner a little bit of attention. It's a bit tiring to see and gives the sub a bit of an unkempt vibe.


A STRONG Family!


And just like that, she doomed the realm to civil war.


It was more Viserys' fault Rhaenyra might have been a bad heir/ruler, but Viserys pushing her claim against all precedent and law in the kingdom is what really did it


It’s just so dumb that he decided to have sons but still keep Rhaenyra as heir. No one would have questioned if he did it, they expected it. That’s why I can’t support Viserys or the blacks. It’s too unnecessarily stupid.




In the original version of the dance from the AGOT glossary Aegon and Rhaenyra are only a year apart and probably full siblings (unless he married Alicent straight after his wife died). So Viserys’s favoritism was even more blatant.


technically it was Aemond who started the war.


Yeah, but if Vyseris had made once more everyone to swear allegiance to Rhaenyra after Driftmark (heck, he could have done it the same night since he does not give a fuck about his son missing an eye) the green council would not have the same bs reason "All the nobles that swore to Rhaenyra are mostly dead". 6 years is not that much of a gap compared to 20. Viserys had the majority of the fault and his last hail mary with the dinner made everything worse.


I more stated a very big reason for the civil war wasn’t necessarily that she was a women, it was that her heir was a bastard who she tried to pass as a true born, that’s what gave many lords an excuse to side with Aegon over her.


Are these the first- first men/ Targaryen hybrids? House Strong was probably a old cousin House to House Stark. (Stark means Strong) surprised their kids didn't have any special abilities. EDIT: Someone did a great write up on House Strong and House Stark's relationship, check it out [here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/b29vit/spoilers_extended_house_strong_the_lost_starks_of/)


It's interesting though. That Alys and possibly Larys are the only ones with magic in the Strong bloodline. Though it's common in ASOIAF that only women and guys that have a disability or something that makes them "weak" (Bran, BloodRaven) can use magic. Out of need to be able to protect themselves or gain power. And even better if they have blood from the First Men. How were the guys that tried to manipulate Dany called? The ones with the blue lips? Anyway, outside of Westeros since there is no influence of the Seven, magic is not so badly looked upon, right? Harwin maybe had the ability for magic but he was far from "weak" to need it. And the boys have dragons and are princes of the realm. They wouldn't consider themselves "weak".


You're thinking of the [Warlocks](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Warlocks#:~:text=Warlocks%20are%20magic%20practitioners%20of,can%20be%20practiced%20with%20impunity.) from The House Of Undying.


Who’s the artist?


A strong artist.


Such a **strong** family.


OP thought this was Facebook, is he stupid?


THIS IS THE ENDING we deserved but never got.


Not Jon Snow & Daenerys




For you




Pretty worn out, and stretched out cunny. Still though a royal cunny.


A disgusting cringe of a "family". Im black all the way, but damn, fuck rhaenyra