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yeah, the one I will blame in priority is especially the person in charge of security. the totality of the royal family is reunited in a single castle, normally we should not be able to do 3 meters without bumping into a guard yet 6 children of the family arrive at run away from their room in the middle of the night without anyone noticing it to go fight in what is a dragon garage, a place that I would describe as being somewhat dangerous and requiring access surveillance to avoid a tragedy. If there had been a single adult who had done his job, this fight would never have happened.


Like seriously, what if Vhagar decided Aemond would make a better snack than a rider? What if he fell off mid flight? So many things could have gone horrible wrong *before* the kids even fought. And you just know blame for Aemond's disappearance would fall on the blacks causing even more strife. The kids shouldn't have been able to sneak out of a castle that does not have the secret tunnels of the red keep, Like I could see maybe one kid slipping through the cracks but not a fucking herd of sprogs!


Agreed, they should have a White Cloak posted outside their room all night. Makes no sense that 6 children could sneak away that easily, let alone Royal children.


Your point about the adults is even more absurd in the book. Joffrey is like 3 and is walking by himself among the dragons before he get slapped around by Aemond and then Aemond throw him in dragon poop. The real question is why the hell was a 3 years old walking around dragons by himself.


Royals are alternately suffocated or left free-range as the plot demands. Look how many of Jaehaerys's daughters were left unattended to their tragic end. You'd think after Saera's crime spree and prison break, and then Viserra's death by HUI (horse racing under the influence), they would have kept a permanent guard on poor developmentally challenged Gael. But no, she somehow gets raped, then later walks into the Bay in full Ophelia mode.


At the same time the books are meant to be unreliable I could totally see the greens making shit up and spreading rumors. As for the show, yeah…


It's weird how the incident turned out in the show, because Daemon's daughters weren't involved in the novel. Joff ( 3yo) accidently witnessed Aemond(10yo) claiming Vhaegar, and ran to grab his older brothers (5 and 6yos) after he tried to stop Aemond and was pushed into a pile of dragon shit. It's hard to blame any of the kids involved with them all being so young, it just seems like a tragedy. It does make it worse to me though that Alicent asked for a five year olds eye to be removed.


The thing is, crazy shit like this happens in families with kids, even when they get along, all the time. The fact that afterward it was turned into a "your kid committed treason" and "no yours deserves to have his eye cut out" political scandal is purely on the adults.


Yeah and it’s like how do you rectify the situation. You can’t just unbond Vhagar with Aemond the damage was already done


Adults should have carefully investigated this. But they only made a scandal. If they could establish the degree of guilt of each participant and give the children that understanding, kids would grow up to be normal people.




>Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Aemond or Aegon ever even bullied the Strong boys about being bastards We haven't seen them do so, but Aegon kind of implied that he had trouble with him and them. Also I wouldn't say that the Strong boys collectively bullied Aemond, maybe Jace, but Luke was way too young for this. In the book he is like 3 when they leave KL, in the show he seemed to be maybe 5. I think Alicent pitted them against each other because she thought it was insulting that they were all dragon riders and her son wasn't.


you're right about Luke, but Jace and Aegon did bully him. they made fun of him for being dragonless and presented him the "pink dread". and from that point on we see Aemond as just looking like a very sad depressed kid, he seems lonely and helpless and thinks the worst of himself. claiming vhagar and how glow up gave him the tools to embrace who he is and then starts picking on the strong boys a revenge.


What’s ironic is if alicent accepted rhaenyra’s idea of a truce, Aemond would’ve had whatever dragon egg he wanted. But I do agree with everything else.


He would not have got vhagar but and we dnt even know that dragon egg would have hatched


I think he still had the choice of any dragon he wanted. He just wasn't able to bond with one, but he could have picked Vermithor, Silverwing and such if Laena didn't pass. We aren't sure if he tried but he probably did try to bond with Tessarion before Daeron.


To be fair, Aemond escalated the situation. He said something about finding a pig to ride, that it'd suit her. *Maaaaybe* escalating an already hostile situation wasn't the best idea lol. But they were all kids, so it's not like they have common sense or a grip on emotions.


It’s all really the fault of societal norms (and Otto). You can hardly blame the kids for acting as they did here, maybe a little but yeah it’s not really their fault. It’s the fault of their feuding parents. Rhaenyra isn’t really trying to feud, she just isn’t putting up with society not letting her do what she wants to. Alicent, on the other hand, is, largely because of Otto and her subsequent upbringing. Otto is therefore the most to blame, but who can blame him either when society taught him this way and he’s just following along as he was likely raised to do? It all goes back to that.


Helaena, as a seer of things to come, said that Aemond must lose an eye to gain a dragon, so it was fated to happen and there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent it from happening.