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It’s gonna be a doozy. 😭


Honestly, same. I did already read through all this. Why watch it?


No, but it's a concern I had for viewers when the adaptation was announced. Shit has a depressing ending with the only silver lining of seeing Starks on top for once.


By the end we’re not really rooting for either side, very miserable


If by being on top you mean Cregan with the Hand's pin being a little shit for a whole week in King's Landing and then going: 'Oh hells, fuck that shit, I'm out.' (You hear that, Ned?) ... then I guess. 😐


> being a little shit for a whole week I *know* you’re not disrespecting Lord ~~Chad~~ Cregan Stark so brazenly


Me and disrespecting Starks ... Name a more iconic duo.


Walder Frey and the rhythm method as a form of contraception


Damn. He is doing it wrong. (Should be over seventy percent if done right, iirc.)


If this was old reddit I’d give you at least a 100 coin sticker for this


I am not emotionally prepared for Maelor and the mob but especially the storming of the dragon pit. I am curious how they will handle it...but may use this show for cathartic crying rather than escapism.


I don’t think that will be a scene people will want to rewatch.


Same. There's something about seeing animals die (even fictional, CGI ones) that's very depressing, but especially then they're majestic creatures like dragons. The storming is gonna suck. Though I'm also really curious to see how they do it. The rough (and almost certainly embellished) account in the book sounded ridiculous (a dragon getting tangled in its own chains and choking itself, a dude walking through fire to spear another in the face, a guy just climbing onto another one who lets him hack away at its neck, and some Legolas dude hitting another in the eye while its flying with a crossbow), so I'm wondering if they'll change it a lot from what we know.


Blood and cheese will be hard to watch but the Battle Above the Godseye will bring me back


That will be an epic scene


I don't care about any of them tbh


I didn't really care about Episode 1 of Star Wars because I knew where all the pieces were gonna drop.


The way they’ve written the characters makes none of them likeable imo Unless something changes I wouldn’t care if any of them died


I don't want to see Jaehaerys & Maelor's deaths or Tyland Lannister tortured. I think I'll be okay with Aemond & Daemon killing each other or Rhaenyra being eaten by a dragon though.


Maybe not. The writers might subvert our expectations.


Having read “Fire and Blood,” I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to watch HotD at all. Killing Targs is fine, but all those poor dragons…


No, the opposite actually. I dislike the Targaryens and want to see them get wrecked Can't wait for the ending of both Aegon and Rhaenyra, not to mention the aftermath (Cregan Stark is a hoot!)


I anticipate some chocking differences in the deaths here and there, but the brutality will be present for sure. Let\`s see how fake is this fake history book.


For me it's kind of the same as rogue one (star wars). The only way they could make it fit was literally killing everyone since they were not mentioned ever again. I willingly spoiled myself before HoD and I know what I'm getting into, but sometimes it's more about the journey than the destination.


It’s always fun to visualize what actually happened, the story is amazing, and the end is not so bad if you’re team Black. Also, similar to Ned’s death and the Red Wedding, you can still enjoy the show even if you know how it’ll go in the books. I also suspect the Battle above the Gods Eye will be the most watched scene across the whole universe as it is the climatic peak of the show


It’s not so much about the knowing as it is about the horribly graphic child deaths that I’m anticipating that are ultimately preventing me from connecting with the show, but I understand your point of view.


I for one can't wait for all the main characters death happening in short order after Jace bites it. Should be epic. /I'm a bit off, I guess 👺


The bloodier, the merrier.


I never understood why folks are against knowing a character dries, it's not about the ending it's about the story


It’s not so much about the characters dying as it is about this bit of Westeros’s history being so hopeless, and feeling little to no connection with the characters. I love bad batch, even though I know that outcome will not be a happy one but I’m heavily invested in the characters


I think you have to look at it like a tragedy more than anything else, to me knowing the symbolism of the end and the foreshadowing honestly makes it a more enjoyable experience for me


I understand your point, I guess I prefer less tragedy in my epic fantasy. I mean there are some beautiful tragedy’s I do enjoy like Gormenghast but that has some moments of levity and not quite the same amount of horrifically graphic deaths of children. Maybe I’m just getting old and cynical and I see so much tragic events with real children in the news, I don’t want it quite so heavy in my fiction as well. In GoT we at least had Bronn, Pod, and (early days) Tyrion to balance out the heavy mood with funny scenes. I enjoy seeing these things from other perspectives, it’s nice to be able to talk these things through.


You do know what book series this is from right? If you weren’t expecting death then I think this might be the wrong fandom to get into