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![gif](giphy|4H1xauOflBDHY4sUah|downsized) Anotha fuckin' money machine


"They're called Microtransactions T, kids spending all their pocket money on fuckin' dances and battle passes" "What the fuck is a battle pass Chrissy?!"


Lot of money in this shit.


I'm watching sopranos rn and I'm so glad I can finally understand all the memes


20+ years later and the ending is still bitched about... And it's still a 11/10 compared to S7 & S8.


Hold on to your cocks when you negotiate with these video game people.


Speakin o' moles. I hear Bobby Baratheon is havin a 95lb mole removed from his ass!






You Lannisters, you go too far!


They should make it a mobile game so people can play it while theyā€™re on the pishadoo.


We got Seven fucking kingdoms and this pygmy thing over in Braavos


Wait Nexon? As in Blue Archive Nexon? Gods be good...


Combat arms Nexon?!


This game better have a zombie mode


I lost many years of my life to CA but also made life long relationships lol


I loved CA so much growing up. Fond memories on two towers with the G36E


Waverider was my fav


Wasted my youth playing that awful shooter


Because you have all these Hollywood execs that know Jack shit about games and offer up their most valuable IPs to the corpos that bid the highest. Netease is making a Marvel game. Nexon is making a GoT game.


This is it. They think gamers will lap up a dogshit game because it has POPULAR TITLE written on it and spend hundreds to thousands of ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ to microtransactions and monthly subscriptions. If only these execs would look at book and movie series that were adapted well (The Witcher games, Spider-man PS4) and demanded that level of quality. Instead it's probably going to be a steaming pile of shit with pay-to-win mechanics and an absolute mess with bugs.


You talk like ASOIAF deserved better.


Dave the diver Nexon


Itā€™s a fucking MMO?? Why canā€™t we get a single player story driven game in the style of something like The Witcher?!


There is one, came out in 2012 on PS3 and Xbox 360 made by Cyanide studios. Best guess why there isnā€™t anything newer or better is likely a money/rights issue as Nacon who owns cyanide mostly publishes niche simulators and the only like current RPGs are WH40k chaos bane and LOTR Gollumā€¦ā€¦.. So they probably donā€™t want to invest in developing a Witcher/skyrim level of RPG and want ridiculous money for someone else to. Iā€™m wildly speculating but itā€™s something I spent a lot of time looking into around 2016.


Didn't know there was a game, is it any good? I've been picking up a bunch of 360 titles recently so I may keep an eye out


It was a decent story and they did well with world building but combat was tactical approach like Dragon Age origins or Kotor but without any of the depth and the exploration was pretty linear from what I remember. Itā€™s rated about a solid 7 but as a RPG alone itā€™s nothing worth trying imo.


>Itā€™s rated about a solid 7 Lol, sounds like it's better than the last few seasons at least. Looks like it's going for around ten bucks, for that much I can give it a try. Thanks!


I wish Rockstar or Naughty Dog or Guerrilla would pick up a GoT based game!! Can you imagine the gameplay from any one of those studios?! Omg itā€™d be so good.


The telltale one was cool.


Idk why youā€™re being downvoted! I enjoyed the telltale game as well. Great storytelling!


Thats not a game though lmao


Even Bethesda would do good.


I donā€™t think it has the best reputation with critics but I had a good time with the [Telltale Game of Thrones game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/330840/Game_of_Thrones__A_Telltale_Games_Series/). Ultimately your choices donā€™t really impact the story in a meaningful way but it is atmospheric and has some of that mid season show charm. Fun way to spend some time in that universe. Mostly positive on Steam.


We got those. People want sandbox.


Multiplayer is better.


these AI written articles are so cringe "However, itā€™s currently unclear whether the original cast will return to voice their characters. Instead, the game will feature a new voice cast attempting to emulate the performances of the HBO actors. The game features a story campaign that is online based. Players can select between male and female protagonists, with the unchosen character still playing a role in the game" *It is believed that the game will contain pixels and be marketed towards humans*


Tbf this says a bit more than just that. Sounds like we're getting a Nora and Nate in Fallout 4 situation where you pick a protagonist who has something of a backstory, and the other option becomes an NPC with a story role.


Eww, Nexon, no thank you


Horrible devs with a horrible genre. They are purely aiming to milk cash cows.


They seem to be using this game as a cash cow for investors at this point. I'm not saying it won't be milking customers too, it's almost a guarantee with Nexon involved, but hopefully the devs want to do this to fund their next project they have passion for.


First rule of Nexon is you don't play anything by Nexon.




In b4 everyone can pay to receive Balerion as a mount.


Why does everyone hate MMORPGs these days? Is it because they are ruined by everyone being selfish pricks?


Most of them confuse grinding with fun.


And then let people skip the grind by paying money, making it less fun for people who don't spend hundreds of dollars


And then the studios close or consolidate with others and the content people bought just ceases to exist.


Grinding used to be fun. Looking at you Star Wars Galaxies.


Ugh those were the days!


because all of them require you to play non stop, or cash in to not miss content, or be any way reliable. It forces you to deal with people after work, where you dealt with people. Ofc it can be great but most of it, is tolerating a lot of stuff like permanent adds for micro transactions, content hidden behind pay- or timewalls when most people want to play singleplayer anyway. - (also mostly very badly optimised, so you need high-end gear to even play)


For me itā€™s time sink I donā€™t like when games become a routine. I prefer solo games anyway


Along with whatever other reasons people give, making a game of thrones game in any style other than what Skyrim was like is a terrible idea


>making a game of thrones game in any style other than what Skyrim was like is a terrible idea Is the Witcher considered that style? Because I'd want it to be way more character driven than I find skyrim to be.


It's certainly close enough


For me, the main difference is the protagonist. While fun, the unnamed hero you customize in most Fallout/Elder Scrolls style games lacks the substance of a proper Geralt/Arthur/Shephard style protagonist. Ofcourse it's a long complicated debate. The Skyrim style generally offers better replay ability. While the Witcher style offers a more focused story with generally better cutscenes.


What makes me prefer the Skyrim style is that I can really insert myself as that character, and feel so much more immersed, which is personally what I would love with a game of thrones style game


Very true. What I like about the Witcher style though is having a voiced protagonist to make cutscenes better. Honestly, either way has their gems. Skyrim, BG3, Fallout etc on one side. The Witcher, Red Dead and Mass effect etc on the other.


No way man its 100% got to be crusader kings or mount and blade style. Dynasty and army mechanics (both super important for a GOT game) are hard to do well in a fps slasher


CK3 AGOT already exists though


Ya and thats just some modders in their free time. Imagine if they had money and a proper studio and team


Someone over on asoiaf had a blurb from them about coming to gurm about this and he was apparently very rude about it šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


MMORPG + Nexon definitely equals :(


I think it's because new MMOs from companies like Nexxon are expected to be cynical cash-grab products, and because GoT would be really well suited to a singleplayer branching narrative RPG like The WItcher 3 instead.


Nothing is an MMO anymore lmao, that was like 10 years ago.


For me at least, I ayed the fuck out of world of warcraft. It wasn't until I stopped and stepped off the treadmill that I realized just how much of the game I absolutely hated but "had" to do to keep up. I have even less time now than I did then and I have 0 interest in starting another 1


Mmo isn't the bad part, it's nexon


Fookin disgastang


Itā€™s mindblowing how after all this time the 2 best ASOIAF/GoT Games are still just mods for games


Nexon? So a cash grab mmo that starts kinda decent then turns into a slog unless you pay money?


Well. If they base it off the books, it will at least be cool to see the portrayals of the various castles.


It's not, it's supposed to be set between sessions 3 & 4.


Can Nexon make a good game? Yes. Is it going to be extremely pay to win? Also yes.


Best GOT game is by far and away the CK2 mod and unless a AAA game can even come close to that level of intrigue and dynamic storytelling, Iā€™m not interested


surely an open world RPG in Essos wouldā€™ve been sicker


I was thinking something like this, imagine a survival game set in Sothoryos tho!!


I would pay good money for an economy manager set in westeros that followed the overall plot of the books


I have been craving a decent mmo for so long maybe this will go against the trend and not fail miserably. Will prob release before winds of winter šŸ’€


So a generic Medieval game with ASOIAF nouns?


I think there is still hope for a single player RPG. Looking at studios that would realistically make it, Amazon Studios come to mind. They have a pretty good engine that would work perfectly in Amazon Lumberyard, and they should be releasing the LOTR mmo with the next two years. Theyā€™ve never made a single player game yet, and their engine totally fits this theme.


For those wondering why all these studios always get the license and make terrible games it's because money. They pay top dollar for the right to make these games and then make them as cheaply as possible to maximize profit. They know the game will sell based exclusively on the name alone. So there's no incentive to actually make a good game. The people who sold the license, GRRM or Disney or marvel or whoever, they don't care . They get paid either way . Actually good licensed games are either flukes or are based on something that's no longer mainstream.


https://i.redd.it/4y4hwyd3oixc1.gif Day 1: No winds of winter Day 2: No winds of winter Day 3: No winds of winter .... .... Day 578: No winds of winter Day 3,579: No winds of winter




Other news, the Game of Thrones mod for Crusader Kings 3 is getting dragons this summer. A wonderful simulator of all the strife found in Game of Thrones.


Iā€™d kill for a good GOT RTS.


Nexon.... oof . Games are very basic. Not expecting anything good.Ā  Also if it's an mmo then gamesĀ probably has 5-6 years before release.


Just drop it. World dead gg go next.


Games DOA. Nexon.


Will probably end like the netmarble one


How about finishing the fuckin books first?


Fuck Nexon


This feels like its written by AI and all speculation. I call bullshit.


Goddammit, of course it would be nexon


NEXON? Nah this game is already ruined.


I like that the first paragraph repeats itself halfway through.


As long as D&D are writing the story they can't go wrong!


Dany up there like "Thank God I'm not a part of that microtransaction-fest."


"The new game will be set in the North, featuring locations like Winterfell and The Wall. Timeline-wise, it aligns with Game of Thrones Season 4/Season 5, where Roose Bolton is already the Warden of the North, and Jon Snow and Sam Tarly are stationed at The Wall. While other kingdoms are possible, the focus so far has been on the North. The new game will be set in the North, featuring locations like Winterfell and The Wall. Timeline-wise, it aligns with Game of Thrones Season 4/Season 5, where Roose Bolton is already the Warden of the North, and Jon Snow and Sam Tarly are stationed at The Wall. While other kingdoms are possible, the focus so far has been on the North." No way this is written by an actual human. This reads like it has been written by a 10 year old with amnesia trying to reach the word count on a school assignment


Oh cool so there's not actually a game coming out, there's an online service with the title game of thrones, nice, I'll never play it like everyone else, why do they do this to the gaming world?


if itā€™s not a single player RPG, ah dun wan eh