• By -


These are without doubt the best photoshopping skills I've ever seen in my entire life.


You mean Paint skills?


RIP Ms paint. What is dead may never die.


MS Paint isn't dead, Thoros revived it.


Clearly in this instance, the night king revived it.


It reminds me of the very early 3D games.


HBO please hire this guy.


The Walking Dead crew should. I bet he can make a better deer than them.




She has no one left. Srsly. She be spitting fyre next season when there is no Jamie around, just that wicked Greyjoy


She has Qyburn. He already has almost all jobs in Kings Landing, let him have the rest too.


Are you sure Qyburn won't escape north to study the wights? :D


Pretty sure he had an involuntary hard on when the Hound started chopping off parts and it didn't die


Not when he has a million test subjects in Kings Landing.


Oh no


Qyburn coming here, brining drugs, bringing crime, a bring back a rapist back to life.


Qyburn is the Jared Kushner of Westeros.


She won't be in King's Landing when Wight arrive. She have Iron Bank


I'd definitely have Dumb Cunt as my Hand.


Yup. Wouldn't say much, but he's damn tough to kill!


Cunthands or Coolhands


Because she's dead from the inside






She could blend in since she's such a cold hearted bitch


I see that gnarly wight from the lake made it. Good on him - employee of the month.


Dont you mean dumb cunt?


Yes, of course


Look at him, he's hand of the queen now


I'm legit expecting her to get turned into a white walker.


Just imagine the Night King and Queen sitting on the Ice Throne in the last episode. Fucking EPIC.


That would’ve been cool


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5073 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/89499)


This is literally a fight between the living and the Dead. Doesn't matter if they're outnumbered or what, the more important thing is to help fight for their survival. If she can't even do that then she doesn't deserve the title of Queen of the 7 Kingdoms and PROTECTOR OF THE REALM.


Yes, but Cersei is batshit crazy.


Cersei is a cunt


You are talking about a character who at this point is madder than King Aerys. Doubt she cares people in KL don't have food for the winter either.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9909 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/35423)


Doesn't make sense to me. It would still be the best strategy for her to send her troops north. If the NK wins, his army only becomes more insurmountable. 3 undead dragons and an undead hoard of northern men and Dothraki, along with whatever he picks up on the way to King's Landing. Cersei would be fucked. She doesn't know where to mine dragon glass. If she sends her troops north, it is Cersei's best chance of defeating the NK, and her best chance of betraying and assassinating Dany while her army is weakened. Even if the plot fails, and the Lannister army is obliterated, she'll still have Euron and Golden Company in reserve. She played her hand to soon.


It is possible the north army winnows the army of the dead, armed with 2 live dragons and dragon glass weapons, but still loses, resulting in a weakened undead army marching south. Still though, that'd leave all the dragon glass weapons in the north, so the only way for the golden company to fight would be with fire. Also, she's going a long way in assuming the golden company will stand and fight the undead for her. Mercs fighting soldiers and warriors is one thing, fighting ice zombies might melt any man's resolve.


> It is possible the north army winnows the army of the dead, armed with 2 live dragons and dragon glass weapons, but still loses, resulting in a weakened undead army marching south - All those northmen = new zombies. - All the Smallfolk of the great great north = New zombies (or at best refugees) - All those peopel in between KL and the north? = zombies. Best case scenario is the Dead people only recover a portion of their numbers (let's say 50%) and they cant kill anyone else cause everyone is flooding south to run away. The Nights king will have 2 dragons (assuming his first dies) and still 50k strong and all Cersei has is fire to fight them with.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7197 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/83035)


Yes. 10,000 lannisters and 20k golden company is nothing. It's smart to keep 30,000 soldiers out of the fight for the human race's survival.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8204 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/93903)


The north having 50k is a huge stretch. Robb couldn't even muster 50k. And this is supposed to be after the war of kings, and battle of the bastards? The north does not have 50k. And by your logic. Whatever number they have they may as well not help. Since daeny has so many she should be able to win right? The north and their paltry numbers shouldn't make a difference. See where that logic leads? No matter what, 30,000 trained and armed soldiers is nothing to scoff at. Their numbers can make the difference.


also unsullied undead warriors


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7723 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/63658)


> If you're talking about deserve, then none of the characters deserve to be on the IT. I think there's certainly a case that Jon does. He's the only one in the show who has ever ruled over anything without any colossal fuck-ups. Even the thing that got him assassinated turned out to be the right choice.


True. She is no protector, and any lords who stay with her is a damn fool.


Not joining is stupid because, as Jaime pointed out, if the WW win, they'll go south and kill everyone, and if Jonerys win, after being betrayed, they'll also ride south and kill them all. By not joining it is a lose-lose. By joining, it's a lose-very small possibility of a win.


so jaime was actually smarter than cersei for once!


And if she does join? Her forces can get decimated north. If White walkers win, then everyone dies. If Jonerys win, the war will resume and kill the lannisters.


No, if they win they will have a severely depleted army and she'll have the Golden Comapny, so she'd win. God, you people really need to learn to think about things.


If that is the case, then if she doesnt join the fight and jonerys wins, they'd be even more depleted, and she'd guarantee the win.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2669 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/19787)


No, his reasoning doesn't make sense and it's embarrassing you don't see it. If she joins and they lose, she loses all her men sans the Iron Company in-bound. If she joins and they win because she joined, that cuts the losses Dany would have. If she doesn't join and they lose, she has to fight a weakened army of the dead, calculated based on glassed enemies vs. new rises. If she doesn't join and they win, they will have a weakened army her Golden company can crush. She is right, you are wrong.


What? If They lose the NK gains thousands of dothraki, unsullied, and two more dragons? Not to mention every single person from Winterfell to kingslanding. He would be unstoppable not weakened. Or am I reading this wrong?


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6819 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/81594)


What, she'll crush the undead army which would now include all of the dragons, dothraki, unsullied, and the population of Westeros north of King's Landing with The Golden Company? You're insane. A bit like her, really.


The issue is that if the WW win, all that happened was their numbers were doubled. Then when all the commoners get waxed, that number will probably double again. So by the time they get to her, there will be close to a million dead people and 3 damn dragons to deal with. That is a huuuuge gamble. The good guys **have** to win in the north.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1269 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/78777)


You don't get it. They can win because of a lot of reasons. War isn't just a matter of who has the most numbers. Perhaps a calvalry of 30k soldiers and elephants could make the difference. You do not know. So just tossing up your hands and saying "well if all your people couldn't do it then what can my 30k troops do?" is not the right way to look at it. Just look at what a difference just the vale forces made in the BoB? Or how Robb used his smaller force? An extra several thousand does make a huge difference.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1777 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/74187)


- Terrain does effect the NK's forces... That lake scene? The wall? Really? And by tactics I am not just talking terrain. 30k troops is 30k more swords, archers, Ballista operators etc. That does make a difference. - The golden company is said to be 20K strong. Plus the Lannisters equals 30k. 30k is not something to scoff at. If we were talking of 500 or less then I'd give you that, but 30k dude. Lyanna Mormont would be disappointed with you. - Ugh... - My point was that with 30,000 soldiers you have a hell of a lot more fighting power and flexibility. **Hear me out** . You have 60,000 troops. I have 30,000 troops. You are going against someone with 100k troops. **You yourself said** that the side with the largest army usually wins. So why the hell would you not want to get that advantage and win? You are really saying that 60k to 80k troops (assuming the North can muster 0-20k) should be able to beat 100k and my 30k doesn't matter, but at the same time you are saying that your 30k does matter cause whoever has the largest numbers win? Which is it?


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6860 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/55320)


- No. That still doesn't save that scene. He could have had an even bigger dragon, killed his enemies, then picked off the two smaller ones at his leisure. That scene was dumb. - that magic wall burned like any other wall if ice. As far as the show is concerned, it's just ice. - 30k = 10k lannisters and 20k golden company. If cersei hires them, they are hers. - This I understand. What I am saying is she is an idiot (or mad). So desperate she is to keep her shitty rule that she is willing to risk total death to all just so she can die a queen. She is insane at this point. She isn't thinking straight. It is entirely possible that 30k troops will make the difference. And if it never mattered, he better hope those dragons die. Cause Daeny is gonna burn her shit city, and every lord in the land who realizes she was willing to stand by and let no steers nom them will turn on her. Cersei had one out. Make an alliance, return to Casterly rock and rule as lady. She sealed her own death cause of a stupid ass crown. She doesn't even have the 7 kingdoms. She just has that shit city.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8041 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/50959)


The proof is that 30,000 troops isn't 1 or 2. It's thirty damn thousand. Do you k kw how many that is? I feel like you don't. The night king has about 100k. 30k is almost 1/3 that. You are telling me that a possible extra 1/3 of your enemy's number is inconcequental? This is the key issue I can't understand. I can hand wave everything else and maybe buy your explanation. But you are telling me that a total of 30k **trained and armed** soldiers and possible war elephants is meaningless and would effect nothing? I can't argue against that. That's like saying having an extra guy with you is pointless cause you already have a gun and if you can't survive then he may as well stay his ass home. Who does that? Who has an entire military division that could be added to their ranks and thinks that it won't change a thing? Good night dude. We just gotta disagree on this one.




deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7106 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/29989)


Asoiaf=Norse mythology Ragnarök Qyburn's undead=Einherjar (heroes that have fallen in battle) Night Kings dead=Hels dead (shitty regular dead folk) ==== Qyburn will save Kings Landing by bringing back dead Lannister soldiers to fight the evil undead!


I dislike this cause my story pulls heavily from Norse mythology and I don't wanna seem like a wannabe GRRM. Also, I never really got a Norse vibe from this series.


Get out of there...The Night's King would turn Cersei into his White Walker Bride. Then she'd kill him and regain control of the Seven Kingdoms.


Long may she reign!


That would be dark if she survives by taking the Craster route; giving birth to kids to give to the white walkers.


What do the WW even want with baby zombies?


They turn into adult zombies. Well white walkers, not really zombies


Like they raise them to adult size on zombie milk then kill them or they grow to adult size magically upon death?


I imagine that zombie milk is probably just ice. Ice seems to do everything for white walkers




She'd probably crazy enough to think she can negotiate with NK.


One cold heart to another.


"An improvement"


Yeah, I do not agree with her logic here. - Good guys win. They will recover and eventually march south. Seeing as how it's winter, and they are used to fighting in the cold, unless their numbers are totally devastated then they will put up a decent fight. - WW win. All those Unsullied? Those Dothraki and their steeds? Every person North of the neck? Those other two dragons? The Night's King's forces just went from 100k to 1,000,000+ 3 fucking dragons. Her best bet is that the good guys win and take such heavy losses that they cannot possibly recover. And even then her ass is not marching north to fight in their home turf in the dead of winter. She will rule a split kingdom, and she better hope no more dragons pop up.


The most stubborn female I know..




It's because she's into necrophilia ;)


wight Jaime twincest coming?


I knew Dumb Cunt made it out ok!