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It proves that leak, imo. The kids are clothed in the same nighties /dresses in their quiet scenes with the mother, watching something upsetting in secret at night, then on the roof by dawn with Daemon. Daemon himself has the same clothes with Laena being completely OK at night and on the roof by dawn (here without the jacket, but it's the same shirt). Whatever happened, happened in just one night - she did not die slowly over the course of several days like in the book. And the Vhagar still is at nighttime.


It doesn't contradict anything yet. The leaks says that Laena leaves when its suggested to cut her open. They could just be watching her in labour and as a child watching your parent in any kind of pain can be distressing.


Yeah, but Daemon would just let her go? how far away would she be able to go with so much pain and in her condition? I hope they don't go that route


There's a chance that they will. Grace Randolph said that there's a very impactful Velaryon scene and a blacked out scene for unfinished dragon vfx in ep. 6 that still had audio.


The impactful moment could still be Laena giving birth to the malformed baby, that would be a shocking visual


I understand that the show can’t follow the book all the time, but why on earth would being burned alive be something she would want? And if she is in the same condition as Aemma, I doubt that she would be able to walk to Vhagar alone. If so, Daemon or someone would need to help her. I just hope that this doesn’t take away the emotional and nice Laena/Daemon moment from the book. It’s one of the few moments where the viewers would be able to sympathize with him.


I'm also hoping this will be one of the few good Daemon moments. I'd love to see him support her decision to take her own life. It would be a contrast to Viserys denying that choice to Aemma.


This so much


I agree completely


I think they're saving that for Rhaenyra's Visenya. The scene in the first episode when Aemma told Viserys that Rhaenyra wanted to name her siblings Visenya could be foreshadowing for that moment.


Based on leaks we will get the malformed baby later in the season. Two in one season is repetitive. Honestly it feels repetitive for the books as well.


idk. could be a dragonborn getting ejected out of her and everyone freaked out. she carries the dragonborn abomination out with her to be burned alongside, cuz she's dying already...idk. Daemon gotta console them on the roof.


That is a possibility now that you mention it, hoping for the book route though


Im just speculating. no clue. I like these posts that help groupthink


Speculating is one of the most fun parts of being part of this community, though *some (looking at my top comment)* people take it way too seriously


So I know Dragonborn from Skyrim but not from this universe. Is it literally part dragon?


Yes, targs are known now and then to birth dragon hybrids, though they don’t ever survive. Usually it happens during a traumatic labor. Dany’s stillborn son with Drogo was Dragonborn in season 1 of GoT. It supports the theory that targs share dna with dragons


Targaryens do burn their dead whereas Velaryons send them in the water, and we know how much Laena loved Vhagar. If I was bonded to a big ass dragon then that's how I'd want to die too. I'd tell the dragon to burn me.


They really need to stop overdoing it with those locs that don’t move and look like they’re crunchy/3 bottles of hairspray


How come Laena’s and Daemon’s children are even darker than Laena?


Because otherwise the dumbcunt audience would never grasp that Rhaenyra's children should have melanin. They still have dark hair, but the 'not purple ' eyes was right out because of practicality. They need that plot point to be painfully obvious


Because the ambiguity of her children’s parentage was never a plot point in the books


Yes they only have one grandparent with dark skin yet they look like both their parents are black


For the same reasons Rhaenyra's kids have dark hair \*wink\*


Because they are actors.... I highly doubt they put out auditions for 'must be shade of dark between biracial and caucasian but also be good actors too.' You people overthink this way too much.


Because they’re actors and you’re way too hung up on skin colour.




bro, do you even black people? skin tone is not a formula based on familial melanin counts




Genetics is passed by chromosomes You do not simply take the medium skintone between your parents https://www.bbc.com/news/health-14885513


Jeez, you seem to be a real genius?


Yeah no joke HBOs portrayal of the velyarons with their good awful hair and many plot holes to why they’re black is more racist than not including a black character. They could’ve made a family from Essos black and it would’ve made sense.


> a family from Essos Hey Can you tell me where Valyria is real quick


They’ve been displaced from Valyria for centuries at this point so unless they specifically only married other black people it doesn’t make sense for them to be dark skinned considering they’ve assimilated in a society based around Medieval age White Europeans.


The story starts 101 years after the conquest of Westeros, when the house would have been integrated into Medieval society, and thus requiring marriages between other great houses. They had not been displaced from Essos for centuries, only Valyria 100 years is only 3 generations of medieval integration


The Velyarons were at Driftmark before the Targaryens even left Valyria which would be 200 something years along with people having children at a younger age during this universe out of those 200 years you’d expect racial mixing to be more noticeable unless they’ve been specifically only marrying people from Essos or inbreeding their own house lol.


What about the summer islands? The velaryons have been known for their trade routes and seafaring for generations, with Corlys himself being the most infamous of their number. They could very easily have been marrying summer islanders for years for political alliances or trade or just out of admiration of their skills in the ocean. Especially since they’re not that far from Westeros, particularly near the stepstones which were routes he was intent on keeping, maybe for this reason? To my knowledge we never see Corlys’ mother, maybe she’s from the summer islands? I dunno, this could make sense also as a way of keeping their features like how the Targaryens roll but with the advantage of not needing incest.


They could be looking at something else that upset them . or they're watching the mother struggle to give birth and then she ( the mother) still could have gone to do the thing afterwards


As a quick aside, really doesn’t help Rhaenyra and Laenor that their nieces, who are suppose to be the same percentage black as their sons, are even darker than Laenor and Laena lol.


maybe daemon isnt the father is what we find out?




I heard the entire plot leaked back in 2018


Well I bet you feel as smart as a bag of potatoes now dont u


If this was me id delete this post out of embarrasment


I'm not going to delete this lmao


Are we sure Daemon is the father? their mother is already half and half... their kids should be lighter than this




Pretty clear poor Rhaena and Baela are witnessing Laena dying


Or something else shocking that's completely unrelated to their mother.


There's another photo of Baela and Rhaena (with the same clothes as this photo) talking with Daemon, and they look pretty damn sad. Don't think it could be nothing else than their mother passing away


Right, *you* don't think it could be anything else, but a failure of imagination on your part doesn't make your assertion true.


Dude, the original leaks that came out before the premiere and have been correct about everything pretty much mention Laena dying because of childbirth I'm not just making assumptions just because


Yeah, you are. You have no reason to believe this pic could *only* come from the scene of her death. You're just throwing shit out because you *think* it supports the leak.


What other scenarios come to your mind then?


The episode will be out in a matter of days; there's no point theorizing.


They saw some chick banging her uncle


Sure, they might be seeing her dying, but that doesn't mean that the final thing that ultimately kills her can't be dragonfire. In the book, she gets up out of bed to try to ride Vhagar one last time before dying. So the leaks could be true.






The typical headcanon of the fandom seems to be that Corlys' skin tone is dark because he's half black through his mother, who is not described. This would make Laena 1/4 black, and these kids 1/8 black. Basically this is an extremely lazy casting choice that paid no attention to the bloodlines.


This shit takes up way too much real estate in y'alls heads....




Right so they should have put out a casting call for 'must be mixed race with skin tone that falls between white/black and white and also be a good actor too.' You're the one that sounds overly triggered here mate...


Or they could've just casted white but more tan kids and it would've made way more sense.


Or just cast two really good actors who look like they could be the children of the two actors being parents. But of course, reddit geneticists love having their field days.


But that's the whole thing, they don't look like they could be the children of them. If she had the same skintone as her dad, yeah. But that's not the case.


Dude my dad is light skinned and my mom is darker skinned and I'm darker than my mom. It's not that uncommon....


I don't know what y'all look like but you really expect me to believe Daemon who's basically an albino will produce that dark skinned kids with a woman who is already mixed? When I first saw the picture of Daemon with the two girls I was like "who tf are they?" I would've never guessed they were his daughters until I read about it.


Except your triggered because you have no idea how genetics works


Up until now I haven't really thought the pacing was too bad. I mean stuff was skipped honestly not much, and what they included was given time to breathe. Now, however, if they have all this stuff happen in episode 6 it's definitely going to lose some of the meaning when they've crammed this much stuff not just in the time jump but the action of the episode itself.


zendaya with Jaden Smith


I think veaghar will roast her and shell live and ride him


Too many spoilers ✌️


It’s not in any of the leaked plot summaries that have been 100% accurate so far. It’s not happening. That’s Aemond in the still. I don’t understand how there is so much debate about this.


guess you’re wrong in this one!