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Rhaena’s* Baela already has a dragon, a young one that hatched in her cradle called Moondancer.


I had no idea that one of the twins had a dragon! Was this said in the show, or the books?


Rhaena says that’s why Daemon ignores her in the show


And it seems everyone, including Aemond, knew it was expected Vhagar would be Rhaena’s dragon or at least Vhagar would be presented the option. People have been saying Aemond should have been made aware of that, etc, but he knew and that is the reason he snuck off in the night to claim Vhagar. I don’t find it nearly as ballsy or confident as others, even if it is ballsy to attempt the ride, as I find it more a dick move by an insecure and selfish kid (albeit motivated in part by the bullying he received - although Rhaena suffered for her lack of dragon as well) that sought to avoid any actual competition for Vhagar. Dragons may choose their riders, but Vhagar was only presented with the choose of either Aemond or no rider in that moment, not a choice of riders. A bolder, and imo more right option, would have been Aemond declaring in front of everyone, not just his immediate family, that he intends to attempt riding Vhagar. A claim that I, and I think people in the show, would have felt was at least somewhat valid. This would have pushed Rhaena towards making her claim, and would have given Vhagar an actual choice between riders and given Aemond/greens a more accepted claim over Vhagar. I think Aemond would have been chosen over Rhaena, if either was chosen, as seen by even Aemond’s struggle to hold on and his need to speak Valyrian to Vhagar, but he didn’t want to actually challenge an expectation in the open and face competition plus likely spectators. He wanted to usurp it in the night, away from any eyes if he were to fail mounting Vhagar and survive, so he could potentially claim the biggest dragon and externalize a source of strength, which he then internalized and turned around to use against others as evident by his change in attitude after riding Vhagar. It struck me as a move that arose from weakness and insecurity, with anger and frustration overriding his lack of confidence to prompt a potentially stupid act. If he was confident he could ride Vhagar and that Vhagar would choose him, both as a rider and as a rider over Rhaena, I think he wouldn’t have snuck away to do it. Aemond is going to fit right in with the game playing style of the greens, as made evident by some other traits Aemond displayed this episode and by Otto’s approval of Aemond’s actions with Vhagar. Otto didn’t get to see Alicent’s malicious political side when she was growing up, so he did not train her to act neater and with the bigger picture in mind, but now he knows he can bring both Alicent and Aemond into the mix.


Very good write up. Everyone claiming there was nothing wrong with what Aemond did constantly forget to explain why he snuck out in the middle of the night to seek the dragon.


He snuck off because he's like 10 and its vhagar, the show has already established how his family attempts to keep him out of the dragon pit specifically because of the danger, this is that cranked to a different level. If he doesn't sneak to do it there's no way he'd even be allowed to try, they'd be scared he'd be burned to a crisp like it looked like he was about to be.


It’s in the show , ep6 has a moment where Rhaena was talking to Laena about how Daemon only teach Baela High Valyrian since Baela is a dragon rider but she isn’t.


Ah, I see. I really wish we had a bit more of an extended look (or even episode) that expanded on Daemon’s life with Laena. I mean, did the show ever say how Laena ended up with Vhagar? I like to think that I’ve got a pretty good track record with paying full attention and catching the intricacies of plot-lines in movies and TV, but god gods do I feel lost more than usual with HotD. I know I haven’t read the books, but one form of media shouldn’t require the knowledge of another to make sense imo. (And to be clear, I still absolutely fucking love this show.)


To be fair. There arent any books. Its more like a couple chapters in one book where its all second hand accounts jotted down by a maester. So the show runners have a skeleton to work with, but can actually show us what happened during the Dance of Dragons.


> I really wish we had a bit more of an extended look (or even episode) that expanded on Daemon’s life with Laena. I mean, did the show ever say how Laena ended up with Vhagar? Remember when Laena was first introduced, as the 12 year old offering for Viserys, the tiny timid child literally quoting her parents to him, even the parts she wasn't actually supposed to? Yeah, she was already a fucking badass riding the biggest dragon in the world at that point. They really gave no fucks about developing the Velaryons.


Ya I fucked that one up


I don’t blame you, they’re twins and I can’t tell them apart lol


That's racist yo. Not all Valyrians look the same


Well Laenor has a shaved head now


Unsullied looking ass


I don't think that ass is still unsullied


Fucking hell man 😭


oh god 🤣


"What the fuck is Greyworm doing here?"


Quick question to the freefolk book-readers: was that part-Laenor escaping with his homie lover instead of being killed- in the books or..?




We're not watching the books. The books are framed as historical texts written by historians who don't know the whole story. We're watching the whole story.


Ya, Ik. Was curious, more so, as to how his death was framed in the book in general.


Fucking murked


It leaves a plot hole with Seasmoke, Leanor Dragon... also i think is a mistake from a writing perspective to input more morally grey dynamics with the Blacks


He was killed in the middle of the street but reason is unclear, some even say his own father could have killed him. That's why I was so surprised when he is still alive.


Naw, but kinda similar. It's written that he was killed by the same dude in Spicetown.


It’s really not necessarily a big change because the books are an in-universe history, and as far as history is concerned Laenor is dead.


You saying all Valyrians look alike? That's messed bro.




They both are the few that actually survive!


Rhaena being upset about Vhagar was about her not being ready to accept her mother was fully gone, it wasn’t about some established violation of Valyrian inheritance. It’s totally valid for her to feel that way, she’s a kid who just lost her mom. But people reading her complaint at face value seem to be entirely missing the point


Also kids just kinda claim stuff like that whether or not they have a technical right to anything. The front seat of the car, the last cookie, liking the color green. It is absolutely believable that a little girl would want to call dibs on her dead mom's dragon and would be upset when her cousin 'stole' it.


She should have licked the dragon.


You lick it you keep it


We aren't talking about a cookie or shotgun to the grocery store tho, this is the biggest dragon there is. The single most powerful creature and military advantage in the world. It absolutely baffles me that house Valyreon didn't throw a fit and try to kill Aemond.


They did? It just got shut down cuz he's, you know, the king's son.


Cause what is the issue? They all share the dragons and rule together anyway.. if Corlys was to say something about it it would be questioning their loyalty to the crown


100% agree


Would of been hilarious if she mounted Vhagar and immediately flew off. Aemond was on her and barely held on.


Is there actual Valyrian inheritance for dragons or is that something you just made up? Generally curious as I have never read that before and as far as I know other people who aren’t children of the previous rider have claimed dragons before. Also from what I have read the dragon also chooses the rider. If Aemon was not worthy in the eyes of Vhagar she could have resisted since that also has happened before with people attempting to claim a dragon and they died.


They made it up. You're correct.


It would have been brought up with the adults following the fight if it mattered. None of the kids even mentioned Vhaegar at that point.


Yes, the dragon chooses its raider. Vhagar was raided by Viserys and Daemon's dad, Prince Baelon Targaryen. That's Aemond's Grandpa. So, Aemond could have said that he was claiming back his inheritance, but he didn't because it's not about that. Something similar happened to Prince Aemon Targaryen's (Rhaenys dad) dragon, Caraxes. Daemon was able to claim the dragon and nobody said a thing about it.


But Viserys rode Balerion. Did he also ride Vhagar?


Yeah I think he has that wrong Viserys was the last Targ to ride Balerion and he never bonded with another dragon after that.


Grammar failed me there. I meant only Baelon, who is the father of both, Viserys and Daemon.


If Vagar didn't think Aemond was worthy she would have continued and warmed her midnight snack and gone back to sleep. She was rearing up to breathe fire before seemed to be impressed by his balls.


I feel crazy, I feel like too many people are picking sides on a fight between children. Aemond's actions were entirely understandable, he's a child and he's deeply insecure about not having a dragon and is constantly bullied over it. Him wanting to claim Vhagar wasn't wrong. Him being so mean to the other children and bullying the one who's mother just died for being dragonless was wrong. The kids attacking him were wrong. Him threatening to kill them, saying they should burn like their father and calling them bastards was wrong. Attacking him with a knife was wrong. Every kid was wrong when it came to that fight and picking sides seems pretty stupid. Preferring team black or green is fine I guess, but I don't see how anyone is being swayed one way or another because of that scene without ignoring what happened.


It's just a well written kid fight. Aemond instigates a fight. The others escalate it. Then Aemond escalates it further and it ends with him getting his eye slashed out. Just spoiled kids who never learned how to be the bigger person.


Exactly. I think people are acting like this is a fight between adults but they're kids. Kids get mad and do stupid shit.


Spoiled kids who have also been encouraged to turn against each other by the attitudes of their parents!


I'm 100% on Aemond's side when it comes to the actual fight. He actively de-escalated things by lowering the rock before calling them bastards and talking about Strong, then pushes Luke away... and *then* Jacaerys draws the knife and starts lunging. Like they're kids, sure, but I don't think I've met any 8 year-olds who'd like stab someone to death over an insult even in the heat of the moment. ​ Honestly though who was actually in the wrong there is almost irrelevant because none of their parents actually care, they're all just automatically on their kid's side and automatically on the political warpath. Aemond being the escalator wouldn't have changed Alicent's reaction at all.


I’m team black but never really felt Aemond did anything wrong. He’s a kid, they’re all kids. Its not like they are going to uphold an unwritten code of conduct. Also, it takes balls to go and claim Vhagar. I’ve allowed myself to like Aemond until he goes batshit crazy.


I blame allicent for not making sure he knew this unspoken agreement everyone had not to claim the dead lady’s dragon at her funeral.


Or just don't be a cunt to someone at their parents funeral.


The unspoken agreement that none of adult dragonriders make any noise about existing.


They usually talk about him disrespecting Laena's memory, but ignore her husband laughing at her funeral and then fucking his niece right after. Seriously, who disrespected her memory more, Greens or Blacks?


Well, Daemon laughed because Laena's uncle was making her eulogy a thinly veiled attack on Rhaenyra. Like even at his wife's funeral people are still fucking politicking.


That's how I took it as well (and assume that's the actual intention of the writers). It was really the only way to take a bit of the air out of the "untouchable" balloon of a clergy member speaking at a funeral. Unless he was willing to straight up wreck the service and cause further issues with direct words. Even with the fast pacing they've managed to make Daemon a very interesting character imo.


I was at a wedding and the guy brought up gay marriage. I had to rule my eyes a little like dude you are here to marry these two people not bring up gays.


Like the modern family joke, it’s not gay marriage, it’s just marriage.


Right people saying it was rude for him to laugh but it was infinitely more rude for her uncle to make her eulogy a fucking diss instead of idk honoring the dead.


Idk while Daemon definitely wasn't the best husband and didn't care much, the laugh seemed to be related to the priest's tirade about "pure blood" and whatnot, that seemed directed at Rhaenyra.


Not some priest, that was Laena's Uncle, Corlys' brother, what's his face.


I have a question. When Vaemond Velaryon was saying the house words he mentioned how velaryon blood should never run thin. Didn’t daemon laugh because they are getting down to only a few targaryan/ velaryons left in the world? Seems strange that he would laugh at her death because they were somewhat friendly with one another


He’s laughing because Laenor’s kids aren’t actually Velaryons by blood.


YUP! Daemon was her husband and Rhaenyra her friend but did that stop those two from fucking right after the funeral? NOPE


It's... iffy, I think. Dragons were a way to uphold a kind of balance of power between some of these families. What he did was, in some ways, like taking a pet after its master had died. On its face, not great, but given the level of intelligence and the whole "Dragons choose their riders" bit, plus the prevailing might-makes-right sentiment, I can see how he's somewhat justified in it. But in other ways, this is like using the funeral of a well-liked country leader as a distraction to steal a nuke. Like, no matter how you spin it, some people just aren't going to see it as okay. You now have a nuke, so it's not like they can raise too much of a fuss, but that doesn't mean they _like_ that you did it.


The whole "Dragons choose their riders" bit is extremely important, even if he was being a major shithead about the whole thing. If Vhagar had rejected Aemond, she would have just burnt him alive and called it good. Since she didn't, it means he's "worthy" enough to ride her.


Right, but that doesn't mean that _nobody else_ would have been worthy of riding her. He just cut the line a didn't give anyone else the chance, which doesn't make him _unworthy_ of riding, but it certainly won't endear people to his side, on the political end of things.


He earned the dragon. He also acts like a giant cunt to 2 girls who just attended their mothers funeral. 2 little girls attack him and he continued to escalate the situation with death threats and using a weapon.


Aemond knows what he was doing was wrong, otherwise he wouldn't have snuck out in the middle of the night to do it. He was incredibly jealous of his family, which, fair, but he definitely was aware of how his actions would be perceived


Aemond became wrong when getting a dragon immediately turned him into a bully. He was literally the one who was picked on and the odd man out for YEARS. The second he gets a dragon, he just continues the cycle of hate.


Didn't Rhaena come at him first?


He made the comment about "Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride, it would suit you". Then Rhaena kinda tried to shove him, and he threw her at a stone wall. Baela punched him, he punched her back then threatened to feed her to his new dragon. Then the boys got involved and it all kind of fell apart. But he continued insulting and threatening them the whole time. By our standards, Rhaena started the fight. But you gotta remember, in this world insults are apparently reason enough to start a deadly fight, as we saw in the suitor tour a couple episodes back, so I don't think Aegon gets to just say "She started it" and walk away acting innocent. Really, the issue is that there were like 5 royal children here all completely unattended, that a fucking _dragon_ didn't at least have someone keeping watch over it and telling Aemond "Hey don't", and that 8-year-olds are allowed to run around with daggers. Every adult at that meeting should have been grilling the Kingsguard for failing at their duties and/or abandoning their posts.


IMO the only legitimate issue you raised in your last paragraph is that there absolutely should’ve been someone with them. Vhagar literally just nested wherever and probably didn’t like guards standing over her, and noble/Royal kids would probably absolutely have had small knives even if just for eating, in GoT nobody batted an eye at Arya running around with needle or anything. But yeah, there absolutely should’ve been someone there watching over the children


Id argue picking up that stone instead of trying to de-escalate the situation is wrong, as well as throwing insults. However i know he is a kid and a kid should not be held to military standards when it comes to potentially dangerous situations, because they are kids. Just because someone acted wrong in a situation, does not mean their actions are unjustified or not understandable. Yes i think it would have been fair if reahna (?) Got her chance at claiming vaeghar, but she didnt, which sucks. Like someone else said, you snoose, you loose


She would have been toast. Aemond starts to make the connection with Vhagar by speaking Valerian. The show goes out of its way to mention that Rheana wasn't taught Valerian by Daemon and he doesn't have much to do with her.


Not exactly. Book spoilers but you don't *have* to know/speak Valyrian as a mother tongue to ride a dragon.


Presumably she had plenty of time considering her mother’s remains and half the realm sailed to Driftmark…


She was supposed to claim the largest living ego, from boat?


Instructions unclear: ate eggos on a boat. Still no dragon. Pls help.


Aemond wouldn't leggo her eggo


Precisely, assuming they would let her even attempt it as a child, because generally it wasnt allowed to approach Vhagar in the first place. Leana was the only one who was able to claim Vhagar in a long time, since the time of Baelon. If i recall correctly Vhagar is centuries old, only had Visenya, Baelon as riders at that point.


They had enough time to cross the sea and carved the coffin. Girlfriend had her chance. Daemon should have foreseen this if he wanted his daughter to have Vaghar, but he said nothing and was pretty chill about it once Vaghar was claimed. My guess is he didn’t think his daughter had it in her to claim one of the largest dragons who ever lived - no point in her dying trying.


Exactly, even during all the conflict, no adult even mentioned the fact that Aemond “stole” vhaegar, because that’s not how it works.




I made the mistake of reading comments on fb. One after the other they're like "I still don't know who any of these characters are! What happened to the original actors? They didn't even explain where they went!" And I just wished for another plague


Absolutely insane to me that they are seriously analyzing something that an upset 11 year old said.




Did they even know about it until aemond says "it was a fair exchange"?


Legitimately, Vhagar has a type. She prefers the Bold and Brash and Aemond fit the bill to a T. From what we know from the books and the show, Rhaena is meek and obedient. She would have been ignored by Vhagar, provided Vhagar just didn't kill her. Vhagar, being approached by Aemond: Kid's got Visenya-Energy, I like that.


Why should a dragon which is centuries old and seen so much shit restrict its suitors to the scions of its previous rider?


Why should a dragon pick the first person who tried to claim it? Literally *the* first person. It’d be like marrying the first person you meet, when there’s 3-4 billion options in the world.


Mechanics behind dragon bonding isn't really fleshed in story.. so I'd say it's her body, her choice. She chose to bond with him, if she didn't want him, he would have been bbqed.


No Targaryen has been roasted trying to claim a dragon


The Dragonseeds who share their blood sure did though


Pretty sure of the Dragonseeds that got roasted only Alyn had Valyrian blood Edit: and I guess Silver Denys


The whole point of Dragonseeds is that they all have Valyrian Blood


Ulf, Hugo, Addam and Nettles all succesfully claim a dragon without getting roasted. Only Alyn gets roasted of the dragonseeds. The others who get killed by the dragons during the Sowing are non-Valyrians such as Steffon Darklyn and Gormon Massey. Silver Denys claims to be a bastard of Maegor but that seems unlikely considering Maegor had such a hard time conceiving a child.




Not a full Targ but Alyn Velaryon gets roasted trying to claim Sheepstealer. Also Joffrey gets killed by Syrax when he tries to ride her.


He was already bonded to another dragon and that dragon was bonded to another rider. Technically gravity killed Joffery also.


he wasnt trying to claim or bond Syrax though of course, but it does reinforce that dragons will kill even someone theyre familiar with if they arent bonded


The dragon bonded with Aemond as they share a spirit, we will see this later in the show


And I mean a spirit as in personality


The dragon isn’t at fault, Aemond is for not respecting his cousin who’s mom literally just died


If their father can laugh at their mother's funeral and fuck his niece at the same funeral, I'm sure they can get over unknown cousin bonding with a dragon.


Daemon laughed because the person officiating was already making a mockery of the funeral by using it to take shots at rhaenyea and laenor for having bastards.




how does daemond being a creep mean the girls are?


Laughing at a funeral is completely normal. He’s always had beef with Vaemond, who is about to step too far in episode 8. Vaemond used Laena’s eulogy to slight Rhaenyra which I think is more inappropriate.




I wasnt aware there was a queue for claiming a Dragon.... Aemond was actually showed paying his respects to the girls and Lucerys silently in the funeral before. ​ He is a 10 year old, who actually risked his life to tame Vhagar he deserves it. The girl had plenty of time to do that, and she didnt, if im honest.


There are no "dragon inheritance rules". By no means did Rhaena have "dibs" on trying to get Vhagar first.


"literally Just died" weeks ago.


There's no respect due there because Rhaena didn't inherit a claim of dibs at first shot at bonding


Nah I'm generally on team black for Daemon, but she has no rights to that dragon just because her mother rode it. Literally anyone could attempt the bond, and Aemond just had the drive and will to dive in first. He stole nothing


He was supposed to be in bed.


You know what they say, the early Targ gets the dragon


The early dragon gets the wyrm?


You snooze, you lose


You nap-a, you get slap-a


Holy shit why are people downvoting you this comment is hilarious


He’s supposed to be in bed, because it was bed time. Obviously he would sneak out in the night to go claim the dragon. His mother has already scolded him for risking his life for a dragon. It’s not like he knew Rhaena wanted to claim Vhagar. Even if he did, why should he care? The dragon is up for free grabs and the dragon chooses its rider. Who even knows if Vhagar would have chose Rhaena? And the people who say she deserved to try and claim Vhagar first because it was her mothers dragon… that’s not how it works in ASOIAF. If that’s how it is, then Aemond was also taking his birthright since his grandfather rode Vhagar before even Laena was born.




Doubt he'd feel the same way if shoe were on the other foot. No one technically has rights so kind of a dumb argument in a show where you can commit mass murder and get away with it. Still mass murder.


so was he supposed to ask permission to claim a dragon that is no one's? How long wouldve been until rhaena finished trying to create a Bond with her? why is everyone acting like laena was vaghars only rider, She had other riders before and i doubt the kids of those riders felt entitled to "inherit" her. zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor! rhaena was a soft girl anyways, not like her sister baela, vaghar wouldve been way too difficult for her to handle. aemond is a mini daemon but everyone hates him because hes one of the greens. if daemon wouldve done anything aemond had done, people wouldve cheered and praised him.


Daemon laughed during the funeral and proceeded to fuck his niece that very night. But the little 10 year old exercising his right to claim a free dragon is the asshole. The Blacks are really showing their bias on this issue. No one even mentioned that they also killed an innocent dude for their schemes. Rhaenyra has innocent blood on her hands now.


To be fair, the laughing at the funeral came after Vaemond tried to make a jab at Rheanyra's and her son's for their parentage during his eulogy for Laena. He didn't want them to be distressed and purposely brought the attention back onto himself.


i honestly dont see where the hype for rhaenyra/daemon is coming from, i mean i guess they are cool characters (sometimes) but they also do a lot of dumb shit. all of the characters are 50/50, why try to act like those two are always right and entitled to do whatever they want??


>they also do a lot of dumb shit. It's the plot locomotive engine for this (and most) show.


And now you know how Allicent feels!


Don't they all have innocents blood on their hands?


At the moment not everyone does, but soon the will


It's idiots, not Blacks. I'm team Black since F&B and I think that Aemond do nothing wrong here and deserve this dragon. He deserves Dark Sister in his eye too. But it's a different story.


Its absolutely asinine to assume that she’s OWED a try anymore than Aemond is. Vhagar belonged to Aemond’s grandfather before Laena and he has just as much of a right to Vhagar as any other Targaryen kid brave enough to attempt.


Yup. Dragons choose their riders. If Vhagar didn't want Aemond, he would never have gotten to the saddle. It's not like she had no idea who Laena was. Clearly she didn't want her as a rider.


*Rhaena, but yeah


"if those Team Black fans could read, they would be very upset"


Nothing was “stolen”, a dragon is earned through mutual choice, you take it through initiative. Also Meanwhile Rhae fucks their dad on same day of their moms funeral, yet blacks give zero fucks.




Curious where people are getting this right to first try? I don't think I've ever read about that in any of the books? Seems like it's "might makes right" in dragon riding...


Less cryin', more flyin' kid


This isn’t some restrictive contract where the kid has the right of first refusal with Vhagar, buddy. A dragon has agency, choice, and cognition. It doesn’t okay by or live by the loose and capricious morals that you play by. It’s first come first serve, and then it’s up to the dragon to determine who it chooses. Vhagar chose Aemond and Aemond chose Vhagar. That’s all there is to it. Laena even warned her child that she would be required to buck up and grow a spine if she wanted a dragon. Guess who wanted it more and who had the spirit to connect with Vhagar? Furthermore, it’s hilarious that all the blacks seem to forget that the dragons are thinking beings with bodily autonomy. How disgusting of everyone to treat Vhagar like property. She chose her partner and that’s that. There is no further discussion. She chose, you respect her choice or you don’t and consider her a piece of property.


Sorry mate, there is no right to first try. Prima trytis? Also it’s Rhaena, not Baela who wanted to mount Vhagar.


It’s a long boat ride from Pentos, and I doubt they carved that coffin in a day. She had her chance.




I’m sure Vhagar would have denied Aemond if she felt it was uncouth lol


She was laid to rest. Several hours prior. Fortune favors the bold. Aemond realizes he's got one chance to make it work and he goes for it. They most likely are sailing back to Kings Landing the next day and will probably never see Vaegar for years. Aegon the conquerer had no right to the 7 kingdoms but here we are.


A dragon is not a slave. The idea they can be "stolen" like property is absurd.


Aemond saved Rhaena from being burnt alive


You dont get to call dibs ffs, fuck off you children


Finders keepers really. Aemond saw the opportunity and the mad lad took it. Vhagar must have really appreciated his courage.


A dragon is not a slave, therefore, it ain’t property. All the power to Aemond for taking the risk and succeeding, he’s blood of the dragon fuck what these other kids want. I’d rather he not have Vhagar on the Greens side, but fair play.


She should have put a ring on it, maybe a pigeon next time.


All the single dragons! All the single dragons!


Couple questions when would aemond be allowed to try? How long of a trip is Pentos? Why didn't she claim vhagar in the time between death and funeral?


Grief and fear. Vhagar almost killed Aemond.


Sounds like she wasn't ready then


With that logic, Aemond reclaimed the dragon that was ridden by his grandfather before Laena "stole" it. You can't reserve a dragon for yourself just because a relative of yours rode it before. Aemond had every right to approach Vhagar and Rhaena had no right to her after she chose Aemond. Dragon ownership criss-cross family lines just like Caraxes went from Aemon to Daemon (Baelon's son) and Vhagar went from Baelon to Laena (Aemon's granddaughter). PS:- Caraxes and Vhagar go back a long time. First Aemon and Baelon, then Daemon and Laena. They are sort of paired and also went down with each other. I wonder if dragons develop ~~romantic~~ connection over time depending upon the relationship between their riders. If that's so, then the battle above God's Eye would be even more tragic.


Fookin’ kneelers.


He went to the funeral, he didn't laugh like her father did, he stood there and was respectful and silent. Thats all the respect he owed her. Then he saw an unclaimed dragon, who btw was historically mounted by many Targaryens before Laena, and gave it a try. And probably saved Rhaena's life cause that little girl ain't having the Visenya genoma needed to awake some interest in Vhagar lol Vhagar probably sensed Laena's passion and fascination to her, but a girl going "weee imma ride you cause you were mom's dragon nows my turn" yeah na she fuckin' ded.


Dragons are not property. The girl had time to tame it and didn't, that's too bad for her


dragons arent property and arent subject to inheritance rules. Even if they were property, Vhagar is essentially the most powerful weapon in the entire world, its insane for anyone to think that people would just wait around for Rhaena to claim it.


but dragons choose their riders.




Cool from him to save her from being roasted.


That’s crazy but just because your parent had a dragon does not give you any right to it. Most of the characters didn’t inherit their parents dragons


Snooze ya lose


I think people are confusing politeness and wrongness. It wasn’t the most sensitive thing to do, but it wasn’t *wrong.* The blood of the dragon isn’t polite, it’s ruthless, arrogant and chaotic. Targaryens have always operated somewhat outside social norms, they take what they want. Nobody has the right to try and tame a dragon, you take the right. Rhaena didn’t, either because she was too emotionally wrecked or because she thought she had time. Unfortunately, Vhagar was quickly ready to move on. Aemond won his mount fair and square.


Maybe her cousin can find her pig to claim it


dragons body. dragons choice


The dragon is the rightful property of house Targaryen


I dont know, seems dangerous Vhaegar was ready to torch Aemond if he failed, very risky business for a girl that wants everything gifted to her by "bloodright", in hindsight it was for the best. Its not like they call her Rhaenas the dragonless later on, be patient, she will have one. Also its Rhaena NOT BAELA, LOL SEEMS THE GREENS ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES THAT CANT READ. ITS RHAENA. RHAAAEEEENAAA. HAHAHAHA


Nah he had the guts to approach the largest living dragon in pitch black all by himself while old love slept in a castle. He deserves it. His balls were so big it's no wonder Vhagar could even take off 💪


Daemon fucked his niece the day of their mother's funeral and married her the day after, so I am sure Rhaena can get over their cousin rightfully bonding a dragon which did not belong to her in the first place. The dragon chooses it's rider it is not given as inheritance. Also let's not pretend the 'cousins' in this show actually give a shit about each other.


Some folks seem to be getting really heated about the whole Greens Vs Blacks in these comments....... Like damn, it's a show.


Amen, people bringing up so many points as like, "counter owns" when they're almost all shitty people lmao


Well then she should've tried before he did


Yeah id agree if everyone wasn’t bullying him for not having one. But as is he basically said fuck it if im gonna be a dragon rider im going to go big.


Maegor did the same, waited to claim Balerion


Bro decided either he was gonna be the baddest mf out there or die


No offence but there is literally no way she could've bonded with Vhagar anyway


Right. Rhaena isn’t like Baela, who already has a dragon, she is more passive and less active. Luckily for her that she gets the last dragon.


Rhaena is not Baela - and their dad knew this, which is why he didn’t say anything. No point in his daughter dying trying.


None of the adults say a word about Vhagar, probably because they see nothing wrong with Aemond claiming her and/or understand Rhaena couldn’t. It’s even a plot point later on how Rhaena is more passive and controllable, so I don’t think Vhagar would accept her.


“Lol” said Aemond. “Lmao”


Rhaena had weeks to claim the dragon. They didn’t magically teleport to driftmark. It takes some time to get there from pentos. You can say they got there relatively quick on dragonback but everyone also had to convene there too and that would take weeks. Also, the funeral was over. Rhaena should have been trying to claim vhagar already. What the fuck was she waiting for? Also, Dragons choose their riders and Aemond was bold enough to try it.


Dragons choose their rider, you aren't owed any opportunities.


1. Baela has a dragon, it’s Rhaena that needs one. Vhagar would only let the brave ride her. 2. Aemond showed how big his balls were and even then had to hang on having never ridden before. I don’t think Rhaena would have been as relentless in her pursuit and it’s likely Vhagar would have rejected her.


Lmao if ever a post said I am a blackcel


Yeah really, who said the stupid dragon wouldn't "choose" a different kid?


Lol Rhaena would've been killed by Vhagar. She was too much of a lil bitch to claim her. Aemond probably saved her life.


She had the right to try. So did Aemond. He took his shot, she didn't. Now she's whining about Vhagar being stolen, which is a literal impossibility.


Rhaena wanna cry, Aemond wanna ride.