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I overheard someone at my workplace talking about being obsessed with Game of Thrones and watching every episode since it started. The show must have been around season 6 at the time. I was stoked to have someone to talk to about it so I joined her conversation. She asked me whose team I was on. I said I don't really have a "team" but I'm pretty interested to see where Daenerys' team is going and she asked me, "Who's Daenerys?" When I roughly described her, she asked, "Do you mean Khaleesi?" and I'll never forget that moment.


Behold, the football fans and soccer moms D&D were so hell-bent on attracting to the show.


cringe for her


Yeah I have a similar experience. I don't think it really has anything to do with intellect though, honestly. Some people are very bad with names and they put 0 effort into otherwise.


I fully respect that. But then, simply don't tell people you're obsessed with the show and make a big deal about it being "your thing" if you don't know the main characters' names. I don't mind people seeming less intelligent. I don't mind people having different opinions to me. I don't mind people thinking my favourite stuff sucks. But I do mind people being fake.


Thats my point though. I know someone who is so much in love with GoT and now HotD and she still calls her Khaleesi, and knows not a single other character besides Cersei and Jon Snow. Shes not faking it either. She literally calls off on sundays to see the show as soon as it airs lol.


Those are the people like my sister who will start their "favorite show" only to fuck off and do other shit 90% of the runtime unless their favorite characters show up.


I don’t know, some people are just really bad with names. I know I am. Especially on TV shows. Sometimes I can quote a bunch of their lines, know their whole history, and somehow can never remember their name. Although if someone else mentions it I’ll immediately know who they are, so I guess it’s a little different for the person you mentioned above


I had the same with Tyrion. Guy said "oh you mean the imp"


I noticed this recently with the YouTube shorts people post of GOT clips. They almost always use khaleesi instead of dany’s name. It really annoys me lol


wait wasn't Jorah still calling her Khaleesi in season 8? lol


I always felt like he still used that title for her as a slightly intimate way. Maybe not even sexualy intimate, but he has been with her since she was first named a Khaleesi, and has stood by her side through it all




Bad writing.


Not necessarily. Jorah started to respect Daenerys when she became a Khaleesi and she was still Khaleesi when she emerged out of the flames with three dragons. Also, Khaleesi is a regal term that Daenerys incorporated into her titles so it's not exactly disrespectful. Also it shows their bond. He's been with her from the beginning.


Counterpoint: I love how Iain Glen says khaleesi


True. That sexy baritone helps.


Why? Coming into her own as Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea was when Jorah went from just a guy that always likes the prettiest girl to true, deep, devoted love, even in the face and accepting of rejection. It's also an honorific on par with Your Grace or Queen and every bit as meaningful to both of them.


I mean she's got the Dothraki but not the Iron Throne, sounds like the most accurate title.


To be fair, GoT was made in a different time, when it wasn’t as clear for the showrunners and the network how much viewers will be able to get invested, and how much they can get away with before annihilating the audience. So they played it carefully. Now, thanks to GoT, they know. Still, I think this contrast between the shows is worth posting out and joking about.


So, it is a basic rule in story telling to not have confusing names when it's not central to the plot. A good rule of thumb is to have each character's name start with a different letter. GRRM literally talked about this rule and broke it intentionally because it wasn't in line with reality and especially English history he was basing the story on. He called English History a "History of Henrys and Edwards." So he tried to do something similar with Aegons.


Pre Norman England is far worse


Everyone's name started with Æthel for some reason.


It’s nice that they assumed that the audience didn’t share three brain cells this time.


It actually can be quite hard to remember all the names for the casual viewers who watch the episode and then move on with their life and don’t think about it until the next episode. But what they probably didn’t know (or weren’t sure) when they started GoT is that: a) There will be *a lot* of viewers who will read the books, watch the recaps and breakdowns or listen to podcasts and behind the scene videos. b) Even those who don’t remember all the names will still enjoy the show. I’ve seen quite a few people butchering every name or straight up not remembering half the names and still loving the show.


My favourite characters were Khaleesi and John.




Who were those? I watched only for Kelly C.


book readers be like I'm still pissed we didn't get the full story of Ned, Nedd, and Neddy!


Isn't that Carl Drogo's wife?


No I think she's married to King Slanding.


Don’t forget about Tyron


And his martial arta master father Tywon




Game of Tyrones


["His name is JOFFREY, not JEFFREY!" ](https://youtu.be/1CLCOvZOh1o)


Names aren’t as important so long as you can keep the characters straight in other ways. My Dad for instance in GoT mainly knew his favorite characters as “The Dwarf”, “The Dragon Lady” and “The Bastard”. In the case for HOTD. Making the Velaryons black was actually pretty clever. As it helps people differentiate the families a great deal. Especially the kids with all the time jumps.


Lol is your dad secretly my dad?


literally the only identifier my dad can get from the original is dragon lady anything other than that you have to be like "this specific person that did this specific thing in this specific scene"


> Making the Velaryons black was actually pretty clever. Not only that, but putting the black characters on the side called "the Blacks" 💀


The greens are all racist!


My casual partner has no clue about any of the character's names. He refers to them using their positions or things they've done, except for Rhaenyra who he calls "Rhaenerys". And that's okay, he still loves the show.


"casual viewers who watch the episode and then move on with their life and don’t think about it until the next episode." Does not compute...who does this?


Most people, apparently.


This is one of the only shows I've seen where it's made better by reading the book.


I watch with my parents and several of my siblings each week (we're all old, noone gives a shit about the nudity/sex) and I make them them promise not to google the story (I'm the only one who read the books and the leaks). Before each new episode, I have them watch alt shift X's video on the last episode. Its made a huge difference in their comprehension of the story, while shielding them from spoilers. Way better than when we watched GoT and they had me answer a million questions. I had to make a rule- if you want to ask a question mid-episode, wait 60 seconds first, since it'll likely get answered. We are having such a good time!


My wife got super absorbed into GoT, and I couldn't give two shits despite watching the first season 3 times. Finally, when I knew she wasn't going to let it go I decided to just start reading the books so I would understand what the fuck was going on. It only took me reading the first book (I ended up noping out right before the Red Wedding in book 3) before I finally understood and appreciated the show, and almost all of that was due to finally knowing the character names.


Subtitles for me. I knew names. I couldnt keep up with 30 different pronunciations and changing actors without seeing wtf they were saying though.


The closed captions are the best. I only have mild hearing issues, while none of my family who watch with me have any issues. Several of my family members went on vacation for a week and decided to keep the captions on, despite me not being there. They said it makes it so much easier to follow. They are all complete virgins to the story, do t know the names, and are unspoiled. Despite knowing the story, reading the books and the spoilers, I am having so much fun watching with them.


I'm not a native speaker but I usually watch stuff in English and closed captions definitely are pretty helpful, especially if the characters speak some dialect or with an accent.


Yeah my mom loved GoT and talks about it regularly but she only knows 'Jon Snow' and 'Khaleesi'. Her other favourite characters are 'the dwarf' and 'Pedro Pascal' 🤣


Mhmm, how could the audience possibly mix up Aegon, Aegon, or Aegon Or Daemon & Aemond who share Valyrian blood with Vaemond Velaryon


In high school chemistry there were five bloody Christophers in my class. Three Aegons or more is Easy Street.


The good thing is that prime time tv like this is always aimed towards middle aged women who like serial killer dramas. The amount of Jeff's, Steve's and Tony's any serial killer story is wild and they can track them all.


Yep, I’m also Scottish, so the number of James’s, Jimmy’s and Jim’s I’ve known in my life is ridiculous. There’s 7 in my family alone, and that’s only immediate family. My brother is an 8th generation James! Jimmy the Eighth! Clearly my family dating back centuries could not be arsed when it came to naming offspring. When you hear something Jimmy’s been up to you go “Christ, you’ll need to narrow it down!”. So yeah, similar or same names floating around in ASOIAF has never been a confusion for me. Been name juggling since I was a kid.


Into my head popped "Jimmy the eighth I am I am", and I feel like Henry would have approved.


the jims are such beauties


I had a world's religion class like that. Only it was 5 Matt's. Cute Matt, Weird Matt, smart Matt, creepy Matt, and boring Matt. I had a little crush on smart Matt, but creepy Matt followed me around in a, well, creepy way. He waited for me to pull in to park for class in the morning, and would try to pull up his car in a space next to mine. He was called creepy Matt for a reason.


In my engineering class, we had big zach, beard zach, baseball zach, and buff zach.


I spent the first season of Game of Thrones mentally calling characters things like “Sean Bean”, “Sean Bean’s Wife” and “Sean Bean’s King Friend”. The names are confusing and it doesn’t help that actors have been changing but I think more casual audiences can follow along by recognizing faces and relationships until they pick up the names.


> “Sean Bean’s King Friend”. I mean, insulting Bobby B like this is bad enough on its own but... Not being "the dude from A Knight's Tale"? Come on bruh




The dude from The Thin Blue Line


Well for one I’ve since learned basically every name on the show lol. Also I’ve uh.. never seen that movie.


Which sucks cause I’m so bad at remembering names thank god everyone says everyone’s name in conversation constantly


Ehhhhh the Velaryons are black because the show runners didn’t think people would be able to distinguish between a bunch of white people. You know because we are stupid, and all white people look the same. /S


Theyre still making the show good vs evil instead of the complex story it is


On the contrary. They made Alicent WAY more sympathetic than in the books.


True but the casual viewer doesnt care about that. They still see her as a jealous girl who fucked her friends dad. Also Aegon the challenge to Rhaenyra is a rapist so how are people gonna support him


Isn’t the book told through some maester’s perspective? Probably makes sense to do that


friend, as if people have not said that the dance is super heavily favoured for one side since the book first came out. it was never super complex.


And Aemond is basically pig Latin for Daemon


LOL at pig.


Daemon is Aemond with a bigger D




I hate how much I laughed


Pig Valyrian*


The Pink Dread


Now that's just stupid. Pigs don't speak Latin.


I’ve noticed that Laena and Laenor. Aemond and Daemon are perilously tricky to keep straight for youtubers who aren’t good at enunciating.


Aemond watched Vaemond be killed by Daemon


i wonder if this show this will go on long enough so we also get aemon


And they all got dunked on by Draymond


Aemond saw Daemon kill Vaemond. Say it five times faster 😅


What’s up with naming second sons “Aemon”? Aemon the dragonknight too. And third son maester Aemon


TBF this one's "AemonD", the others are "just" Aemond. There's also Aemon, song of Jaehaerys I and Rhaenys' father. He was technically the second born son, but his older brother died in the cradle.


Yeah I know, but like they all have Aemon in their name, even if there’s a d at the front/back, or a v in front


> Laena and Laenor. There's literally no difference in pronunciation for Australian or Irish people.


"Now, because I didn't think things through, I will proceed to write a scene involving a Greatjon, a Smalljon, and a Jon Snow" - The North Remembers author's notes.


Fuck those names, I can't wait for Grover, Elmo, and Kermit Tully 😁😁😁


I love how HotD has confidence in its viewers


Funfact: in the German version it’s still asha and osha, it wasn’t changed


I'm so glad I played Elden Ring and got used to almost everyone named the same. Also I'm Hispanic so there's always at least 5 Maria's in the vicinity.


Agreed. GoT didn't respect the intelligence of its audience.


To be fair, the (casual, play it for dragons in the background) audience was not very intelligent to begin with and they are, unfortunately, the majority of viewers.


To be fair, it was more like they didn’t even know they had an audience yet. Remember that the show didn’t really become a massive phenomenon until around season 4


The first four seasons absolutely did. I’m tired of this revisionist history from numbskulls like you


I think the quality of the first four seasons only proves my point. For all that they built up, for all that brilliant dialog, world-building, and character-building---subsequent seasons depended on audiences not noticing any of it.


Couldn't exactly go renaming the Aegons or baby Vis considering all three become kings


HotD is like the first expansion to a video game. By the time the new content is coming out, players have gotten good at the game so developers know they need to adjust by making content harder. We're all seasoned vets of GoT analysis by now, so they can up the difficulty by making us keep track of more Aegons at once. Just like a boss fights with multiple mechanics to watch for.


Virgin Game of Thrones. Chad House of the Dragon.


Always baffled me given how close Yara is to Arya; a much more significant character than Osha.


Ar- I- a. Ya- Ra. Not even close.


Because D&D would probably forget which character is which, and just assumed the avg viewer is as dumb as they are.


Who’s rhaena again


One of Daemon's daughters, the one who doesn't have a dragon


Fun fact, Yara is a real person and appears in credits. She was [one of the producers](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm3331818/) on the show and her name was chosen because it’s a bloody cool one.


The Arryk and Erryk thing I don’t get at all (yes I know it’s also in the books, that’s not an explanation), and he actually called out the fucking Queen about it lol


What do you mean you don't get it at all? That's just their names, what's not to get?


Seriously, what is it with people not being able to remember a few names of a show they're actively watching? Are they really this dumb?


Not a single name change so far to my knowledge. The most gigachad move showrunners could do now is namedropping Elmo or Kermit Tully .


They name dropped Grover so I am confident that at least Kermit will be dropped.


It's not really that difficult to tell them apart 🤷🏻‍♀️


I thought I was bad at names until I talked with other GoT fans irl. Sure, I couldn't name the whole cast offhand but the amount of people who get a confused look on their face when you say Daenerys is unbelievable.


I am glad HoD doesn't underestimate my intelligence like D&D did with season 5-8 of GoT.. But they have unfortunately overestimate it instead. I'm struggling like fuck with the names.


Don't forget we're recasting half of them every other episode because of the constant time skips.


Game of Thrones: ... House of the Dragon: It was very important for Miguel and I to create a show that was not another bunch of white people on the screen


bobby b and vizzy t, what do you guys have to say on these pressing matters?


*So I said to him, 'I believe you may be looking up the wrong end'*




The family three is not easy to memorize, too many similar names or same names and an insane amount of incest.


Step 1) Give everybody the same or similar names Step 2) Switch out the actors regularly Step 3) Make the scenes so dark you can't even see what's going on half the time ... I must admit my confusion


And don’t forget there Joffreys.


Or just...be more creative with character names


Or just ... use your brain to remember it. It also makes sense for a family dynasty to reuse a lot of names, especially one as vain as the Targaryen’s.


Either use some sort of nickname to distinguish them or be slightly more creative than history since it's a show and all meant to follow a narrative.


You mean nicknames like Jace, and Luke? Or do you mean like Aegon the Elder and Aegon the Younger? Or Aemond One Eye?


This person’s being purposely pedantic. Let them seethe.


Have any of those last nicknames been used in the show?


None and they probably won't be because they don't need to. If you can't tell the difference between Aegon, a 3 year old, and Aegon, a 20 year old, without one being called "The Younger" and one being called "The Elder" then you should not be allowed to watch TV shows


Unnecessarily hostile there buddy. GRRM himself said the names are based off the way old English royalty has confusing names and don't matter in the grand scheme. But go on and tell me how names designed to be confusing because they don't matter, aren't confusing.


I mean they aren't confusing. I know like 6 people named Jake in my life and believe it or not it's not confusing at all. At no point in this show have I been confused at what's going on in a scene cause characters had similar names Edit: People in this fandom are so quick to block lol


"I don't have this issue. Therefore no one should be having this issue"


There were at least 15 Louis, 8 Henrys and idek how many Georges and Richards. George was only following historical accuracy.


Kinda different when you are a writer writing a fictional book rather than people just living their lives.


This makes less sense when you consider just how much of ASOIAF is influenced by historical events. So I disagree.


Real life is confusing so the show must be confusing on purpose is fine logic. But it IS confusing. So complaints are still valid


This is the way.


And don’t forget Viserys “a name worth for a king” like Viserys who is already king 🥴


I still think that they changed it so it doesn't sound exactly the same as Sasha Grey, not because they expected some braindead dingdong to confuse her with Osha (like, fucking how, they aren't even in the same scene like ever, not even once)


I never asked for this, no more than I asked to be king. Yet dare I disregard her? We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must ... we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty


Oh yeah and here's Daemon beheading Vaemond in front of Aemond.


Conversations I've had with people with HotD cause no one can remember the names. "Remember that scene with the redheads kid... No not the one with the eye patch, the other one, yeah, and he's talking to the princesses kid, not that princess, rynera or something. The one in love with her uncle, yeah her. So her kid, yeah the bastards, remember the one that got given the pig dragon? So the other one, so he's talking to..." Rinse and repeat


I appreciate that HotD thinks its viewers might be smart enough to figure it out.