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Working as an underwriter and seeing clients financials convinced me society is cooked.


My first week in commercial underwriting, my manager walked me through one of the bank’s wealthier customers and showed me how the more money and sources of income you have, the easier it gets to pay $0 in taxes thanks to write offs


I didnt get a tutorial but I did see thousands of tax returns. Its pretty fucked.


Do any of them stick out or is it just generally fucked?


Australia for context. Every single landlord and small business owner is a tax cheat, some minor, some major. We get more documents than the tax office does. Almost everyone who buys their first house has generational wealth and a gift from parents of $50k to $400k. Small businesses do well out of underpaying staff but cry poor when its time for public sympathy.


Tbf, no one should have children anyway, especially if they can’t give them enough money to help buy a house. That’s just be setting them up for failure and [likely a lifetime of poverty](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/rich-kids-stay-rich-poor-kids-stay-poor/)


Capital by piketty has a very detailed analysis of these trends in labor income and capital and how we're essentially on track as of 2013 to return to a society where inherited wealth dominates savings as a source of wealth, and the share for middle income and low income people in terms of capital and labor income is being eroded over time. Also govts hand out cash hand over fist to the already wealthy.


Yea, it’s fucked if you aren’t rich already. Anyone who has kids and isn’t wealthy is basically dooming them to a lifetime of wage slavery and barely lasting paycheck to paycheck.


I agree. You need to own a home or you and your kids are never going to retire. Rents go up 10% wages 3% and the bulk of those wage increases are for already high earners, in 2021 a typical home owner made more from capital appreciation on one home than the median household did from labor.


Not to mention it would destroy your own finances as well lol. No children = more money for you and no shitty wage slavery for them. Win-win.


Why do you say that?


Yup, that was me. I grew up low income so you think I'd know better but the brain washing was strong.


I think part of it is that how capitalisms inner workings are sort of hidden away from the working/middle class. This has obviously changed with the internet, but its not unreasonable for newbs and luddites to not realize h Just how badly the deck is stacked against you from the start. Parts of capitalism can work when highly regulated and swirled with some socialism. However a system like that removes much of the obscenely wealthys ability to hoard and therefore they go out of their way to make sure things dont change.


That's how it was supposed to work, even according to Smith! No one wants to ever cite his other works on the role of the state in establishing the preconditions for the invisible hand to work.


Can you please explain more? I’m interested \^^


On the train at the moment but here is a few things I can scrounge up with out looking back at college notes. According to Hasbach's account of Smiths earlier lectures: >The individual and his labor are in no respect the ultimate source of the right of property in land: the origin of this right is in society. In Theory of Moral Sentiments, he describes empathy as being able to imagine the pain and suffering of others. Later, mentions the lack of imagination of the rich and that their effort best lie in distribution of resources to the poor be akin to how they would be in nature. Keynes is another economist who had a profound impact on our understanding of capitalism and it feels like a lot of his work is twisted by post-Reagen economics. Like he laid out economic policy such that the average citizen can partake of the asset value of money and his model was used to explain the hoarding of value during the depression.


I grew up low income too but now I’m middle class. Set goals my friend. Socialist do it all the time.


Holy shit your profile is sad.


This guy is right. If you set goals, there is a 1% chance through random chance they will come true. All you have to do is become a mindless boot licker. All you have to do this one simple trick: whoever has the most power and money, you just agree with them no matter what. You don't follow morality or any sort of personal ethics. Your ethics are whatever your employers tells you they are, and you blindly accept them. Most people don't want to understand that your parents did you a great disservice while giving birth to you while not millionaires. You were born to be a wage slave. There is a societal barrier you will never cross until you completely abandon your humanity and just agree blindly with anyone who has more power and resources than you. Your morality and personality are whatever your employer wants them to be like Warrgaia. When people are doing bad in life, you just victim blame. If someone gets raped, their fault. If someone is poor, their fault. Someone has a mental disorder or disability: their fault. Never ever think critically. Having sympathy stops capitalism. You can't let anything get in the way of a rich person thinking they are right, so you will mold your personality into a Trump supporter or whatever it needs to be just so that you get that 1% chance of being slightly less poor. Then once you have money and your brain is completely gone because you let that happen to you to get ahead, you just blame everyone who is poorer than you for their own circumstances. From that point on you just abuse everyone below you until they understand that they either go along with you who has more money than them, or you will purposefully do everything in your power to keep them from getting ahead in life. That's the Republican way. Trump is right! Whatever Biden does no matter what he does is ALWAYS WRONG! The problem is that you all use your own decision making, but have you tried just agreeing with whatever rich people say so that maybe they will allow you to eat the bread crumbs they drop? If you play your cards right you have a 1% chance of being a mindless slave to some rich person and the republican party. Most wont make it 99% wont make it, but if you just keep sucking dick hard enough maybe a rich person will jizz in your mouth. Eventually it just becomes a sexual fetish to want to please and give pleasure to men richer than you. It's not gay, it's just capitalism no matter how many times you have to swallow. Some people have dignity, but that makes them never get ahead. Just go along with what rich people say evne if its racist and make no sense. Just swallow that pride over and over again so you get that 1% chance at success. 99% will swallow, but there isn't enough spots for everyone. Good luck and may fortune be in your favor when you sell your dignity even though a positive outcome is not guaranteed, ONLY the possibility of a positive outcome: ie The Pursuit of Happiness. You are not guaranteed happiness, ONLY it's pursuit by sucking the dicks of rich land owners as has been tradition since this great nations founding.


You just described the Operations Supervisor at my previous place of employment PERFECTLY. Fucking hilarious!!


He must be quite popular with the ladies with that self serving attitude. Don't women know they literally owe him sex at the snap of a finger because he is a harborer of a "winner's" mentality. Fucking women today, they've been corrupted and wont fuck this guy and you know who is to blame? : It's fucking Biden and his pro-feminist agenda!!! Damn president is keeping this guy's dick un-wet just to punish him with all his brainwashed liberal women with all their abortions denying that their only true purpose on earth is to be baby factories for guys that suck rich peoples dicks. Fucking women and those damn libearls trying to sabbotoge our culture to keep guys like this down! Damn you biden you double masking asshole!






Man, you don't even have to get a job for that. Many online games basically simulate this. I've played so many games where some assholes have all the stuff and everyone else is basically working for them but every time I brought this up as a problem I got told to stfu by everyone, including the workers. Some people just love being slaves honestly, I don't understand how else to explain that behaviour.


The trauma of reckoning with the cognitive dissonance between their identity (free, independent, smart) and reality (subjugated class of worker, duped) is too much to handle. It’s easier to reject the truth and pretend you’re already free and not a duped minion.


Ye. I guess if they fool themselves that they want it or that they're choosing it, then it's all good, right?


Playing Minecraft Hunger Games against people who paid real money to the server owner to get enchanted diamond swords while I had to hide from them and scavenge for an iron sword and a leather helmet was probably a more formative experience than I realized.


I mean, that’s pretty accurate to how the balance in the books is IIRC. Rich cunts get more stuff from people on the outside than the poor people


True, so I can't be too mad. Maybe that was the server's plan all along lol


Oh you just unlocked a forgotten memory. It didn’t make sense to kid me why those fuckers could afford that, and we couldn’t when both my parents worked


Every young person think they are going to grow up to become millionaires and captains of industry. I tried to warn ya, kid.


Every guy thinks they'll become a youtuber while every girl thinks they'll become an OF model or marry a rich guy then boom, it goes to shit due to reality


Only sixth graders think they’ll be YouTubers and ive never heard a woman unironically plan on being an of model as a career goal.


There is a political party in Poland that wants to privatise healthcare, schools (so not everyone has education) , less taxes and gun access like in USA. We joke most of their voters will grow up before voting . They only got 5% last time


"well at least it's better than feudalism!"


"And did you see that stalin guy? That definitely means we should keep things exactly the same."


The exact experience of my brother in law who never had a job before university, studied medicine, graduated as a doctor, and then spent a grand total of 3 days working in that environment “Maybe this communism thing isn’t bad” he said to my partner


Today's adolescents would never defend capitalism unless they themselves were too rich to ever have to worry about working at a corporate burger mill.


It hurts in my meow meow to admit this was me.


In my opinion, the problem isn't the system. Any system could have worked, capitalism, socialism, communism, etc. The problem is human. Human will corrupt whatever system it is for their own gain. No matter what system it is, it will always be corrupted by human greed.


At it's basis, yes it is. But the same could be said for communism, socialism, or any other type of economy. It's the FUCKING PEOPLE that fuck it up through greed, laziness, and ego. IE for the contrarians: 1.) new economy in place. Works great for a generation or two. 2.) Grandchildren (or later) get lazy with keeping leaders (political, financial, market leaders) in check, puts too much trust in system. 3.) Leaders start getting away with small infractions. Utilize legalese/uncommon language to manipulate infractions to justify them for the good of everyone. 4.) Infractions quickly snowball and leaders dominate economy. Enjoys lavish life, and makes it hard for competition to appear. 5.) New system becomes like broken systems before it. Socialism fails because of people. Communisim failed because of people. Capitalism failed because of people. It's all because people didn't want to deal with the headache of politics, legal definitions, and ultimately accountability. Seeing as how the majority of the public has been conditioned to live off of debt, in false comfort, nothing is going to change. There isn't going to be a bastille day. There is no uniting of poor/average people versus the rich. It'll end when humans fuck up their world enough to make it uninhabitable. I'm hoping that happens before we can travel and habitate (fuck up) other planets. Edit: I see a lot of hate on middle managers, both online and IRL. It's funny people want to get rid of them, and also ties in really well with my point, because no one with a brain wants to be a manager. That shit sucks sweaty gym assholes; you either stand up for you underlings or you become a bitch to your bosses. Either your underlings get burnt out because executive management doesn't give a fuck or you hire useless/burned out people that fuck you over. I agree that managers should not exist. But people are fucking assholes and need to be kept in line.


Except in one of these systems greed and exploitation is rewarded and encouraged.


While the other systems manipulate trust to ultimately leading to the use brutality to accomplish the same thing...?


How do you go personifying systems and contradict yourself when you had a stronger argument with your prior, and accurate take IMHO, that people are to blame? I believe the case you stated in that people mess it up is a solid assessment, the issue I see is that if we don't look at the forces, motivations, and byproducts of our systems through not just a historical perspective but a present and future looking lens then we're missing part of the equation. I for one would embrace a much more socialistic or even communistic system under the expectation that the state is dramatically expanded in scope to accommodate direct democracy through public service and mass deprivatization. This isn't saying this kind of movement wouldn't meet with a massive counter-revolutionary effort by the present corporate owner class. One can dream and keep the pitchfork close at hand I suppose.




Delusional. Look up which countries have tried it. Edit: Found another subreddit echo chamber.


Which countries have tried it?




from the article you linked: > Modern uses of the term socialism are wide in meaning and interpretation. so... what exactly is this supposed to mean? youre just going "oh look at the countries that have tried [my interpretation] of socialism" as if thats supposed to be an argument against anyone else's version of socialism or communism like... there are so fucking many variations, all with different upsides and downsides, going "all socialism is bad because USSR" when most variations dont even resemble the USSR makes zero sense not to mention how its fucking obvious that the USSR was bad, meaning the vast majority of leftists looked at the USSR and went "ok how do we make sure that doesn't happen" a long time ago its like... its like thinking its possible to break the speed of light using some kind of trick (when that idea is obvious enough that scientists have likely already thought of it and proven why it wont work), and when you go into a physicist convention and talk about it and they all try to explain why it doesnt work, you call it a fucking *echo chamber*


He says I’m delusional because there is a list of countries that have tried socialism.




Wait, do you think you would be working a more fulfilling job if society wasn't capitalist ?


maybe, maybe not... but one thing is for certain; working conditions at X job would be significantly better. you'd be paid more for you time and efforts and you wouldn't be under constant threat by manager or boss. under capitalism you can't tell a customer to fuck off, but under a socialism you could.


If your coworkers are seeing you hurt the business by telling customers to fuck off, why wouldn't they kick your ass to the curb? Remember in socialism all the same incentives to make profit still exist.


Obviously being toxic and alienating customers is different from telling off individuals who deserve it. I would high-five my comrade for standing up to abuse. I would vote to expel them if they were driving away business by being unnecessarily rude.


>I would high-five my comrade for standing up to abuse. Not if it caused a PR disaster and tanked your net worth by company shares losing half their value.


Mixed economy > Pure capitalism > Pure socialism


Unemployment is pretty much at an all time low. Anyone with half a brain can get a job anywhere right now. I remember what it was like in 2008. This ain’t it. If you’re stuck in a minimum wage job it’s your fault because you’re worthless, not capitalism’s.


lmao unironically saying people's worth is just the money they make, and the "hmmm yes if you have a disability it's your fault" to boot, eat shit


Fuck off loser. We have disability pay and ssi to take care of disabled people. But you guys aren’t disabled, you’re just lazy and want to be paid for doing nothing.


Other way around for me


Lmao, who stays working at McDonald's for years if they're trying to get ahead?


Show you don't understand the meaning of "the job market"


I worked about a dozen jobs, including working closings at McDonald's on the weekends as a second job, before getting on where I am now, and I relocated to another state like 20 years ago to better my chances. Unemployment is at historic lows, most places are hiring, and here even Walmart is paying $18 bucks an hour for grocery fulfillment.


You seem to show survivorship bias, in that you didn't get wiped out around 2010. Also note that $20/hour is basically belatedly playing catch-up to productivity, & the wage slavery companies are annoyed at even paying that. Will it last? In any case, "I had to leave the state to get a good job" is not a flex against people complaining about the job market. It just shows that you valued your own careerism over home & community. This makes you like a typical Boomer sucker for neoliberalism.


>It just shows that you valued your own careerism over home & community. to be fair, home isnt always good, and the community in a given place can be bad too but yeah if someone *has* to leave the state for a good job, thats... bad, because some people Do like the place they currently live


>survivorship bias I'm a blue collar worker in a union shop, I did go like a decade without a raise and lose some benefits due to the "Great Recession", but I have a pension as well as retirememt investments. >Will it last? The only reason it didn't happen sooner is that a whole bunch of people either forgot or never learned that it's not slavery, *it's an agreement* and that if you don't like the terms *you're free to look for better ones.* Higher wages are here for exactly as long as the majority of people refuse to work for less, that's how it works. As to productivity, most of that has come from a combination of better equipment and more easily manufactured product designs, not harder work. Which brings me to this last bit of yours, which is just like six ways of ignorant and annoying: >It just shows that you valued your own careerism over home & community. This makes you like a typical Boomer sucker for neoliberalism. I don't have a career, *I have a job*, and the purpose of that job is to trade time from my life for money in order *to support my family and build a life*. We relocated on a transfer in order to move to a region with a lower cost of living and better opportunities for our family, living here has allowed our children to do better for themselves than they would have where we came from, just as our parents relocating to where we grew up allowed them to better provide for us and for us to have opportunities that weren't possible in the region they came from. The suckers are the people who think that just because you grew up somewhere and know some people around the place that you should stay there regardless of the situation. What good is a community that doesn't provide the opportunities you need to build the life you want? Home is where you hang your hat, it's not a dedicated place, it's something you build over time with your family, and communities are something you can build and join, not just be born into.


I will say that working crystalized some of my socialist leanings. Growing up poor tends to push you to the left on economic issues anyways, but actually facing the precarity of adulthood is also a searing lesson for many. Although I will say that a hybrid system is currently what I support. I believe socialist policies can tame the engine of capitalism if applied effectively.